Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2007-2008, Jens Lehmann * * This file is part of DL-Learner. * * DL-Learner is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DL-Learner is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.http.impl.cookie.BestMatchSpec; import org.dllearner.core.AbstractCELA; import org.dllearner.core.AbstractLearningProblem; import org.dllearner.core.AbstractReasonerComponent; import org.dllearner.core.ComponentInitException; import org.dllearner.core.owl.Description; import org.dllearner.core.owl.Individual; import org.dllearner.learningproblems.Heuristics; import org.dllearner.learningproblems.PosNegLP; import org.dllearner.learningproblems.PosOnlyLP; import org.dllearner.utilities.Files; import org.dllearner.utilities.Helper; import org.dllearner.utilities.datastructures.Datastructures; import org.dllearner.utilities.owl.OWLAPIConverter; import org.dllearner.utilities.statistics.Stat; import; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClassExpression; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLIndividual; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.util.SimpleShortFormProvider; import; /** * Performs cross validation for the given problem. Supports * k-fold cross-validation and leave-one-out cross-validation. * * @author Jens Lehmann * */ public class CV { // statistical values protected Stat runtime = new Stat(); protected Stat accuracy = new Stat(); protected Stat length = new Stat(); protected Stat accuracyTraining = new Stat(); protected Stat fMeasure = new Stat(); protected Stat fMeasureTraining = new Stat(); public static boolean writeToFile = false; public static File outputFile; public static boolean multiThreaded = false; protected Stat trainingCompletenessStat = new Stat(); protected Stat trainingCorrectnessStat = new Stat(); protected Stat testingCompletenessStat = new Stat(); protected Stat testingCorrectnessStat = new Stat(); DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(); public CV() { } public CV(AbstractCELA la, AbstractLearningProblem lp, final AbstractReasonerComponent rs, int folds, boolean leaveOneOut) { //console rendering of class expressions ManchesterOWLSyntaxOWLObjectRendererImpl renderer = new ManchesterOWLSyntaxOWLObjectRendererImpl(); ToStringRenderer.getInstance().setRenderer(renderer); ToStringRenderer.getInstance().setShortFormProvider(new SimpleShortFormProvider()); // the training and test sets used later on List<Set<OWLIndividual>> trainingSetsPos = new LinkedList<Set<OWLIndividual>>(); List<Set<OWLIndividual>> trainingSetsNeg = new LinkedList<Set<OWLIndividual>>(); List<Set<OWLIndividual>> testSetsPos = new LinkedList<Set<OWLIndividual>>(); List<Set<OWLIndividual>> testSetsNeg = new LinkedList<Set<OWLIndividual>>(); // get examples and shuffle them too Set<OWLIndividual> posExamples; Set<OWLIndividual> negExamples; if (lp instanceof PosNegLP) { posExamples = OWLAPIConverter.getOWLAPIIndividuals(((PosNegLP) lp).getPositiveExamples()); negExamples = OWLAPIConverter.getOWLAPIIndividuals(((PosNegLP) lp).getNegativeExamples()); } else if (lp instanceof PosOnlyLP) { posExamples = OWLAPIConverter.getOWLAPIIndividuals(((PosNegLP) lp).getPositiveExamples()); negExamples = new HashSet<OWLIndividual>(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only PosNeg and PosOnly learning problems are supported"); } List<OWLIndividual> posExamplesList = new LinkedList<OWLIndividual>(posExamples); List<OWLIndividual> negExamplesList = new LinkedList<OWLIndividual>(negExamples); Collections.shuffle(posExamplesList, new Random(1)); Collections.shuffle(negExamplesList, new Random(2)); // sanity check whether nr. of folds makes sense for this benchmark if (!leaveOneOut && (posExamples.size() < folds && negExamples.size() < folds)) { System.out.println("The number of folds is higher than the number of " + "positive/negative examples. This can result in empty test sets. Exiting."); System.exit(0); } // if (leaveOneOut) { // note that leave-one-out is not identical to k-fold with // k = nr. of examples in the current implementation, because // with n folds and n examples there is no guarantee that a fold // is never empty (this is an implementation issue) int nrOfExamples = posExamples.size() + negExamples.