Java tutorial
/* * Este programa es software libre; usted puede redistribuirlo y/o modificarlo bajo los terminos * de la licencia "GNU General Public License" publicada por la Fundacion "Free Software Foundation". * Este programa se distribuye con la esperanza de que pueda ser util, pero SIN NINGUNA GARANTIA; * vea la licencia "GNU General Public License" para obtener mas informacion. */ package adalid.core; import adalid.commons.util.StrUtils; import; import adalid.core.enums.ViewFieldAggregation; import adalid.core.interfaces.DataArtifact; import adalid.core.interfaces.Entity; import adalid.core.interfaces.JavaProgrammer; import adalid.core.interfaces.PersistentEntity; import adalid.core.interfaces.Property; import adalid.core.programmers.ChiefProgrammer; import adalid.core.sql.QueryTable; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; /** * @author Jorge Campins */ public class ReportField extends AbstractArtifact implements Comparable<ReportField> { private static final String EOL = "\n"; private ReportGroup _group; private Property _property; private Property _parentProperty; private ViewField _viewField; private int _pixels; private boolean _resizeable; public static ReportField addReportField(ReportGroup group, String name) { return new ReportField(group, name); } public static ReportField addReportField(ReportGroup group, Property property) { return new ReportField(group, property); } public static ReportField addReportField(ReportGroup group, ViewField field) { return new ReportField(group, field); } private ReportField(ReportGroup group, String name) { super(); if (group != null && name != null) { _group = group; setDeclared(name); add(); } } private ReportField(ReportGroup group, Property property) { super(); if (group != null && property != null) { _group = group; _property = property; _pixels = property.isReportField() ? property.getPixels() : 0; _resizeable = _pixels > 120; Report report = group.getReport(); PersistentEntity entity = report == null ? null : report.getEntity(); QueryTable queryTable = entity == null ? null : entity.getQueryTable(); String sqlAlias = queryTable == null ? null : queryTable.getSqlAlias(property); if (sqlAlias != null) { setDeclared(sqlAlias); add(); } } } private ReportField(ReportGroup group, ViewField field) { super(); if (group != null && field != null) { _group = group; _viewField = field; _property = field.getColumn(); _pixels = field.getPixels() == null ? _property == null ? 0 : _property.getPixels() : field.getPixels(); _resizeable = _pixels > 120; Report report = group.getReport(); PersistentEntity entity = report == null ? null : report.getEntity(); QueryTable queryTable = entity == null ? null : entity.getQueryTable(); String sqlAlias = queryTable == null ? null : queryTable.getSqlAlias(_property); if (sqlAlias != null) { setDeclared(sqlAlias); add(); } } } private void add() { _group.getFields().add(this); if (_pixels > 0) { _group.increaseVisibleFieldsCount(); } } /** * @return the index */ public int getIndex() { return _group == null ? 0 : _group.getFields().indexOf(this) + 1; } /** * @return the composite index */ public int getCompositeIndex() { int groupIndex = _group.getIndex(); if (groupIndex < 0) { return -1; } int fieldIndex = getIndex(); if (fieldIndex < 0) { return -1; } return 1000 * groupIndex + fieldIndex; } public String getLabel() { String etiqueta = _property == null ? getName() : _property.getDefaultShortLabel(); return etiqueta == null ? null : StrUtils.getStringJava(etiqueta); } /** * @return the sequence */ public Integer getSequence() { return getIndex(); } /** * @return the report group */ public ReportGroup getReportGroup() { return _group; } /** * @return the property */ public Property getProperty() { return _property; } /** * @return the parent property */ public Property getParentProperty() { return _parentProperty; } void setParentProperty(Property parent) { _parentProperty = parent; } /** * @return the view field */ public ViewField getViewField() { return _viewField; } /** * @param field the view field to set */ void setViewField(ViewField field) { _viewField = field; } /** * @return the aggregation */ public ViewFieldAggregation getAggregation() { return _viewField == null ? null : _viewField.getAggregation(); } /** * @return the pixels */ public int getPixels() { return _pixels; } /** * @param pixels the pixels to set */ void setPixels(int pixels) { _pixels = pixels; } /** * @return the resizeable */ public boolean isResizeable() { return _resizeable; } /** * @param resizeable the resizeable to set */ void setResizeable(boolean resizeable) { _resizeable = resizeable; } public String getDataClassName() { Entity entity = _property instanceof Entity ? (Entity) _property : null; DataArtifact dataArtifact = entity != null ? entity.getPrimaryKeyProperty() : _property; Class<?