Java tutorial
/** * Copyright Mark Watson 2008-2010. All Rights Reserved. * License: LGPL version 3 ( */ import com.knowledgebooks.info_spiders.OpenCalaisClient; import com.knowledgebooks.info_spiders.WebSpider; import com.knowledgebooks.nlp.ExtractNames; import com.knowledgebooks.nlp.ExtractSearchTerms; import com.knowledgebooks.nlp.util.ScoredList; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * This main public class (and the non public classes and interface also in this * file) is the example application for the chapter "Generating RDF by Combining * Public and Private Data Sources." Note that you should have a D2R server running * on localhost with the database created in Appendix A. */ public class RdfDataGenerationApplication { private RdfDataGenerationApplication() { } // illegal constructor call public RdfDataGenerationApplication(String web_sites_config_file, String database_config_file, PrintWriter out) throws Exception { this.out = out; this.database_config_file = database_config_file; // process web sites: List<String> lines = (List<String>) FileUtils.readLines(new File(web_sites_config_file)); for (String line : lines) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(line); scanner.useDelimiter(" "); try { String starting_url =; int spider_depth = Integer.parseInt(; spider(starting_url, spider_depth); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } // after processing all 4 data sources, add more RDF statements for inter-source properties: process_interpage_shared_properties(); out.close(); } private String database_config_file = ""; private void spider(String starting_url, int spider_depth) throws Exception { System.out.println("** spider(" + starting_url + ", " + spider_depth + ")"); WebSpider ws = new WebSpider(starting_url, spider_depth); Map<String, Set<String>> for_shared_properties = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); for (List<String> ls : ws.url_content_lists) { String url = ls.get(0); String text = ls.get(1); System.out.println("\n\n\n----URL:\n" + url + "\n content:\n" + text); process_data_source(url, text, for_shared_properties); } } /** * This helper method is used for both web sites and database sources. * OpenCalais, Freebase, and DBpedia are used to add useful links. * * @param uri * @param text * @param for_shared_properties * @throws Exception */ private void process_data_source(String uri, String text, Map<String, Set<String>> for_shared_properties) throws Exception { // OpenCalais: Map<String, List<String>> results = new OpenCalaisClient().getPropertyNamesAndValues(text); out.println("<" + uri + "> <> <> ."); out.println( "<" + uri + "> <> \"" + text.replaceAll("\"", "'") + "\" ."); if (results.get("Person") != null) for (String person : results.get("Person")) { out.println("<" + uri + "> <> \"" + person.replaceAll("\"", "'") + "\" ."); } for (String key : results.keySet()) { System.out.println(" " + key + ": " + results.get(key)); for (Object val : results.get(key)) { if (("" + val).length() > 0) { String property = "<" + key + ">"; out.println("<" + uri + "> <" + key + "> \"" + val + "\" ."); HashSet<String> hs = (HashSet<String>) for_shared_properties.get(property); if (hs == null) hs = new HashSet<String>(); hs.add("\"" + val + "\""); for_shared_properties.put("<" + key + ">", hs); } } } // Find search terms in text: ExtractSearchTerms extractor = new ExtractSearchTerms(text); System.out.println("Best search terms " + extractor.getBest()); // Get people and place names in this web page's content: ScoredList[] ret = new ExtractNames().getProperNames(text); List<String> people = ret[0].getStrings(); List<String> places = ret[1].getStrings(); System.out.println("Human names: " + people); System.out.println("Place names: " + places); // Freebase: EntityToRdfHelpersFreebase.processPeople(out, uri, text, "person", people, extractor.getBest()); EntityToRdfHelpersFreebase.processPlaces(out, uri, "place", places); // DBpedia: EntityToRdfHelpersDbpedia.processEntity(out, uri, "person", people, extractor.getBest(), processed_DBpedia_queries); EntityToRdfHelpersDbpedia.processEntity(out, uri, "place", places, extractor.getBest(), processed_DBpedia_queries); // process databases with D2R SPARQL endpoint front ends: new EntityToD2RHelpers(uri, database_config_file, people, places, out); shared_properties_for_all_sources.put(uri, for_shared_properties); } private void process_interpage_shared_properties() throws Exception { Set<String> unique_urls = shared_properties_for_all_sources.keySet(); for (String url_1 : unique_urls) { for (String url_2 : unique_urls) { if (url_1.equals(url_2) == false) { System.out.println("\n\n^^^^^^^^^ " + url_1 + " : " + url_2 + "\n"); float url_similarity = score_mapset(shared_properties_for_all_sources.get(url_1), shared_properties_for_all_sources.get(url_2)); if (url_similarity > 12f) { out.println("<" + url_1 + "> <> <" + url_2 + "> ."); } else if (url_similarity > 8f) { out.println("<" + url_1 + "> <> <" + url_2 + "> ."); } else if (url_similarity > 5f) { out.println( "<" + url_1 + "> <> <" + url_2 + "> ."); } } } } } private float score_mapset(Map<String, Set<String>> set_1, Map<String, Set<String>> set_2) { System.out.println(" set_1: " + set_1); System.out.println(" set_2: " + set_2); float ret = 0f; for (String property_1 : set_1.keySet()) { Set<String> s1 = set_1.get(property_1); Set<String> s2 = set_2.get(property_1); if (s2 != null) { ret += score_sets(s1, s2); } } System.out.println(" -------------------- score_mapset: " + " ret = " + ret); return ret; } private float score_sets(Set<String> l_1, Set<String> l_2) { float ret = 0f; for (String s : l_1) { if (l_2.contains(s)) ret += 1f; } System.out.println(" -- l_1: " + l_1 + ", l_2: " + l_2 + " ret = " + ret); return ret; } private PrintWriter out = null; private Map<String, Map<String, Set<String>>> shared_properties_for_all_sources = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Set<String>>>(); private Set<String> processed_DBpedia_queries = new HashSet<String>(); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new RdfDataGenerationApplication("testdata/websites.txt", "testdata/databaseinfo.txt", new PrintWriter("testdata/gen_rdf.nt")); } }