Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package achmad.rifai.erp1.entity.dao; import achmad.rifai.erp1.entity.Tracks; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; /** * * @author ai */ public class DAOTracks implements DAO<Tracks> { private achmad.rifai.erp1.util.Db d; public DAOTracks(achmad.rifai.erp1.util.Db db) { d = db; } @Override public void insert(Tracks v) throws Exception { achmad.rifai.erp1.beans.Form1 f = new achmad.rifai.erp1.beans.Form1(v.getKode(), v); d.getD().getCollectionFromString("tracks").insert(f.genComparasion()); } @Override public void createTable() throws Exception { //d.getRS("create table if not exists tracks(berkas text primary key,bin list<text>);"); } @Override public void delete(Tracks w) throws Exception { Tracks b = Tracks.of(d, w.getKode()); b.setDeleted(true); update(w, b); } @Override public void update(Tracks a, Tracks b) throws Exception { achmad.rifai.erp1.beans.Form1 f = new achmad.rifai.erp1.beans.Form1(b.getKode(), b); com.mongodb.DBObject w = new com.mongodb.BasicDBObject(); w.put("berkas", a.getKode()); d.getD().getCollectionFromString("tracks").update(w, f.genComparasion()); } @Override public List<Tracks> all() throws Exception { List<Tracks> l = new java.util.LinkedList<>(); achmad.rifai.erp1.util.RSA r = achmad.rifai.erp1.util.Work.loadRSA(); com.mongodb.DBCursor c = d.getD().getCollectionFromString("tracks").find(); while (c.hasNext()) { com.mongodb.DBObject o =; com.mongodb.BasicDBList li = (com.mongodb.BasicDBList) o.get("bin"); String json = ""; for (int x = 0; x < li.size(); x++) json += r.decrypt("" + li.get(x)); Tracks t = new Tracks(json); if (!t.isDeleted()) l.add(t); } l.sort(sorter()); return l; } public void trueDelete(Tracks a) throws Exception { com.mongodb.DBObject o = new com.mongodb.BasicDBObject(); o.put("berkas", a.getKode()); d.getD().getCollectionFromString("tugas").remove(o); } private Comparator<? super Tracks> sorter() { return (Tracks o1, Tracks o2) -> { int x; if (o1.getTahun() == o2.getTahun()) { if (o1.getBln().getValue() > o2.getBln().getValue()) x = 1; else if (o1.getBln().getValue() < o2.getBln().getValue()) x = -1; else x = 0; } else if (o1.getTahun() > o2.getTahun()) x = -1; else x = 1; return x; }; } public Tracks current(String id) throws Exception { java.sql.Date tgl = java.sql.Date.valueOf(; String kode = id + tgl.toLocalDate().getMonth() + tgl.getYear(); Tracks v = Tracks.of(d, kode); if (v == null) { v = new Tracks(); v.setBln(tgl.toLocalDate().getMonth()); v.setDeleted(false); v.setId(id); v.setKode(kode); v.setTahun(tgl.getYear()); v.setL(new java.util.LinkedList<>()); insert(v); } return v; } }