Java tutorial
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package adwords.axis.v201506.migration; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * This code example migrates your feed based sitelinks at campaign level to use extension settings. * To learn more about extensionsettings, see * To learn more about * migrating Feed based extensions to extension settings, see * * * Tags: FeedService.query, FeedMappingService.query, FeedItemService.query * Tags: CampaignExtensionSettingService.mutate, CampaignFeedService.query * Tags: CampaignFeedService.mutate * * Category: adx-exclude * * @author Josh Radcliff */ public class MigrateToExtensionSettings { private static final int PAGE_SIZE = 100; // See the Placeholder reference page for a list of all the placeholder types and fields. // private static final int PLACEHOLDER_SITELINKS = 1; // See the Placeholder reference page for a list of all the placeholder types and fields. // private static final int PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_SITELINK_LINK_TEXT = 1; private static final int PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_SITELINK_URL = 2; private static final int PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_LINE_2_TEXT = 3; private static final int PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_LINE_3_TEXT = 4; private static final int PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_FINAL_URLS = 5; private static final int PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_FINAL_MOBILE_URLS = 6; private static final int PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE = 7; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Generate a refreshable OAuth2 credential similar to a ClientLogin token // that can be used in place of a service account. Credential oAuth2Credential = new OfflineCredentials.Builder().forApi(Api.ADWORDS).fromFile().build() .generateCredential(); // Construct an AdWordsSession. AdWordsSession session = new AdWordsSession.Builder().fromFile().withOAuth2Credential(oAuth2Credential) .build(); AdWordsServices adWordsServices = new AdWordsServices(); runExample(adWordsServices, session); } public static void runExample(AdWordsServices adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session) throws Exception { // Get all of the feeds for the session's account. List<Feed> feeds = getFeeds(adWordsServices, session); for (Feed feed : feeds) { // Retrieve all the sitelinks from the current feed. Map<Long, SiteLinkFromFeed> feedItems = getSiteLinksFromFeed(adWordsServices, session, feed); // Get all the instances where a sitelink from this feed has been added to a campaign. List<CampaignFeed> campaignFeeds = getCampaignFeeds(adWordsServices, session, feed, PLACEHOLDER_SITELINKS); Set<Long> allFeedItemsToDelete = Sets.newHashSet(); for (CampaignFeed campaignFeed : campaignFeeds) { // Retrieve the sitelinks that have been associated with this campaign. Set<Long> feedItemIds = getFeedItemIdsForCampaign(campaignFeed); ExtensionSettingPlatform platformRestrictions = getPlatformRestictionsForCampaign(campaignFeed); if (feedItemIds.isEmpty()) { System.out.printf( "Migration skipped for campaign feed with campaign ID %d " + "and feed ID %d because no mapped feed item IDs were found in the " + "campaign feed's matching function.%n", campaignFeed.getCampaignId(), campaignFeed.getFeedId()); } else { // Delete the campaign feed that associates the sitelinks from the feed to the campaign. deleteCampaignFeed(adWordsServices, session, campaignFeed); // Create extension settings instead of sitelinks. createExtensionSetting(adWordsServices, session, feedItems, campaignFeed, feedItemIds, platformRestrictions); // Mark the sitelinks from the feed for deletion. allFeedItemsToDelete.addAll(feedItemIds); } } // Delete all the sitelinks from the feed. deleteOldFeedItems(adWordsServices, session, allFeedItemsToDelete, feed); } } /** * Gets the site links from a feed. * * @return a map of feed item ID to SiteLinkFromFeed */ private static Map<Long, SiteLinkFromFeed> getSiteLinksFromFeed(AdWordsServices adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session, Feed feed) throws Exception { // Retrieve the feed's attribute mapping. Multimap<Long, Integer> feedMappings = getFeedMapping(adWordsServices, session, feed, PLACEHOLDER_SITELINKS); Map<Long, SiteLinkFromFeed> feedItems = Maps.newHashMap(); for (FeedItem feedItem : getFeedItems(adWordsServices, session, feed)) { SiteLinkFromFeed siteLinkFromFeed = new SiteLinkFromFeed(); for (FeedItemAttributeValue attributeValue : feedItem.getAttributeValues()) { // Skip this attribute if it hasn't been mapped to a field. if (!feedMappings.containsKey(attributeValue.getFeedAttributeId())) { continue; } for (Integer fieldId : feedMappings.get(attributeValue.getFeedAttributeId())) { switch (fieldId) { case PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_SITELINK_LINK_TEXT: siteLinkFromFeed.text = attributeValue.getStringValue(); break; case PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_SITELINK_URL: siteLinkFromFeed.url = attributeValue.getStringValue(); break; case PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_FINAL_URLS: siteLinkFromFeed.finalUrls = attributeValue.getStringValues(); break; case PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_FINAL_MOBILE_URLS: siteLinkFromFeed.finalMobileUrls = attributeValue.getStringValues(); break; case PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE: siteLinkFromFeed.trackingUrlTemplate = attributeValue.getStringValue(); break; case PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_LINE_2_TEXT: siteLinkFromFeed.line2 = attributeValue.getStringValue(); break; case PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_LINE_3_TEXT: siteLinkFromFeed.line3 = attributeValue.getStringValue(); break; default: // Ignore attributes that do not map to a predefined placeholder field. break; } } } siteLinkFromFeed.scheduling = feedItem.getScheduling(); feedItems.put(feedItem.getFeedItemId(), siteLinkFromFeed); } return feedItems; } /** * Gets the feed mapping for a feed. * * @return a multimap from feed attribute ID to the set of field IDs mapped to the attribute */ private static Multimap<Long, Integer> getFeedMapping(AdWordsServices adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session, Feed feed, long placeholderType) throws Exception { // Get the FeedMappingService. FeedMappingServiceInterface feedMappingService = adWordsServices.get(session, FeedMappingServiceInterface.class); String query = String .format("SELECT FeedMappingId, AttributeFieldMappings WHERE FeedId = %d and PlaceholderType = %d " + "AND Status = 'ENABLED'", feed.getId(), placeholderType); Multimap<Long, Integer> attributeMappings = HashMultimap.create(); int offset = 0; FeedMappingPage feedMappingPage; do { String pageQuery = String.format(query + " LIMIT %d, %d", offset, PAGE_SIZE); feedMappingPage = feedMappingService.query(pageQuery); if (feedMappingPage.getEntries() != null) { // Normally, a feed attribute is mapped only to one field. However, you may map it to more // than one field if needed. for (FeedMapping feedMapping : feedMappingPage.getEntries()) { for (AttributeFieldMapping attributeMapping : feedMapping.getAttributeFieldMappings()) { attributeMappings.put(attributeMapping.getFeedAttributeId(), attributeMapping.getFieldId()); } } } offset += PAGE_SIZE; } while (offset < feedMappingPage.getTotalNumEntries()); return attributeMappings; } /** * Returns a list of all enabled feeds. */ private static List<Feed> getFeeds(AdWordsServices adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session) throws Exception { FeedServiceInterface feedService = adWordsServices.get(session, FeedServiceInterface.class); String query = "SELECT Id, Name, Attributes WHERE Origin = 'USER' AND FeedStatus = 'ENABLED'"; List<Feed> feeds = Lists.newArrayList(); int offset = 0; FeedPage feedPage; do { String pageQuery = String.format(query + " LIMIT %d, %d", offset, PAGE_SIZE); feedPage = feedService.query(pageQuery); if (feedPage.getEntries() != null) { feeds.addAll(Arrays.asList(feedPage.getEntries())); } offset += PAGE_SIZE; } while (offset < feedPage.getTotalNumEntries()); return feeds; } /** * Returns the feed items for a feed. */ private static List<FeedItem> getFeedItems(AdWordsServices adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session, Feed feed) throws Exception { // Get the FeedItemService. FeedItemServiceInterface feedItemService = adWordsServices.get(session, FeedItemServiceInterface.class); String query = String.format( "SELECT FeedItemId, AttributeValues, Scheduling WHERE Status = 'ENABLED' AND FeedId = %d", feed.getId()); List<FeedItem> feedItems = Lists.newArrayList(); int offset = 0; FeedItemPage feedItemPage; do { String pageQuery = String.format(query + " LIMIT %d, %d", offset, PAGE_SIZE); feedItemPage = feedItemService.query(pageQuery); if (feedItemPage.getEntries() != null) { feedItems.addAll(Arrays.asList(feedItemPage.getEntries())); } offset += PAGE_SIZE; } while (offset < feedItemPage.getTotalNumEntries()); return feedItems; } /** * Deletes the old feed items for which extension settings have been created. */ private static void deleteOldFeedItems(AdWordsServices adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session, Set<Long> feedItemIds, Feed feed) throws Exception { // Get the FeedItemService. FeedItemServiceInterface feedItemService = adWordsServices.get(session, FeedItemServiceInterface.class); if (feedItemIds.isEmpty()) { return; } List<FeedItemOperation> operations = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Long feedItemId : feedItemIds) { FeedItemOperation operation = new FeedItemOperation(); FeedItem feedItem = new FeedItem(); feedItem.setFeedId(feed.getId()); feedItem.setFeedItemId(feedItemId); operation.setOperand(feedItem); operation.setOperator(Operator.REMOVE); operations.add(operation); } feedItemService.mutate(operations.toArray(new FeedItemOperation[operations.size()])); } /** * Creates the extension setting for a list of feed items. * * @param adWordsServices the AdWordsServices * @param session the AdWordsSession * @param feedItems the list of all feed items * @param campaignFeed the original campaign feed * @param feedItemIds IDs of the feed items for which extension settings should be created * @param platformRestrictions the platform restrictions for the new campaign extension setting */ private static void createExtensionSetting(AdWordsServices adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session, Map<Long, SiteLinkFromFeed> feedItems, CampaignFeed campaignFeed, Set<Long> feedItemIds, ExtensionSettingPlatform platformRestrictions) throws Exception { // Get the CampaignExtensionSettingService. CampaignExtensionSettingServiceInterface campaignExtensionSettingService = adWordsServices.get(session, CampaignExtensionSettingServiceInterface.class); CampaignExtensionSetting campaignExtensionSetting = new CampaignExtensionSetting(); campaignExtensionSetting.setCampaignId(campaignFeed.getCampaignId()); campaignExtensionSetting.setExtensionType(FeedType.SITELINK); ExtensionSetting extensionSetting = new ExtensionSetting(); List<ExtensionFeedItem> extensionFeedItems = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Long feedItemId : feedItemIds) { SiteLinkFromFeed siteLinkFromFeed = feedItems.get(feedItemId); SitelinkFeedItem siteLinkFeedItem = new SitelinkFeedItem(); siteLinkFeedItem.setSitelinkText(siteLinkFromFeed.text); if (siteLinkFromFeed.finalUrls != null && siteLinkFromFeed.finalUrls.length > 0) { siteLinkFeedItem.setSitelinkFinalUrls(new UrlList(siteLinkFromFeed.finalUrls)); if (siteLinkFromFeed.finalMobileUrls != null && siteLinkFromFeed.finalMobileUrls.length > 0) { siteLinkFeedItem.setSitelinkFinalMobileUrls(new UrlList(siteLinkFromFeed.finalMobileUrls)); } siteLinkFeedItem.setSitelinkTrackingUrlTemplate(siteLinkFromFeed.trackingUrlTemplate); } else { siteLinkFeedItem.setSitelinkUrl(siteLinkFromFeed.url); } siteLinkFeedItem.setSitelinkLine2(siteLinkFromFeed.line2); siteLinkFeedItem.setSitelinkLine3(siteLinkFromFeed.line3); siteLinkFeedItem.setScheduling(siteLinkFromFeed.scheduling); extensionFeedItems.add(siteLinkFeedItem); } extensionSetting .setExtensions(extensionFeedItems.toArray(new ExtensionFeedItem[extensionFeedItems.size()])); extensionSetting.setPlatformRestrictions(platformRestrictions); campaignExtensionSetting.setExtensionSetting(extensionSetting); CampaignExtensionSettingOperation operation = new CampaignExtensionSettingOperation(); operation.setOperand(campaignExtensionSetting); operation.setOperator(Operator.ADD); campaignExtensionSettingService.mutate(new CampaignExtensionSettingOperation[] { operation }); } /** * Deletes a campaign feed. */ private static CampaignFeed deleteCampaignFeed(AdWordsServices adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session, CampaignFeed campaignFeed) throws Exception { // Get the CampaignFeedService. CampaignFeedServiceInterface campaignFeedService = adWordsServices.get(session, CampaignFeedServiceInterface.class); CampaignFeedOperation operation = new CampaignFeedOperation(); operation.setOperand(campaignFeed); operation.setOperator(Operator.REMOVE); return campaignFeedService.mutate(new CampaignFeedOperation[] { operation }).getValue(0); } /** * Gets the platform restrictions for sitelinks in a campaign. */ private static ExtensionSettingPlatform getPlatformRestictionsForCampaign(CampaignFeed campaignFeed) { String platformRestrictions = ExtensionSettingPlatform.NONE.getValue(); if (FunctionOperator.AND.equals(campaignFeed.getMatchingFunction().getOperator())) { for (FunctionArgumentOperand argument : campaignFeed.getMatchingFunction().getLhsOperand()) { if (argument instanceof FunctionOperand) { FunctionOperand operand = (FunctionOperand) argument; if (FunctionOperator.EQUALS.equals(operand.getValue().getOperator()) && (operand.getValue().getLhsOperand(0) instanceof RequestContextOperand)) { RequestContextOperand requestContextOperand = (RequestContextOperand) operand.getValue() .getLhsOperand(0); if (RequestContextOperandContextType.DEVICE_PLATFORM .equals(requestContextOperand.getContextType())) { platformRestrictions = ((ConstantOperand) operand.getValue().getRhsOperand(0)) .getStringValue(); } } } } } return ExtensionSettingPlatform.fromString(platformRestrictions.toUpperCase()); } /** * Returns the list of feed item IDs that are used by a campaign through a given campaign feed. */ private static Set<Long> getFeedItemIdsForCampaign(CampaignFeed campaignFeed) throws Exception { Set<Long> feedItemIds = Sets.newHashSet(); FunctionOperator functionOperator = campaignFeed.getMatchingFunction().getOperator(); if (FunctionOperator.IN.equals(functionOperator)) { // Check if matchingFunction is of the form IN(FEED_ITEM_ID,{xxx,xxx}). // Extract feed items if applicable. feedItemIds.addAll(getFeedItemIdsFromArgument(campaignFeed.getMatchingFunction())); } else if (FunctionOperator.AND.equals(functionOperator)) { for (FunctionArgumentOperand argument : campaignFeed.getMatchingFunction().getLhsOperand()) { // Check if matchingFunction is of the form IN(FEED_ITEM_ID,{xxx,xxx}). // Extract feed items if applicable. if (argument instanceof FunctionOperand) { FunctionOperand operand = (FunctionOperand) argument; if (FunctionOperator.IN.equals(operand.getValue().getOperator())) { feedItemIds.addAll(getFeedItemIdsFromArgument(operand.getValue())); } } } } else { // There are no other matching functions involving feed item IDs. } return feedItemIds; } /** * Gets the set of feed item IDs from the function if it is of the form: * {@code IN(FEED_ITEM_ID,{xxx,xxx})}. Otherwise, returns an empty set. */ private static Set<Long> getFeedItemIdsFromArgument(Function function) { Set<Long> feedItemIds = Sets.newHashSet(); if (function.getLhsOperand().length == 1 && function.getLhsOperand(0) instanceof RequestContextOperand) { RequestContextOperand requestContextOperand = (RequestContextOperand) function.getLhsOperand(0); if (RequestContextOperandContextType.FEED_ITEM_ID.equals(requestContextOperand.getContextType()) && FunctionOperator.IN.equals(function.getOperator())) { for (FunctionArgumentOperand argument : function.getRhsOperand()) { if (argument instanceof ConstantOperand) { feedItemIds.add(((ConstantOperand) argument).getLongValue()); } } } } return feedItemIds; } /** * Returns the campaign feeds that use a particular feed for a particular placeholder type. */ private static List<CampaignFeed> getCampaignFeeds(AdWordsServices adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session, Feed feed, int placeholderType) throws Exception { // Get the CampaignFeedService. CampaignFeedServiceInterface campaignFeedService = adWordsServices.get(session, CampaignFeedServiceInterface.class); String query = String .format("SELECT CampaignId, MatchingFunction, PlaceholderTypes WHERE Status = 'ENABLED' " + "AND FeedId = %d AND PlaceholderTypes CONTAINS_ANY [%d]", feed.getId(), placeholderType); List<CampaignFeed> campaignFeeds = Lists.newArrayList(); int offset = 0; CampaignFeedPage campaignFeedPage; do { String pageQuery = String.format(query + " LIMIT %d, %d", offset, PAGE_SIZE); campaignFeedPage = campaignFeedService.query(pageQuery); if (campaignFeedPage.getEntries() != null) { campaignFeeds.addAll(Arrays.asList(campaignFeedPage.getEntries())); } offset += PAGE_SIZE; } while (offset < campaignFeedPage.getTotalNumEntries()); return campaignFeeds; } /** * A sitelink object read from a feed item. */ private static class SiteLinkFromFeed { private String text; private String url; private String[] finalUrls; private String[] finalMobileUrls; private String trackingUrlTemplate; private String line2; private String line3; private FeedItemScheduling scheduling; } }