Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * QBiC Project Wizard enables users to create hierarchical experiments including different study * conditions using factorial design. Copyright (C) "2016" Andreas Friedrich * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If * not, see <>. *******************************************************************************/ package adminviews; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import parser.XMLParser; import processes.RegisteredSamplesReadyRunnable; import properties.Property; import registration.OpenbisCreationController; import uicomponents.Styles; import views.IRegistrationView; import logging.Log4j2Logger; import model.ISampleBean; import model.MCCPatient; import model.OpenbisExperiment; import model.TSVSampleBean; import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto.Project; import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto.Sample; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.ProgressBar; import com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet; import com.vaadin.ui.Table; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.ValoTheme; import componentwrappers.StandardTextField; import uicomponents.Styles.*; import control.IRegistrationController; import control.SampleCounter; import life.qbic.openbis.openbisclient.IOpenBisClient; public class MCCView extends VerticalLayout implements IRegistrationView, IRegistrationController { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 5542816061866018937L; logging.Logger logger = new Log4j2Logger(MCCView.class); private IOpenBisClient openbis; private OpenbisCreationController creator; private XMLParser p = new XMLParser(); private String user; // view private String mccSpace = "MULTISCALEHCC"; private ComboBox mccProjects; private StandardTextField newProject; private StandardTextField treatment; private StandardTextField timepoint; private StandardTextField patient; private Table existingPatients; private TabSheet editView; private Table samples; private Table metaData; private ProgressBar bar; private Label registerInfo; private Button addSamples; // model private List<Sample> entities; private List<String> patients; private Set<String> cases; private SampleCounter counter; public MCCView(IOpenBisClient openbis, OpenbisCreationController creationController, String user) { this.openbis = openbis; this.creator = creationController; this.user = user; this.cases = new HashSet<String>(); this.patients = new ArrayList<String>(); mccProjects = new ComboBox("Source Project"); List<String> projects = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Project p : openbis.getProjectsOfSpace(mccSpace)) projects.add(p.getCode()); mccProjects.addStyleName(Styles.boxTheme); mccProjects.addItems(projects); mccProjects.setImmediate(true); newProject = new StandardTextField("New Project"); newProject.setImmediate(true); newProject.setWidth("80px"); HorizontalLayout projectTab = new HorizontalLayout(); projectTab.setSpacing(true); projectTab.addComponent(mccProjects); projectTab.addComponent(newProject); treatment = new StandardTextField("Treatment"); timepoint = new StandardTextField("Timepoint"); timepoint.setWidth("40px"); patient = new StandardTextField("Patient #"); patient.setWidth("50px"); HorizontalLayout paramTab = new HorizontalLayout(); paramTab.setSpacing(true); paramTab.addComponent(treatment); paramTab.addComponent(patient); paramTab.addComponent(timepoint); existingPatients = new Table("Existing Patients"); existingPatients.setStyleName(Styles.tableTheme); existingPatients.setPageLength(1); editView = new TabSheet(); editView.addStyleName(ValoTheme.TABSHEET_FRAMED); samples = new Table("Samples"); samples.setStyleName(Styles.tableTheme); samples.setPageLength(1); metaData = new Table(); metaData.setEditable(true); metaData.setStyleName(Styles.tableTheme); editView.addTab(samples, "Overview"); editView.addTab(metaData, "Change Metadata"); editView.setVisible(false); registerInfo = new Label(); bar = new ProgressBar(); addSamples = new Button("Add Samples"); addSamples.setEnabled(false); initMCCListeners(); addComponent(Styles.questionize(projectTab, "Samples can only be added if Timepoint, Treatment, Project and Patient Number " + "are filled in and they don't already exist in the current project. E.g. you can add a new timepoint for the same patient and " + "treatment but not the same timepoint.", "Adding new Samples")); addComponent(paramTab); addComponent(existingPatients); addComponent(editView); addComponent(registerInfo); addComponent(bar); addComponent(addSamples); } private boolean allValid() { boolean project = !newProject.isEmpty() || mccProjects.getValue() != null; boolean treat = !treatment.isEmpty(); boolean