Java tutorial
import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.DocumentSummaryInformation; import org.apache.poi.hwpf.*; import org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor.WordExtractor; import org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.*; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.*; import org.w3c.dom.*; import javax.xml.parsers.*; import javax.xml.transform.*; import*; import javax.xml.transform.dom.*; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import; import; import; public class RefSouceOnlyMain { public static javax.swing.JTextArea ta; public static String title = ""; public static ArrayList<String> refs = new ArrayList<String>(); public static String shortTitle = ""; public static String doi = ""; public static String ppub = ""; public static String epub = ""; public static String volume = ""; public static String issue = ""; public static String fpage = ""; public static String lpage = ""; public static String manuscriptDateAccepted = ""; public static String dateAccepted = ""; public static String copyrightStat = ""; public static String copyrightYear = ""; public static String isOriginal = ""; public static ArrayList<String> abstractArr = new ArrayList<String>(); public static ArrayList<String> keywordArr = new ArrayList<String>(); public static ArrayList<String> discussion = new ArrayList<String>(); public static ArrayList<String> acknowledgement = new ArrayList<String>(); public static ArrayList<String> disclosure = new ArrayList<String>(); public static ArrayList<String> figAlready = new ArrayList<String>(); public static ArrayList<String> tableAlready = new ArrayList<String>(); public static HashMap<String, String> articleType = new HashMap<String, String>(); public static ArrayList table = new ArrayList(); public static ArrayList figure = new ArrayList(); public static ArrayList<String> authors = new ArrayList<String>(); public static ArrayList<String> references = new ArrayList<String>(); public static DocSegment aDoc; //Matcher matcher = // pattern.matcher(console.readLine("Enter input string to search: ")); public static DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); public static Document doc; public static String journalTitle = ""; public static boolean isValidBoday; public static boolean isValidBack; public static boolean isValidRefs; public static String magzineTitle; public static String magzineShortTitle; public static String issn_ppub; public static String issn_epub; public static void cleanArrs() { if (ta != null) { ta.setText(""); ta.append("cleaning arrays \n"); } isValidBoday = false; isValidBack = false; isValidRefs = false; if (refs != null) refs.clear(); if (figAlready != null) figAlready.clear(); if (abstractArr != null) abstractArr.clear(); if (keywordArr != null) keywordArr.clear(); if (discussion != null) discussion.clear(); if (acknowledgement != null) acknowledgement.clear(); if (disclosure != null) disclosure.clear(); if (table != null) table.clear(); if (figure != null) figure.clear(); if (authors != null) authors.clear(); if (references != null) references.clear(); if (articleType != null) articleType.clear(); } public static void init(String fileName) { ta.append("reading doc......\n"); RefSouceOnlyMain.readMyDocument(fileName); articleType.put("Original Article", "research-article"); articleType.put("Case Report", "case-report"); articleType.put("Review", "review-article"); articleType.put("Letter to the Editor", "letter"); articleType.put("Short Communication", "rapid-communication"); articleType.put("Meeting Report", "meeting-report"); articleType.put("News", "news"); articleType.put("Editorial", "editorial"); articleType.put("Book Review", "book-review"); articleType.put("Abstract", "abstract"); articleType.put("Announcement", "announcement"); articleType.put("Addendum", "addendum"); articleType.put("Article Commentary", "article-commentary"); articleType.put("Brief Report", "brief-report"); articleType.put("Calendar", "calendar"); articleType.put("Discussion", "discussion"); articleType.put("In Brief", "in-brief"); articleType.put("Introduction", "Introduction"); articleType.put("Partial Retraction", "partial-retraction"); articleType.put("Product Review", "product-review"); articleType.put("Retraction", "retraction"); articleType.put("Retraction", "retraction"); articleType.put("Translation", "translation"); articleType.put("Reprint", "reprint"); articleType.put("Oration", "oration"); articleType.put("Correction", "correction"); articleType.put("Obituary", "obituary"); articleType.put("Books Received", "books-received"); articleType.put("Collection", "collection"); articleType.put("Translation", "translation"); articleType.put("Dissertation", "dissertation"); articleType.put("Reply", "reply"); ta.append("trim the array elements....