Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;

 * @author tony
enum ServerStatus {

class BankInfo2 {
    String bank_name;
    ArrayList<ServerInfo> servers;

    public BankInfo2(String bn) {
        bank_name = bn;
        servers = new ArrayList<ServerInfo>();

class ServerInfoForClient {
    String bank_name;
    String HeadPort;
    String HeadIP;
    String TailPort;
    String TailIP;

    ServerInfoForClient(String hp, String hi, String tp, String ti, String bn) {
        HeadPort = hp;
        HeadIP = hi;
        TailPort = tp;
        TailIP = ti;
        bank_name = bn;

class ServerInfo {
    String IP;
    String Port;
    String Start_delay;
    String Lifetime;
    String Receive;
    String Send;

    public ServerInfo(String ip, String port, String sd, String life, String recv, String send) {
        IP = ip;
        Port = port;
        Start_delay = sd;
        Lifetime = life;
        Receive = recv;
        Send = send;

class RequestInfo {
    String request;
    String bankName;
    String accountNum;
    String amount;
    String sequenceNum;

    public RequestInfo(String r, String b, String a, String seq) {

        request = r;
        bankName = b;
        accountNum = a;
        sequenceNum = seq;

    public RequestInfo(String r, String b, String a, String amt, String seq) {

        request = r;
        bankName = b;
        accountNum = a;
        amount = amt;
        sequenceNum = seq;

class ClientInfo {
    int PortNumber;
    String reply_timeout;
    String request_retries;
    String resend_head;
    boolean isRandom;
    String seed;
    String num_requests;
    String prob_balance;
    String prob_deposit;
    String prob_withdraw;
    String prob_transfer;
    String prob_failure = "0.0";
    String msg_send_delay = "0.0";
    //String request;
    ArrayList<RequestInfo> requests;

    public ClientInfo(String t, String rr, String h) {
        reply_timeout = t;
        request_retries = rr;
        resend_head = h;
        requests = new ArrayList<RequestInfo>();

    public ClientInfo(String t, String rr, String h, String s, String n, String b, String d, String w, String tr) {
        reply_timeout = t;
        request_retries = rr;
        resend_head = h;
        isRandom = true;
        seed = s;
        num_requests = n;
        prob_balance = b;
        prob_deposit = d;
        prob_withdraw = w;
        prob_transfer = t;

public class ExecSimulation {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args)
            throws InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException, IOException, ParseException {
        FileReader reader = null;
        ArrayList<BankInfo2> BankArray = new ArrayList<BankInfo2>();
        reader = new FileReader(args[0]);
        JSONParser jp = new JSONParser();
        JSONObject doc = (JSONObject) jp.parse(reader);
        JSONObject banks = (JSONObject) doc.get("banks");
        //Set bankKeys = banks.keySet();
        //Object [] bankNames = bankKeys.toArray();
        Object[] bankNames = banks.keySet().toArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < bankNames.length; i++) {

            String bname = (String) bankNames[i];
            BankInfo2 binfo = new BankInfo2(bname);
            JSONObject banki = (JSONObject) banks.get(bname);
            JSONArray chain = (JSONArray) banki.get("chain");
            int chainLength = chain.size();
            for (Object chain1 : chain) {

                JSONObject serv = (JSONObject) chain1;
                ServerInfo sinfo = new ServerInfo((String) serv.get("ip"), serv.get("port").toString(),
                        serv.get("start_delay").toString(), serv.get("lifetime").toString(),
                        serv.get("receive").toString(), serv.get("send").toString());
                //System.out.println(serv.get("ip") + ":" + serv.get("port"));
        //System.out.println("Done Processing Servers");
        JSONArray clients = (JSONArray) doc.get("clients");
        ArrayList<ClientInfo> clientsList = new ArrayList<ClientInfo>();
        for (int i = 0; i < clients.size(); i++) {
            JSONObject client_i = (JSONObject) clients.get(i);
            //This is for hard coded requests in the json file
            String typeOfClient = client_i.get("requests").getClass().toString();

