Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


//package com.java2s;

import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;

public class Main {
    /** Returns true if there in the supplied database exists a row in the table 'tableName' where 'columnName'='columnValueWanted'.
     * @param db A readable SQLiteDatabase object.
     * @param tableName The name of the table to scan. "FROM tableName"
     * @param columnName The name of the column
     * @param columnValueWanted The values you want to see if exists in a column.
     * @return Does the wanted value exist in the column in any row of the table in the database?
    public static boolean containsRowWithWhereStatement(SQLiteDatabase db, String tableName, String columnName,
            String columnValueWanted) {
        Cursor c = db.query(tableName, new String[] { columnName }, columnName + "=?",
                new String[] { columnValueWanted }, null, null, null, "1");
        boolean output = c.getCount() > 0;
        return output;