\n"); abstractArr = RefSouceOnlyMain.arrayCleaner(abstractArr); if (abstractArr.size() > 0) { abstractArr.remove(0); } keywordArr = RefSouceOnlyMain.arrayCleaner(keywordArr); if (keywordArr.size() > 0) { keywordArr.remove(0); } discussion = RefSouceOnlyMain.arrayCleaner(discussion); if (discussion.size() > 0) { discussion.remove(0); } acknowledgement = RefSouceOnlyMain.arrayCleaner(acknowledgement); disclosure = RefSouceOnlyMain.arrayCleaner(disclosure); if (disclosure.size() > 0) { disclosure.remove(0); } // table = RefSouceOnlyMain.arrayCleaner(table); //figure = RefSouceOnlyMain.arrayCleaner(figure); authors = RefSouceOnlyMain.arrayCleaner(authors); // authors.remove(0); references = RefSouceOnlyMain.arrayCleaner(references); DocumentBuilder db = null; try { db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) { ta.append("\nerrors happen:\n"); ta.append(ex.getMessage() + "\n"); } doc = db.newDocument(); Element root = doc.createElement("article"); root.setAttribute("xmlns:mml", ""); root.setAttribute("xmlns:xlink", ""); if (articleType.get(RefSouceOnlyMain.isOriginal) == null) { root.setAttribute("article-type", RefSouceOnlyMain.isOriginal); } else { root.setAttribute("article-type", articleType.get(RefSouceOnlyMain.isOriginal)); } root.appendChild(generateFront()); root.appendChild(generateBody()); root.appendChild(generateBack()); doc.appendChild(root); DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(doc); TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = null; try { transformer = tf.newTransformer(); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "xml"); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8"); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "no"); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC, "-//NLM//DTD Journal Publishing DTD v3.0 20080202//EN"); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM, "journalpublishing3.dtd"); } catch (TransformerConfigurationException ex) { ta.append("\nerrors happen:\n"); ta.append(ex.getMessage() + "\n"); } sw = new; StreamResult sr = new StreamResult(sw); try { transformer.transform(domSource, sr); } catch (TransformerException ex) { ta.append("\nerrors happen:\n"); ta.append(ex.getMessage() + "\n"); } String xml = sw.toString(); //xml = xml.replace("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>", ""); ta.append("\n" + xml); // finalXMLString = "<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC \"-//NLM//DTD Journal Publishing DTD v3.0 20080202//EN\" \"\">"; finalXMLString += xml; } private static Element appendChilds(Element a, ArrayList<Element> b) { a.appendChild(b.get(b.size() - 1)); for (int i = 0; i < b.size() - 1; i++) { a.appendChild(b.get(i)); } return a; } public static Element generateBack() { Element back = doc.createElement("back"); if (RefSouceOnlyMain.acknowledgement.size() > 0) { Element ack = doc.createElement("ack"); back.appendChild(ack); for (String aString : acknowledgement) { aDoc = new DocSegment(); aDoc.setDoc(doc); aDoc.setList(RefSouceOnlyMain.acknowledgement); ack = RefSouceOnlyMain.appendChilds(ack, aDoc.addTableFigure(aString)); } } aDoc = new DocSegment(); aDoc.setDoc(doc); aDoc.setList(RefSouceOnlyMain.disclosure); List<Element> tempString = aDoc.getGeneral(disclosure, "[s]", "isBack"); for (Element a : tempString) { back.appendChild(a); } Element refList = doc.createElement("ref-list"); back.appendChild(refList); Element refListTitle = doc.createElement("title"); refListTitle.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("References")); refList.appendChild(refListTitle); //Humphris G, Blinkhorn A, Freeman R, Gorter R, Hoad-Reddick G, Murtomaa H, O'Sullivan R, et al. Psychological stress in undergraduate dental students: baseline results from seven European dental schools. Eur J Dent Educ. 2002;6(1):22-29. 11872070 // for (int i = 0; i < references.size(); i++) { String temp = references.get(i).trim(); ta.append("\n" + "dealing with the " + i + " ref:" + temp); System.out.println("\n" + "dealing with the " + i + " ref:" + temp); Element tempOneRef = doRefs(temp, i); if (tempOneRef != null) { refList.appendChild(tempOneRef); } } return back; } public static Element doRefs(String refs, int i) { String[] newRefs = refs.split("httphttp"); refs = newRefs[0]; String souceString = newRefs[0].trim(); String sourcePattern = "\\d{1,}\\s*[\\.,]\\s*"; souceString = souceString.replaceFirst(sourcePattern, ""); System.out.println("souceString;" + souceString); refs = refs.trim(); // refs = refs.replaceFirst("^[0-9]+\\.", ""); System.out.println("what is before:" + refs); refs = refs.replaceAll("\\.,", ","); refs = refs.replaceAll("\\?", "."); System.out.println("what is before:" + refs); String[] refInfo = refs.split("\\."); System.out.println("refingo length:" + refInfo.length); if (refInfo.length < 2) { // return null; } if (refInfo.length < 5) { // ta.append("\ncurrent ref format is not correct, please check it."); // return null; } // System.out.println("1,"+refInfo[0]+" 2,"+refInfo[1]+" 3,"+refInfo[2]+" 4,"+refInfo[3]+" 5,"+refInfo[4]); if (refInfo.length > 4) { String[] refInfoTemp = new String[4]; refInfoTemp[3] = refInfo[refInfo.length - 1]; refInfoTemp[2] = refInfo[refInfo.length - 2]; //refInfoTemp[1] = refInfo[refInfo.length - 3]; refInfoTemp[0] = refInfo[1]; String titleTemp = refInfo[2]; ; for (int x = 2; x < refInfo.length - 2; x++) { titleTemp = titleTemp + "." + refInfo[x]; } refInfoTemp[1] = titleTemp; refInfo = refInfoTemp; } Element e1 = doc.createElement("ref"); Element refLabel = doc.createElement("label"); Element e200 = doc.createElement("element-citation"); e200.setAttribute("publication-type", "journal"); Element e2 = doc.createElement("source"); e200.appendChild(e2); String idString = (i + 1) + ""; e1.appendChild(refLabel); refLabel.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(idString)); e1.appendChild(e200); if (i < 9) { idString = "0" + (i + 1); } e1.setAttribute("id", "R" + idString); System.out.println(i + " idstring is " + idString); //e2.setAttribute("publication-type", "journal"); e2.