            //This is for a client that has hardCoded requests
            if (typeOfClient.equals("class org.json.simple.JSONArray")) {
                JSONArray requests = (JSONArray) client_i.get("requests");
                ClientInfo c = new ClientInfo(client_i.get("reply_timeout").toString(),
                        client_i.get("request_retries").toString(), client_i.get("resend_head").toString());
                c.prob_failure = client_i.get("prob_failure").toString();
                c.msg_send_delay = client_i.get("msg_delay").toString();
                        "Successfully added prob failure and msg_send " + c.prob_failure + "," + c.msg_send_delay);
                ArrayList<RequestInfo> req_list = new ArrayList<RequestInfo>();
                for (int j = 0; j < requests.size(); j++) {
                    JSONObject request_j = (JSONObject) requests.get(j);
                    String req = request_j.get("request").toString();
                    String bank = request_j.get("" + "bank").toString();
                    String acc = request_j.get("account").toString();
                    String seq = request_j.get("seq_num").toString();
                    String amt = null;
                    try {
                        amt = request_j.get("amount").toString();
                    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
                        //System.out.println("Amount not specified.");
                    RequestInfo r;
                    if (amt == null) {
                        r = new RequestInfo(req, bank, acc, seq);
                    } else {
                        r = new RequestInfo(req, bank, acc, amt, seq);
                    //RequestInfo r = new RequestInfo(request_j.get("request").toString(), request_j.get("bank").toString(), request_j.get("account").toString(), request_j.get("amount").toString());
                c.requests = req_list;
                c.PortNumber = 60000 + i;
            //This is for Random client requests
            else if (typeOfClient.equals("class org.json.simple.JSONObject")) {
                JSONObject randomReq = (JSONObject) client_i.get("requests");
                String seed = randomReq.get("seed").toString();
                String num_requests = randomReq.get("num_requests").toString();
                String prob_balance = randomReq.get("prob_balance").toString();
                String prob_deposit = randomReq.get("prob_deposit").toString();
                String prob_withdraw = randomReq.get("prob_withdrawal").toString();
                String prob_transfer = randomReq.get("prob_transfer").toString();
                //ClientInfo c = new ClientInfo(true, seed, num_requests, prob_balance, prob_deposit, prob_withdraw, prob_transfer);
                ClientInfo c = new ClientInfo(client_i.get("reply_timeout").toString(),
                        client_i.get("request_retries").toString(), client_i.get("resend_head").toString(), seed,
                        num_requests, prob_balance, prob_deposit, prob_withdraw, prob_transfer);
                c.PortNumber = 60000 + i;
        double lowerPercent = 0.0;
        double upperPercent = 1.0;
        double result;
        String bankChainInfoMaster = "";
        for (int x = 0; x < BankArray.size(); x++) {
            BankInfo2 analyze = BankArray.get(x);
            String chain = analyze.bank_name + "#";
            for (int j = 0; j < analyze.servers.size(); j++) {
                if (analyze.servers.get(j).Start_delay.equals("0")) {
                    if (j == 0) {
                        chain += analyze.servers.get(j).Port;
                    } else {
                        chain += "#" + analyze.servers.get(j).Port;
            if (x == 0) {
                bankChainInfoMaster += chain;
            } else {
                bankChainInfoMaster += "@" + chain;
        //System.out.println("CHAIN: "+ bankChainInfoMaster);

        String clientInfoMaster = "";
        for (int x = 0; x < clientsList.size(); x++) {
            ClientInfo analyze = clientsList.get(x);
            if (x == 0) {
                clientInfoMaster += analyze.PortNumber;
            } else {
                clientInfoMaster += "#" + analyze.PortNumber;

        //System.out.println("Clients: "+ clientInfoMaster);

