Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of the Origin-World game client. * Copyright (C) 2012 Arkadiy Fattakhov <> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package a1.gui; import a1.Coord; import a1.Input; import a1.Log; import a1.Render2D; import a1.utils.Rect; import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import org.newdawn.slick.Color; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.datatransfer.*; import static a1.gui.Skin.*; public class GUI_Edit extends GUI_Control implements ClipboardOwner { public String text = ""; public Color bg_color = Color.white; public Color text_color = Color.white; public boolean is_pass = false; public boolean pressed = false; public String font_name = "default"; public boolean allow_copy = true; public static final int OFFSET = 3; int pos1, pos2; boolean marking; int scroll = 0; public GUI_Edit(GUI_Control parent) { super(parent); focusable = true; skin_element = "edit"; } public void DoClick() { } public void DoChanged() { } protected void UpdateCursor() { if (!marking) return; pos2 = getIndex(gui.mouse_pos.x - abs_pos.x); } protected int getIndex(int x) { int r = getVisualText().length(); for (int i = 1; i <= r; i++) { if (x + scroll < Render2D.GetTextWidth(font_name, getVisualText().substring(0, i))) { r = i - 1; break; } } return r; } protected String getVisualText() { if (is_pass) { String s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { s += "*"; } return s; } else return text; } protected void StartMark() { pos1 = getIndex(gui.mouse_pos.x - abs_pos.x); pos2 = pos1; marking = true; } protected void SetCursor(int p) { pos1 = Math.min(getVisualText().length(), Math.max(0, p)); pos2 = pos1; marking = false; } protected int getSelectionStart() { return Math.min(pos1, pos2); } protected int getSelectionFinish() { return Math.max(pos1, pos2); } protected int getSelectionLength() { return getSelectionFinish() - getSelectionStart(); } protected void pressDel() { if (pos1 != pos2) { DeleteSelection(); } else if (pos1 < text.length()) { text = text.substring(0, pos1) + text.substring(pos1 + 1); DoChanged(); } } protected void pressBackspace() { if (pos1 != pos2) { DeleteSelection(); } else if (pos1 > 0) { text = text.substring(0, pos1 - 1) + text.substring(pos1); DoChanged(); MoveCursor(0, false); } } protected void DoCopy() { Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Clipboard cp = tk.getSystemClipboard(); StringSelection st = new StringSelection(getSelection()); cp.setContents(st, this); } protected void DoCut() { Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Clipboard cp = tk.getSystemClipboard(); StringSelection st = new StringSelection(getSelection()); cp.setContents(st, this); DeleteSelection(); } protected void DoPaste() { Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Clipboard cp = tk.getSystemClipboard(); Transferable clipboardContent = cp.getContents(this); if ((clipboardContent != null) && (clipboardContent.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.stringFlavor))) { try { String t = (String) clipboardContent.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor); InsertText(t); } catch (Exception e) {"fail paste clipboard!"); } } } protected void MoveCursor(int d, boolean isSelect) { int dest; switch (d) { // left case 0: dest = pos2 - 1; break; // right case 1: dest = pos2 + 1; break; // home case 2: dest = 0; break; // end case 3: dest = text.length(); break; default: dest = 0; break; } dest = Math.max(0, Math.min(dest, text.length())); if (isSelect) { SetMarker(dest); } else { SetCursor(dest); } } protected int CutPos(int i) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(text.length(), i)); } protected void DeleteSelection() { if (getSelectionLength() == 0) return; text = text.substring(0, getSelectionStart()) + text.substring(getSelectionStart() + getSelectionLength()); DoChanged(); pos1 = getSelectionStart(); pos2 = pos1; } protected String getSelection() { return text.substring(getSelectionStart(), getSelectionFinish()); } protected void SetMarker(int p) { pos2 = Math.max(0, Math.min(text.length(), p)); } protected void InsertText(String t) { DeleteSelection(); text = text.substring(0, pos1) + t + text.substring(pos1); DoChanged(); pos1 = CutPos(pos1 + t.length()); pos2 = pos1; marking = false; } protected void SelectAll() { pos1 = 0; pos2 = text.length(); marking = false; } protected void InsertText(char t) { DeleteSelection(); text = text.substring(0, pos1) + t + text.substring(pos1); DoChanged(); pos1 = CutPos(pos1 + 1); pos2 = pos1; marking = false; } public boolean DoMouseBtn(int btn, boolean down) { if (!enabled) return false; if (btn == Input.MB_LEFT && (!down)) { marking = false; } if (btn == Input.MB_DOUBLE) SelectAll(); if (btn == Input.MB_LEFT) if (down) { if (MouseInMe()) { if (isFocused()) { StartMark(); } else { gui.SetFocus(this); StartMark(); } pressed = true; return true; } } else { if (pressed && MouseInMe()) { DoClick(); return true; } pressed = false; } return false; } public boolean DoKey(char c, int key, boolean down) { if (isFocused()) { if (down) { int mod = Input.GetKeyState(); if (key == Keyboard.KEY_LEFT) MoveCursor(0, mod == 2); else if (key == Keyboard.KEY_RIGHT) MoveCursor(1, mod == 2); else if (key == Keyboard.KEY_HOME) MoveCursor(2, mod == 2); else if (key == Keyboard.KEY_END) MoveCursor(3, mod == 2); else if (c == 8) pressBackspace(); else if (key == Keyboard.KEY_DELETE) pressDel(); else if (key == Keyboard.KEY_RETURN) DoEnter(); else if (key == Keyboard.KEY_A && mod == 1) SelectAll(); else if (key == Keyboard.KEY_C && mod == 1) DoCopy(); else if (key == Keyboard.KEY_X && mod == 1) DoCut(); else if (key == Keyboard.KEY_V && mod == 1) DoPaste(); else if ((c >= 32) && (mod == 0 || mod == 2)) { InsertText(c); } } return true; } else return false; } public void DoUpdate() { UpdateCursor(); int cursorx = Render2D.GetTextWidth(font_name, getVisualText().substring(0, pos2)); if ((cursorx - scroll > size.x) || (cursorx - scroll < 0)) scroll = cursorx - (size.x / 2); scroll = Math.max(0, scroll); } public void DoRender() { int state; if (!enabled) state = StateDisable; else { if (isFocused()) state = StateNormal_Checked; else { if (MouseInMe()) { if (pressed) state = StatePressed; else state = StateHighlight; } else state = StateNormal; } } getSkin().Draw(skin_element, abs_pos.x, abs_pos.y, size.x, size.y, state); Render2D.PushScissor(new Rect(abs_pos.x + OFFSET, abs_pos.y + OFFSET, size.x - OFFSET, size.y - OFFSET)); int left = Render2D.GetTextWidth(font_name, getVisualText().substring(0, getSelectionStart())); int SelectionWidth = Render2D.GetTextWidth(font_name, getVisualText().substring(getSelectionStart(), getSelectionFinish())); int CursorShift = Render2D.GetTextWidth(font_name, getVisualText().substring(0, pos2)); if (isFocused()) { GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); if (pos1 != pos2) { Render2D.FillRect(new Coord(abs_pos.x + left + OFFSET - scroll, abs_pos.y), new Coord(SelectionWidth, size.y), new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.8f, 0.9f)); } if ((System.currentTimeMillis() % 1000) > 500) { Render2D.ChangeColor(; Render2D.Rectangle(new Coord(abs_pos.x + CursorShift + OFFSET - scroll + 1, abs_pos.y), new Coord(1, size.y)); } GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); } if (getVisualText().length() > 0) Render2D.Text(font_name, abs_pos.x + OFFSET - scroll, abs_pos.y + OFFSET, size.x - OFFSET, size.y - OFFSET, Render2D.Align_Left + Render2D.Align_VStretch, getVisualText(), text_color); Render2D.PopScissor(); } public void DoGetFocus() { SelectAll(); } public void SetText(String text) { this.text = text; pos1 = pos2 = 0; } public void DoEnter() { } public void lostOwnership(Clipboard arg0, Transferable arg1) { } }