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(souceString)); /** String[] names = refInfo[0].split(","); for (int j = 0; j < names.length; j++) { names[j] = names[j].trim(); System.out.println("one ref name:"+names[j]); if (j == (names.length - 1) && (names[j].equals("et al") || names[j].equals("etal"))) { Element e3 = doc.createElement("etal"); e3.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("et al")); // e2.appendChild(e3); } else { String surname = ""; String givenName = ""; if (names[j].contains(" ")) { String[] name = names[j].split(" "); surname = name[0]; givenName = name[1]; if(name.length>2) { for(int iii=2; iii< name.length;iii++) { givenName += " "+name[iii]; } } } else { surname = names[j]; } Element e3 = doc.createElement("name"); Element e4 = doc.createElement("surname"); Element e5 = doc.createElement("given-names"); e4.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(surname.trim())); e5.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(givenName.trim())); e3.appendChild(e4); e3.appendChild(e5); // e2.appendChild(e3); } } System.out.println("done with name "); Element e6 = doc.createElement("article-title"); e6.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(refInfo[1].trim())); //e2.appendChild(e6); System.out.println("done with title "); Element e7 = doc.createElement("source"); String source = ""; String supply = ""; // 2005;43(3):235-243 if (refInfo[2].contains("(")) { String[] sourceSupply = refInfo[2].split("\\("); source = sourceSupply[0]; supply = sourceSupply[1].replace(")", ""); e7.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(source.trim())); // e2.appendChild(e7); Element e8 = doc.createElement("supplement"); e8.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(supply.trim())); // e2.appendChild(e8); } else { source = refInfo[2]; e7.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(source.trim())); // e2.appendChild(e7); } System.out.println("done with source "); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{4};"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(refInfo[3]); while (matcher.find()) { String yearInfo =; yearInfo = yearInfo.replace(";", ""); Element e9 = doc.createElement("year"); e9.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(yearInfo.trim())); // e2.appendChild(e9); } System.out.println("done with year "); pattern = Pattern.compile(";[0-9]{1,}"); matcher = pattern.matcher(refInfo[3]); while (matcher.find()) { String volume =; volume = volume.replace(";", ""); Element e10 = doc.createElement("volume"); e10.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(volume.trim())); // e2.appendChild(e10); } System.out.println("done with volume "); pattern = Pattern.compile(";[0-9]{1,}\\(([0-9]{1,}(-[0-9]{1,}){0,1}|suppl\\s[0-9]{1,})\\)"); matcher = pattern.matcher(refInfo[3]); while (matcher.find()) { String issue =; String[] issueArray = issue.split("\\("); issue = issueArray[1].replace(")", ""); Element e11 = doc.createElement("issue"); e11.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(issue.trim())); // e2.appendChild(e11); } System.out.println("done with issue "); pattern = Pattern.compile(":[0-9a-zA-Z]{0,}-[0-9a-zA-Z]{0,}"); matcher = pattern.matcher(refInfo[3]); while (matcher.find()) { String pageInfo =; pageInfo = pageInfo.replace(":", ""); String[] pageInfoArr = pageInfo.split("-"); String fpage = pageInfoArr[0]; String lpage = pageInfoArr[1]; if (!fpage.equals("000")) { Element e12 = doc.createElement("fpage"); e12.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(fpage.trim())); // e2.appendChild(e12); } if (!lpage.equals("000")) { Element e13 = doc.createElement("lpage"); e13.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(lpage.trim())); // e2.appendChild(e13); } } pattern = Pattern.compile("discussion\\s[0-9]{1,}"); matcher = pattern.matcher(refInfo[3]); while (matcher.find()) { String pageInfo =; Element e13 = doc.createElement("comment"); e13.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(pageInfo.trim())); // e2.appendChild(e13); } System.out.println("done with lpage "); **/ if (newRefs.length > 1 && newRefs[1] != null && !newRefs[1].trim().equals("000")) { String result = newRefs[1].trim(); System.out.println(result); String doiString = ""; String pmidString = ""; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("aaaaapmid(.{1,})(aaaaa.{1,}){0,1}"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(result); while (matcher.find()) { //doiString =; pmidString =; if (doiString.contains("aaaaadoi")) { String[] pmidStringArr = doiString.split("aaaaadoi"); pmidString = pmidStringArr[0]; } // pmidString=pmidString.replaceAll("aaaaapmid", ""); System.out.println("find pmid match:" + pmidString); } pattern = Pattern.compile("aaaaadoi(.{1,})(aaaaa.{1,}){0,1}"); matcher = pattern.matcher(result); while (matcher.find()) { doiString =; if (doiString.contains("aaaaapmid")) { String[] doiStringArr = doiString.split("aaaaapmid"); doiString = doiStringArr[0]; } //doiString=doiString.replaceAll("aaaaadoi", ""); System.out.println("find doi match:" + doiString); // pmidString =; } System.out.println("doi and pmid:" + doiString + " " + pmidString); if (!doiString.trim().equals("")) { Element e14 = doc.createElement("pub-id"); e14.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(doiString)); e200.appendChild(e14); e14.setAttribute("pub-id-type", "doi"); } if (!pmidString.trim().equals("")) { Element e14 = doc.createElement("pub-id"); e14.