pat = !patient.isEmpty() && patient.getValue().matches("[1-9][0-9]*"); boolean time = !timepoint.isEmpty() && timepoint.getValue().matches("[1-9][0-9]*"); boolean input = project && treat && pat && time; boolean res = false; if (input) { String extID = treatment.getValue().substring(0, 1) + ":0" + patient.getValue() + ":" + timepoint.getValue(); res = !cases.contains(extID); } return res; } private MCCView getView() { return this; } private List<Property> parseXMLFactors(Sample s) { try { return p.getExpFactorsFromXML(s.getProperties().get("Q_PROPERTIES")); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JAXBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } logger.error("Error while parsing Q_PROPERTIES XML"); return null; } private void initMCCListeners() { ValueChangeListener check = new ValueChangeListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -7015950228583952364L; @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { addSamples.setEnabled(allValid()); } }; treatment.addValueChangeListener(check); timepoint.addValueChangeListener(check); patient.addValueChangeListener(check); newProject.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -7747648379674835869L; @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { if (!newProject.isEmpty()) counter = new SampleCounter(newProject.getValue()); for (Sample s : openbis.getSamplesOfProject("/" + mccSpace + "/" + newProject.getValue())) counter.increment(s); addSamples.setEnabled(allValid()); } }); mccProjects.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 354186297920828100L; @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { projectBoxChanged(); } }); addSamples.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -3356594300480093815L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {"Adding MCC Patient."); List<List<ISampleBean>> samps = null; samps = prepDefaultMCCSamples(); // for (List<ISampleBean> ss : samps) // for (ISampleBean s : ss) // logger.debug("Created samples: " + s); addSamples.setEnabled(false); creator.prepareXMLProps(samps); creator.registerProjectWithExperimentsAndSamplesBatchWise(samps, null, new ArrayList<OpenbisExperiment>(), bar, registerInfo, new RegisteredSamplesReadyRunnable(getView(), getView()), user, false); } }); } protected void projectBoxChanged() { addSamples.setEnabled(true); if (mccProjects.getValue() == null) { newProject.setEnabled(true); treatment.setEnabled(true); addSamples.setEnabled(false); } else { newProject.setEnabled(false); } entities = new ArrayList<Sample>(); cases = new HashSet<String>(); if (newProject.getValue().isEmpty()) counter = new SampleCounter((String) mccProjects.getValue()); else counter = new SampleCounter(newProject.getValue()); String treatment = ""; boolean wrongFormat = false; for (Sample s : openbis.getSamplesWithParentsAndChildrenOfProjectBySearchService( "/" + mccSpace + "/" + (String) mccProjects.getValue())) { counter.increment(s); String id = s.getProperties().get("Q_EXTERNALDB_ID"); if (s.getSampleTypeCode().equals("Q_BIOLOGICAL_ENTITY")) { entities.add(s); patients.add(id); } else { if (treatment.isEmpty()) { for (Property f : parseXMLFactors(s)) { if (f.getLabel().equals("treatment")) { treatment = f.getValue(); getView().treatment.setValue(treatment); getView().treatment.setEnabled(false); } } } try { if (id != null) { String prefix = StringUtils.join(Arrays.copyOfRange(id.split(":"), 0, 3), ":"); cases.add(prefix); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { wrongFormat = true; } } } addSamples.setEnabled(allValid()); if (wrongFormat) { logger.warn("MCCView found samples with unexpected/empty External ID. Probably no problem..."); // Functions.notification("Wrong format", // "Project doesn't fit the expected layout. Please choose another project.", // NotificationType.ERROR); // addSamples.setEnabled(false); } BeanItemContainer<MCCPatient> c = new BeanItemContainer<MCCPatient>(MCCPatient.class); for (String id : cases) { String[] idSplit = id.split(":"); MCCPatient p = new MCCPatient(idSplit[1], treatment, idSplit[2]); c.addBean(p); } existingPatients.setContainerDataSource(c); existingPatients.setPageLength(Math.min(10, c.size())); existingPatients.sort(new Object[] { "ID", "timepoint" }, new boolean[] { true }); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<List<ISampleBean>> prepDefaultMCCSamples() { String timepoint = this.timepoint.getValue(); String treatment = this.treatment.getValue(); String patient = this.patient.getValue(); List<List<ISampleBean>> res = new ArrayList<List<ISampleBean>>(); List<ISampleBean> patients = new ArrayList<ISampleBean>(); List<ISampleBean> urine = new ArrayList<ISampleBean>(); List<ISampleBean> uAliquots = new ArrayList<ISampleBean>(); List<ISampleBean> liver = new ArrayList<ISampleBean>(); List<ISampleBean> plasma = new ArrayList<ISampleBean>(); List<ISampleBean> pAliquots = new ArrayList<ISampleBean>(); List<ISampleBean> molecules = new ArrayList<ISampleBean>(); String project = (String) mccProjects.getValue(); if (!newProject.isEmpty()) project = newProject.getValue(); String patientID = project + "ENTITY-" + patient;// new parent if (patient.length() < 2) patient = "0" + patient; String patientExtID = treatment.