Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of the Origin-World game client. * Copyright (C) 2012 Arkadiy Fattakhov <> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package a1; import a1.utils.BitmapFont; import a1.utils.Rect; import a1.utils.Resource; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import org.lwjgl.util.glu.GLU; import org.newdawn.slick.Color; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Stack; //-------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------- public class Render2D { public static final int Align_HCenter = 0; public static final int Align_VCenter = 0; public static final int Align_Center = Align_HCenter + Align_VCenter; public static final int Align_Left = 2; public static final int Align_Right = 4; public static final int Align_HStretch = Align_Left + Align_Right; public static final int Align_Top = 8; public static final int Align_Bottom = 16; public static final int Align_VStretch = Align_Top + Align_Bottom; public static final int Align_Stretch = Align_HStretch + Align_VStretch; public static final int Align_Default = Align_Left + Align_Top; private static Stack<Rect> scissors = new Stack<Rect>(); private static Rect current_scissor = null; private static boolean enabled2d = false; private static Color col = Color.white; private static Map<String, BitmapFont> fonts = new HashMap<String, BitmapFont>(); public static class GLException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1388848249060682236L; public int code; public String str; public GLException(int code) { super("OpenGL Error: " + code + " (" + GLU.gluErrorString(code) + ")"); this.code = code; this.str = GLU.gluErrorString(code); } } static public void CheckError() { int error = GL11.glGetError(); if (error != 0) throw (new GLException(error)); } static public void PushScissor(Rect s) { if (current_scissor == null) GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_SCISSOR_TEST); Rect NewRect; if (current_scissor == null) NewRect = CompareScissorRects(s, s); else NewRect = CompareScissorRects(s, current_scissor); scissors.push(current_scissor); current_scissor = NewRect; GL11.glScissor(NewRect.x, Config.getScreenHeight() - NewRect.y - NewRect.h, NewRect.w, NewRect.h); //GL11.glScissor(s.x, Config.ScreenHeight-s.y-s.h, s.w, s.h); } static public void PopScissor() { if (scissors.size() < 1) return; current_scissor = scissors.pop(); if (current_scissor != null) GL11.glScissor(current_scissor.x, current_scissor.y, current_scissor.w, current_scissor.h); else GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } static public Rect CompareScissorRects(Rect new_rect, Rect old_rect) { Rect result = new_rect; if (result.x < old_rect.x) result.x = old_rect.x; if (result.y < old_rect.y) result.y = old_rect.y; if (result.Right() > old_rect.Right()) result.SetRight(old_rect.Right()); if (result.Bottom() > old_rect.Bottom()) result.SetBottom(old_rect.Bottom()); if (result.x < 0) result.x = 0; if (result.y < 0) result.y = 0; return result; } static public void ChangeColor(int r, int g, int b, int a) { col.a = a / 255; col.b = b / 255; col.g = g / 255; col.r = r / 255; } static public void GLColor() { GL11.glColor4f(col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a); } static public void Vertex(Coord v) { GL11.glVertex2i(v.x, v.y); } static public void Line(Coord c1, Coord c2, float w) { GL11.glLineWidth(w); GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_LINES); GLColor(); Vertex(c1); Vertex(c2); GL11.glEnd(); CheckError(); } static public void FillRect(Coord c, Coord sz) { GLColor(); GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_QUADS); Vertex(c); Vertex(c.add(new Coord(sz.x, 0))); Vertex(c.add(sz)); Vertex(c.add(new Coord(0, sz.y))); GL11.glEnd(); CheckError(); } static public void Rectangle(Coord ul, Coord sz, int width) { Coord ur, bl, br; ur = new Coord(ul.x + sz.x - width, ul.y); bl = new Coord(ul.x, ul.y + sz.y - width); br = new Coord(ur.x, bl.y); Line(ul, ur, width); Line(ur, br, width); Line(br, bl, width); Line(bl, ul, width); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* static public void ChangeColor() { glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } static public void ChangeColor(Color color) { glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); } static public void FillRect(Coord position, Coord size, Color color) { glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_QUADS); glVertex2i(position.x, position.y); glVertex2i(position.x + size.x, position.y); glVertex2i(position.x + size.x, position.y + size.y); glVertex2i(position.x, position.y + size.y); GL11.glEnd(); } static public void Enable2D() { if (!enabled2d) { GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); Sprite.binded_texture_id = -1; enabled2d = true; } } static public void Disable2D() { if (enabled2d) { GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); Sprite.binded_texture_id = -1; enabled2d = false; } } static public void FillEllipse(Coord c, Coord r, int a1, int a2, Color color) { glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); glVertex2i(c.x, c.y); for (int i = a1; i <= a2; i += 5) { double a = (i * Math.PI * 2) / 360.0; GL11.glVertex2d(c.x + Math.cos(a) * r.x, c.y - Math.sin(a) * r.y); } GL11.glEnd(); } static public void FillEllipse(Coord c, Coord r) { FillEllipse(c, r, 0, 360, Color.white); } static public void Rectangle(Coord position, Coord size) { Rectangle(position, size, Color.white); } static public void Rectangle(Coord position, Coord size, Color color) { glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_LINES); glVertex2i(position.x, position.y); glVertex2i(position.x + size.x, position.y); glVertex2i(position.x + size.x, position.y); glVertex2i(position.x + size.x, position.y + size.y); glVertex2i(position.x + size.x, position.y + size.y); glVertex2i(position.x, position.y + size.y); glVertex2i(position.x, position.y + size.y); glVertex2i(position.x, position.y); GL11.glEnd(); } */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static public void ChangeColor() { ChangeColor(Color.white); } static public void ChangeColor(Color c) { col = new Color(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a); } static public void Enable2D() { if (!enabled2d) { GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); Sprite.binded_texture_id = -1; enabled2d = true; } } static public void Disable2D() { if (enabled2d) { GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); Sprite.binded_texture_id = -1; enabled2d = false; } } static public void FillRect(Coord c, Coord sz, Color col) { ChangeColor(col); FillRect(c, sz); } static public void FillRect(Coord c1, Coord c2, Coord c3, Coord c4) { GLColor(); GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_QUADS); Vertex(c1); Vertex(c2); Vertex(c3); Vertex(c4); GL11.glEnd(); CheckError(); } static public void FillEllipse(Coord c, Coord r, int a1, int a2) { GLColor(); GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); Vertex(c); for (int i = a1; i <= a2; i += 5) { double a = (i * Math.PI * 2) / 360.0; Vertex(c.add((int) (Math.cos(a) * r.x), -(int) (Math.sin(a) * r.y))); } GL11.glEnd(); CheckError(); } static public void FillEllipse(Coord c, Coord r) { FillEllipse(c, r, 0, 360); } static public void Rectangle(Coord ul, Coord sz) { Rectangle(ul, sz, 1); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static public Color GetColor() { return col; } static public void Text(String font_name, int x, int y, String text) { Text(font_name, x, y, text, Color.white); } static public void Text(String font_name, int x, int y, String text, Color col) { Sprite.binded_texture_id = -1; BitmapFont f; if (font_name.length() == 0) f = fonts.get("system"); else f = fonts.get(font_name); if (f == null) f = fonts.get("system"); if (f != null) { f.drawString(x + 1, y + 1, text, new Color(32, 45, 60)); f.drawString(x, y, text, col); } } static public void Text(String font_name, int x, int y, int w, int h, int align, String text, Color col) { int ax = x + (w - GetTextWidth(font_name, text)) / 2; int ay = y + (h - GetTextHeight(font_name, text)) / 2; if ((align & Align_HStretch) != Align_HStretch) { if ((align & Align_Left) > 0) ax = x; else if ((align & Align_Right) > 0) ax = x + w - GetTextWidth(font_name, text); } if ((align & Align_VStretch) != Align_VStretch) { if ((align & Align_Top) > 0) ay = y; else if ((align & Align_Bottom) > 0) ay = y + h - GetTextHeight(font_name, text); } Text(font_name, ax, ay, text, col); } static public int GetTextWidth(String font_name, String text) { BitmapFont f = font_name.length() == 0 ? fonts.get("system") : fonts.get(font_name); if (f == null) f = fonts.get("system"); if (f != null) { return f.getWidth(text); } return 0; } static public int GetTextHeight(String font_name) { return GetTextHeight(font_name, "AbcdeqrWklrt"); } static public int GetTextHeight(String font_name, String text) { BitmapFont f = font_name.length() == 0 ? fonts.get("system") : fonts.get(font_name); if (f == null) f = fonts.get("system"); if (f != null) { return f.getHeight("AbqprW"); } return 0; } static public void AddFont(String font_name, BitmapFont font) { fonts.put(font_name, font); } static public void LoadSystemFont() { BitmapFont f; try { f = new BitmapFont("font_system", Main.class.getResourceAsStream("/etc/system.fnt"), Main.class.getResourceAsStream("/etc/system_0.png"), true); fonts.put("system", f); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } static public void LoadFont(String name) { BitmapFont f; try { f = new BitmapFont("font_" + name, Resource.binary.get("font_" + name + "_fnt").get_stream(), Resource.binary.get("font_" + name + "_tex").get_stream(), true); fonts.put(name, f); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static BitmapFont getFont(String font_name) { BitmapFont f; if (font_name.length() == 0) f = Render2D.fonts.get("system"); else f = Render2D.fonts.get(font_name); if (f == null) f = Render2D.fonts.get("system"); return f; } public static Coord getfontMetrics(String font, String text) { return new Coord(getFont(font).getWidth(text), getFont(font).getHeight(text)); } static public void InitFonts() { LoadFont("smallfont"); } }