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(pmidString)); e200.appendChild(e14); e14.setAttribute("pub-id-type", "pmid"); } } System.out.println("done with pmid "); return e1; } public static Element generateBody() { Element body = doc.createElement("body"); aDoc = new DocSegment(); aDoc.setDoc(doc); aDoc.setList(RefSouceOnlyMain.discussion); List<Element> tempString = aDoc.getGeneral(discussion, "[s]", "isBody"); for (Element a : tempString) { body.appendChild(a); } return body; } public static Element generateFront() { Element front = doc.createElement("front"); Element journalMeta = doc.createElement("journal-meta"); Element journalTa = doc.createElement("journal-id"); journalTa.setAttribute("journal-id-type", "nlm-ta"); journalTa.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(RefSouceOnlyMain.magzineShortTitle)); journalMeta.appendChild(journalTa); Element journalId = doc.createElement("journal-id"); journalId.setAttribute("journal-id-type", "publisher-id"); journalId.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Elmer Press")); journalMeta.appendChild(journalId); Element journalTitleGroup = doc.createElement("journal-title-group"); journalMeta.appendChild(journalTitleGroup); Element journalTitle = doc.createElement("journal-title"); journalTitle.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(RefSouceOnlyMain.magzineTitle)); journalTitleGroup.appendChild(journalTitle); Element issnP = doc.createElement("issn"); issnP.setAttribute("pub-type", "ppub"); issnP.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(RefSouceOnlyMain.issn_ppub)); Element issnE = doc.createElement("issn"); issnE.setAttribute("pub-type", "epub"); issnE.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(RefSouceOnlyMain.issn_epub)); journalMeta.appendChild(issnP); journalMeta.appendChild(issnE); Element publisher = doc.createElement("publisher"); Element publisherName = doc.createElement("publisher-name"); journalMeta.appendChild(publisher); publisher.appendChild(publisherName); publisherName.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Elmer Press")); Element articleMeta = doc.createElement("article-meta"); Element articleId = doc.createElement("article-id"); articleId.setAttribute("pub-id-type", "doi"); articleId.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(RefSouceOnlyMain.doi.trim())); articleMeta.appendChild(articleId); Element articleCategories = doc.createElement("article-categories"); articleMeta.appendChild(articleCategories); Element subjGroup = doc.createElement("subj-group"); subjGroup.setAttribute("subj-group-type", "heading"); articleCategories.appendChild(subjGroup); Element subject = doc.createElement("subject"); subjGroup.appendChild(subject); subject.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(RefSouceOnlyMain.isOriginal.trim())); Element titleGroup = doc.createElement("title-group"); articleMeta.appendChild(titleGroup); Element articleTitle = doc.createElement("article-title"); titleGroup.appendChild(articleTitle); articleTitle.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(RefSouceOnlyMain.title.trim())); if (RefSouceOnlyMain.shortTitle != null) { Element altTitle = doc.createElement("alt-title"); titleGroup.appendChild(altTitle); altTitle.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(RefSouceOnlyMain.shortTitle.trim())); altTitle.setAttribute("alt-title-type", "short"); } //Element contribGroup = doc.createElement("contrib-group"); // Element contrib = doc.createElement("contrib"); articleMeta = doAuthor(articleMeta, authors); String[] ppubArr = RefSouceOnlyMain.ppub.split("/"); String[] epubArr = RefSouceOnlyMain.epub.split("/"); Element pubDatePP = doc.createElement("pub-date"); pubDatePP.setAttribute("pub-type", "ppub"); Element pubDatePP_month = doc.createElement("month"); pubDatePP_month.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(ppubArr[0].trim())); Element pubDatePP_year = doc.createElement("year"); pubDatePP_year.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(ppubArr[1].trim())); articleMeta.appendChild(pubDatePP); pubDatePP.appendChild(pubDatePP_month); pubDatePP.appendChild(pubDatePP_year); Element pubDateEP = doc.createElement("pub-date"); pubDateEP.setAttribute("pub-type", "epub"); Element pubDateEP_day = doc.createElement("day"); pubDateEP_day.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(epubArr[0].trim())); Element pubDateEP_month = doc.createElement("month"); pubDateEP_month.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(epubArr[1].trim())); Element pubDateEP_year = doc.createElement("year"); pubDateEP_year.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(epubArr[2].trim())); articleMeta.appendChild(pubDateEP); pubDateEP.appendChild(pubDateEP_day); pubDateEP.appendChild(pubDateEP_month); pubDateEP.appendChild(pubDateEP_year); Element volume = doc.createElement("volume"); volume.appendChild( doc.createTextNode(RefSouceOnlyMain.volume == null ? "" : RefSouceOnlyMain.volume.trim())); articleMeta.appendChild(volume); Element issue = doc.createElement("issue"); issue.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(RefSouceOnlyMain.issue == null ? "" : RefSouceOnlyMain.issue.trim())); articleMeta.appendChild(issue); Element fpage = doc.createElement("fpage"); fpage.