Java tutorial
/* * Este programa es software libre; usted puede redistribuirlo y/o modificarlo bajo los terminos * de la licencia "GNU General Public License" publicada por la Fundacion "Free Software Foundation". * Este programa se distribuye con la esperanza de que pueda ser util, pero SIN NINGUNA GARANTIA; * vea la licencia "GNU General Public License" para obtener mas informacion. */ package adalid.core; import adalid.core.annotations.ExportOperationClass; import adalid.core.enums.ExportQueryType; import adalid.core.enums.SortOption; import adalid.core.interfaces.Entity; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; /** * @author Jorge Campins */ public abstract class ExportOperation extends Operation { private boolean _annotatedWithExportOperationClass; private String _exportName; private String _viewName; private String _viewFieldName; private Field _viewField; private View _view; private ExportQueryType _queryType; private int _rowsLimit; private int _detailRowsLimit; private int _summaryRowsLimit; private int _chartRowsLimit; private SortOption _sortOption; /** * @return true if annotated with ExportOperationClass; false otherwise */ public boolean isAnnotatedWithExportOperationClass() { return _annotatedWithExportOperationClass; } /** * @return the proper name */ @Override public String getProperName() { return _exportName; } /** * @return the export name */ public String getExportName() { return _exportName; } /** * @return the view name */ public String getViewName() { return _viewName; } /** * @return the view field name */ public String getViewFieldName() { return _viewFieldName; } /** * @return the view field */ public Field getViewField() { return _viewField; } /** * @return the view */ public View getView() { return _view; } /** * @return the query type */ public ExportQueryType getQueryType() { return _queryType; } /** * @return the rows limit */ public int getRowsLimit() { return _rowsLimit; } /** * @return the detail rows limit */ public int getDetailRowsLimit() { return _detailRowsLimit; } /** * @return the summary rows limit */ public int getSummaryRowsLimit() { return _summaryRowsLimit; } /** * @return the chart rows limit */ public int getChartRowsLimit() { return _chartRowsLimit; } /** * @return the sort option */ public SortOption getSortOption() { return _sortOption; } // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="annotate"> @Override void initializeAnnotations() { super.initializeAnnotations(); _annotatedWithExportOperationClass = false; _exportName = getName(); _viewName = ""; _viewFieldName = ""; _viewField = null; _view = null; _queryType = ExportQueryType.DYNAMIC; _rowsLimit = Constants.DEFAULT_EXPORT_ROWS_LIMIT; _detailRowsLimit = Constants.DEFAULT_EXPORT_ROWS_LIMIT; _summaryRowsLimit = Constants.DEFAULT_EXPORT_ROWS_LIMIT; _chartRowsLimit = Constants.DEFAULT_EXPORT_ROWS_LIMIT; _sortOption = SortOption.ASC; } @Override void annotate(Class<?> type) { super.annotate(type); if (type != null) { annotateExportOperationClass(type); } } @Override protected List<Class<? extends Annotation>> getValidTypeAnnotations() { List<Class<? extends Annotation>> valid = super.getValidTypeAnnotations(); valid.add(ExportOperationClass.class); return valid; } private void annotateExportOperationClass(Class<?> type) { Class<?> annotatedClass = XS1.getAnnotatedClass(type, ExportOperationClass.class); if (annotatedClass != null) { ExportOperationClass annotation = annotatedClass.getAnnotation(ExportOperationClass.class); if (annotation != null) { String name =; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(name)) { _exportName = name; } _viewName = annotation.view(); _viewFieldName = annotation.viewField(); _queryType = annotation.type(); _rowsLimit = Math.max(0, annotation.rowsLimit()); _detailRowsLimit = Math.max(0, annotation.detailRowsLimit()); _summaryRowsLimit = Math.max(0, annotation.summaryRowsLimit()); _chartRowsLimit = Math.max(0, annotation.chartRowsLimit()); _sortOption = annotation.sortOption(); _annotatedWithExportOperationClass = true; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(_viewFieldName)) { Operation declaringOperation = this; Entity declaringEntity = declaringOperation.getDeclaringEntity(); Class<?>[] validTypes = new Class<?>[] { View.class }; String[] strings = new String[] { declaringOperation.getName(), getName(), "viewField" }; String role = StringUtils.join(strings, "."); _viewField = XS1.getField(true, role, _viewFieldName, declaringEntity.getClass(), Entity.class, validTypes); if (_viewField != null) { _view = XS1.getView(_viewField, declaringEntity); } } } } } // </editor-fold> }