Java tutorial
/** * Additional Pipes is distributed under the terms of the Minecraft Mod Public * License 1.0, or MMPL. Please check the contents of the license located in * */ package additionalpipes.inventory; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer; import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory; import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import; import net.minecraft.util.ChunkCoordinates; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeSubscribe; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import additionalpipes.AdditionalPipes; import additionalpipes.api.ITeleportPipe; import additionalpipes.api.TeleportManager; import additionalpipes.api.TeleportManager.TeleportPipeEvent; import additionalpipes.inventory.components.ContainerRestrictedTile; import additionalpipes.inventory.components.Property; import additionalpipes.inventory.components.PropertyBoolean; import additionalpipes.inventory.components.PropertyIntArray; import additionalpipes.inventory.components.PropertyInteger; import additionalpipes.inventory.components.PropertyMap; import additionalpipes.tileentity.TileTeleportManager; import additionalpipes.tileentity.TileTeleportManagerEnergy; import additionalpipes.utils.APUtils; import; import; import; import; import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler; public class ContainerTeleportManager extends ContainerRestrictedTile { public final PropertyBoolean propIsPublic; public final PropertyBoolean propForcedLink; public final PropertyInteger propLP; public final PropertyIntArray propMaps; public final PropertyMap propPipes; public final PropertyIntArray propViewClick; public final TileTeleportManager manager; private Map<PropertyInteger, PropertyIntArray> pipes; private boolean needToRebuild = false; public ContainerTeleportManager(IInventory playerInventory, TileTeleportManager manager) { super(manager, 0); this.manager = manager; if (FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide().isServer()) { rebuildPipeProps(); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(this); } propIsPublic = addPropertyToContainer(new PropertyBoolean()); propForcedLink = addPropertyToContainer(new PropertyBoolean()); propLP = addPropertyToContainer(new PropertyInteger()); propMaps = addPropertyToContainer(new PropertyIntArray()); propPipes = addPropertyToContainer(new PropertyMap()); propViewClick = addPropertyToContainer(new PropertyIntArray()); for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++) { for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 9; k1++) { addSlotToContainer(new Slot(playerInventory, k1 + l * 9 + 9, 8 + k1 * 18, 142 + l * 18)); } } for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 9; i1++) { addSlotToContainer(new Slot(playerInventory, i1, 8 + i1 * 18, 200)); } } @Override public void onContainerClosed(EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer) { super.onContainerClosed(par1EntityPlayer); if (FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide().isServer()) { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.unregister(this); } } @Override public boolean canInteractWith(EntityPlayer var1) { return manager.worldObj.getBlockTileEntity(manager.xCoord, manager.yCoord, manager.zCoord) == manager; } @Override public void detectAndSendChanges() { if (needToRebuild) { rebuildPipeProps(); needToRebuild = false; } super.detectAndSendChanges(); for (Object crafter : crafters) { // crafter is ICrafting if (crafter instanceof EntityPlayerMP) { EntityPlayerMP player = (EntityPlayerMP) crafter; ItemStack backup = player.inventory.mainInventory[0]; try { for (int map : manager.maps) { if (player.playerNetServerHandler.packetSize() <= 5) { ItemStack mapStack = new ItemStack(, 1, map); player.inventory.mainInventory[0] = mapStack; MapData mapData =, manager.worldObj); if (mapData != null) { mapData.updateVisiblePlayers(player, mapStack); Packet packet =, manager.worldObj, player); if (packet != null) { player.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacketToPlayer(packet); } } } } } finally { player.inventory.mainInventory[0] = backup; } } } } @Override public ItemStack transferStackInSlot(EntityPlayer player, int slotId) { Slot slot = (Slot) inventorySlots.get(slotId); if (slot != null && slot.getHasStack()) { ItemStack slotStack = slot.getStack(); if (!APUtils.isValidMap(slotStack, manager.worldObj) || ArrayUtils.indexOf(propMaps.value, slotStack.getItemDamage()) != -1 || !canEdit(player.username)) { return super.transferStackInSlot(player, slotId); } manager.maps.add(Integer.valueOf(slotStack.getItemDamage())); slotStack.stackSize--; if (slotStack.stackSize == 0) { slot.putStack((ItemStack) null); } else { slot.onSlotChanged(); } rebuildPipeProps(); return super.transferStackInSlot(player, slotId); } return null; } private void transferStackInView(EntityPlayer player, int index) { ItemStack stackInView = APUtils.createMapStack(manager.maps.get(index), manager.worldObj); if (mergeItemStack(stackInView, 0, inventorySlots.size(), true)) { manager.maps.remove(index); } } private void viewClick(int index, int mouseButton, int data, EntityPlayer player) { InventoryPlayer invPlayer = player.inventory; if ((data == 0 || data == 1) && (mouseButton == 0 || mouseButton == 1)) { if (data == 1) { // shift if (index < manager.maps.size() && manager.tryEdit(player)) { transferStackInView(player, index); } } else { ItemStack stackClicked = index < manager.maps.size() ? APUtils.createMapStack(manager.maps.get(index), manager.worldObj) : null; ItemStack stackInHand = invPlayer.getItemStack(); if (stackClicked == null) { if (APUtils.isValidMap(stackInHand, manager.worldObj) && !manager.maps.contains(stackInHand.getItemDamage()) && manager.tryEdit(player)) { // put item to view manager.maps.add(Integer.valueOf(stackInHand.getItemDamage())); stackInHand.stackSize--; if (stackInHand.stackSize == 0) { invPlayer.setItemStack(null); } } } else { if (stackInHand == null) { if (manager.tryEdit(player)) { manager.maps.remove(index); invPlayer.setItemStack(stackClicked); } } else if (stackInHand.itemID == && stackInHand.getItemDamage() == stackClicked.getItemDamage() && ItemStack.areItemStackTagsEqual(stackInHand, stackClicked)) { // Ordinarily, the Container merges the item in hand into the item in slot if (stackInHand.stackSize + 1 <= stackInHand.getMaxStackSize() && manager.tryEdit(player)) { manager.maps.remove(index); stackInHand.stackSize++; } } else if (APUtils.isValidMap(stackInHand, manager.worldObj) && stackInHand.stackSize == 1) { // replace if (manager.tryEdit(player)) { manager.maps.set(index, stackInHand.getItemDamage()); invPlayer.setItemStack(stackClicked); } } else if (stackInHand.itemID == Item.emptyMap.itemID) { // copy ItemStack copyStack = stackClicked.copy(); copyStack.stackSize = stackInHand.stackSize; invPlayer.setItemStack(copyStack); } } } } else if (data == 2 && mouseButton >= 0 && mouseButton < 9) { // hotbar, unused } else if (data == 3 && player.capabilities.isCreativeMode && invPlayer.getItemStack() == null && index < manager.maps.size()) { // pick ItemStack stackToPick = APUtils.createMapStack(manager.maps.get(index), manager.worldObj); stackToPick.stackSize = stackToPick.getMaxStackSize(); invPlayer.setItemStack(stackToPick); } else if (data == 3 || mouseButton == 2) { // sort if (manager.tryEdit(player)) { Collections.sort(manager.maps); } } else if (data == 4 && invPlayer.getItemStack() == null && index < manager.maps.size()) { // drop if (manager.tryEdit(player)) { ItemStack stackToDrop = APUtils.createMapStack(manager.maps.get(index), manager.worldObj); manager.maps.remove(index); player.dropPlayerItem(stackToDrop); } } } @ForgeSubscribe public void onTeleportPipeChange(TeleportPipeEvent event) { needToRebuild = true; } @ForgeSubscribe public void onContainerModify(ContainerModifyEvent event) { if (event.source != this && event.obj == manager) { needToRebuild = true; } } private void rebuildPipeProps() { ListMultimap<PropertyInteger, ITeleportPipe> pipeMultimap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (ITeleportPipe pipe : TeleportManager.getPipes()) { for (int map : manager.getMapsLinkTo(pipe)) { pipeMultimap.put(PropertyInteger.create(map), pipe); } } pipes = Maps.newHashMap(Maps.transformEntries(pipeMultimap.asMap(), new EntryTransformer<PropertyInteger, Collection<ITeleportPipe>, PropertyIntArray>() { @Override public PropertyIntArray transformEntry(PropertyInteger key, Collection<ITeleportPipe> value) { int[] result = new int[value.size() * 3]; int i = 0; for (ITeleportPipe pipe : value) { result[i++] = pipe.getType().ordinal(); ChunkCoordinates pos = pipe.getPosition(); MapData mapData = APUtils.createMapStack(key.value, manager.worldObj), manager.worldObj); int size = 1 << mapData.scale; float var11 = (pos.posX - mapData.xCenter) / (float) size; float var12 = (pos.posZ - mapData.zCenter) / (float) size; result[i++] = (int) (var11 * 2.0F + 0.5D); result[i++] = (int) (var12 * 2.0F + 0.5D); } return PropertyIntArray.create(result); } })); if (!needToRebuild) { ContainerModifyEvent(this, manager)); } } @Override protected boolean onChangeProperty(int index, Property prop, EntityPlayer player) { if (index == propIsPublic.index) { if (manager.tryEdit(player)) { manager.isPublic = ((PropertyBoolean) prop).value; rebuildPipeProps(); } } else if (index == propForcedLink.index) { if (manager.tryEdit(player)) { ((TileTeleportManagerEnergy) manager).forcedLink = ((PropertyBoolean) prop).value; } } else if (index == propViewClick.index) { int[] value = ((PropertyIntArray) prop).value; viewClick(value[0], value[1] >>> 16, value[1] & 0xFFFF, player); ((EntityPlayerMP) player).updateHeldItem(); rebuildPipeProps(); return false;// Not to resends property } else { return super.onChangeProperty(index, prop, player); } return true; } @Override protected Object getPropertyValue(int index) { if (index == propIsPublic.index) { return manager.isPublic; } else if (index == propForcedLink.index) { return AdditionalPipes.disableEnergyUsage ? false : ((TileTeleportManagerEnergy) manager).forcedLink; } else if (index == propLP.index) { return AdditionalPipes.disableEnergyUsage ? 0 : ((TileTeleportManagerEnergy) manager).getPowerLevel(); } else if (index == propMaps.index) { return manager.maps; } else if (index == propPipes.index) { return pipes; } else if (index == propViewClick.index) { return ArrayUtils.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY; } else { return super.getPropertyValue(index); } } }