Source code

Java tutorial


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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.math3.special.Gamma;

 * Esta clase se utiliza para realizar las operaciones matematicas y
 * estadisticas
 * @author Lili
public class Estadistica {

    * Metodo  para obtener el promedio
    * param  lista de valores  a la que se le va a calcular el promedio
    * @return el promedio
    public static double getAverage(ArrayList<Double> cal) {
        double sumFloat = 0;
        double averageFloat = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < cal.size(); i++) {
            sumFloat += cal.get(i);
        averageFloat = sumFloat / cal.size();
        return averageFloat;

     * Metodo  para obtener el valor Beta 0
     * param  valor Beta1, el promedio de x y el promedio de y
     * @return el valor de Beta 0
    public static double calBeta0(double beta1, double xAverage, double yAverage) {
        double cal = yAverage - beta1 * xAverage;
        return cal;

     * Metodo  para obtener el valor Beta 1
     * param  dos listas de valores (xArrayList,ArrayList) con los  promedios (xAverage,yAverage)
     * @return el valor de Beta 1
    public static double calBeta1(ArrayList<Double> xArrayList, ArrayList<Double> yArrayList, double xAverage,
            double yAverage) {
        double cal = 0;
        cal = multiple(xArrayList, yArrayList) - (xArrayList.size() * xAverage * yAverage);
        cal = cal / (multiple(xArrayList, xArrayList) - xArrayList.size() * xAverage * xAverage);
        return cal;

     * Metodo  para calcular r
     * param  dos listas de valores (xArrayList,ArrayList)
     * @return el valor de r
    public static double calR(ArrayList<Double> xArrayList, ArrayList<Double> yArrayList) {
        double cal = 0;
        cal = xArrayList.size() * multiple(xArrayList, yArrayList) - multiple(xArrayList) * multiple(yArrayList);
        double minus = 0;
        minus = xArrayList.size() * multiple(xArrayList, xArrayList) - multiple(xArrayList) * multiple(xArrayList);
        minus *= yArrayList.size() * multiple(yArrayList, yArrayList) - multiple(yArrayList) * multiple(yArrayList);
        cal = cal / Math.sqrt(minus);
        return cal;

     * Metodo  multiple
     * param  dos listas de valores (xArrayList,ArrayList)
     * @return
    public static double multiple(ArrayList<Double> xArrayList, ArrayList<Double> yArrayList) {
        double cal = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < xArrayList.size(); i++) {
            cal += xArrayList.get(i) * yArrayList.get(i);
        return cal;

     * Metodo  multiple
     * param  una lista de valores (xArrayList)
     * @return
    public static double multiple(ArrayList<Double> xArrayList) {
        double cal = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < xArrayList.size(); i++) {
            cal += xArrayList.get(i);
        return cal;

     * Metodo calcular el valor gamma
     * param  una valor double
     * @return el valor gamma
    public static double gamma(double x) {
        double ans = 1;
        while (x > 1) {
            x = x - 1;
            ans = ans * x;
        if (Math.abs(x - 1 / 2) < 1)
            return ans * Math.sqrt(Math.PI);
            return ans;

     * Metodo calcular el valor f
     * param  dos valores double x y dof
     * @return el valor f
    public static double f(double x, double dof) {
        double cal = 0;
        cal = Math.pow((1 + x * x / dof), -(dof + 1) / 2) * gamma((dof + 1) / 2);
        cal = cal / (Math.sqrt(dof * Math.PI) * gamma(dof / 2));
        return cal;

     * Metodo calcular el valor getTailArea - significancia
     * param  un valor double y una lista de valores
     * @return el valor getTailArea
    public static double getTailArea(double r, ArrayList<Double> arrayList) {
        double x = Math.abs(r) * Math.sqrt(arrayList.size() - 2) / Math.sqrt(1 - r * r);
        return 1 - 2 * cal(x, arrayList.size() - 2);

