Java tutorial
/* Part of Kourami HLA typer/assembler (c) 2017 by Heewook Lee, Carl Kingsford, and Carnegie Mellon University. See LICENSE for licensing. */ import htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecord; import htsjdk.samtools.Cigar; import htsjdk.samtools.CigarElement; import htsjdk.samtools.CigarOperator; import htsjdk.samtools.SamReader; import htsjdk.samtools.SamReaderFactory; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileHeader; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMSequenceRecord; import*; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntOpenHashMap; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; public class HLA { public static boolean PRINT_G_GROUP_DB = false; /* graph mod stats */ public static int NEW_NODE_ADDED = 0; public static int HOPPING = 0; public static int INSERTION_NODE_ADDED = 0; public static int INSERTION_WITH_NO_NEW_NODE = 0; public static int INSERTION = 0; /* end of graph mod stats */ public static int READ_LENGTH = 100; //automatically gets set. public static double X_FACTOR = 4.0d / 3.0d; //xFactor == 1 (a=4b), 4/3 (a=3b), 2 (a=2b) public static int SCORING_SCHEME = 4;//4 for APCUM+ISB public static LogHandler log; public static boolean DEBUG = false; public static boolean DEBUG3 = false; //output merged database MSA public static boolean OUTPUT_MERGED_MSA = false; //-o option public static String OUTPREFIX; // used for outfile names //-a option public static boolean TYPEADDITIONAL; //-d option public static String MSAFILELOC; public static String VERSION = "0.9.6"; public static double MIN_JRE_VERSION = 1.8; public HLA(String[] hlaList, String nomGFile) { this.hlaName2Graph = new HashMap<String, HLAGraph>(); this.hlaName2typingSequences = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<HLASequence>>(); this.loadGraphs(hlaList, nomGFile); } //loads HLAGraphs as well as nomG typing sequences private void loadGraphs(String[] hlaList, String nomGFile) { HLA.log.appendln("Merging HLA sequences and building HLA graphs"); int i; NomG nomG = new NomG(); nomG.loadHlaGene2Groups(nomGFile); String tmpDir = null; tmpDir = HLA.MSAFILELOC; for (i = 0; i < hlaList.length; i++) { HLA.log.appendln("processing HLA gene:\t" + hlaList[i]); //System.err.println("processing HLA gene:\t" + hlaList[i]); MergeMSFs mm = new MergeMSFs(); if (!mm.merge(tmpDir + File.separator + hlaList[i] + "_nuc.txt", tmpDir + File.separator + hlaList[i] + "_gen.txt", HLA.OUTPUT_MERGED_MSA)) { HLA.log.appendln("ERROR in MSA merging. CANNOT proceed further. Exiting.."); HLA.log.outToFile(); System.exit(-1); } this.hlaName2Graph.put(hlaList[i], new HLAGraph(mm.getListOfSequences(), hlaList[i])); ArrayList<Group> groups = nomG.getGroups(hlaList[i]); if (groups != null) this.hlaName2typingSequences.put(hlaList[i], mm.formDataBase(nomG.getGroups(hlaList[i]))); else this.hlaName2typingSequences.put(hlaList[i], mm.formDataBaseAll()); this.hlaName2Graph.get(hlaList[i]).setTypingSequences(this.hlaName2typingSequences.get(hlaList[i])); if (HLA.OUTPUT_MERGED_MSA) this.outputTypingSequences(hlaList[i]); } HLA.log.appendln("Done building\t" + i + "\tgraphs."); } public void outputTypingSequences(String hgn) { ArrayList<HLASequence> typingSeqs = this.hlaName2typingSequences.get(hgn); BufferedWriter bw = null; try { bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(hgn + "_typingDB.fa")); for (HLASequence h : typingSeqs) { bw.write(Bubble.stripPadding(h.toString())); //bw.write(">" + h.getGroup().getGroupString() + "\n"); //bw.write(); } bw.