Java tutorial
/* AiAi, Copyright (C) 2017 - 2018, Serge Maslyukov This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.*; import; @Service @Slf4j public class TaskProcessor { private final Globals globals; private final ExecProcessService execProcessService; private final StationService stationService; private final TaskParamYamlUtils taskParamYamlUtils; private final StationTaskService stationTaskService; private final CurrentExecState currentExecState; private final UploadResourceActor uploadResourceActor; private Map<Enums.BinaryDataType, Map<String, AssetFile>> resourceReadyMap = new HashMap<>(); public TaskProcessor(Globals globals, ExecProcessService execProcessService, StationService stationService, TaskParamYamlUtils taskParamYamlUtils, StationTaskService stationTaskService, CurrentExecState currentExecState, UploadResourceActor uploadResourceActor) { this.globals = globals; this.execProcessService = execProcessService; this.stationService = stationService; this.taskParamYamlUtils = taskParamYamlUtils; this.stationTaskService = stationTaskService; this.currentExecState = currentExecState; this.uploadResourceActor = uploadResourceActor; } private AssetFile getResource(Enums.BinaryDataType binaryDataType, String id) { return resourceReadyMap.containsKey(binaryDataType) ? resourceReadyMap.get(binaryDataType).get(id) : null; } private void putResource(Enums.BinaryDataType binaryDataType, String id, AssetFile assetFile) { Map<String, AssetFile> map = resourceReadyMap.putIfAbsent(binaryDataType, new HashMap<>()); if (map == null) { map = new HashMap<>(); resourceReadyMap.put(binaryDataType, map); } map.put(id, assetFile); } public void fixedDelay() { if (globals.isUnitTesting) { return; } if (!globals.isStationEnabled) { return; } if (!globals.timePeriods.isCurrentTimeActive()) { return; } File snippetDir = SnippetUtils.checkEvironment(globals.stationDir); if (snippetDir == null) { return; } List<StationTask> tasks = stationTaskService.findAllByFinishedOnIsNull(); for (StationTask task : tasks) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(task.getParams())) { log.warn("Params for task {} is blank", task.getTaskId()); continue; } if (!currentExecState.isStarted(task.flowInstanceId)) { continue; } File taskDir = stationTaskService.prepareTaskDir(task.taskId); final TaskParamYaml taskParamYaml = taskParamYamlUtils.toTaskYaml(task.getParams()); boolean isResourcesOk = true; for (String resourceCode : CollectionUtils.toPlainList(taskParamYaml.inputResourceCodes.values())) { AssetFile assetFile = StationResourceUtils.prepareResourceFile(taskDir, Enums.BinaryDataType.DATA, resourceCode, null); // is this resource prepared? if (assetFile.isError || !assetFile.isContent) {"Resource hasn't been prepared yet, {}", assetFile); isResourcesOk = false; } } if (!isResourcesOk) { continue; } if (taskParamYaml.snippet == null) { stationTaskService.finishAndWriteToLog(task, "Broken task. Snippet isn't defined"); continue; } File artifactDir = stationTaskService.prepareTaskSubDir(taskDir, "artifacts"); if (artifactDir == null) { stationTaskService.finishAndWriteToLog(task, "Error of configuring of environment. 'artifacts' directory wasn't created, task can't be processed."); continue; } // at this point all required resources have to be downloaded from server taskParamYaml.workingPath = taskDir.getAbsolutePath(); final String params = taskParamYamlUtils.toString(taskParamYaml); task.setLaunchedOn(System.currentTimeMillis()); task =; SimpleSnippet snippet = taskParamYaml.getSnippet(); AssetFile snippetAssetFile = null; if (!snippet.fileProvided) { snippetAssetFile = getResource(Enums.BinaryDataType.SNIPPET, snippet.code); if (snippetAssetFile == null) { snippetAssetFile = StationResourceUtils.prepareResourceFile(globals.stationResourcesDir, Enums.BinaryDataType.SNIPPET, snippet.code, snippet.filename); // is this snippet prepared? if (snippetAssetFile.isError || !snippetAssetFile.isContent) {"Resource hasn't been prepared yet, {}", snippetAssetFile); isResourcesOk = false; } else { putResource(Enums.BinaryDataType.SNIPPET, snippet.code, snippetAssetFile); } } if (!isResourcesOk || snippetAssetFile == null) { continue; } } final File paramFile = prepareParamFile(taskDir, Consts.ARTIFACTS_DIR, params); if (paramFile == null) { break; } Interpreter interpreter = new Interpreter(stationService.getEnvYaml().getEnvs().get(snippet.env)); if (interpreter.list == null) { log.warn("Can't process the task, the interpreter wasn't found for env: {}", snippet.env); break; }"all system are checked, lift off"); ExecProcessService.Result result = null; try { List<String> cmd =; // bug in IDEA with analyzing !snippet.fileProvided, so we have to add '&& snippetAssetFile!=null' if (!snippet.fileProvided && snippetAssetFile != null) { cmd.add(snippetAssetFile.file.getAbsolutePath()); } if (StringUtils.isNoneBlank(snippet.params)) { cmd.addAll(; } cmd.add(Consts.ARTIFACTS_DIR + File.separatorChar + Consts.PARAMS_YAML); File consoleLogFile = new File(artifactDir, Consts.SYSTEM_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_FILE_NAME); // Exec snippet result = execProcessService.execCommand(cmd, taskDir, consoleLogFile); // Store result stationTaskService.storeExecResult(task.getTaskId(), snippet, result, artifactDir); if (result.isOk()) { File resultDataFile = new File(taskDir, Consts.ARTIFACTS_DIR + File.separatorChar + taskParamYaml.outputResourceCode); if (resultDataFile.exists()) {"Register task for uploading result data to server, resultDataFile: {}", resultDataFile.getPath()); uploadResourceActor.add(new UploadResourceTask(resultDataFile, task.taskId)); } else { String es = "Result data file doesn't exist, resultDataFile: " + resultDataFile.getPath(); log.error(es); result = new ExecProcessService.Result(false, -1, es); } } } catch (Throwable th) { log.error("Error exec process " + interpreter, th); result = new ExecProcessService.Result(false, -1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(th)); } stationTaskService.markAsFinishedIfAllOk(task.getTaskId(), result); } } private File prepareParamFile(File taskDir, String snippetType, String params) { File snippetTypeDir = stationTaskService.prepareTaskSubDir(taskDir, snippetType); if (snippetTypeDir == null) { return null; } File paramFile = new File(snippetTypeDir, Consts.PARAMS_YAML); if (paramFile.exists()) { //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored paramFile.delete(); } try { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(paramFile, params, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error with writing to params.yaml file", e); return null; } return paramFile; } public void processFlowInstanceStatus(List<Protocol.FlowInstanceStatus.SimpleStatus> statuses) { currentExecState.register(statuses); } }