Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 Guillaume Saulnier-Comte * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package afest.datastructures.tree.decision.erts.grower; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.commons.math.util.FastMath; import jparfor.Functor; import jparfor.MultiThreader; import jparfor.Range; import afest.datastructures.tree.decision.DTNode; import afest.datastructures.tree.decision.DecisionTree; import afest.datastructures.tree.decision.Forest; import afest.datastructures.tree.decision.erts.ERTSplit; import afest.datastructures.tree.decision.erts.exceptions.ERTException; import afest.datastructures.tree.decision.erts.informationfunctions.interfaces.IERTScore; import afest.datastructures.tree.decision.interfaces.ITrainingPoint; /** * Class used to grow Extra Trees. * @param <R> Type of attributes contained in the Extra Trees. * @param <O> Type of object attached to the points. * @param <C> Type of content present in the leafs of the Extra Trees. */ public abstract class AERTGrower<R extends Serializable, O extends Serializable, C extends Serializable> implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Integer fK; private int fNmin; private IERTScore<R, O> fScore; private Random fRandom; /** * Creates a ERTGrower that will create ExtraTrees according to the following parameters. * @param k number of splits to create at each inner node. If k is null, then sqrt(number of attribute) will be used. * @param nMin a leaf is created if |set| <= n_min. * @param score score object used to calculate split scores. */ public AERTGrower(Integer k, int nMin, IERTScore<R, O> score) { fK = k; fNmin = nMin; fScore = score; fRandom = new Random(); } /** * Return an extra tree created from the set of points. * @param <T> Type of ITrainingPoints used by the Extra Trees. * @param set set of points to create the tree from. * @return an extra tree created from the set of points. */ public <T extends ITrainingPoint<R, O>> DecisionTree<R, C> growERT(Collection<T> set) { // get the attributes present in the points. T aElement = set.iterator().next(); ArrayList<R> attributeList = new ArrayList<R>(); for (R attribute : aElement.getAttributes()) { attributeList.add(attribute); } // set k to sqrt(number of attributes) if unset if (fK == null) { fK = (int) FastMath.ceil(FastMath.sqrt(attributeList.size())); } // Train the tree ArrayList<R> constantAttributes = new ArrayList<R>(); DTNode<R, C> root = buildAnExtraTree(set, constantAttributes, attributeList); DecisionTree<R, C> tree = new DecisionTree<R, C>(root); return tree; } /** * Return a forest of containing numberOfTrees. * @param <T> Type of ITrainingPoints used by the Extra Trees. * @param set set of points to create the forest from. * @param numberOfTrees number of trees to create in the forest. * @return a forest of containing numberOfTrees. */ public <T extends ITrainingPoint<R, O>> Forest<R, C> growForest(final Collection<T> set, int numberOfTrees) { Forest<R, C> forest = new Forest<R, C>(); ArrayList<DecisionTree<R, C>> trees = MultiThreader.foreach(new Range(numberOfTrees), new Functor<Integer, DecisionTree<R, C>>() { @Override public DecisionTree<R, C> function(Integer input) { DecisionTree<R, C> tree = growERT(set); return tree; } }); forest.addAll(trees); return forest; } /** * Return "k" the number of random features selected at each split. * @return "k" the number of random features selected at each split. */ public Integer getK() { return fK; } /** * Return "nMin" (a split is performed if more than nMin points are present and not all labels are the same). * @return "nMin" */ public int getNmin() { return fNmin; } /** * Return the scoring function used for the training of the extremely randomized trees. * @return the scoring function used for the training of the extremely randomized trees. */ public IERTScore<R, O> getScoringFunction() { return fScore; } /** * Return the root of an ExtraTree created using the set of points. * @param <T> Type of ITrainingPoints used by the Extra Trees. * @param set set of points to create the ExtraTree for. * @param constantAttributes constant attributes in the set of points. * @param attributeList list of all attributes present in each point in the set. * @return the root of an ExtraTree created using the set of points. */ private <T extends