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } //kourami bam checker added private boolean checkHeader(SAMFileHeader header) { List<SAMSequenceRecord> sequences = header.getSequenceDictionary().getSequences(); HashSet<String> map = new HashSet<String>(); //load kourami panel sequence names BufferedReader br; try { br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new GZIPInputStream( new FileInputStream(HLA.MSAFILELOC + File.separator + "All_FINAL_with_Decoy.fa.gz")))); String curline = ""; while ((curline = br.readLine()) != null) { if (curline.charAt(0) == ('>')) map.add(curline.substring(1)); } br.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } //check if input bam has sequences to kourami panel for (SAMSequenceRecord ssr : sequences) { if (!map.contains(ssr.getSequenceName())) return false; } return true; } public void loadReads(File[] bams) throws IOException { int count = 0; int numOp = 0; for (File bam : bams) { HLA.log.appendln("Loading reads from:\t" + bam.getName()); Object2IntOpenHashMap<String> readLoadingSet = new Object2IntOpenHashMap<String>(); readLoadingSet.defaultReturnValue(0); final SamReader reader = SamReaderFactory.makeDefault().open(bam); //Kourami bam checker added if (!checkHeader(reader.getFileHeader())) { HLA.log.appendln("Unexpected BAM :\t" + bam.getName() + "\nThe input BAM MUST be aligned to the set of IMGT/HLA alleles in " + HLA.MSAFILELOC + "\n" + "Please use the recommended preprocessing steps explained on the github page:\n" + ""); System.err.println("Unexpected BAM :\t" + bam.getName() + "\nThe input BAM MUST be aligned to the set of IMGT/HLA alleles in " + HLA.MSAFILELOC + "\n" + "Please use the recommended preprocessing steps explained on the github page:\n" + ""); HLA.log.outToFile(); System.exit(1); } for (final SAMRecord samRecord : reader) { if (count == 0) { HLA.READ_LENGTH = samRecord.getReadLength(); HLA.log.appendln("Setting HLA.READ_LEGNTH = " + HLA.READ_LENGTH); } //added checking to process reads matching to HLA-type sequences //discarding decoy hits (DQB2, DQA2) boolean qc = false; if ((samRecord.getReferenceName().indexOf("*") > -1) && !samRecord.getReadUnmappedFlag() && !samRecord.isSecondaryOrSupplementary() && !this.startWIns(samRecord)) { count++; if (samRecord.getReadPairedFlag()) numOp += processRecord(samRecord, readLoadingSet); else numOp += processRecordUnpaired(samRecord); } if (HLA.DEBUG && count % 10000 == 0) HLA.log.appendln("Processed 10000 reads..."); } reader.close(); } HLA.log.appendln("Loaded a total of " + count + " mapped reads."); HLA.log.appendln("A total of " + numOp + " bases"); } public void updateErrorProb() { HLA.log.appendln("------------ UPDATING error probabilities of each edge ---------"); Iterator itr = this.hlaName2Graph.keySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { this.hlaName2Graph.get(; } HLA.log.appendln("------------ DONE UPDATING error probabilities ---------"); } //assume interleaved SAMRecord public int processRecord(SAMRecord sr, Object2IntOpenHashMap<String> readLoadingSet) { int totalOp = 0; String hlagene = HLA.extractHLAGeneName(sr.getReferenceName()); HLAGraph hg = this.hlaName2Graph.get(hlagene); //hg.traverse(); if (hg != null) { if (hg.isClassI()) { boolean qc = this.qcCheck(sr); if (!qc) return 0; } int readnum = readLoadingSet.getInt(sr.getReadName()); //no such read has been read. return value of 0 means the hashSet doesn't have the read if (readnum == 0) { readnum = sr.getFirstOfPairFlag() ? HLA.readNum : 0 - HLA.readNum; readLoadingSet.put(sr.getReadName(), HLA.readNum); HLA.readNum++; } else readnum = sr.getFirstOfPairFlag() ? readnum : 0 - readnum; totalOp += hg.addWeight(sr, readnum);//HLA.readNum); //HLA.readNum++; } else { ;//HLA.log.appendln("UNKNOWN HLA GENE: " + hlagene); } return totalOp; } public boolean startWIns(SAMRecord sr) { Cigar cigar = sr.getCigar(); if (cigar == null) { return true; } else { CigarOperator op = cigar.getCigarElements().get(0).getOperator(); if (op == CigarOperator.I) { if (HLA.DEBUG) HLA.log.appendln("SKIPPING(Start with Insertion):\t" + sr.getReadName()); return true; } } return false; } public boolean qcCheck(SAMRecord sr) { Cigar cigar = sr.getCigar(); int rLen = sr.getReadLength(); int effectiveLen = 0; if (cigar == null) return false; else { for (final CigarElement ce : cigar.getCigarElements()) { CigarOperator op = ce.getOperator(); int cigarLen = ce.getLength(); switch (op) { case M: { effectiveLen += cigarLen; break; } case I: { effectiveLen += cigarLen; break; } default: break; } } } boolean readdebug = false; if (readdebug) { HLA.log.appendln(sr.getSAMString()); HLA.log.appendln("EffectiveLen:\t" + effectiveLen); HLA.log.appendln("ReadLen:\t" + rLen); } Integer i = sr.getIntegerAttribute("NM"); int nm = 0; if (i != null) nm = i.intValue(); if (readdebug) HLA.log.appendln("NM=\t" + nm); if (nm < 16) { if (readdebug) HLA.log.appendln("PASSWED QC"); return true; } if (readdebug) { HLA.log.appendln("FAILED QC"); HLA.log.appendln(sr.getSAMString()); } return false; } public int processRecordUnpaired(SAMRecord sr) { int totalOp = 0; String hlagene = HLA.extractHLAGeneName(sr.getReferenceName()); HLAGraph hg = this.hlaName2Graph.get(hlagene); //hg.traverse(); if (hg != null) { if (hg.isClassI()) { boolean qc = this.qcCheck(sr); if (!qc) return 0; } totalOp += hg.addWeight(sr, HLA.readNum); HLA.readNum++; } return totalOp; } public void printWeights(String[] list) { for (String g : list) this.hlaName2Graph.get(g).traverseAndWeights(); } public void printBoundaries(String[] list) { for (String g : list) this.hlaName2Graph.get(g).getRefAllele().printBoundaries(); } public void removeUnused(String[] list) { for (String g : list) this.hlaName2Graph.get(g).removeUnused(); } public void flattenInsertionNodes(String[] list) { for (String g : list) this.hlaName2Graph.get(g).flattenInsertionNodes(); } public void printStartEndNodes(String[] list) { for (String g : list) this.hlaName2Graph.get(g).printStartEndNodeInfo(); } public void countBubbles(String[] list) { for (String g : list) this.hlaName2Graph.get(g).countBubbles(); } public void countBubblesAndMerge(String[] list, StringBuffer rb) { for (String g : list) this.hlaName2Graph.get(g).countBubblesAndMerge(rb); } public void countStems(String[] list) { for (String g : list) this.hlaName2Graph.get(g).countStems(); } public void removeStems(String[] list) { for (String g : list) this.hlaName2Graph.get(g).removeStems(); } public void writeResults(StringBuffer rb, BufferedWriter resultWriter) { try { resultWriter.write(rb.toString()); resultWriter.