Java tutorial
/* * iTransformer is an open source tool able to discover and transform * IP network infrastructures. * Copyright (C) 2012 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ import net.itransformers.idiscover.networkmodel.DiscoveredDeviceData; import net.itransformers.idiscover.networkmodel.ObjectType; import net.itransformers.idiscover.networkmodel.ParameterType; import net.itransformers.idiscover.networkmodel.ParametersType; import net.itransformers.idiscover.util.JaxbMarshalar; import org.neo4j.graphdb.DynamicRelationshipType; import org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction; import org.neo4j.graphdb.factory.GraphDatabaseFactory; import org.neo4j.graphdb.factory.GraphDatabaseSettings; import; import; import*; import java.util.List; //@Deprecated public class Neo4JDataImporter { public static int nodeCounter = 0; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { /*"neo4j-rest-graphdb/1.8.RC1" (convert transaction scope into batch-rest-operations) (set to true if verbose request/response logging should be enabled) * *"neo4j-rest-graphdb/1.8M07" * * */ System.setProperty("", "30"); System.setProperty("", "30"); System.setProperty("", "neo4j-rest-graphdb/1.8.RC1"); System.setProperty("", "true"); System.setProperty("", "true"); System.setProperty("", "false"); // d; ClassPathXmlApplicationContext applicationContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("neo4j-spring.xml"); GraphDatabaseService graphdb = applicationContext.getBean("graphDbService", GraphDatabaseService.class); // GraphDatabaseService gds = new RestGraphDatabase("http://localhost:7474/db/data"); // GraphDatabaseService graphdb = new RestGraphDatabase("http://localhost:7474/db/data",username,password); doImport(graphdb); } public static void main1(String[] args) throws Exception { // let the database accept remote neo4j-shell connections GraphDatabaseService graphdb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabaseBuilder("target/bigDB") // .setConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.node_keys_indexable, "name,objectType") // .setConfig( GraphDatabaseSettings.relationship_keys_indexable, "relProp1,relProp2" ) .setConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.node_auto_indexing, Boolean.TRUE.toString()) .setConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.relationship_auto_indexing, Boolean.TRUE.toString()) .newGraphDatabase(); // ServerConfigurator config; // config = new ServerConfigurator( graphdb ); //// let the server endpoint be on a custom port // config.configuration().setProperty( // Configurator.WEBSERVER_PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, 7575 ); // // WrappingNeoServerBootstrapper srv; // srv = new WrappingNeoServerBootstrapper( graphdb, config ); // srv.start(); //// Transaction tr = graphdb.beginTx(); //// try { // doImport(graphdb); // tr.success(); // } catch (Exception e) { // tr.failure(); // throw e; // } finally { // tr.finish(); // } } private static void doImport(GraphDatabaseService graphdb) throws Exception { // IndexManager index = graphdb.index(); // Index<Node> actors = index.forNodes( "actors" ); // actors.add( fishburn, "name", fishburn.getProperty( "name" ) ); // importData(graphdb); // add some data first File dir = new File("ideas/src/main/resources/device-xml"); Node root = createRootNetworkNode(graphdb); File[] files = dir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.endsWith(".xml"); } }); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // importData(graphdb, root, new File(dir, "device-data-MAG-112-1.xml")); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; System.out.println("Press enter to continue"); // reader.readLine(); for (File file : files) { System.out.println("importing file: " + file.getName()); importData(graphdb, root, file); System.out.println("Press enter to continue"); // reader.readLine(); Thread.sleep(300); } System.out.println("Created nodes: " + nodeCounter); System.out.println("Imported ... " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000 + " seconds"); } public static org.neo4j.graphdb.Node createRootNetworkNode(GraphDatabaseService dbApi) throws Exception { Transaction tr = dbApi.beginTx(); try { org.neo4j.graphdb.Node node = dbApi.createNode(); nodeCounter++; node.setProperty("name", "network"); System.out.println("before to commit transaction (createRootNetworkNode)"); tr.success(); System.out.println("after to commit transaction (createRootNetworkNode)"); return node; } catch (Exception e) { tr.failure(); throw e; } finally { System.out.println("before to finish transaction (createRootNetworkNode)"); tr.finish(); System.out.println("after to finish transaction (createRootNetworkNode)"); } } public static void importData(GraphDatabaseService dbApi, Node root, File file) throws Exception { Transaction tr = dbApi.beginTx(); try { FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(file); DiscoveredDeviceData discoveryManagerType = null; try { discoveryManagerType = JaxbMarshalar.unmarshal(DiscoveredDeviceData.class, is); } finally { is.close(); } importDiscoveredDeviceData(dbApi, root, discoveryManagerType); System.out.println("before to commit transaction"); tr.success(); System.out.println("after to commit transaction"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); tr.failure(); } finally { System.out.println("before to finish transaction"); tr.finish(); System.out.println("after to finish transaction"); } } public static void importDiscoveredDeviceData(GraphDatabaseService dbApi, Node root, DiscoveredDeviceData discoveryManagerType) throws Exception { org.neo4j.graphdb.Node node = dbApi.createNode(); nodeCounter++; root.createRelationshipTo(node, DynamicRelationshipType.withName("parent")); // System.out.println("Created node id= "+node.getId()); System.out.println("Created node count= " + nodeCounter); node.setProperty("name", discoveryManagerType.getName()); node.setProperty("objectType", "Node"); // Hardcoded because the DiscoveredDeviceData is not natural data type ParametersType parameters = discoveryManagerType.getParameters(); for (ParameterType param : parameters.getParameter()) { String nameURI = UriBuilder.fromPath(param.getName()).build("").toString(); node.setProperty(nameURI, param.getValue()); } List<ObjectType> objectTypeList = discoveryManagerType.getObject(); for (ObjectType objectType : objectTypeList) { org.neo4j.graphdb.Node child = importObjectType(dbApi, objectType); node.createRelationshipTo(child, DynamicRelationshipType.withName("parent")); } } public static org.neo4j.graphdb.Node importObjectType(GraphDatabaseService dbApi, ObjectType objectType) throws Exception { org.neo4j.graphdb.Node node = dbApi.createNode(); nodeCounter++; // System.out.println("Created node id= "+node.getId()); System.out.println("Created node count= " + nodeCounter); if (objectType.getName() != null) node.setProperty("name", objectType.getName()); node.setProperty("objectType", objectType.getObjectType()); ParametersType parameters = objectType.getParameters(); for (ParameterType param : parameters.getParameter()) { String nameURI = UriBuilder.fromPath(param.getName()).build("").toString(); node.setProperty(nameURI, param.getValue()); } List<ObjectType> objectTypeList = objectType.getObject(); for (ObjectType childObjectType : objectTypeList) { org.neo4j.graphdb.Node child = importObjectType(dbApi, childObjectType); node.createRelationshipTo(child, DynamicRelationshipType.withName("parent")); } return node; } }