ITrainingPoint<R, O>> DTNode<R, C> buildAnExtraTree(Collection<T> set, ArrayList<R> constantAttributes, ArrayList<R> attributeList) { // get the new set of constant attributes ArrayList<R> newConstantAttributes = getConstantAttributes(set, constantAttributes, attributeList); // Check if we build a leaf or an inner node if (isLeaf(set, newConstantAttributes, attributeList)) { DTNode<R, C> leaf = createLeaf(set); return leaf; } else { DTNode<R, C> innerNode = createInnerNode(set, newConstantAttributes, attributeList); return innerNode; } } /** * Return true if the node should be a leaf, false otherwise. * Leaf if: * - |set| < n_min, or * - all attributes are constant, or * - all labels are constant * @param <T> Type of ITrainingPoints used by the Extra Trees. * @param set set containing the IPoints for which to create a new node. * @param constantAttributes attributes that are constant in the set. * @param attributeList list of all attributes present in each point in the set. * @return true if the node should be a leaf, false otherwise. */ private <T extends ITrainingPoint<R, O>> boolean isLeaf(Collection<T> set, ArrayList<R> constantAttributes, ArrayList<R> attributeList) { // Check if the set size is smaller than n_min boolean isNmin = false; if (set.size() <= fNmin) { isNmin = true; } // Check if all attributes are constant boolean areAttributesConstant = false; int numAttributes = attributeList.size(); int numConstantAttributes = constantAttributes.size(); if (numAttributes == numConstantAttributes) { areAttributesConstant = true; } // Check if all labels are constant boolean areLabelsConstant = true; T firstElement = set.iterator().next(); O firstContent = firstElement.getContent(); for (T aT : set) { if (!(firstContent.equals(aT.getContent()))) { areLabelsConstant = false; break; } } return isNmin || areAttributesConstant || areLabelsConstant; } /** * Return the constant attributes in the set, assuming that the attributes contained in constantAttributes are already constant. * @param <T> Type of ITrainingPoints used by the Extra Trees. * @param set set for which to find the constant attributes. * @param constantAttributes set of attributes that are already constant. * @param attributeList list of all attributes present in each point in the set. * @return the constant attributes in the set, assuming that the attributes contained in constantAttributes are already constant. */ private <T extends ITrainingPoint<R, O>> ArrayList<R> getConstantAttributes(Collection<T> set, ArrayList<R> constantAttributes, ArrayList<R> attributeList) { ArrayList<R> newConstantAttributes = new ArrayList<R>(constantAttributes); T firstT = set.iterator().next(); // For each possible attribute in the points for (R anAttribute : attributeList) { // If it was not already constant if (!newConstantAttributes.contains(anAttribute)) { // verify if it is now constant boolean isConstant = true; for (T aT : set) { if (firstT.getValue(anAttribute) != aT.getValue(anAttribute)) { isConstant = false; break; } } if (isConstant) { newConstantAttributes.add(anAttribute); } } } return newConstantAttributes; } /** * Return a Leaf node create using the set. * @param <T> Type of ITrainingPoints used by the Extra Trees. * @param set set of points to create the leaf for. * @return a Leaf node create using the set. */ protected abstract <T extends ITrainingPoint<R, O>> DTNode<R, C> createLeaf(Collection<T> set); /** * Return an inner node created using the set of points. * @param <T> Type of ITrainingPoints used by the Extra Trees. * @param set set of points to create the inner node for. * @param constantAttributes constant attributes present in the set. * @param attributeList list of all attributes present in each point in the set. * @return an inner node created using the set of points. */ private <T extends ITrainingPoint<R, O>> DTNode<R, C> createInnerNode(Collection<T> set, ArrayList<R> constantAttributes, ArrayList<R> attributeList) { ArrayList<R> kRandomAttributes = getKRandomAttributes(constantAttributes, attributeList); ArrayList<ERTSplit<R>> splits = getKSplits(set, kRandomAttributes); ERTSplit<R> bestSplit = getBestSplit(set, splits); DTNode<R, C> innerNode = new DTNode<R, C>(); innerNode.setSplit(bestSplit); // Split the data set according to the best split; ArrayList<T> leftSet = new ArrayList<T>(); ArrayList<T> rightSet = new ArrayList<T>(); for (T