> dataClass = dataArtifact == null ? null : dataArtifact.getDataClass(); return dataClass == null ? StringData.class.getSimpleName() : dataClass.getSimpleName(); } public String getJavaClassName() { Entity entity = _property instanceof Entity ? (Entity) _property : null; DataArtifact dataArtifact = entity != null ? entity.getPrimaryKeyProperty() : _property; JavaProgrammer javaProgrammer = dataArtifact == null ? null : ChiefProgrammer.getJavaProgrammer(); return javaProgrammer == null ? String.class.getName() : javaProgrammer.getJavaTypeName(dataArtifact); } public boolean aggregationAtHand(ViewFieldAggregation aggregation) { if (aggregation == null) { return false; } switch (aggregation) { case COUNT: return isCountAtHand(); case MINIMUM: return isMinAtHand(); case MAXIMUM: return isMaxAtHand(); case SUM: return isSumAtHand(); case AVERAGE: return isAverageAtHand(); case DEVIATION: return isDeviationAtHand(); default: return false; } } public boolean isCountAtHand() { ViewFieldAggregation aggregation = getAggregation(); if (aggregation == null) { return false; } switch (aggregation) { case COUNT: case COUNT_MINIMUM_MAXIMUM: case SUM_COUNT_AVERAGE: case SUM_COUNT_AVERAGE_DEVIATION_MINIMUM_MAXIMUM: return true; default: return false; } } public boolean isMinAtHand() { ViewFieldAggregation aggregation = getAggregation(); if (aggregation == null) { return false; } switch (aggregation) { case MINIMUM: case COUNT_MINIMUM_MAXIMUM: case MINIMUM_MAXIMUM: case SUM_COUNT_AVERAGE_DEVIATION_MINIMUM_MAXIMUM: case AVERAGE_DEVIATION_MINIMUM_MAXIMUM: return true; default: return false; } } public boolean isMaxAtHand() { ViewFieldAggregation aggregation = getAggregation(); if (aggregation == null) { return false; } switch (aggregation) { case MAXIMUM: case COUNT_MINIMUM_MAXIMUM: case MINIMUM_MAXIMUM: case SUM_COUNT_AVERAGE_DEVIATION_MINIMUM_MAXIMUM: case AVERAGE_DEVIATION_MINIMUM_MAXIMUM: return true; default: return false; } } public boolean isSumAtHand() { ViewFieldAggregation aggregation = getAggregation(); if (aggregation == null) { return false; } switch (aggregation) { case SUM: case SUM_COUNT_AVERAGE: case SUM_COUNT_AVERAGE_DEVIATION_MINIMUM_MAXIMUM: return true; default: return false; } } public boolean isAverageAtHand() { ViewFieldAggregation aggregation = getAggregation(); if (aggregation == null) { return false; } switch (aggregation) { case AVERAGE: case SUM_COUNT_AVERAGE: case SUM_COUNT_AVERAGE_DEVIATION_MINIMUM_MAXIMUM: case AVERAGE_DEVIATION: case AVERAGE_DEVIATION_MINIMUM_MAXIMUM: return true; default: return false; } } public boolean isDeviationAtHand() { ViewFieldAggregation aggregation = getAggregation(); if (aggregation == null) { return false; } switch (aggregation) { case DEVIATION: case SUM_COUNT_AVERAGE_DEVIATION_MINIMUM_MAXIMUM: case AVERAGE_DEVIATION: case AVERAGE_DEVIATION_MINIMUM_MAXIMUM: return true; default: return false; } } // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Comparable"> @Override public int compareTo(ReportField that) { return that == null ? 0 : this.getSequence().compareTo(that.getSequence()); } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="toString"> @Override protected String fieldsToString(int n, String key, boolean verbose, boolean fields, boolean maps) { String tab = verbose ? StringUtils.repeat(" ", 4) : ""; String fee = verbose ? StringUtils.repeat(tab, n) : ""; String faa = " = "; String foo = verbose ? EOL : ", "; String string = super.fieldsToString(n, key, verbose, fields, maps); if (fields || verbose) { if (verbose) { string += fee + tab + "pixels" + faa + _pixels + foo; string += fee + tab + "resizeable" + faa + _resizeable + foo; } } return string; } // </editor-fold> }