Java tutorial
##Copyright 2015 JAXIO ####Licensed under the Apache License,Version 2.0(the"License");##you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.##You may obtain a copy of the License at#### ####Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,software##distributed under the License is distributed on an"AS IS"BASIS,##WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,either express or implied.##See the License for the specific language governing permissions and##limitations under the License.##$$WebModelSupport,"GenericController")## $output.requireStatic($WebConversation,"ConversationHolder.getCurrentConversation")##$output.requireStatic("")##$output.requireStatic("")##$output.requireStatic("")##$output.requireStatic("org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isBlank")##$output.require("")##$output.require("java.util.List")##$output.require("java.util.logging.Logger")##$output.require("")##$output.require("javax.faces.component.UIComponent")##$output.require("javax.faces.context.FacesContext")##$output.require("javax.inject.Inject")##$output.require("org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils")##$output.require("org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils")##$output.require("com.jaxio.jpa.querybyexample.JpaUniqueUtil")##$output.require("com.jaxio.jpa.querybyexample.SearchParameters")###if($project.hibernateSearchUsed)$output.require("com.jaxio.jpa.querybyexample.TermSelector")###end $output.require("com.jaxio.jpa.querybyexample.Identifiable")##$output.require($PrinterSupport,"GenericPrinter")##$output.require("com.jaxio.jpa.querybyexample.GenericRepository")##$output.require($WebUtil,"MessageUtil")##$output.require($WebConversation,"ConversationCallBack")##$output.require($WebConversation,"ConversationContext")##$output.require($WebConversation,"ConversationManager")##$output.require($WebPermissionSupport,"GenericPermission")## /** * Base controller for JPA entities providing helper methods to: * <ul> * <li>start conversations</li> * <li>create conversation context</li> * <li>support autoComplete component</li> * <li>perform actions</li> * <li>support excel export</li> * </ul> */ public abstract class $ { output.currentClass}<E extends Identifiable<PK>,PK extends Serializable>{ private static final String PERMISSION_DENIED = "/error/accessdenied"; private String selectUri; private String editUri; private transient Logger log = Logger.getLogger(${output.currentClass}.class.getName()); @Inject protected ConversationManager conversationManager; @Inject protected JpaUniqueUtil jpaUniqueUtil; @Inject protected MessageUtil messageUtil;#if($project.hibernateSearchUsed) @Inject protected MetamodelUtil metamodelUtil;#end protected GenericRepository<E, PK> repository; protected GenericPermission<E> permission; protected GenericPrinter<E> printer; public void init(GenericRepository<E, PK> repository, GenericPermission<E> permission, GenericPrinter<E> printer, String selectUri, String editUri) { this.repository = checkNotNull(repository); this.permission = checkNotNull(permission); this.printer = checkNotNull(printer); this.selectUri = checkNotNull(selectUri); this.editUri = checkNotNull(editUri); } public GenericRepository<E, PK> getRepository() { return repository; } public GenericPermission<E> getPermission() { return permission; } public MessageUtil getMessageUtil() { return messageUtil; } public String getPermissionDenied() { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } public String getSelectUri() { return selectUri; } public String getEditUri() { return editUri; } // ---------------------------------------- // START CONVERSATION PROGRAMATICALY // ---------------------------------------- /** * Start a new {@link Conversation} that allows the user to search an existing entity. * This method can be invoked from an h:commandLink's action attribute. * @return the implicit first view for the newly created conversation. */ public String beginSearch() { if (!permission.canSearch()) { return getPermissionDenied(); } return beginConversation(newSearchContext(getSearchLabelKey())); } /** * Start a new {@link Conversation} that allows the user to create a new entity. * This method can be invoked from an h:commandLink's action attribute. * @return the implicit first view for the newly created conversation. */ public String beginCreate() { if (!permission.canCreate()) { return getPermissionDenied(); } return