        //RUN MASTER HERE 
        String MasterPort = "49999";
        String masterExec = "java Master " + MasterPort + " " + clientInfoMaster + " " + bankChainInfoMaster;
        Process masterProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(masterExec);
        ArrayList<ServerInfoForClient> servInfoCli = new ArrayList<ServerInfoForClient>();

        // List of all servers is saved so that we can wait for them to exit.
        ArrayList<Process> serverPros = new ArrayList<Process>();
        //ArrayList<String> execServs = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (int i = 0; i < BankArray.size(); i++) {
            BankInfo2 analyze = BankArray.get(i);
            //One server in the chain
            String execCmd = "java Server ";
            String hIP = "", hPort = "", tIP = "", tPort = "", bn = "";
            bn = analyze.bank_name;
            boolean joinFlag = false;
            if (analyze.servers.size() == 2 && analyze.servers.get(1).Start_delay.equals("0")) {
                joinFlag = false;
            } else {
                joinFlag = true;

            if (analyze.servers.size() == 1 && joinFlag == false) {
                //if(analyze.servers.size() == 1){
                ServerInfo si = analyze.servers.get(0);
                execCmd += "HEAD_TAIL " + si.IP + ":" + si.Port;
                execCmd += " localhost:0 localhost:0 localhost:" + MasterPort + " " + si.Start_delay + " "
                        + si.Lifetime + " " + si.Receive + " " + si.Send + " " + analyze.bank_name;
                hIP = si.IP;
                hPort = si.Port;
                tIP = si.IP;
                tPort = si.Port;
                Process pro = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execCmd);
            } else if (analyze.servers.size() == 2 && joinFlag == true) {
                ServerInfo si = analyze.servers.get(0);
                execCmd += "HEAD_TAIL " + si.IP + ":" + si.Port;
                execCmd += " localhost:0 localhost:0 localhost:" + MasterPort + " " + si.Start_delay + " "
                        + si.Lifetime + " " + si.Receive + " " + si.Send + " " + analyze.bank_name;
                hIP = si.IP;
                hPort = si.Port;
                tIP = si.IP;
                tPort = si.Port;
                Process pro = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execCmd);

                execCmd = "java Server ";
                ServerInfo si2 = analyze.servers.get(1);
                execCmd += "TAIL " + si2.IP + ":" + si2.Port;
                execCmd += " localhost:0 localhost:0 localhost:" + MasterPort + " " + si2.Start_delay + " "
                        + si2.Lifetime + " " + si2.Receive + " " + si2.Send + " " + analyze.bank_name;
                hIP = si.IP;
                hPort = si.Port;
                tIP = si.IP;
                tPort = si.Port;
                Process pro2 = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execCmd);
            } else {
                int icount = 0;
                for (int x = 0; x < analyze.servers.size(); x++) {
                    ServerInfo si = analyze.servers.get(x);
                    if (si.Start_delay.equals("0")) {
                System.out.println("icount:" + icount);
                for (int j = 0; j < icount; j++) {
                    //for(int j = 0; j < analyze.servers.size(); j++){
                    execCmd = "java Server ";
                    ServerInfo si = analyze.servers.get(j);
                    //Head server
                    if (j == 0) {
                        ServerInfo siSucc = analyze.servers.get(j + 1);
                        execCmd += "HEAD " + si.IP + ":" + si.Port + " ";
                        execCmd += "localhost:0 " + siSucc.IP + ":" + siSucc.Port + " localhost:" + MasterPort;
                        execCmd += " " + si.Start_delay + " " + si.Lifetime + " " + si.Receive + " " + si.Send + " "
                                + analyze.bank_name;
                        hIP = si.IP;
                        hPort = si.Port;