aT : set) { if (bestSplit.contains(aT)) { rightSet.add(aT); } else { leftSet.add(aT); } } if (rightSet.size() == 0 || leftSet.size() == 0) { throw new ERTException("Split created an empty set! left = " + leftSet.size() + ", right = " + rightSet.size() + ", " + bestSplit.toString()); } // Create children DTNode<R, C> leftChild = buildAnExtraTree(leftSet, constantAttributes, attributeList); DTNode<R, C> rightChild = buildAnExtraTree(rightSet, constantAttributes, attributeList); // assign them to the innerNode innerNode.setLeftChild(leftChild); innerNode.setRightChild(rightChild); return innerNode; } /** * Return k random attributes (non-constant) picked without replacement unless less then k attributes are non-constant. * @param constantAttributes attributes that are constant. * @param attributeList list of all attributes present in each point in the set. * @return k random attributes (non-constant) picked without replacement unless less then k attributes are non-constant. */ private ArrayList<R> getKRandomAttributes(ArrayList<R> constantAttributes, ArrayList<R> attributeList) { ArrayList<R> kRandomAttributes = new ArrayList<R>(); HashSet<R> pickedAttributes = new HashSet<R>(constantAttributes); for (int k = 0; k < fK; k++) { // If all non-constant attributes have been picked and k is not reached yet, start resampling the non-constant attributes. if (pickedAttributes.size() == attributeList.size()) { pickedAttributes.clear(); pickedAttributes.addAll(constantAttributes); } // Count the number of attributes that are available for a pick int numNotPicked = attributeList.size() - pickedAttributes.size(); // get a random attribute int randomAttribute = fRandom.nextInt(numNotPicked); int count = 0; for (R aR : attributeList) { // If the attribute is not picked if (!pickedAttributes.contains(aR)) { // verify if it is the one corresponding to the random pick if (count == randomAttribute) { kRandomAttributes.add(aR); pickedAttributes.add(aR); break; } else // increase the count { count++; } } } } return kRandomAttributes; } /** * Create a split on the given attribute by choosing a uniformly random threshold in [min, max). * @param <T> Type of ITrainingPoints used by the Extra Trees. * @param set set containing the points in which we choose the threshold. * @param attribute attribute to pick the threshold for. * @return a split on the given attribute by choosing a uniformly random threshold in [min, max). */ private <T extends ITrainingPoint<R, O>> ERTSplit<R> createSplit(Collection<T> set, R attribute) { double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (T aT : set) { double value = aT.getValue(attribute); if (value > max) { max = value; } if (value < min) { min = value; } } if (Double.isInfinite(max)) { max = Double.MAX_VALUE; } if (Double.isInfinite(min)) { min = -Double.MAX_VALUE; } max = max - Double.MIN_VALUE; min = min + Double.MIN_VALUE; double threshold = fRandom.nextDouble() * (max - min) + min; ERTSplit<R> split = new ERTSplit<R>(attribute, threshold); return split; } /** * Return a set of split for the given attributes. * @param <T> Type of ITrainingPoints used by the Extra Trees. * @param set Set of data points to split. * @param kRandomAttributes attributes for which to create splits. * @return a set of split for the given attributes. */ private <T extends ITrainingPoint<R, O>> ArrayList<ERTSplit<R>> getKSplits(Collection<T> set, ArrayList<R> kRandomAttributes) { ArrayList<ERTSplit<R>> splits = new ArrayList<ERTSplit<R>>(); for (R attribute : kRandomAttributes) { ERTSplit<R> split = createSplit(set, attribute); splits.add(split); } return splits; } /** * Return the best split according to the scoring function used by the ERTGrower. * @param <T> Type of ITrainingPoints used by the Extra Trees. * @param set set of points to compute the score with. * @param splits set of splits to compute the score for. * @return the best split according to the scoring function used by the ERTGrower. */ private <T extends ITrainingPoint<R, O>> ERTSplit<R> getBestSplit(Collection<T> set, ArrayList<ERTSplit<R>> splits) { double maxScore = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; ERTSplit<R> bestSplit = null; for (ERTSplit<R> split : splits) { double score = fScore.getScore(set, split); if (score > maxScore || bestSplit == null) { maxScore = score; bestSplit = split; } } return bestSplit; } }