Java tutorial
/* * Grakn - A Distributed Semantic Database * Copyright (C) 2016 Grakn Labs Limited * * Grakn is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Grakn is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Grakn. If not, see <>. */ package ai.grakn.graph.internal.concept; import ai.grakn.concept.Concept; import ai.grakn.concept.ConceptId; import ai.grakn.concept.Relation; import ai.grakn.concept.RelationType; import ai.grakn.concept.Resource; import ai.grakn.concept.ResourceType; import ai.grakn.concept.Role; import ai.grakn.concept.Thing; import ai.grakn.graph.internal.cache.ContainsTxCache; import ai.grakn.graph.internal.structure.VertexElement; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Function; import; /** * <p> * Encapsulates relationships between {@link Thing} * </p> * * <p> * A relation which is an instance of a {@link RelationType} defines how instances may relate to one another. * </p> * * @author fppt * */ public class RelationImpl implements Relation, ConceptVertex, ContainsTxCache { private RelationStructure relationStructure; RelationImpl(RelationStructure relationStructure) { this.relationStructure = relationStructure; } /** * Gets the {@link RelationReified} if the {@link Relation} has been reified. * To reify the {@link Relation} you use {@link RelationImpl#reify()}. * * NOTE: This approach is done to make sure that only write operations will cause the {@link Relation} to reify * * @return The {@link RelationReified} if the {@link Relation} has been reified */ public Optional<RelationReified> reified() { if (!relationStructure.isReified()) return Optional.empty(); return Optional.of(relationStructure.reify()); } /** * Reifys and returns the {@link RelationReified} */ public RelationReified reify() { if (relationStructure.isReified()) return relationStructure.reify(); //Get the role players to transfer Map<Role, Set<Thing>> rolePlayers = structure().allRolePlayers(); //Now Reify relationStructure = relationStructure.reify(); //Transfer relationships rolePlayers.forEach((role, things) -> { Thing thing = Iterables.getOnlyElement(things); addRolePlayer(role, thing); }); return relationStructure.reify(); } public RelationStructure structure() { return relationStructure; } @Override public Relation resource(Resource resource) { reify().resource(resource); return this; } @Override public Stream<Resource<?>> resources(ResourceType[] resourceTypes) { return readFromReified((relationReified) -> relationReified.resources(resourceTypes)); } @Override public RelationType type() { return structure().type(); } @Override public Stream<Relation> relations(Role... roles) { return readFromReified((relationReified) -> relationReified.relations(roles)); } @Override public Stream<Role> plays() { return readFromReified(ThingImpl::plays); } /** * Reads some data from a {@link RelationReified}. If the {@link Relation} has not been reified then an empty * collection is returned. */ private <X> Stream<X> readFromReified(Function<RelationReified, Stream<X>> producer) { return reified().map(producer).orElseGet(Stream::empty); } /** * Retrieve a list of all {@link Thing} involved in the {@link Relation}, and the {@link Role} they play. * @see Role * * @return A list of all the {@link Role}s and the {@link Thing}s playing them in this {@link Relation}. */ @Override public Map<Role, Set<Thing>> allRolePlayers() { return structure().allRolePlayers(); } @Override public Stream<Thing> rolePlayers(Role... roles) { return structure().rolePlayers(roles); } /** * Expands this Relation to include a new role player which is playing a specific role. * @param role The role of the new role player. * @param thing The new role player. * @return The Relation itself */ @Override public Relation addRolePlayer(Role role, Thing thing) { reify().addRolePlayer(role, thing); vertex().graph().txCache().trackForValidation(this); //This is so we can reassign the hash if needed return this; } /** * When a relation is deleted this cleans up any solitary casting and resources. */ void cleanUp() { Stream<Thing> rolePlayers = rolePlayers(); boolean performDeletion = rolePlayers.noneMatch(thing -> thing != null && thing.getId() != null); if (performDeletion) delete(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object object) { if (this == object) return true; if (object == null || getClass() != object.getClass()) return false; return getId().equals(((RelationImpl) object).getId()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return getId().hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return structure().toString(); } @Override public ConceptId getId() { return structure().getId(); } @Override public void delete() { structure().delete(); } @Override public int compareTo(Concept o) { return getId().compareTo(o.getId()); } @Override public VertexElement vertex() { return reify().vertex(); } public static RelationImpl from(Relation relation) { return (RelationImpl) relation; } @Override public void txCacheClear() { structure().txCacheClear(); } }