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + ":" + patient; HashMap<String, Object> metadata = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // if new patient, add to samples to register if (!this.patients.contains(patientExtID)) { metadata.put("Q_EXTERNALDB_ID", patientExtID); metadata.put("Q_NCBI_ORGANISM", "9606"); patients.add(new TSVSampleBean(patientID, project + "E1", project, mccSpace, "Q_BIOLOGICAL_ENTITY", "patient #" + patient, "", metadata)); } String extIDBase = patientExtID + ":" + timepoint + ":"; String urineExtIDBase = extIDBase + "U:1"; metadata = new HashMap<String, Object>(); metadata.put("XML_FACTORS", "treatment: " + treatment + "; timepoint: evaluation #" + timepoint); metadata.put("Q_PRIMARY_TISSUE", "URINE"); metadata.put("Q_EXTERNALDB_ID", urineExtIDBase); String urineID = counter.getNewBarcode();// parent urine.add(new TSVSampleBean(urineID, project + "E2", project, mccSpace, "Q_BIOLOGICAL_SAMPLE", "urine sample", patientID, (HashMap<String, Object>) metadata.clone())); for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { char lower = (char) ('a' + i - 1); String ID = counter.getNewBarcode(); metadata.put("Q_EXTERNALDB_ID", urineExtIDBase + lower); uAliquots.add(new TSVSampleBean(ID, project + "E3", project, mccSpace, "Q_BIOLOGICAL_SAMPLE", "aliquot #" + i, urineID, (HashMap<String, Object>) metadata.clone())); } for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { String plasmaExtID = extIDBase + "B:" + i; String plasmaID = counter.getNewBarcode();// parent metadata.put("Q_EXTERNALDB_ID", plasmaExtID); metadata.put("Q_PRIMARY_TISSUE", "BLOOD_PLASMA"); plasma.add(new TSVSampleBean(plasmaID, project + "E4", project, mccSpace, "Q_BIOLOGICAL_SAMPLE", "EDTA plasma #" + i, patientID, (HashMap<String, Object>) metadata.clone())); if (i == 1) { for (int j = 1; j < 3; j++) { char lower = (char) ('a' + j - 1); String ID = counter.getNewBarcode(); metadata.put("Q_EXTERNALDB_ID", plasmaExtID + lower); pAliquots.add(new TSVSampleBean(ID, project + "E4", project, mccSpace, "Q_BIOLOGICAL_SAMPLE", "plasma aliquot #" + j, plasmaID, (HashMap<String, Object>) metadata.clone())); } } if (i == 3) { metadata.remove("Q_PRIMARY_TISSUE"); for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++) { char lower = (char) ('a' + j - 1); String ID = counter.getNewBarcode(); metadata.put("Q_EXTERNALDB_ID", plasmaExtID + lower); metadata.put("Q_SAMPLE_TYPE", "SMALLMOLECULES"); molecules.add(new TSVSampleBean(ID, project + "E5", project, mccSpace, "Q_TEST_SAMPLE", "cryovial #" + j, plasmaID, (HashMap<String, Object>) metadata.clone())); } metadata.remove("Q_SAMPLE_TYPE"); } } String tumorExtBase = extIDBase + "T"; for (int i = 1; i < 9; i++) { String ID = counter.getNewBarcode(); metadata.put("Q_EXTERNALDB_ID", tumorExtBase + i); metadata.put("Q_PRIMARY_TISSUE", "HEPATOCELLULAR_CARCINOMA"); liver.add(new TSVSampleBean(ID, project + "E6", project, mccSpace, "Q_BIOLOGICAL_SAMPLE", "tumor biopsy #" + i, patientID, (HashMap<String, Object>) metadata.clone())); } String liverExtBase = extIDBase + "L"; for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { String ID = counter.getNewBarcode(); metadata.put("Q_EXTERNALDB_ID", liverExtBase + i); metadata.put("Q_PRIMARY_TISSUE", "LIVER"); liver.add(new TSVSampleBean(ID, project + "E6", project, mccSpace, "Q_BIOLOGICAL_SAMPLE", "liver biopsy #" + i, patientID, (HashMap<String, Object>) metadata.clone())); } List<List<ISampleBean>> dummy = new ArrayList<List<ISampleBean>>( Arrays.asList(patients, urine, uAliquots, plasma, pAliquots, molecules, liver)); for (List<ISampleBean> l : dummy) if (l.size() > 0) res.add(l); return res; } protected List<String> sampsToStrings(List<Sample> children) { List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Sample c : children) res.add(c.getCode()); return res; } @Override //TODO handle errors public void registrationDone(boolean sqlDown, String errors) {"Registration complete, reloading patient table."); Styles.notification("Registration complete!", "Registration of patient complete.", NotificationType.SUCCESS); projectBoxChanged(); } @Override public void performPostRegistrationTasks(boolean success) { } @Override public String getRegistrationError() { return creator.getErrors(); } }