Java tutorial
import; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import; import; import; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import*; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isBlank; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * User: Avraham (Bey) Melamed * Date: 12/30/13 * Time: 3:28 PM * Selenium Based Automation Project * * ============================================================================= * Copyright 2014 Avraham (Bey) Melamed. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============================================================================= * * Description * This is the DDTReporter providing reporting on 'session' and 'section' level. * Session level is generated at the end of the test session. * Section level is generated per user's request via a verb 'generateReport' - enabling reporting segmentation. * Note the various 'session' vs. 'section' methods below. * History * When |Who |What * ============|=========|==================================== * 12/30/13 |Bey |Initial Version * ============|=========|==================================== */ public class DDTReporter { private static Long firstSessionStep = 0L; private static Long lastSessionStep = 0L; private static DDTDate.DDTDuration sessionDuration; private static DDTDate.DDTDuration sectionDuration; //private List<TestEvent> testEvents; private List<DDTReportItem> testItems; private boolean reportGenerated = false; private DDTSettings settings = DDTSettings.Settings(); private Long firstReportStep = 0L; private Long lastReportStep = 0L; private ArrayList<String> failedTestsSummary = new ArrayList<>(); // Constructed here - will be part of email message body // These numbers are initialized by the calling TestRunner instance - they represent the processing counters for the current reported section // The corresponding numbers on the session level are taken from the DDTTestRunner static counters. private int nDone; private int nFail; private int nPass; private int nSkip; private String[] sessionFolders; public DDTReporter() { setSessionDuration(); if (sectionDuration == null) resetDuration(); String tmp[] = { "images", "tests" }; sessionFolders = Util.setupReportingSessionFolders(tmp); } private static void setSessionDuration() { // This is a singleton, set up by the first instantiation of a member. if (sessionDuration == null) sessionDuration = new DDTDate.DDTDuration(); } public String sessionImagesFolderName() { return getSessionFolderName("images"); } public String sessionTestsFolderName() { return getSessionFolderName("tests"); } private String getSessionFolderName(String name) { String result = ""; for (int i = 0; i < sessionFolders.length; i++) { if (sessionFolders[i].toLowerCase().endsWith(name.toLowerCase())) result = sessionFolders[i]; } return result; } public static String sessionDurationString() { return sessionDuration.toString(); } public void resetCounters(int done, int passed, int failed, int skipped) { nDone = done; nPass = passed; nFail = failed; nSkip = skipped; } public void resetDuration() { this.sectionDuration = new DDTDate.DDTDuration(); } public void resetFailedSteps() { this.failedTestsSummary = new ArrayList<>(); } public String durationString() { return sectionDuration.toString(); } public boolean shouldGenerateReport() { return (!reportGenerated && (getDDTests().size() > 0)); } /** * Add the report item to the list and update the result counters based on its status string (pass, fail, skip) * @param reportItem */ public void addDDTest(DDTReportItem reportItem) { getDDTests().add(reportItem); nDone++; if (reportItem.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("pass")) nPass++; if (reportItem.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("fail")) nFail++; if (reportItem.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("skip")) nSkip++; } private void setDDTests(List<DDTReportItem> value) { testItems = value; } public List<DDTReportItem> getDDTests() { if (testItems == null) setDDTests(new ArrayList<DDTReportItem>()); return testItems; } public void reset() { resetDuration(); setDDTests(new ArrayList<DDTReportItem>()); resetFailedSteps(); resetCounters(0, 0, 0, 0); setFirstReportStep(0L); } public void setFirstReportStep(Long value) { firstReportStep = value; } public Long firstReportStep() { return firstReportStep; } public void setLastReportStep(Long value) { lastReportStep = value; } public Long lastReportStep() { return lastReportStep; } public void setFirstSessionStep(Long value) { firstSessionStep = value; } public Long firstSessionStep() { return firstSessionStep; } public void setLastSessionStep(Long value) { lastSessionStep = value; } private static String[][] getEnvironmentItems() { return DDTTestRunner.getEnvironmentItems(); } private String sessionPassFail() { return (DDTTestRunner.nSessionFail() > 0) ? "Session Failed" : "Session Passed"; } private String sessionFailBlurb() { String result = sessionPassFail() + ": " + DDTTestRunner.nSessionDone() + " steps processed, " + DDTTestRunner.nSessionFail() + " failed, " + DDTTestRunner.nSessionPass() + " passed"; if (DDTTestRunner.nSessionSkip() > 0) result += ", " + DDTTestRunner.nSessionSkip() + " skipped"; result += "."; return result; } private String sessionPassBlurb() { String result = sessionPassFail() + ": " + DDTTestRunner.nSessionDone() + " steps processed, " + DDTTestRunner.nSessionPass() + " passed"; if (DDTTestRunner.nSessionSkip() > 0) result += ", " + DDTTestRunner.nSessionSkip() + " skipped, "; result += ", none failed."; return result; } private String sessionSummary() { return DDTTestRunner.nSessionFail() > 0 ? sessionFailBlurb() : sessionPassBlurb(); } private String sectionPassFail() { return (nFail > 0) ? "Section Failed" : "Section Passed"; } private String sectionFailBlurb() { String result = sectionPassFail() + ": " + nDone + " steps processed (" + durationString() + "), " + nFail + " failed, " + nPass + " passed,"; if (nSkip > 0) result += nSkip + " skipped"; result += "."; return result; } private String sectionPassBlurb() { String result = sectionPassFail() + ": " + nDone + " steps processed (" + durationString() + "), " + nPass + " passed, "; if (nSkip > 0) result += nSkip + " skipped, "; result += "none failed."; return result; } private String sectionSummary() { return nFail > 0 ? sectionFailBlurb() : sectionPassBlurb(); } /** * Place holder for generating more than one kind of report. * @param description * @param emailBody */ public void generateReport(String description, String emailBody) { String reportStyle = DDTSettings.Settings().reportingStyle().toLowerCase(); switch (reportStyle) { case "default": generateDefaultReport(description, emailBody); break; default: generateDefaultReport(description, emailBody); } } /** * Report Generator logic * @param description * @param emailBody */ public void generateDefaultReport(String description, String emailBody) { if (getDDTests().size() < 1) { System.out.println("No Test Steps to report on. Report Generation aborted."); return; } String extraEmailBody = (isBlank(emailBody) ? "" : "<br>" + emailBody) + "</br>"; // Create the values for the various top sections of the report // Project, Module, Mode, Summary String[][] environmentItems = getEnvironmentItems(); String projectName = settings.projectName(); if (isBlank(projectName)) projectName = "Selenium Based Java DDT Automation Project"; String moduleName = description; if (isBlank(moduleName)) moduleName = "Selenium based Java DDT Test Results"; projectName = Util.sq(projectName); moduleName = Util.sq(moduleName); String durationBlurb = " (Session duration: " + sessionDurationString() + ", Reported tests duration: " + durationString() + ")"; // @TODO - When documentation mode becomes available, weave that in... using "Documentation" instead of "Results" String mode = "Test Results as of " + new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss - yyyy, MMMM dd").format(new Date()) + durationBlurb; String osInfo = environmentItems[0][1]; String envInfo = environmentItems[1][1]; String javaInfo = environmentItems[2][1]; String userInfo = environmentItems[3][1]; String summary = sectionSummary() + " " + sessionSummary(); // String summarizing the scope of this report section String rangeClause = " Reportable steps included in this report: " + firstReportStep() + " thru " + (lastReportStep()); if (lastReportStep() != firstReportStep() || isNotBlank(settings.dontReportActions())) { rangeClause += " - Actions excluded from reporting: " + settings.dontReportActions().replace(",", ", "); } String underscore = "<br>==================<br>"; // Assuming html contents of email message String emailSubject = "Test Results for Project: " + projectName + ", Section: " + moduleName; summary += rangeClause; summary += " - Item status included: " + settings.statusToReport().replace(",", ", ") + " (un-reported action steps not counted.)"; String fileName = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss.SSS").format(new Date()) + ".xml"; String folder = settings.reportsFolder() + Util.asSafePathString(description); // Ensure the folder exists - if no exception is thrown, it does! File tmp = Util.setupReportFolder(DDTSettings.asValidOSPath(folder, true)); String fileSpecs = folder + File.separator + DDTSettings.asValidOSPath(fileName, true); String extraBlurb = ""; int nReportableSteps = 0; XMLOutputFactory factory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance(); try { XMLStreamWriter writer = factory.createXMLStreamWriter(new FileWriter(fileSpecs)); writer.writeStartDocument(); writer.writeCharacters("\n"); // build the xml hierarchy - the innermost portion of it are the steps (see below) writeStartElement(writer, "Project", new String[] { "name" }, new String[] { projectName }); writeStartElement(writer, "Module", new String[] { "name" }, new String[] { moduleName }); writeStartElement(writer, "Mode", new String[] { "name" }, new String[] { mode }); writeStartElement(writer, "OperatingSystem", new String[] { "name" }, new String[] { osInfo }); writeStartElement(writer, "Environment", new String[] { "name" }, new String[] { envInfo }); writeStartElement(writer, "Java", new String[] { "name" }, new String[] { javaInfo }); writeStartElement(writer, "User", new String[] { "name" }, new String[] { userInfo }); writeStartElement(writer, "Summary", new String[] { "name" }, new String[] { summary }); writeStartElement(writer, "Steps"); // Failures will be added to the mailed message body - we construct it here. int nFailures = 0; for (DDTReportItem t : getDDTests()) { // Only report the statuses indicated for reporting in the settings. if (!