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } private static Options createHelpOption() { Options options = new Options(); Option help = new Option("h", "help", false, "print this message"); options.addOption(help); return options; } private static Options createOption() { Options options = new Options(); Option help = new Option("h", "help", false, "print this message"); Option buildFromMSA = Option.builder("d").longOpt("msaDirectory").required(true).argName("path").hasArg() .desc("build HLA-Graph from gen and nuc MSAs provided by IMGT/HLA DB from given directory (required)") .build(); Option outfile = Option.builder("o").longOpt("outfilePrefix").required(true).hasArg() .desc("use given outfile prefix for all output files (required)").argName("outfile").build(); Option additionalLoci = Option.builder("a").longOpt("additionalLoci").required(false).hasArg(false) .desc("type additional loci (optional)").build(); //options.addOption(help); options.addOption(buildFromMSA); options.addOption(outfile); options.addOption(additionalLoci); return options; } private static void help(Options options) { //String R = "\u001B[30m"; HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.setDescPadding(0); String header = "\n" + "Program: Kourami - Graph-guided assembly of HLA typing exons\n" + "Version: " + HLA.VERSION + "\n" + "Contact: Heewook Lee <>\n\n" + "Usage: java -jar <PATH_TO>/Kourami.jar [options] <bam-1> ... <bam-n>\n\n" + " -h,--help print this message\n"; String footer = "\n"; System.err.println(header); PrintWriter tmp = new PrintWriter(System.err); formatter.printOptions(tmp, 80, options, 3, 3); tmp.println("\n"); tmp.println(" -hhy+. o o o o o o o o o o"); tmp.println(".` -syss:---.` o o o o o o o o o o o o o"); tmp.println(":+:` .:/o+++++///ommy+` o _ __ _"); tmp.println("`yhs/..:osssooooo++++dmNNNdo` o | |/ /___ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ (_)"); tmp.println(" /syy///++++ooooooooodNMdNdmh: o | ' // _ \\| | | | '__/ _` | '_ ` _ \\| |"); tmp.println(" -do/` .://++++++++oodmmmmmmd- | . \\ (_) | |_| | | | (_| | | | | | | |"); tmp.println(" .+: `.://///+///ommmmdy- |_|\\_\\___/ \\__,_|_| \\__,_|_| |_| |_|_|"); tmp.println(" . -syo----..`` "); tmp.println(" +y+. \n\n"); tmp.flush(); tmp.close(); System.exit(1); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if (!isVersionOrHigher()) { System.err.println("JRE of 1.8+ is required to run Kourami. Exiting."); System.exit(1); } CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); Options options = HLA.createOption(); Options helponlyOpts = HLA.createHelpOption(); String[] bams = null; CommandLine line = null; boolean exitRun = false; try { CommandLine helpcheck = new DefaultParser().parse(helponlyOpts, args, true); if (helpcheck.getOptions().length > 0); else { line = parser.parse(options, args); if (line.hasOption("h"))//help")); else { if (line.hasOption("a")) HLA.TYPEADDITIONAL = true; HLA.OUTPREFIX = line.getOptionValue("o");//outfilePrefix"); String tmploc = line.getOptionValue("d");//msaDirectory"); HLA.MSAFILELOC = tmploc; if (tmploc.endsWith(File.separator)) HLA.MSAFILELOC = tmploc.substring(0, tmploc.length() - 1); if (!new File(HLA.MSAFILELOC).exists() || !new File(HLA.MSAFILELOC).isDirectory()) { System.err.println("Given msaDirectory: " + HLA.MSAFILELOC + "\t does NOT exist or is NOT a directory."); exitRun = true; } else if (!new File(HLA.MSAFILELOC + File.separator + "hla_nom_g.txt").exists()) { System.err.println("hla_nom_g.txt NOT FOUND in " + HLA.MSAFILELOC); System.err .println("Please download hla_nom_g.txt from the same IMGT Release as msa files."); exitRun = true; } } bams = line.getArgs(); if (bams.length < 1 || (bams.length == 1 && bams[bams.length - 1].equals("DEBUG1228"))) throw new ParseException("At least 1 bam file is required. See Usage:"); else { if (bams.length > 1 && bams[bams.length - 1].equals("DEBUG1228")) { String[] tmpbams = new String[bams.length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < bams.length - 1; i++) tmpbams[i] = bams[i]; bams = tmpbams; HLA.DEBUG = true; } for (String b : bams) if (!new File(b).exists()) { System.err .println("Input bam : " + b + " DOES NOT exist. Please check the bam exists."); exitRun = true; } } } if (exitRun) throw new ParseException("Exitting . . ."); } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); //System.err.println("Failed to parse command line args. Check usage.");; } String[] list = { "A", "B", "C", "DQA1", "DQB1", "DRB1" }; String[] extList = { "A", "B", "C", "DQA1", "DQB1", "DRB1", "DOA", "DMA", "DMB", "DPA1", "DPB1", "DRA", "DRB3", "DRB5", "F", "G", "H", "J", "L" }; //,"DPA1", "DPB1", "DRA", "DRB4", "F", "G" , "H", "J" ,"K", "L", "V"}; //,"DPA1", "DPB1", "DRA", "DRB3", "DRB4", "F", "G" , "H", "J" ,"K", "L", "V"}; if (HLA.TYPEADDITIONAL) list = extList; File[] bamfiles = new File[bams.length]; for (int i = 0; i < bams.length; i++) bamfiles[i] = new File(bams[i]); //check if <HLA.OUTPREFIX>.result is writable //if not exit. BufferedWriter resultWriter = null; try { resultWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(HLA.OUTPREFIX + ".result")); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("\n\n>>> CANNOT open output file: " + HLA.OUTPREFIX + ".result <<<\n\n");; } HLA.log = new LogHandler(); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) HLA.log.append(" " + args[i]); HLA.log.appendln(); try { System.err.println("----------------REF GRAPH CONSTRUCTION--------------"); HLA.log.appendln("----------------REF GRAPH CONSTRUCTION--------------"); HLA hla = new HLA(list, HLA.MSAFILELOC + File.separator + "hla_nom_g.txt"); //1. bubble counting before loading reads. //System.err.println("----------------BUBBLE COUNTING: REF GRAPH--------------"); //HLA.log.appendln("----------------BUBBLE COUNTING: REF GRAPH--------------"); //hla.countStems(); System.err.println("---------------- READ LOADING --------------"); HLA.log.appendln("---------------- READ LOADING --------------"); hla.loadReads(bamfiles); System.err.println("---------------- GRAPH CLEANING --------------"); HLA.log.appendln("---------------- GRAPH CLEANING --------------"); hla.flattenInsertionNodes(list); hla.removeUnused(list); hla.removeStems(list); /*updating error prob*/ hla.updateErrorProb(); hla.log.flush(); StringBuffer resultBuffer = new StringBuffer(); HLA.DEBUG3 = HLA.DEBUG; hla.countBubblesAndMerge(list, resultBuffer); hla.writeResults(resultBuffer, resultWriter); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); HLA.log.outToFile(); System.exit(-1); } /*printingWeights*/ //hla.printWeights(); HLA.log.outToFile(); HLA.log.appendln("NEW_NODE_ADDED:\t" + HLA.NEW_NODE_ADDED); HLA.log.appendln("HOPPPING:\t" + HLA.HOPPING); HLA.log.appendln("INSERTION_NODE_ADDED:\t" + HLA.INSERTION_NODE_ADDED); HLA.log.appendln("INSERTION_WITH_NO_NEW_NODE:\t" + HLA.INSERTION_WITH_NO_NEW_NODE); HLA.log.appendln("INSERTION_COUNTS:\t" + HLA.INSERTION); } private static String extractHLAGeneName(String g) { //if(g.indexOf("*") < 0) //return null; return g.substring(0, g.indexOf("*")); } public static boolean isVersionOrHigher() { Double version = Double.parseDouble(System.getProperty("java.specification.version")); if (version >= HLA.MIN_JRE_VERSION) return true; else { System.err.println("You are using Java Runtime Environment (version: " + version + " )."); return false; } } public static int readNum = 1; private HashMap<String, HLAGraph> hlaName2Graph; private HashMap<String, ArrayList<HLASequence>> hlaName2typingSequences; }