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(RefSouceOnlyMain.fpage == null ? "" : RefSouceOnlyMain.fpage.trim())); articleMeta.appendChild(fpage); Element lpage = doc.createElement("lpage"); lpage.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(RefSouceOnlyMain.lpage == null ? "" : RefSouceOnlyMain.lpage.trim())); articleMeta.appendChild(lpage); Element history = doc.createElement("history"); Element historyDate = doc.createElement("date"); historyDate.setAttribute("date-type", "accepted"); String[] historyDateArr = RefSouceOnlyMain.manuscriptDateAccepted.split("/"); Element history_day = doc.createElement("day"); history_day.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(historyDateArr[0].trim())); Element history_month = doc.createElement("month"); history_month.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(historyDateArr[1].trim())); Element history_year = doc.createElement("year"); history_year.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(historyDateArr[2].trim())); historyDate.appendChild(history_day); historyDate.appendChild(history_month); historyDate.appendChild(history_year); history.appendChild(historyDate); articleMeta.appendChild(history); Element permissions = doc.createElement("permissions"); articleMeta.appendChild(permissions); Element copyright_statement = doc.createElement("copyright-statement"); copyright_statement.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(RefSouceOnlyMain.copyrightStat.trim())); Element copyright_year = doc.createElement("copyright-year"); copyright_year.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(RefSouceOnlyMain.copyrightYear.trim())); Element license = doc.createElement("license"); license.setAttribute("license-type", "open access"); license.setAttribute("xlink:href", ""); Element license_p = doc.createElement("license-p"); license_p.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(Main.textNote)); license.appendChild(license_p); permissions.appendChild(copyright_statement); permissions.appendChild(copyright_year); permissions.appendChild(license); aDoc = new DocSegment(); aDoc.setDoc(doc); if (abstractArr.size() > 0) { Element abstractElem = doc.createElement("abstract"); articleMeta.appendChild(abstractElem); List<Element> tempString = aDoc.getAbstract(abstractArr); for (Element a : tempString) { abstractElem.appendChild(a); } } if (keywordArr.size() > 0) { Element keywordElem = doc.createElement("kwd-group"); keywordElem.setAttribute("kwd-group-type", "author"); articleMeta.appendChild(keywordElem); for (String aKeywordLine : keywordArr) { if (!aKeywordLine.startsWith("[s1]")) { if (aKeywordLine.contains(";")) { for (String aKeyword : aKeywordLine.split(";")) { Element aKeywordElem = doc.createElement("kwd"); keywordElem.appendChild(aKeywordElem); aKeywordElem.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(aKeyword.trim())); } } } } } front.appendChild(journalMeta); front.appendChild(articleMeta); return front; } public static ArrayList<String> arrayCleaner(ArrayList<String> a) { ArrayList<String> temp = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String aString : a) { aString = aString.trim(); if (aString != null && !aString.equals("")) { temp.add(aString); } } return temp; } public static Element doAuthor(Element e0, ArrayList<String> refs) { String[] authors = refs.get(1).split(","); List<String> authorsInitList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String aAuthString : authors) { if (aAuthString.trim().length() == 1) { authorsInitList.add(aAuthString.trim()); } } Collections.sort(authorsInitList); Element e3 = doc.createElement("contrib-group"); Element e11 = null; e0.appendChild(e3); for (int i = 0; i < authors.length; i++) { authors[i] = authors[i].trim(); System.out.println("author name:" + authors[i]); if (authors[i] == null || authors[i].equals("")) { continue; } if (authors[i].trim().length() == 1) { NodeList contribArr = e3.getElementsByTagName("contrib"); Node lastContrib = contribArr.item(contribArr.getLength() - 1); Element e10 = doc.createElement("xref"); lastContrib.appendChild(e10); if (authors[i].trim().equalsIgnoreCase(authorsInitList.get(authorsInitList.size() - 1).trim())) { e10.setAttribute("ref-type", "corresp"); e10.setAttribute("rid", "COR" + authors[i]); e10.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(authors[i].trim())); } else { e10.setAttribute("ref-type", "aff"); e10.setAttribute("rid", "A" + authors[i].trim()); e10.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(authors[i].trim())); } continue; } String authorName = authors[i].substring(0, authors[i].length() - 1); String[] authorNameArr = authorName.split(" "); String surname = authorNameArr[authorNameArr.length - 1]; String given_names = authorNameArr[0]; int j = 1; while (j < (authorNameArr.length - 1)) { given_names += " " + authorNameArr[j]; j++; } String refIndex = authors[i].substring(authors[i].length() - 1); Element e4 = doc.createElement("contrib"); e3.appendChild(e4); e4.setAttribute("contrib-type", "author"); Element e5 = doc.createElement("name"); e4.appendChild(e5); Element e6 = doc.createElement("surname"); Element e7 = doc.createElement("given-names"); e5.appendChild(e6); e5.appendChild(e7); e6.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(surname.trim())); e7.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(given_names.trim())); Element e8 = doc.createElement("xref"); e4.appendChild(e8); e8.setAttribute("ref-type", "aff"); e8.setAttribute("rid", "A" + refIndex); e8.