Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Este programa es software libre; usted puede redistribuirlo y/o modificarlo bajo los terminos
 * de la licencia "GNU General Public License" publicada por la Fundacion "Free Software Foundation".
 * Este programa se distribuye con la esperanza de que pueda ser util, pero SIN NINGUNA GARANTIA;
 * vea la licencia "GNU General Public License" para obtener mas informacion.
package adalid.core;

import adalid.commons.bundles.Bundle;
import adalid.core.interfaces.DataArtifact;
import adalid.core.interfaces.Parameter;
import adalid.core.interfaces.Property;
import adalid.core.sql.QueryTable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

 * @author Jorge Campins
public abstract class DisplayField extends AbstractArtifact implements Comparable<DisplayField> {

    private static final String EOL = "\n";

    public DisplayField(Display display, Property property) {
        this(display, display.getQueryTable(), property, null);

    public DisplayField(Display display, QueryTable queryTable, Property property, DisplayField parentField) {
        _display = display;
        _dataArtifact = property;
        _parent = parentField;
        String name = name(queryTable, property);
        String alias = alias(name);

    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="field declarations">
    private Display _display;

    private DataArtifact _dataArtifact;

    private DisplayField _parent;

    private boolean _foreignCode;

    private boolean _foreignName;

    private List<DisplayField> _children;
    //  private UIComponent _component;
    // </editor-fold>

    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="field getters and setters">
     * @return the display
    public Display getDisplay() {
        return _display;

     * @return the linked data artifact
    public DataArtifact getDataArtifact() {
        return _dataArtifact;

     * @return the linked parameter
    public Parameter getParameter() {
        return _dataArtifact instanceof Parameter ? (Parameter) _dataArtifact : null;

     * @return the linked property
    public Property getProperty() {
        return _dataArtifact instanceof Property ? (Property) _dataArtifact : null;

     * @return the parent field
    public DisplayField getParent() {
        return _parent;

     * @return the foreign code indicator
    public boolean isForeignCode() {
        return _foreignCode;

     * @param indicator the foreign code indicator to set
    public void setForeignCode(boolean indicator) {
        _foreignCode = indicator;

    public DisplayField getForeignCodeField() {
        if (_children != null && !_children.isEmpty()) {
            for (DisplayField child : _children) {
                if (child.isForeignCode()) {
                    return child;
        return null;

     * @return the foreign name indicator
    public boolean isForeignName() {
        return _foreignName;

     * @param indicator the foreign name indicator to set
    public void setForeignName(boolean indicator) {
        _foreignName = indicator;

    public DisplayField getForeignNameField() {
        if (_children != null && !_children.isEmpty()) {
            for (DisplayField child : _children) {
                if (child.isForeignName()) {
                    return child;
        return null;

     * @return the children
    public List<DisplayField> getChildren() {
        return _children;
    //  /**
    //   * @return the UI component
    //   */
    //  public UIComponent getComponent() {
    //      return _component;
    //  }
    // </editor-fold>

    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="initialization">
    private String name(QueryTable queryTable, Property property) {
        String name = property.getName();
        if (queryTable != null) {
            String sqlAlias = queryTable.getSqlAlias(property);
            return sqlAlias == null ? name : sqlAlias;
        return name;

    private String alias(String name) {
        String prefix = string("prefix");
        String suffix = string("suffix");
        return prefix + name + suffix;

    private String string(String keyword) {
        String uic = getClass().getSimpleName();
        String key = uic + ".name." + keyword;
        return Bundle.getTrimmedToEmptyString(key);

    private void init() {
        _foreignCode = false;
        _foreignName = false;
        _children = new ArrayList<>();
        if (_parent != null) {
        //      initUIComponent();
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="initUIComponent">
    //  private void initUIComponent() {
    //      if (_display != null && _dataArtifact != null) {
    //          if (_dataArtifact instanceof EntityReference) {
    //              EntityReference reference = (EntityReference) _dataArtifact;
    //              SearchType searchType = reference.getSearchType();
    //              if (SearchType.LIST.equals(searchType)) {
    //                  _component = new DropDown(this);
    //              } else {
    //                  _component = new TextField(this);
    //              }
    //          } else if (_dataArtifact instanceof BooleanPrimitive) {
    //              _component = new DropDown(this);
    //          } else if (_dataArtifact instanceof CharacterPrimitive) {
    //              if (_dataArtifact instanceof StringData) {
    //                  StringData data = (StringData) _dataArtifact;
    //                  Integer maxLength = data.getMaxLength();
    //                  if (maxLength == null || maxLength > 100) {
    //                      _component = new TextArea(this);
    //                  } else {
    //                      _component = new TextField(this);
    //                  }
    //              } else {
    //                  _component = new TextField(this);
    //              }
    //          } else if (_dataArtifact instanceof NumericPrimitive) {
    //              _component = new TextField(this);
    //          } else if (_dataArtifact instanceof TemporalPrimitive) {
    //              if (_dataArtifact instanceof DateData) {
    //                  DisplayFormat format = _display.getDisplayFormat();
    //                  if (DisplayFormat.CONSOLE.equals(format) || DisplayFormat.DETAIL.equals(format)) {
    //                      _component = new Calendar(this);
    //                  } else {
    //                      _component = new TextField(this);
    //                  }
    //              } else {
    //                  _component = new TextField(this);
    //              }
    //          }
    //      }
    //  }
    // </editor-fold>

    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Comparable">
    public int compareTo(DisplayField o) {
        DisplayField that;
        if (o != null) {
            that = o;
            String thisName = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(this.getName());
            String thatName = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(that.getName());
            return thisName.compareTo(thatName);
        return 0;
    // </editor-fold>

    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="toString">
    protected String fieldsToString(int n, String key, boolean verbose, boolean fields, boolean maps) {
        String tab = verbose ? StringUtils.repeat(" ", 4) : "";
        String fee = verbose ? StringUtils.repeat(tab, n) : "";
        String faa = " = ";
        String foo = verbose ? EOL : ", ";
        String string = super.fieldsToString(n, key, verbose, fields, maps);
        if (fields || verbose) {
            if (verbose) {
                string += fee + tab + "display" + faa + _display + foo;
                string += fee + tab + "dataArtifact" + faa + _dataArtifact + foo;
                if (_parent != null) {
                    string += fee + tab + "parent" + faa + _parent + foo;
                    string += fee + tab + "foreignCode" + faa + _foreignCode + foo;
                    string += fee + tab + "foreignName" + faa + _foreignName + foo;

        return string;

    protected String mapsToString(int n, String key, boolean verbose, boolean fields, boolean maps) {
        String tab = verbose ? StringUtils.repeat(" ", 4) : "";
        String fee = verbose ? StringUtils.repeat(tab, n) : "";
        String faa = " = ";
        String foo = verbose ? EOL : ", ";
        String string = super.mapsToString(n, key, verbose, fields, maps);
        if (maps || verbose) {
            if (_children != null && !_children.isEmpty()) {
                string += fee + tab + DisplayField.class.getSimpleName() + "[] children {" + foo;
                for (DisplayField field : _children) {
                    string += field.toString(n + 2, null, verbose, fields, maps);
                string += fee + tab + "}";
        return string;
    // </editor-fold>