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nrOfExamples; i++) { // ... } System.out.println("Leave-one-out not supported yet."); System.exit(1); } else { // calculating where to split the sets, ; note that we split // positive and negative examples separately such that the // distribution of positive and negative examples remains similar // (note that there are better but more complex ways to implement this, // which guarantee that the sum of the elements of a fold for pos // and neg differs by at most 1 - it can differ by 2 in our implementation, // e.g. with 3 folds, 4 pos. examples, 4 neg. examples) int[] splitsPos = calculateSplits(posExamples.size(), folds); int[] splitsNeg = calculateSplits(negExamples.size(), folds); // System.out.println(splitsPos[0]); // System.out.println(splitsNeg[0]); // calculating training and test sets for (int i = 0; i < folds; i++) { Set<OWLIndividual> testPos = getTestingSet(posExamplesList, splitsPos, i); Set<OWLIndividual> testNeg = getTestingSet(negExamplesList, splitsNeg, i); testSetsPos.add(i, testPos); testSetsNeg.add(i, testNeg); trainingSetsPos.add(i, getTrainingSet(posExamples, testPos)); trainingSetsNeg.add(i, getTrainingSet(negExamples, testNeg)); } } // run the algorithm if (multiThreaded && lp instanceof Cloneable && la instanceof Cloneable) { ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() - 1); for (int currFold = 0; currFold < folds; currFold++) { try { final AbstractLearningProblem lpClone = (AbstractLearningProblem) lp.getClass() .getMethod("clone").invoke(lp); final Set<OWLIndividual> trainPos = trainingSetsPos.get(currFold); final Set<OWLIndividual> trainNeg = trainingSetsNeg.get(currFold); final Set<OWLIndividual> testPos = testSetsPos.get(currFold); final Set<OWLIndividual> testNeg = testSetsNeg.get(currFold); if (lp instanceof PosNegLP) { ((PosNegLP) lpClone).setPositiveExamples(OWLAPIConverter.convertIndividuals(trainPos)); ((PosNegLP) lpClone).setNegativeExamples(OWLAPIConverter.convertIndividuals(trainNeg)); } else if (lp instanceof PosOnlyLP) { ((PosOnlyLP) lpClone).setPositiveExamples( new TreeSet<Individual>(OWLAPIConverter.convertIndividuals(trainPos))); } final AbstractCELA laClone = (AbstractCELA) la.getClass().getMethod("clone").invoke(la); final int i = currFold; es.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { validate(laClone, lpClone, rs, i, trainPos, trainNeg, testPos, testNeg); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } es.shutdown(); try { es.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.DAYS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { for (int currFold = 0; currFold < folds; currFold++) { final Set<OWLIndividual> trainPos = trainingSetsPos.get(currFold); final Set<OWLIndividual> trainNeg = trainingSetsNeg.get(currFold); final Set<OWLIndividual> testPos = testSetsPos.get(currFold); final Set<OWLIndividual> testNeg = testSetsNeg.get(currFold); if (lp instanceof PosNegLP) { ((PosNegLP) lp).setPositiveExamples(OWLAPIConverter.convertIndividuals(trainPos)); ((PosNegLP) lp).setNegativeExamples(OWLAPIConverter.convertIndividuals(trainNeg)); } else if (lp instanceof PosOnlyLP) { Set<Individual> convertIndividuals = OWLAPIConverter.convertIndividuals(trainPos); ((PosOnlyLP) lp).setPositiveExamples(new TreeSet<Individual>(convertIndividuals)); } validate(la, lp, rs, currFold, trainPos, trainNeg, testPos, testNeg); } } outputWriter(""); outputWriter("Finished " + folds + "-folds cross-validation."); outputWriter("runtime: " + statOutput(df, runtime, "s")); outputWriter("length: " + statOutput(df, length, "")); outputWriter("F-Measure on training set: " + statOutput(df, fMeasureTraining, "%")); outputWriter("F-Measure: " + statOutput(df, fMeasure, "%")); outputWriter("predictive accuracy on training set: " + statOutput(df, accuracyTraining, "%")); outputWriter("predictive accuracy: " + statOutput(df, accuracy, "%")); } private void validate(AbstractCELA la, AbstractLearningProblem lp, AbstractReasonerComponent rs, int currFold, Set<OWLIndividual> trainPos, Set<OWLIndividual> trainNeg, Set<OWLIndividual> testPos, Set<OWLIndividual> testNeg) { Set<String> pos = Datastructures.individualSetToStringSet(OWLAPIConverter.convertIndividuals(trainPos)); Set<String> neg = Datastructures.individualSetToStringSet(OWLAPIConverter.convertIndividuals(trainNeg)); String output = ""; output += "+" + new TreeSet<String>(pos) + "\n"; output += "-" + new TreeSet<String>(neg) + "\n"; try { lp.init(); la.setLearningProblem(lp); la.init(); } catch (ComponentInitException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } long algorithmStartTime = System.nanoTime(); la.start(); long algorithmDuration = System.nanoTime() - algorithmStartTime; runtime.addNumber(algorithmDuration / (double) 1000000000); OWLClassExpression concept = null; Description currentlyBestDescription = la.getCurrentlyBestDescription(); SortedSet<Individual> convertIndividuals = new TreeSet<Individual>( OWLAPIConverter.convertIndividuals(testPos)); SortedSet<Individual> tmp = rs.hasType(currentlyBestDescription, convertIndividuals); Set<Individual> tmp2 = Helper.difference(convertIndividuals, tmp); Set<Individual> tmp3 = rs.hasType(currentlyBestDescription, OWLAPIConverter.convertIndividuals(testNeg)); // calculate training accuracies int trainingCorrectPosClassified = getCorrectPosClassified(rs, currentlyBestDescription, trainPos); int trainingCorrectNegClassified = getCorrectNegClassified(rs, currentlyBestDescription, trainNeg); int trainingCorrectExamples = trainingCorrectPosClassified + trainingCorrectNegClassified; double trainingAccuracy = 100 * ((double) trainingCorrectExamples / (trainPos.size() + trainNeg.size())); accuracyTraining.addNumber(trainingAccuracy); // calculate test accuracies int correctPosClassified = getCorrectPosClassified(rs, currentlyBestDescription, testPos); int correctNegClassified = getCorrectNegClassified(rs, currentlyBestDescription, testNeg); int correctExamples = correctPosClassified + correctNegClassified; double currAccuracy = 100 * ((double) correctExamples / (testPos.size() + testNeg.size())); accuracy.addNumber(currAccuracy); // calculate training F-Score int negAsPosTraining = rs.hasType(currentlyBestDescription, OWLAPIConverter.convertIndividuals(trainNeg)) .size(); double precisionTraining = trainingCorrectPosClassified + negAsPosTraining == 0 ? 0 : trainingCorrectPosClassified / (double) (trainingCorrectPosClassified + negAsPosTraining); double recallTraining = trainingCorrectPosClassified / (double) trainPos.size(); fMeasureTraining.addNumber(100 * Heuristics.getFScore(recallTraining, precisionTraining)); // calculate test F-Score int negAsPos = rs.hasType(currentlyBestDescription, OWLAPIConverter.convertIndividuals(testNeg)).size(); double precision = correctPosClassified + negAsPos == 0 ? 0 : correctPosClassified / (double) (correctPosClassified + negAsPos); double recall = correctPosClassified / (double) testPos.size(); // System.out.println(precision);System.out.println(recall); fMeasure.addNumber(100 * Heuristics.getFScore(recall, precision)); //length.addNumber(OWLClassExpressionUtils); output += "test set errors pos: " + tmp2 + "\n"; output += "test set errors neg: " + tmp3 + "\n"; output += "fold " + currFold + ":" + "\n"; output += " training: " + pos.size() + " positive and " + neg.size() + " negative examples"; output += " testing: " + correctPosClassified + "/" + testPos.size() + " correct positives, " + correctNegClassified + "/" + testNeg.size() + " correct negatives" + "\n"; output += " concept: " + currentlyBestDescription.toString().replace("\n", " ") + "\n"; output += " accuracy: " + df.format(currAccuracy) + "% (" + df.format(trainingAccuracy) + "% on training set)" + "\n"; //output += " length: " + df.format(OWLClassExpressionUtils.getLength(concept)) + "\n"; output += " runtime: " + df.format(algorithmDuration / (double) 1000000000) + "s" + "\n"; outputWriter(output); } protected int getCorrectPosClassified(AbstractReasonerComponent rs, Description concept, Set<OWLIndividual> testSetPos) { return rs.hasType(concept, OWLAPIConverter.convertIndividuals(testSetPos)).size(); } protected int getCorrectNegClassified(AbstractReasonerComponent rs, Description concept, Set<OWLIndividual> testSetNeg) { return testSetNeg.size() - rs.hasType(concept, OWLAPIConverter.convertIndividuals(testSetNeg)).size(); } public static Set<OWLIndividual> getTestingSet(List<OWLIndividual> examples, int[] splits, int fold) { int fromIndex; // we either start from 0 or after the last fold ended if (fold == 0) fromIndex = 0; else fromIndex = splits[fold - 1]; // the split corresponds to the ends of the folds int toIndex = splits[fold]; // System.out.println("from " + fromIndex + " to " + toIndex); Set<OWLIndividual> testingSet = new HashSet<OWLIndividual>(); // +1 because 2nd element is exclusive in subList method testingSet.addAll(examples.subList(fromIndex, toIndex)); return testingSet; } public static Set<OWLIndividual> getTrainingSet(Set<OWLIndividual> examples, Set<OWLIndividual> testingSet) { return Helper.difference(examples, testingSet); } // takes nr. of examples and the nr. of folds for this examples; // returns an array which says where each fold ends, i.e. // splits[i] is the index of the last element of fold i in the examples public static int[] calculateSplits(int nrOfExamples, int folds) { int[] splits = new int[folds]; for (int i = 1; i <= folds; i++) { // we always round up to the next integer splits[i - 1] = (int) Math.ceil(i * nrOfExamples / (double) folds); } return splits; } public static String statOutput(DecimalFormat df, Stat stat, String unit) { String str = "av. " + df.format(stat.getMean()) + unit; str += " (deviation " + df.format(stat.getStandardDeviation()) + unit + "; "; str += "min " + df.format(stat.getMin()) + unit + "; "; str += "max " + df.format(stat.getMax()) + unit + ")"; return str; } public Stat getAccuracy() { return accuracy; } public Stat getLength() { return length; } public Stat getRuntime() { return runtime; } protected void outputWriter(String output) { if (writeToFile) { Files.appendToFile(outputFile, output + "\n"); System.out.println(output); } else { System.out.println(output); } } public Stat getfMeasure() { return fMeasure; } public Stat getfMeasureTraining() { return fMeasureTraining; } }