beginConversation(newEditContext(getCreateLabelKey(), repository.getNewWithDefaults())); } /** * Start a new {@link Conversation} using the passed ctx as the first conversation context. * @return the implicit first view for the newly created conversation. */ public String beginConversation(ConversationContext<E> ctx) { return conversationManager.beginConversation(ctx).nextView(); } // ---------------------------------------- // AUTO COMPLETE SUPPORT // ---------------------------------------- /** * Auto-complete support. This method is used by primefaces autoComplete component. */ public List<E> complete(String value) { try { SearchParameters searchParameters = new SearchParameters() // .limitBroadSearch() // .distinct() // .orMode(); E template = repository.getNew(); for (String property : completeProperties()) { #if($project.hibernateSearchUsed) $output.require("com.jaxio.jpa.querybyexample.MetamodelUtil")## if (repository.isIndexed(property)) { searchParameters.addTerm(new TermSelector(metamodelUtil.toAttribute(property, repository.getType())).selected(value)); } else { PropertyUtils.setProperty(template, property, value); } #else PropertyUtils.setProperty(template, property, value); #end } return repository.find(template, searchParameters); } catch(Exception e) { log.warning("error during complete: " + e.getMessage()); throw propagate(e); } } protected Iterable<String> completeProperties() { String completeOnProperties = parameter("completeOnProperties", String.class); return isBlank(completeOnProperties) ? printer.getDisplayedAttributes() : Splitter.on(";,").omitEmptyStrings().split(completeOnProperties); } public List<String> completeProperty(String value) { return completeProperty(value, parameter("property", String.class), parameter("maxResults", Integer.class)); } public List<String> completeProperty(String value, String property) { return completeProperty(value, property, null); } public List<String> completeProperty(String toMatch, String property, Integer maxResults) { #if($project.hibernateSearchUsed) List<String> values = newArrayList(); if (repository.isIndexed(property)) { values.addAll(completePropertyUsingFullText(toMatch, property, maxResults)); } else { values.addAll(completePropertyInDatabase(toMatch, property, maxResults)); } #else List<String> values = completePropertyInDatabase(toMatch, property, maxResults); #end if (isBlank(toMatch) || values.contains(toMatch)) { // the term is already in the results, return them directly return values; } else { // add the term before the results as it is not part of the results List<String> retWithValue = newArrayList(toMatch); retWithValue.addAll(values); return retWithValue; } }#if($project.hibernateSearchUsed)$output.require("com.jaxio.jpa.querybyexample.MetamodelUtil")## protected List<String> completePropertyUsingFullText(String term, String property, Integer maxResults) { try { SearchParameters searchParameters = new SearchParameters().limitBroadSearch().distinct(); searchParameters.addTerm(new TermSelector(metamodelUtil.toAttribute(property, repository.getType())).selected(term)); if (maxResults != null) { searchParameters.setMaxResults(maxResults); } return repository.findProperty(String.class, repository.getNew(), searchParameters, property); } catch(Exception e) { log.warning("error during completePropertyUsingFullText: " + e.getMessage()); throw propagate(e); } }#end protected List<String> completePropertyInDatabase(String value, String property, Integer maxResults) { try { SearchParameters searchParameters = new SearchParameters() // .limitBroadSearch() // .caseInsensitive() // .anywhere() // .distinct(); if (maxResults != null) { searchParameters.setMaxResults(maxResults); } E template = repository.getNew(); PropertyUtils.setProperty(template, property, value); return repository.findProperty(String.class, template, searchParameters, property); } catch(Exception e) { log.warning("error during completePropertyInDatabase: " + e.getMessage()); throw propagate(e); } } /** * A simple autoComplete that returns exactly the input. It is used in search forms with {@link PropertySelector}. */ public List<String> completeSame(String value) { return newArrayList(value); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <T> T parameter(String propertyName, Class<T> expectedType) { return (T) UIComponent.getCurrentComponent(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()).getAttributes().get(propertyName); } protected SearchParameters defaultOrder(SearchParameters