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(refIndex.trim())); } ArrayList<String> authorNotes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int x = 2; x < refs.size(); x++) { char index = refs.get(x).charAt(0); String context = refs.get(x).substring(1); if (context.startsWith("Corresponding")) { authorNotes.add(refs.get(x)); continue; } e11 = doc.createElement("aff"); Element e12 = doc.createElement("label"); e11.appendChild(e12); e0.appendChild(e11); e11.setAttribute("id", "A" + index); e12.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("" + index)); e11.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(context)); } if (authorNotes.size() > 0) { Element e13 = doc.createElement("author-notes"); e0.appendChild(e13); for (int x = 0; x < authorNotes.size(); x++) { char index = authorNotes.get(x).charAt(0); String context = authorNotes.get(x).substring(1); Element e14 = doc.createElement("corresp"); Element e15 = doc.createElement("label"); e13.appendChild(e14); e14.appendChild(e15); e14.setAttribute("id", "COR" + index); e15.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(index + "")); if (context.contains("Email:")) { String[] aaa = context.split("Email:"); e14.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(aaa[0].trim() + " Email: ")); Element e20 = doc.createElement("email"); e14.appendChild(e20); aaa[1] = aaa[1] == null ? "" : aaa[1].trim(); e20.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(aaa[1])); } else { context = context == null ? "" : context.trim(); e14.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(context)); } } } return e0; } public static Element getTable(String name) { DataFormatter formatter = new DataFormatter(Locale.US); if (name == null) { DocumentBuilder db = null; try { db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) { ta.append("\nerrors happen:\n"); ta.append(ex.getMessage() + "\n"); } doc = db.newDocument(); } if (name == null) { name = "C:\\Users\\DLiu1\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\Simon\\dist\\Table 1"; } String fileName = name + ".xls"; File aaa = new File(fileName); if (!aaa.exists()) { RefSouceOnlyMain .error(fileName + " doesn't exist, please copy the " + fileName + " into the same folder!"); return null; } Element tableFrame = null; try { tableFrame = doc.createElement("table"); tableFrame.setAttribute("frame", "hsides"); tableFrame.setAttribute("rules", "groups"); Element thead = doc.createElement("thead"); Element tbody = doc.createElement("tbody"); tableFrame.appendChild(thead); tableFrame.appendChild(tbody); /** Creating Input Stream**/ //InputStream myInput= ReadExcelFile.class.getResourceAsStream( fileName ); FileInputStream myInput = new FileInputStream(aaa); /** Create a POIFSFileSystem object**/ POIFSFileSystem myFileSystem = new POIFSFileSystem(myInput); /** Create a workbook using the File System**/ HSSFWorkbook myWorkBook = new HSSFWorkbook(myFileSystem); /** Get the first sheet from workbook**/ HSSFSheet mySheet = myWorkBook.getSheetAt(0); /** We now need something to iterate through the cells.**/ Iterator rowIter = mySheet.rowIterator(); int theRow = 0; int theadRows = 1; while (rowIter.hasNext()) { theRow++; HSSFRow myRow = (HSSFRow); Iterator cellIter = myRow.cellIterator(); //Vector cellStoreVector=new Vector(); System.out.println("\nprinting " + theRow); Element tr = doc.createElement("tr"); System.out.println("\nprinting " + theRow); while (cellIter.hasNext()) { HSSFCell myCell = (HSSFCell); CellProperties cp = new CellProperties(myCell); Element td = null; int colspan = cp.getColspan(); int rowspan = cp.getRowspan(); CellReference ref = new CellReference(myCell); System.out.println( "The value of " + ref.formatAsString() + " is " + formatter.formatCellValue(myCell)); // String myCellValue = myCell.toString(); // myCell.setCellType(Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); // String myCellValue = myCell.getRichStringCellValue().toString(); String myCellValue = formatter.formatCellValue(myCell); if (myCellValue != null && myCellValue.trim().endsWith(".0")) { System.out.println(myCellValue + " have 0"); myCellValue = myCellValue.replace(".0", ""); } System.out .println(myCellValue + ": colspan:" + cp.getColspan() + " rowspan:" + cp.getRowspan()); if (rowspan > 1) { if (theRow == 1) { theadRows = rowspan; } } if (theRow <= theadRows) { td = doc.createElement("th"); td.setAttribute("align", "left"); } else { td = doc.createElement("td"); td.setAttribute("align", "left"); td.setAttribute("valign", "top"); } if (colspan > 1) { td.setAttribute("colspan", colspan + ""); } if (rowspan > 1) { td.setAttribute("rowspan", rowspan + ""); } if ((colspan > 1 || rowspan > 1) && myCellValue.trim().equals("")) { continue; } Element bold = doc.createElement("bold"); tr.appendChild(td); td.