(settings.statusToReport().contains(t.getStatus()))) continue; String[] attributes = new String[] { "Id", "Name", "Status", "ErrDesc" }; String[] values = new String[] { t.paddedReportedStepNumber(), t.getUserReport(), t.getStatus(), t.getErrors() }; writeStartElement(writer, "Step", attributes, values); // If step failed, add its description to the failedTestsSummary. if (t.hasErrors()) { nFailures++; String failureBlurb = underscore + "Failure " + nFailures + " - Step: " + t.paddedReportedStepNumber() + underscore; failedTestsSummary .add(failureBlurb + t.toString() + "<p>Errors:</p>" + t.errorsAsHtml() + "<br>"); } // If step has any events to report - list those if (t.hasEventsToReport()) { String eventsToReport = settings.eventsToReport(); writeStartElement(writer, "Events"); for (TestEvent e : t.getEvents()) { if (eventsToReport.contains(e.getType().toString())) { writeStartElement(writer, "Event", new String[] { "name" }, new String[] { e.toString() }); writeEndElement(writer); } } writeEndElement(writer); // step's events } writeEndElement(writer); // step nReportableSteps++; } // If no reportable steps recorded, write a step element to indicate so... if (nReportableSteps < 1) { extraBlurb = "*** No Reportable Steps encountered ***"; String[] attributes = new String[] { "Id", "Name", "Status", "ErrDesc" }; String[] values = new String[] { "------", extraBlurb, "", "" }; writeStartElement(writer, "Step", attributes, values); writeEndElement(writer); // step } // close each of the xml hierarchy elements in reverse order writeEndElement(writer); // steps writeEndElement(writer); // summary writeEndElement(writer); // user writeEndElement(writer); // java writeEndElement(writer); // environment writeEndElement(writer); // operating system writeEndElement(writer); // mode writeEndElement(writer); // module writeEndElement(writer); // project writer.writeEndDocument(); writer.flush(); writer.close(); try { transformXmlFileToHtml(fileSpecs, folder); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error encountered while transofrming xml file to html.\nReport not generated."); e.printStackTrace(); return; } reportGenerated = true; } catch (XMLStreamException e) { System.out.println( "XML Stream Exception Encountered while transforming xml file to html.\nReport not generated."); e.printStackTrace(); return; } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println( "IO Exception Encountered while transforming xml file to html.\nReport not generated."); e.printStackTrace(); return; } if (isBlank(settings.emailRecipients())) { System.out.println("Empty Email Recipients List - Test Results not emailed. Report Generated"); } else { String messageBody = "Attached is a summary of test results run titled " + Util.dq(description) + "<br>" + (isBlank(extraBlurb) ? "" : "<br>" + extraBlurb) + extraEmailBody; try { Email.sendMail(emailSubject, messageBody, fileSpecs.replace(".xml", ".html"), failedTestsSummary); System.out.println("Report Generated. Report Results Emailed to: " + settings.emailRecipients()); } catch (MessagingException e) { System.out.println( "Messaging Exception Encountered while emailing test results.\nResults not sent, Report generated."); e.printStackTrace(); } } reset(); } private void transformXmlFileToHtml(String fileSpecs, String resultsFolder) throws IOException, TransformerException { try { String baseSpecs = DDTSettings.asValidOSPath(fileSpecs, true); String htmlFileSpecs = baseSpecs.replace(".xml", ".html"); String xslFileName = DDTSettings.asValidOSPath(settings.xslFileName(), false); String xslFileSpecs = DDTSettings.asValidOSPath(settings.resourcesFolder() + xslFileName, false); //String targetFolder = resultsFolder.endsWith(File.separator) ? resultsFolder : resultsFolder + File.separator; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); XSLTProcessor xsltProcessor = new XSLTProcessor(); xsltProcessor.setFile(xslFileSpecs); URL xmlURL = new File(baseSpecs).toURI().toURL(); //String xmlSystemId = xmlURL.toExternalForm(); URL xsltURL = new File(xslFileSpecs).toURI().toURL(); //String xsltSystemId = xsltURL.toExternalForm(); URL htmlURL = new File(htmlFileSpecs).toURI().toURL(); //String htmlSystemId = htmlURL.toExternalForm(); File xmlFile = new File(baseSpecs); File xsltFile = new File(xslFileSpecs); File htmlResult = new File(htmlFileSpecs); htmlResult.createNewFile(); OutputStream htmlOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(htmlFileSpecs)); javax.xml.transform.Source xmlSource = new; javax.xml.transform.Source xsltSource = new; javax.xml.transform.Result result = new; javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory transFact = javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.newInstance(); javax.xml.transform.Transformer trans = transFact.newTransformer(xsltSource); trans.transform(xmlSource, result); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e.getCause().toString()); } catch (TransformerException e) { System.out.println(e.getCause().toString()); } } private void writeStartElement(XMLStreamWriter writer, String name) throws XMLStreamException { writer.writeStartElement(name); writer.writeCharacters("\n"); } private void writeStartElement(XMLStreamWriter writer, String name, String[] attributes, String[] values) throws XMLStreamException { writer.writeStartElement(name); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) { writer.writeAttribute(attributes[i], values[i]); } writer.writeCharacters("\n"); } private void writeEndElement(XMLStreamWriter writer) throws XMLStreamException { writer.writeEndElement(); writer.writeCharacters("\n"); } }