searchParameters) { return searchParameters; } /** * Decision helper used when handling ajax autoComplete event and regular page postback. */ public boolean shouldReplace(E currentEntity, E selectedEntity) { if (currentEntity == selectedEntity) { return false; } if (currentEntity != null && selectedEntity != null && currentEntity.isIdSet() && selectedEntity.isIdSet()) { if (selectedEntity.getId().equals(currentEntity.getId())) { Comparable<Object> currentVersion = repository.getVersion(currentEntity); if (currentVersion == null) { // assume no version at all is available // let's stick with current entity. return false; } Comparable<Object> selectedVersion = repository.getVersion(selectedEntity); if (currentVersion.compareTo(selectedVersion) == 0) { // currentEntity could have been edited and not yet saved, we keep it. return false; } else { // we could have an optimistic locking exception at save time // TODO: what should we do here? return false; } } } return true; } // ---------------------------------------- // CREATE IMPLICIT EDIT VIEW // ---------------------------------------- /** * Helper to create a new {@link ConversationContext} to view the passed entity and set it as the current conversation's next context. * The vars <code>sub</code> <code>readonly</code> are set to true. * The permission {@link GenericPermission${pound}canView()} is checked. * * @param labelKey label key for breadCrumb and conversation menu. * @param e the entity to view. * @return the implicit view to access this context. */ public String editSubReadOnlyView(String labelKey, E e) { return editReadOnlyView(labelKey, e, true); } public String editReadOnlyView(String labelKey, E e, boolean sub) { if (!permission.canView(e)) { return getPermissionDenied(); } ConversationContext<E> ctx = newEditContext(labelKey, e).sub(sub).readonly(); return getCurrentConversation().nextContext(ctx).view(); } /** * Helper to create a new {@link ConversationContext} to edit the passed entity and set it as the current conversation's next context. * The var <code>sub</code> is set to true. * The permission {@link GenericPermission${pound}canEdit()} is checked. * * @param labelKey label key for breadCrumb and conversation menu. * @param e the entity to edit. * @return the implicit view to access this context. */ public String editSubView(String labelKey, E e, ConversationCallBack<E> editCallBack) { return editView(labelKey, e, editCallBack, true); } public String editView(String labelKey, E e, ConversationCallBack<E> editCallBack, boolean sub) { if (!permission.canEdit(e)) { return getPermissionDenied(); } ConversationContext<E> ctx = newEditContext(labelKey, e, editCallBack).sub(sub); return getCurrentConversation().nextContext(ctx).view(); } /** * Helper to create a new {@link ConversationContext} to create a new entity and set it as the current conversation's next context. * The var <code>sub</code> is set to true. * * @param labelKey label key for breadCrumb and conversation menu. * @return the implicit view to access this context. */ public String createSubView(String labelKey, ConversationCallBack<E> createCallBack) { return createView(labelKey, createCallBack, true); } /** * Helper to create a new {@link ConversationContext} to edit the passed new entity and set it as the current conversation's next context. * The var <code>sub</code> is set to true. * The permission {@link GenericPermission${pound}canCreate()} is checked. * * @param labelKey label key for breadCrumb and conversation menu. * @param e the entity to edit. * @return the implicit view to access this context. */ public String createSubView(String labelKey, E e, ConversationCallBack<E> createCallBack) { return createView(labelKey, e, createCallBack, true); } public String createView(String labelKey, ConversationCallBack<E> createCallBack, boolean sub) { return createView(labelKey, repository.getNewWithDefaults(), createCallBack, sub); } public String createView(String labelKey, E e, ConversationCallBack<E> createCallBack, boolean sub) { if (!permission.canCreate()) { return getPermissionDenied(); } ConversationContext<E> ctx = newEditContext(labelKey, e, createCallBack).sub(sub); return getCurrentConversation().nextContext(ctx).view(); } // ---------------------------------------- // CREATE IMPLICIT SELECT VIEW // ---------------------------------------- public String selectSubView(String labelKey, ConversationCallBack<E> selectCallBack) { return