Java tutorial
import org.apache.commons.codec.*; import org.apache.commons.codec.language.*; public class LanguageUsage { public static void main(String args[]) { LanguageUsage codec = new LanguageUsage(); try { codec.start(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); } } public void start() throws EncoderException, DecoderException { String word1 = "Wilson"; String word2 = "Wylson"; String foreignWord1 = "Otto"; String foreignWord2 = "Auto"; Soundex sndx = new Soundex(); DoubleMetaphone doubleMetaphone = new DoubleMetaphone(); System.err.println("Soundex Code for Wilson is: " + sndx.encode("Wilson")); System.err.println("Soundex Code for Wylson is: " + sndx.encode("Wylson")); // Use the StringEncoderComparator to compare these two Strings StringEncoderComparator comparator1 = new StringEncoderComparator(sndx); System.err .println("Are Wilson and Wylson same based on Soundex? " +"Wilson", "Wylson")); System.err.println("Are Auto and Otto same based on Soundex? " +"Auto", "Otto")); StringEncoderComparator comparator2 = new StringEncoderComparator(doubleMetaphone); System.err .println("Are Auto and Otto same based on DoubleMetaphone? " +"Auto", "Otto")); System.err.println( "Double Metaphone primary code for Schmidt: " + doubleMetaphone.doubleMetaphone("Schmidt")); System.err.println( "Double Metaphone secondary code for Schmidt: " + doubleMetaphone.doubleMetaphone("Schmidt", true)); } }