     * Metodo cal
     * param  dos valores double
     * @return cal
    public static double cal(double x, double dof) {
        int num_seg = 10;
        final double E = 0.00001;
        double answer_old = 0, answer_new = 0;
        do {
            double w = x / num_seg;
            answer_old = answer_new;
            answer_new = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i < num_seg; i++) {
                if (i % 2 == 0) {
                    answer_new += 2 * f(i * w, dof);
                } else {
                    answer_new += 4 * f(i * w, dof);
            answer_new += f(0, dof) + f(x, dof);
            answer_new *= w / 3;
            num_seg *= 2;
        } while (Math.abs(answer_old - answer_new) > E);
        return answer_new;

     * Metodo getx
     * param  dos valores double
     * @return getx
    public static double getX(double p, double dof) {
        double x = 1.0;
        double d = 0.5;
        boolean isBig = false;
        int num_seg = 1000;
        final double E = 0.00000001;
        double answer = 0;
        while (Math.abs(answer - p) > E) {
            double w = x / num_seg;
            answer = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i < num_seg; i++) {
                if (i % 2 == 0) {
                    answer += 2 * f(i * w, dof);
                } else {
                    answer += 4 * f(i * w, dof);
            answer += f(0, dof) + f(x, dof);
            answer *= w / 3;
            if (Math.abs(answer - p) > E) {
                if (isBig) {
                    if (answer <= p) {
                        d /= 2;
                        isBig = !isBig;
                    x -= d;
                } else {
                    if (answer >= p) {
                        d /= 2;
                        isBig = !isBig;
                    x += d;
        return x;

     * Metodo calular sigma
     * param  dos listas de valores, dos valores double double
     * @return sigma
    public static double getSigma(ArrayList<Double> xArrayList, ArrayList<Double> yArrayList, double b0,
            double b1) {
        ArrayList<Double> cal = new ArrayList<Double>();
        for (int i = 0; i < xArrayList.size(); i++) {
            cal.add(yArrayList.get(i) - b0 - b1 * xArrayList.get(i));
        return Math.sqrt(multiple(cal, cal) / (xArrayList.size() - 2));

     * Metodo calular el rango
     * param  dos listas de valores, dos valores double double
     * @return rango
    public static double getRange(ArrayList<Double> xArrayList, ArrayList<Double> yArrayList, double b0, double b1,
            double xk) {
        double range = getX(0.35, xArrayList.size() - 2) * getSigma(xArrayList, yArrayList, b0, b1);
        ArrayList<Double> cal = new ArrayList<Double>();
        for (int i = 0; i < xArrayList.size(); i++) {
            cal.add(xArrayList.get(i) - getAverage(xArrayList));
        return range * Math.sqrt(1 + (1.0 / xArrayList.size())
                + ((xk - getAverage(xArrayList)) * (xk - getAverage(xArrayList)) / multiple(cal, cal)));

     * Metodo calculo solicitado para el programa 7
     * param  dos listas de valores
     * @return un string con los resultados solicitados.
    public static String calculoPrograma7(ArrayList<Double> xArrayList, ArrayList<Double> yArrayList, double x) {
        double xAverage = Estadistica.getAverage(xArrayList);
        double yAverage = Estadistica.getAverage(yArrayList);

        double beta1 = Estadistica.calBeta1(xArrayList, yArrayList, xAverage, yAverage);
        double beta0 = Estadistica.calBeta0(beta1, xAverage, yAverage);
        double r = Estadistica.calR(xArrayList, yArrayList);
        double y = beta0 + beta1 * x;
        double range = Estadistica.getRange(xArrayList, yArrayList, beta0, beta1, x);
        double tailArea = Estadistica.getTailArea(r, xArrayList);

        String resultado = "r: " + r + "," + "r^2: " + r * r + "," + "tailArea: " + tailArea + "," + "beta0: "
                + beta0 + "," + "beta1: " + beta1 + "," + "yk: " + y + "," + "Range: " + range + "," + "UPI: "
                + (y + range) + ",  LPI:" + (y - range);
        return resultado;