selectView(labelKey, selectCallBack, true); } public String selectView(String labelKey, ConversationCallBack<E> selectCallBack, boolean sub) { if (!permission.canSelect()) { return getPermissionDenied(); } ConversationContext<E> ctx = newSearchContext(labelKey, selectCallBack).sub(sub); return getCurrentConversation().nextContext(ctx).view(); } public String multiSelectSubView(String labelKey, ConversationCallBack<E> selectCallBack) { return multiSelectView(labelKey, selectCallBack, true); } public String multiSelectView(String labelKey, ConversationCallBack<E> selectCallBack, boolean sub) { if (!permission.canSelect()) { return getPermissionDenied(); } ConversationContext<E> ctx = newSearchContext(labelKey, selectCallBack).sub(sub); ctx.setVar("multiCheckboxSelection", true); return getCurrentConversation().nextContext(ctx).view(); } // ---------------------------------------- // CREATE EDIT CONVERSATION CONTEXT // ---------------------------------------- /** * Helper to construct a new {@link ConversationContext} to edit an entity. * @param e the entity to edit. */ public ConversationContext<E> newEditContext(E e) { return new ConversationContext<E>().entity(e).isNewEntity(!e.isIdSet()).viewUri(getEditUri()); } public ConversationContext<E> newEditContext(String labelKey, E e) { return newEditContext(e).labelKey(labelKey); } public ConversationContext<E> newEditContext(String labelKey, E e, ConversationCallBack<E> callBack) { return newEditContext(labelKey, e).callBack(callBack); } // ---------------------------------------- // CREATE SEARCH CONVERSATION CONTEXT // ---------------------------------------- /** * Helper to construct a new {@link ConversationContext} for search/selection. */ public ConversationContext<E> newSearchContext() { return new ConversationContext<E>(getSelectUri()); } public ConversationContext<E> newSearchContext(String labelKey) { return newSearchContext().labelKey(labelKey); } public ConversationContext<E> newSearchContext(String labelKey, ConversationCallBack<E> callBack) { return newSearchContext(labelKey).callBack(callBack); } // ---------------------------------------- // ACTIONS INVOKED FORM THE VIEW // ---------------------------------------- public ConversationContext<E> getSelectedContext(E selected) { return newEditContext(getEditUri(), selected); } /** * Action to create a new entity. */ public String create() { if (!permission.canCreate()) { return getPermissionDenied(); } E newEntity = repository.getNewWithDefaults(); ConversationContext<E> ctx = getSelectedContext(newEntity).labelKey(getCreateLabelKey()); return getCurrentConversation().nextContext(ctx).view(); } /** * Support for {@link GenericLazyDataModel.${pound}edit()} and {@link GenericLazyDataModel${pound}onRowSelect(org.primefaces.event.SelectEvent)} methods */ public String edit(E entity) { if (!permission.canEdit(entity)) { return getPermissionDenied(); } ConversationContext<E> ctx = getSelectedContext(entity).labelKey(getEditLabelKey(), printer.print(entity)); return getCurrentConversation().nextContext(ctx).view(); } /** * Support for the {@link GenericLazyDataModel.${pound}view()} method */ public String view(E entity) { if (!permission.canView(entity)) { return getPermissionDenied(); } ConversationContext<E> ctx = getSelectedContext(entity).sub().readonly().labelKey(getViewLabelKey(), printer.print(entity)); return getCurrentConversation().nextContext(ctx).view(); } /** * Return the print friendly view for the passed entity. I can be invoked directly from the view. */ public String print(E entity) { if (!permission.canView(entity)) { return getPermissionDenied(); } ConversationContext<E> ctx = getSelectedContext(entity).readonly().print().labelKey(getViewLabelKey(), printer.print(entity)); return getCurrentConversation().nextContext(ctx).view(); } protected String select(E entity) { if (!permission.canSelect()) { return getPermissionDenied(); } return getCurrentConversation() // .<ConversationContext<E>>getCurrentContext() // .getCallBack() // .selected(entity); } protected String getSearchLabelKey() { return getLabelName() + "_search"; } protected String getCreateLabelKey() { return getLabelName() + "_create"; } protected String getEditLabelKey() { return getLabelName() + "_edit"; } protected String getViewLabelKey() { return getLabelName() + "_view"; } protected String getLabelName() { return WordUtils.uncapitalize(getEntityName()); } private String getEntityName() { return repository.getType().getSimpleName(); } }