Java tutorial
/** * AccessTracker * Copyright 11.10.2015 by Michael Peter Christen, @0rb1t3r * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program in the file lgpl21.txt * If not, see <>. */ package ai.susi.server; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Log; import org.json.JSONObject; import ai.susi.DAO; import ai.susi.json.JsonRepository; import; public class AccessTracker extends Thread { private final static String START_DATE_KEY = "start"; private final static String FINISH_DATE_KEY = "finish"; private final static String CLIENT_KEY = "host"; // host address of the client private final static String LOCALHOST_FLAG = "local"; // boolean from isLocalhost private final static String COMMENT_KEY = "comment"; // to write i.e. termination reason private final static String IDLE_TIME_KEY = "idle"; private final static String DOS_BLACKOUT_KEY = "dosb"; private final static String DOS_REDUCTION_KEY = "dosr"; private final static String RUNTIME_KEY = "busy"; private final static String QUERY_KEY = "query"; public final static String EVENT_PREFIX = "event_"; private final static String COMMENT_CLOSED = "closed"; public final static int MAX_FINISHED = 1000; private JsonRepository history; private long track_timeout; private long schedule_period; private boolean terminate; private ConcurrentSkipListMap<Date, Track> pendingQueue, finishedQueue; public AccessTracker(File dump_dir, String dump_file_prefix, long track_timeout, long schedule_period) throws IOException { this.history = new JsonRepository(dump_dir, dump_file_prefix, null, JsonRepository.Mode.COMPRESSED, false, 1); this.track_timeout = track_timeout; this.schedule_period = schedule_period; this.terminate = false; this.pendingQueue = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>(); this.finishedQueue = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>(); } public Collection<Track> getTracks() { List<Track> tracks = new ArrayList<>(); for (Track track : this.pendingQueue.descendingMap().values()) tracks.add(track); for (Track track : this.finishedQueue.descendingMap().values()) tracks.add(track); return tracks; } public void run() { monitor: while (!terminate) { // identify oldest track and remove it from the pending tracks if it is over timeout time timeoutcheck: while (this.pendingQueue.size() > 0) { Map.Entry<Date, Track> t = this.pendingQueue.firstEntry(); if (t == null) break timeoutcheck; boolean timeout = t.getKey().getTime() + AccessTracker.this.track_timeout < System .currentTimeMillis(); if (timeout || t.getValue().has(FINISH_DATE_KEY)) { try { writeToHistory(t.getValue(), null); this.pendingQueue.remove(t.getKey()); this.finishedQueue.put(t.getKey(), t.getValue()); while (this.finishedQueue.size() > MAX_FINISHED) this.finishedQueue.remove(this.finishedQueue.firstKey()); continue timeoutcheck; } catch (IOException e) { Log.getLog().warn(e); break monitor; } } break timeoutcheck; } try { Thread.sleep(this.schedule_period); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (this.terminate) break monitor; } } try { for (Track track : this.pendingQueue.values()) writeToHistory(track, COMMENT_CLOSED); } catch (IOException e) { Log.getLog().warn(e); } } private void writeToHistory(Track track, String comment) throws IOException { if (comment != null) track.put(COMMENT_KEY, comment); this.history.write(track); } public void close() { // if the daemon is running, terminate first this.terminate = true; if (this.isAlive()) try { this.interrupt(); this.join(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } // write remaining tracks from pending queue try { for (Track track : this.pendingQueue.values()) writeToHistory(track, COMMENT_CLOSED); } catch (IOException e) { Log.getLog().warn(e); } } public class Track extends JSONObject { public String getClientHost() { return clientHost; } private Date accessTime; private String clientHost; private long time_since_last_access; private boolean isLocalhost; private boolean DoS_blackout, DoS_servicereduction; public Track(String servlet, String clientHost) { this.clientHost = clientHost; long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); Date lastDate = null; try { lastDate = AccessTracker.this.pendingQueue.lastKey(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } long last = lastDate == null ? time - 1 : lastDate.getTime(); if (time <= last) time = last + 1; this.accessTime = new Date(time); this.put(START_DATE_KEY, DateParser.iso8601MillisFormat.format(accessTime)); this.put(CLIENT_KEY, clientHost); this.isLocalhost = RemoteAccess.isLocalhost(clientHost); this.put(LOCALHOST_FLAG, this.isLocalhost); AccessTracker.this.pendingQueue.put(accessTime, this); } public Track(String serialized) { try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(serialized); this.putAll(json); } catch (Throwable e) { DAO.log("cannot parse \"" + serialized + "\""); } } public Date getDate() { return this.accessTime; } public long getTimeSinceLastAccess() { return time_since_last_access; } public void setTimeSinceLastAccess(long time_since_last_access) { this.time_since_last_access = time_since_last_access; this.put(IDLE_TIME_KEY, time_since_last_access); } public boolean isDoSBlackout() { return DoS_blackout; } public void setDoSBlackout(boolean doS_blackout) { DoS_blackout = doS_blackout; this.put(DOS_BLACKOUT_KEY, doS_blackout); } public boolean isDoSServicereduction() { return DoS_servicereduction; } public void setDoSServicereduction(boolean doS_servicereduction) { DoS_servicereduction = doS_servicereduction; this.put(DOS_REDUCTION_KEY, doS_servicereduction); } public boolean isLocalhostAccess() { return this.isLocalhost; } public void setQuery(final Map<String, String> qm) { if (qm == null) return; Map<String, Object> m = new LinkedHashMap<>(); m.putAll(qm); this.put(QUERY_KEY, m); } public String toString() { return new JSONObject(this).toString(); } public void finalize() { Date finishTime = new Date(); long runtime = finishTime.getTime() - this.accessTime.getTime(); this.put(RUNTIME_KEY, runtime); this.put(FINISH_DATE_KEY, DateParser.iso8601MillisFormat.format(finishTime)); } } public Track startTracking(String servlet, String clientHost) { return new Track(servlet, clientHost); } }