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(myCellValue.trim())); // cellStoreVector.addElement(myCell); } if (theRow <= theadRows) { thead.appendChild(tr); } else { tbody.appendChild(tr); } // cellVectorHolder.addElement(cellStoreVector); } } catch (Exception e) { ta.append("\nerrors happen:\n"); ta.append(e.getMessage() + "\n"); } return tableFrame; } public static void readMyDocument(String fileName) { POIFSFileSystem fs = null; try { fs = new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream(fileName)); HWPFDocument doc = new HWPFDocument(fs); /** Read the content **/ Main.readParagraphs(doc, RefSouceOnlyMain.ta, RefSouceOnlyMain.refs); int realIndex = 0; try { for (int i = 0; i < refs.size(); i++) { String temp = refs.get(i).trim(); System.out.println(i + ":" + temp); refs.set(i, temp); if (temp == null || temp.length() < 3) { continue; } realIndex++; ta.append("\n" + "dealing with the " + i + " ref:" + refs.get(i)); if (realIndex == 1) { RefSouceOnlyMain.isOriginal = temp; continue; } if (realIndex == 2) { title = (temp == null ? "Unknown Title" : temp); continue; } if (temp.startsWith("[a]")) { if (realIndex < 3) { RefSouceOnlyMain.error("author tag is located at wrong place."); } if (temp.equals("[a]")) { int j = i; while (!refs.get(j).equals("[/a]")) { temp = refs.get(j).trim(); refs.set(j, temp); if (temp == null || temp.length() < 3) { j++; continue; } authors.add(refs.get(j)); j++; } i = j; continue; } else { RefSouceOnlyMain.error("[a] must not be followed by anything.\n" + temp); } } Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^\\s{0,}\\d+/\\d+/\\d+\\s{0,}$"); if (temp.startsWith("Manuscript accepted")) { manuscriptDateAccepted = temp.replace("Manuscript accepted:", ""); Matcher m = p.matcher(manuscriptDateAccepted); if (m.find()) { continue; } else { RefSouceOnlyMain.error( "manuscriptDateAccepted must follow by data format:dd/dd/dddd.\n" + temp); } } if (temp.startsWith("Short title")) { shortTitle = temp.replace("Short title:", ""); continue; } if (temp.startsWith("doi:")) { doi = temp.replace("doi:", ""); continue; } if (temp.startsWith("ppub:")) { ppub = temp.replace("ppub:", ""); Pattern ppub_p = Pattern.compile("^\\s{0,}\\d+/\\d+\\s{0,}$"); Matcher m = ppub_p.matcher(ppub); if (m.find()) { continue; } else { RefSouceOnlyMain.error("ppub data format must be:dd/dd/dddd.\n" + temp); } } if (temp.startsWith("epub:")) { epub = temp.replace("epub:", ""); Matcher m = p.matcher(epub); if (m.find()) { continue; } else { RefSouceOnlyMain.error("epub data format must be:dd/dd/dddd.\n" + temp); } } if (temp.startsWith("volume:")) { volume = temp.replace("volume:", ""); Pattern pc = Pattern.compile("^\\s{0,}\\d+\\s{0,}$"); Matcher m = pc.matcher(volume); if (m.find()) { continue; } else { RefSouceOnlyMain.error("must only be digit number:\n" + temp); } } if (temp.startsWith("issue")) { issue = temp.replace("issue:", ""); Pattern pc = Pattern.compile("^\\s{0,}\\d+\\s{0,}$"); Matcher m = pc.matcher(issue); if (m.find()) { continue; } else { RefSouceOnlyMain.error("must only be digit number:\n" + temp); } } if (temp.startsWith("fpage")) { fpage = temp.replace("fpage:", ""); Pattern pc = Pattern.compile("^\\s{0,}\\d+\\s{0,}$"); Matcher m = pc.matcher(fpage); if (m.find()) { continue; } else { RefSouceOnlyMain.error("must only be digit number:\n" + temp); } } if (temp.startsWith("lpage")) { lpage = temp.replace("lpage:", ""); Pattern pc = Pattern.compile("^\\s{0,}\\d+\\s{0,}$"); Matcher m = pc.matcher(lpage); if (m.find()) { continue; } else { RefSouceOnlyMain.error("must only be digit number:\n" + temp); } } if (temp.startsWith("date accepted")) { dateAccepted = temp.replace("date accepted:", ""); Matcher m = p.matcher(dateAccepted); if (m.find()) { continue; } else { RefSouceOnlyMain.error("data format must be:dd/dd/dddd.\n" + temp); } } if (temp.startsWith("copyright-statement")) { copyrightStat = temp.replace("copyright-statement:", ""); continue; } if (temp.startsWith("copyright-year")) { copyrightYear = temp.replace("copyright-year:", ""); Pattern pc = Pattern.compile("^\\s{0,}\\d{4}\\s{0,}$"); Matcher m = pc.matcher(copyrightYear); if (m.find()) { continue; } else { RefSouceOnlyMain.error("must only be 4 digit numbers:\n" + temp); } } if (temp.equalsIgnoreCase("Abstract")) { int j = i; while (!refs.get(j).trim().equals("[s1]Keywords")) { ta.append("try find out introduction " + refs.get(j) + "\n"); temp = refs.get(j).trim(); refs.set(j, temp); if (temp == null || temp.length() < 3) { j++; continue; } abstractArr.add(refs.get(j)); j++; } i = j - 1; continue; } if (temp.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("[s1]Keywords")) { int j = i; while (!refs.get(j).trim().equals("[body]")) { ta.append("try find out introduction " + refs.get(j) + "\n"); temp = refs.get(j).trim(); refs.set(j, temp); if (temp == null || temp.length() < 3) { j++; continue; } keywordArr.add(refs.get(j)); j++; } i = j - 1; continue; } if (temp.equals("[body]")) { RefSouceOnlyMain.isValidBoday = true; int j = i; while (!refs.get(j).equals("Acknowledgement") && !refs.get(j).equals("[back]")) { ta.append("try find out introduction " + refs.get(j) + "\n"); temp = refs.get(j).trim(); refs.set(j, temp); if (temp == null || temp.length() < 3) { j++; continue; } RefSouceOnlyMain.discussion.add(refs.get(j)); j++; } i = j - 1; continue; } if (temp.equals("Acknowledgement")) { int j = i + 1; while (!refs.get(j).equals("[back]")) { temp = refs.get(j).trim(); refs.set(j, temp); if (temp == null || temp.length() < 3) { j++; continue; } RefSouceOnlyMain.acknowledgement.add(refs.get(j)); j++; } i = j - 1; continue; } if (temp.equals("[back]")) { RefSouceOnlyMain.isValidBack = true; int j = i; while (!refs.get(j).equals("Table") && !refs.get(j).equals("Figure legends") && !refs.get(j).equals("References")) { temp = refs.get(j).trim(); refs.set(j, temp); if (temp == null || temp.length() < 3) { j++; continue; } RefSouceOnlyMain.disclosure.add(refs.get(j)); j++; } i = j - 1; continue; } if (temp.equalsIgnoreCase("Table")) { int j = i + 1; while (!refs.get(j).startsWith("Figure legends") && !refs.get(j).equals("References")) { List<String> aTable = new ArrayList<String>(); refs.set(j, refs.get(j).trim()); String tempTemp = refs.get(j).trim(); System.out.println("setup table:" + tempTemp); if (refs.get(j) == null || tempTemp.length() < 3) { j++; continue; } if (!tempTemp.contains("[title]")) { RefSouceOnlyMain.error("problem happened around " + tempTemp); //System.exit(-1); } String[] a = refs.get(j).split("\\[title\\]"); aTable.add(a[0]); String[] b = new String[2]; if (a[1].contains("footnotes")) { b = a[1].split("\\[footnotes\\]"); j++; while (!refs.get(j).startsWith("Figure legends") && !refs.get(j).equals("References") && !refs.get(j).startsWith("Table")) { b[1] += "aaaaa" + refs.get(j); j++; } j--; } else { b[0] = a[1]; b[1] = ""; } aTable.add(b[0]); aTable.add(b[1]); RefSouceOnlyMain.table.add(aTable); j++; } i = j - 1; continue; } if (temp.equals("Figure legends")) { int j = i + 1; while (!refs.get(j).startsWith("References")) { List<String> aTable = new ArrayList<String>(); refs.set(j, refs.get(j).trim()); String tempTemp = refs.get(j).trim(); if (tempTemp == null || tempTemp.length() < 3) { j++; continue; } if (!tempTemp.contains("[legend]")) { RefSouceOnlyMain.error("problem happened around " + tempTemp); // System.exit(-1); } String[] a = refs.get(j).split("\\[legend\\]"); aTable.add(a[0]); String[] b = a[1].split("\\[file\\]"); aTable.add(b[0]); aTable.add(b[1]); RefSouceOnlyMain.figure.add(aTable); j++; } i = j - 1; continue; } if (temp.equals("References")) { RefSouceOnlyMain.isValidRefs = true; i++; while (i < refs.size()) { System.out.println("adding reference:" + refs.get(i)); String result = refs.get(i); result += "httphttp"; String secondString = null; if (i + 1 < refs.size()) { secondString = refs.get(i + 1); } System.out.println("new string 1:" + secondString); String thirdString = null; if (i + 2 < refs.size()) { thirdString = refs.get(i + 2); } if (secondString != null && (secondString.trim().startsWith("http://") || secondString.trim().startsWith("Http://"))) { result += secondString.trim(); i++; if (thirdString != null && (thirdString.trim().startsWith("http://") || thirdString.trim().startsWith("Http://"))) { result += thirdString.trim(); i++; } } result = result.replaceAll("", "aaaaadoi"); result = result.replaceAll("Http://", "aaaaadoi"); result = result.replaceAll("", "aaaaapmid"); result = result.replaceAll("Http://", "aaaaapmid"); RefSouceOnlyMain.references.add(result); i++; } } //doit(refs.get(i), i); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block ta.append("\nerrors happen:\n"); ta.append(e.getMessage() + "\n"); } int pageNumber = 1; /** We will try reading the header for page 1**/ //readHeader(doc, pageNumber); /** Let's try reading the footer for page 1**/ //readFooter(doc, pageNumber); /** Read the document summary**/ //readDocumentSummary(doc); } catch (Exception e) { ta.append(e.getMessage()); } } public static void readHeader(HWPFDocument doc, int pageNumber) { HeaderStories headerStore = new HeaderStories(doc); String header = headerStore.getHeader(pageNumber); ta.append("\n" + "Header Is: " + header); } public static void readFooter(HWPFDocument doc, int pageNumber) { HeaderStories headerStore = new HeaderStories(doc); String footer = headerStore.getFooter(pageNumber); ta.append("\n" + "Footer Is: " + footer); } public static void readDocumentSummary(HWPFDocument doc) { DocumentSummaryInformation summaryInfo = doc.getDocumentSummaryInformation(); String category = summaryInfo.getCategory(); String company = summaryInfo.getCompany(); int lineCount = summaryInfo.getLineCount(); int sectionCount = summaryInfo.getSectionCount(); int slideCount = summaryInfo.getSlideCount(); ta.append("\n" + "---------------------------"); ta.append("\n" + "Category: " + category); ta.append("\n" + "Company: " + company); ta.append("\n" + "Line Count: " + lineCount); ta.append("\n" + "Section Count: " + sectionCount); ta.append("\n" + "Slide Count: " + slideCount); } public final static String prefixFileName = "c:\\"; private static void replaceChar(String[] aaa) { } public static void generateXML(String theString, String fileName) throws IOException { Writer output = null; String prefix = "out/"; File file = new File("out"); if (!file.exists()) { file.mkdir(); } file = new File(prefix + fileName); output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)); theString = theString.replaceAll("", "‘").replaceAll("", "’").replaceAll("?", "”") .replaceAll("", "“").replaceAll("", "≥").replaceAll("", "≤") .replace("", "•"); //theString = theString.replaceAll("","'").replaceAll("","'").replaceAll("?", "\"").replaceAll("", "\""); String[] aaaaa = theString.split("\n"); Main.fixEncoding(aaaaa, RefSouceOnlyMain.ta, output); output.close(); ta.append("\n" + "the final xml file has been written to " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } public static void error(String a) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, a, "Error happening", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } public static void info(String a) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, a, "Important info", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } public static String finalXMLString = ""; public static void main(String[] args) { RefSouceOnlyMain.getTable(null); } }