Java tutorial
//package FunzioniSuOpenData; /* *************************Copyright*************************** This software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. *************************END*************************** */ import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; public class OpenDataExtractor { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("\nSeleziona in che campo fare la ricerca: "); System.out.println("Elenco completo delle gare in formato (1)"); // cc16106a-1a65-4c34-af13-cc045d181452 System.out.println("Composizione delle commissioni giudicatrici (2)"); // c90f1ffb-c315-4f59-b0e3-b0f2f8709127 System.out.println("Registro delle imprese escluse dalle gare (3)"); // 2ea798cc-1f52-4fc8-a28e-f92a6f409cb8 System.out.println("Registro delle imprese invitate alle gare (4)"); // a124b6af-ae31-428a-8ac5-bb341feb3c46 System.out.println("Registro delle imprese che hanno partecipato alle gare (5)");// e58396cf-1145-4cb1-84a4-34311238a0c6 System.out.println("Anagrafica completa dei contratti per l'acquisizione di beni e servizi (6)"); // aa6a8664-5ef5-43eb-a563-910e25161798 System.out.println("Fornitori (7)"); // 253c8ac9-8335-4425-84c5-4a90be863c00 System.out.println("Autorizzazioni subappalti per i lavori (8)"); // 4f9ba542-5768-4b39-a92a-450c45eabd5d System.out.println("Aggiudicazioni delle gare per i lavori (9)"); // 34e298ad-3a99-4feb-9614-b9c4071b9d8e System.out.println("Dati cruscotto lavori per area (10)"); // 1ee3ea1b-58e3-48bf-8eeb-36ac313eeaf8 System.out.println("Dati cruscotto lavori per lotto (11)"); // cbededce-269f-48d2-8c25-2359bf246f42 int count = 0; int scelta; String id_ref = ""; Scanner scanner; try { do { scanner = new Scanner(; scelta = scanner.nextInt(); switch (scelta) { case 1: id_ref = "cc16106a-1a65-4c34-af13-cc045d181452&q="; break; case 2: id_ref = "c90f1ffb-c315-4f59-b0e3-b0f2f8709127&q="; break; case 3: id_ref = "2ea798cc-1f52-4fc8-a28e-f92a6f409cb8&q="; break; case 4: id_ref = "a124b6af-ae31-428a-8ac5-bb341feb3c46&q="; break; case 5: id_ref = "e58396cf-1145-4cb1-84a4-34311238a0c6&q="; break; case 6: id_ref = "aa6a8664-5ef5-43eb-a563-910e25161798&q="; break; case 7: id_ref = "253c8ac9-8335-4425-84c5-4a90be863c00&q="; break; case 8: id_ref = "4f9ba542-5768-4b39-a92a-450c45eabd5d&q="; break; case 9: id_ref = "34e298ad-3a99-4feb-9614-b9c4071b9d8e&q="; break; case 10: id_ref = "1ee3ea1b-58e3-48bf-8eeb-36ac313eeaf8&q="; break; case 11: id_ref = "cbededce-269f-48d2-8c25-2359bf246f42&q="; break; default: System.out.println("Numero non selezionabile"); System.out.println("Reinserisci"); break; } } while (scelta <= 0 || scelta > 11); scanner = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Inserisci un parametro di ricerca: "); String record = scanner.nextLine(); String limit = "&limit=10000"; System.out.println("id di riferimento: " + id_ref); System.out.println("___________________________"); String requestString = "" + id_ref + record + limit; HttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build(); HttpGet request = new HttpGet(requestString); HttpResponse response = client.execute(request); BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent())); String result = ""; String resline = ""; while ((resline = rd.readLine()) != null) { result += resline; } if (result != null) { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(result); JSONObject resultJson = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("result"); JSONArray resultJsonFields = (JSONArray) resultJson.get("fields"); ArrayList<TypeFields> type = new ArrayList<TypeFields>(); TypeFields type1; JSONObject temp; while (count < resultJsonFields.length()) { temp = (JSONObject) resultJsonFields.get(count); type1 = new TypeFields(temp.getString("id"), temp.getString("type")); type.add(type1); count++; } JSONArray arr = (JSONArray) resultJson.get("records"); count = 0; while (count < arr.length()) { System.out.println("Entry numero: " + count); temp = (JSONObject) arr.get(count); for (TypeFields temp2 : type) { System.out.println(temp2.nameType + ": " + temp.get(temp2.nameType)); } count++; System.out.println("--------------------------"); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }