Java tutorial
/******************************************************************** * BenchIT - Performance Measurement for Scientific Applications * Contact: * * $Id: 1 2009-09-11 12:26:19Z william $ * $URL: svn+ssh:// $ * For license details see COPYING in the package base directory *******************************************************************/ /* Kernel: java kernel skeleton * this file: the WORK algorithm *******************************************************************/ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.http.HttpException; import com.rackspacecloud.client.cloudfiles.FilesAuthorizationException; import com.rackspacecloud.client.cloudfiles.FilesClient; import com.rackspacecloud.client.cloudfiles.FilesConstants; import com.rackspacecloud.client.cloudfiles.FilesContainerNotEmptyException; import com.rackspacecloud.client.cloudfiles.FilesException; import com.rackspacecloud.client.cloudfiles.FilesInvalidNameException; import com.rackspacecloud.client.cloudfiles.FilesNotFoundException; public class SwiftWork { protected SwiftDataObject dataObject; private FilesClient client; final private static String LOCAL_TEMP_LOG_FILE = "local_temp_files.log"; final private static String REMOTE_TEMP_LOG_FILE = "remote_temp_files.log"; public SwiftWork(SwiftDataObject dataObject) { this.dataObject = dataObject; } /** * Generate and store the file, make everything ready a pure "GET" benchmark * @return return the file name to be used for GET operation */ public String initForGet() { if (client == null || !client.isLoggedin()) { client = this.swiftLogin(); } String randfilename = null; if (dataObject.getFileSize() < 1024) { randfilename = generateRandomFile(String.valueOf(dataObject.getFileSize()), "1"); } else { randfilename = generateRandomFile("1024", String.valueOf((int) Math.ceil(dataObject.getFileSize() / 1024))); } String randfileaddr = getBenchITTemp() + "/" + randfilename; String orig_md5 = null; try { orig_md5 = FilesClient.md5Sum(new File(randfileaddr)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Processing file: " + randfileaddr); String uploaded_md5 = putFile("benchit_container", randfileaddr, FilesConstants.getMimetype("")); //TODO: use assert if (!orig_md5.equals(uploaded_md5)) { System.out.println("I should terminate the process, and upload the file again..."); } return randfilename; } public void cleanForGet() { } private FilesClient swiftLogin() { client = new FilesClient(dataObject.getUsername(), dataObject.getPassword(), dataObject.getAuthUrl()); boolean success; try { success = client.login(); if (success) { System.out.println("username: " + client.getUserName()); System.out.println("url: " + client.getStorageURL()); System.out.println("token: " + client.getStorageToken()); return client; } else { System.out.println("login failed."); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (HttpException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } // public void work_1() { /* here is defined the job to do */ // } // // public void work_2() { /* here is defined the job to do */ // } /** * Simple get * @param container name * @param file name * @return downloaded file in byte[] form */ public byte[] getFile(String container, String file) { byte[] file_ba = null; try { file_ba = client.getObject(container, file); } catch (FilesAuthorizationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FilesInvalidNameException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FilesNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (HttpException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return file_ba; } /** * Simple put * Assumptions: * 1- file is generated * 2- file's checksum is available * 3- connection is authenticated, and client is ready * 4- container is created * @param file * @return etag (file's MD5) */ public String putFile(String container, String file, String mimeType) { String etag = null; try { File upload = new File(file); etag = client.storeObject(container, upload, mimeType); appendToRemoteTmpList(container + ":" + upload.getName(), true); } catch (FilesException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (HttpException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return etag; } /** * Simple delete * @param container * @param file */ public void deleteFile(String container, String file) { try { client.deleteObject(container, file); } catch (FilesNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FilesException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (HttpException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Creating the given container * @param container */ public void createContainer(String container) { try { if (!client.containerExists(container)) { client.createContainer(container); } } catch (FilesAuthorizationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FilesException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (HttpException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public boolean deleteContainer(String contianer) { boolean bol = false; try { bol = client.deleteContainer(contianer); } catch (FilesAuthorizationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FilesInvalidNameException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FilesNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FilesContainerNotEmptyException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (HttpException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return bol; } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { File tmp = new File("/tmp/benchit_tmp/test-file-swift-2012_08_13_13_30_33_0807"); boolean s = tmp.delete(); System.out.println(s); // for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // appendToLocalTmpList(i+"", true); // appendToRemoteTmpList("container:"+i+"file", true); // // } // SwiftWork work = new SwiftWork(null); // generateRandomFile("1024", "8.0"); // toByte(5, "M"); // long[] s = generateLogarithmicFileSizeSeries(2, 10, "M", 1, "G"); // long[] s = generateLinearFileSizeSeries(30, "K", 1, "K", 10, "M"); // for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { // System.out.println(humanReadableByteCount(s[i], false)); // System.out.println(s[i]); // } // work.swiftLogin(); // String container = "benchit_container"; // work.createContainer(container); // try { // work.client.createFullPath(container, "tmp/benchit_tmp/"); // } catch (FilesException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // } catch (HttpException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // } catch (IOException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // } // String etag = work.putFile(container, "/tmp/benchit_tmp/test-file-swift-2012_06_08_10_24_47_0976", FilesConstants.getMimetype("")); // System.out.println("Uploaded MD5: " + etag); // byte[] downloaded_file = work.getFile(container, "test-file-swift-2012_06_08_10_24_47_0976"); // String downloaded_md5 = FilesClient.md5Sum(downloaded_file); // System.out.println("Downloaded MD5: " + downloaded_md5); // String md5 = FilesClient.md5Sum(new File("/tmp/benchit_tmp/test-file-swift-2012_06_08_10_24_47_0976")); // System.out.println("Actual MD5: " + md5); // work.deleteFile(container, "test-file-swift-2012_06_08_10_24_47_0976"); // if (md5.equals(etag)) System.out.println("Yohuuuuuuuuu"); // else { // System.out.println("Ridiiiiiiiii"); // } } // logarithmic public static long[] generateLogarithmicFileSizeSeries(int base, int min_value, String min_metric, int max_value, String max_metric) { long min_byte = toByte(min_value, min_metric); long max_byte = toByte(max_value, max_metric); int lmin = (int) (Math.log(min_byte) / Math.log(base)); int lmax = (int) (Math.log(max_byte) / Math.log(base)); long[] series = new long[lmax - lmin + 1]; for (int i = lmin; i <= lmax; i++) { series[i - lmin] = (long) Math.pow(base, i); } return series; } // linear public static long[] generateLinearFileSizeSeries(int inc_value, String inc_metric, int min_value, String min_metric, int max_value, String max_metric) { long min_byte = toByte(min_value, min_metric); long max_byte = toByte(max_value, max_metric); long inc_byte = toByte(inc_value, inc_metric); int num_inc = (int) ((Math.ceil((max_byte - min_byte) / inc_byte) + 1)); long[] series = new long[num_inc]; for (int i = 0; i < num_inc; i++) { series[i] = min_byte + (i * inc_byte); } return series; } /** * * @param size, e.g 1M, 1K, 1G * @return size in byte, e.g 1024^3 */ public static long toByte(int value, String metric) { String metrics = "BKMGTPE"; int exp = metrics.indexOf(metric.toUpperCase()); // System.out.println((long) (value * Math.pow(1024, exp))); return (long) (value * Math.pow(1024, exp)); } public static String humanReadableByteCount(long bytes, boolean si) { int unit = si ? 1000 : 1024; if (bytes < unit) return bytes + " B"; int exp = (int) (Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(unit)); String pre = (si ? "kMGTPE" : "KMGTPE").charAt(exp - 1) + (si ? "" : "i"); return String.format("%.1f %sB", bytes / Math.pow(unit, exp), pre); } /** * * @param byteps byte per second * @return X bit per second */ public static double convertRateToXbps(double byteps, SwiftGetKernelMain.SizeUnit unit) { switch (unit) { case b: return (byteps * 8); case K: return (byteps * 8) / (1024); case M: return (byteps * 8) / (1024 * 1024); case G: return (byteps * 8) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024); default: return byteps; } } /** * @param file size in byte * @return file size in unit */ public static double convertFileSize(double sizeInByte, SwiftGetKernelMain.SizeUnit unit) { switch (unit) { case b: return (sizeInByte * 8); case B: return sizeInByte; case K: return (sizeInByte) / (1024); case M: return (sizeInByte) / (1024 * 1024); case G: return (sizeInByte) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024); default: return sizeInByte; } } // Utils private String generateContainerName(String addition) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss_SSSS"); return "test-container-" + addition + "-" + sdf.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); } private static String generateFileName(String addition) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss_SSSS"); return "test-file-" + addition + "-" + sdf.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); } /** * * @return BenchIT temp directory */ public static String getBenchITTemp() { return System.getProperty("") + "/benchit_tmp"; } /** * Generate a random file of size: blocksize * count * @param blocksize c =1, w =2, b =512, K =1024, M =1024*1024, G =1024*1024*1024, * @param count c =1, w =2, b =512, K =1024, M =1024*1024, G =1024*1024*1024, * @return file name */ public static String generateRandomFile(String blocksize, String count) { Process p; File tmpdir = new File(getBenchITTemp()); if (!tmpdir.isDirectory()) if (!tmpdir.mkdirs()) System.out.println("BenchIT tmpdir is not created. Going to blow up!"); String randfilename = generateFileName("swift"); String randfileaddr = tmpdir.getPath() + "/" + randfilename; try { String command = "/bin/dd if=/dev/urandom of=" + randfileaddr + " bs=" + blocksize + " count=" + count; p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); p.waitFor(); System.out.println("Random File:" + randfileaddr + " with size: (" + blocksize + " x " + count + ") is created successfully"); appendToLocalTmpList(randfileaddr, true); return randfilename; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } private static void appendToRemoteTmpList(String object, boolean close) { File logFile = new File(getBenchITTemp(), REMOTE_TEMP_LOG_FILE); try { FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(logFile, true); fileWriter.append(object + '\n'); if (close) fileWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void appendToLocalTmpList(String file, boolean close) { File logFile = new File(getBenchITTemp(), LOCAL_TEMP_LOG_FILE); try { FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(logFile, true); fileWriter.append(file + '\n'); if (close) fileWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void cleanLocalTemp() { BufferedReader reader; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(getBenchITTemp() + "/" + LOCAL_TEMP_LOG_FILE)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Local temp log file is not found, skipping the clean up process."); return; } String line = null; boolean res = false; try { while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { File tmp = new File(line); if (tmp.delete()) { System.out.println("File " + line + " is deleted successfully"); } else { System.err.println("File " + line + " is NOT deleted successfully"); // In case of a locking linuxDeleteFile(line); } } // Removing the actual local log file reader.close(); File local_log = new File(getBenchITTemp(), LOCAL_TEMP_LOG_FILE); local_log.delete(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Something wrong with the local log file, skipping the cleanup process."); return; } } private void cleanRemoteTemp() { BufferedReader reader; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(getBenchITTemp() + "/" + REMOTE_TEMP_LOG_FILE)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Remote temp log file is not found, skipping the clean up process."); return; } String line = null; boolean res = false; File tmp = null; try { while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { // tmp = new File(getBenchITTemp(), line); // if (tmp.delete()) { // System.out.println("File " + line + " is deleted successfully"); // } else { // System.err.println("File " + line + " is NOT deleted successfully"); // } if (!client.isLoggedin()) swiftLogin(); // container:filename String[] params = line.split(":"); try { client.deleteObject(params[0], params[1]); System.out.println("Object " + line + " is removed from storage"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Unable to delete container:file " + line); System.err.println("Skipping to the next container:file"); } } // Removing the actual remote log file reader.close(); File remote_log = new File(getBenchITTemp(), REMOTE_TEMP_LOG_FILE); remote_log.delete(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Something wrong with the remote log file, skipping the cleanup process."); return; } } public void cleanUp(int remove_local_tmp, int remove_remote_tmp, String filename, int max_problem_size, int current_problem_size) { // # 0 -> don't remove // # 1 -> remove files after each run // # 2 -> remove files when the measurement is done switch (remove_local_tmp) { case 0: break; case 1: // do clean break; case 2: if (max_problem_size == current_problem_size) { //do clean cleanLocalTemp(); } break; default: break; } // # 0 -> don't remove // # 1 -> remove files after each run // # 2 -> remove files when the measurement is done switch (remove_remote_tmp) { case 0: break; case 1: // do clean break; case 2: if (max_problem_size == current_problem_size) { //do clean cleanRemoteTemp(); } break; default: break; } } /** * LINUX Operations */ private static void linuxDeleteFile(String file) { String command = "/bin/rm -f " + file; Process p; try { p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); p.waitFor(); System.out.println("File :" + file + " is deleted successfully"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("File :" + file + " is NOT deleted successfully"); } } }