                    //Tail Server
                    else if (j == (icount - 1)) {//analyze.servers.size() - 1) ){
                        ServerInfo siPred = analyze.servers.get(j - 1);
                        execCmd += "TAIL " + si.IP + ":" + si.Port + " ";
                        execCmd += siPred.IP + ":" + siPred.Port + " localhost:0 localhost:" + MasterPort;
                        execCmd += " " + si.Start_delay + " " + si.Lifetime + " " + si.Receive + " " + si.Send + " "
                                + analyze.bank_name;
                        tIP = si.IP;
                        tPort = si.Port;
                    //Middle Server
                    else {
                        ServerInfo siSucc = analyze.servers.get(j + 1);
                        ServerInfo siPred = analyze.servers.get(j - 1);
                        execCmd += "MIDDLE " + si.IP + ":" + si.Port + " ";
                        execCmd += siPred.IP + ":" + siPred.Port + " " + siSucc.IP + ":" + siSucc.Port
                                + " localhost:" + MasterPort;
                        execCmd += " " + si.Start_delay + " " + si.Lifetime + " " + si.Receive + " " + si.Send + " "
                                + analyze.bank_name;
                    Process pro = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execCmd);
                for (int j = icount; j < analyze.servers.size(); j++) {
                    execCmd = "java Server ";
                    ServerInfo si = analyze.servers.get(j);
                    ServerInfo siPred = analyze.servers.get(j - 1);
                    execCmd += "TAIL " + si.IP + ":" + si.Port + " ";
                    execCmd += siPred.IP + ":" + siPred.Port + " localhost:0 localhost:" + MasterPort;
                    execCmd += " " + si.Start_delay + " " + si.Lifetime + " " + si.Receive + " " + si.Send + " "
                            + analyze.bank_name;
                    tIP = si.IP;
                    tPort = si.Port;
                    Process pro = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execCmd);
            ServerInfoForClient newServInfoForCli = new ServerInfoForClient(hPort, hIP, tPort, tIP, bn);
        String banksCliParam = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < servInfoCli.size(); i++) {
            ServerInfoForClient temp = servInfoCli.get(i);
            String add = "@" + temp.bank_name + "#" + temp.HeadIP + ":" + temp.HeadPort + "#" + temp.TailIP + ":"
                    + temp.TailPort;
            banksCliParam += add;
        banksCliParam = banksCliParam.replaceFirst("@", "");

        // List of clients is saved so that we can wait for them to exit.
        ArrayList<Process> clientPros = new ArrayList<Process>();
        for (int i = 0; i < clientsList.size(); i++) {
            ClientInfo analyze = clientsList.get(i);
            String requestsString = "";
            if (analyze.isRandom) {
                double balance = Double.parseDouble(analyze.prob_balance);
                double deposit = Double.parseDouble(analyze.prob_deposit);
                double withdraw = Double.parseDouble(analyze.prob_withdraw);
                int numRequests = Integer.parseInt(analyze.num_requests);
                for (int j = 0; j < numRequests; j++) {
                    result = Math.random() * (1.0 - 0.0) + 0.0;
                    int randAccount = (int) (Math.random() * (10001 - 0) + 0);
                    double randAmount = Math.random() * (10001.00 - 0.0) + 0;
                    int adjustMoney = (int) randAmount * 100;
                    randAmount = (double) adjustMoney / 100.00;
                    int randBank = (int) (Math.random() * (bankNames.length - 0) + 0);
                    if (result < balance) {
                        requestsString += "@balance#localhost:" + analyze.PortNumber + "%" + bankNames[randBank]
                                + "%" + randAccount + "%" + j;
                    } else if (result < (deposit + balance)) {
                        requestsString += "@deposit#localhost:" + analyze.PortNumber + "%" + bankNames[randBank]
                                + "%" + randAccount + "%" + j + "#" + randAmount;
                    } else {
                        requestsString += "@withdrawal#localhost:" + analyze.PortNumber + "%" + bankNames[randBank]
                                + "%" + randAccount + "%" + j + "#" + randAmount;

            } else {
                for (int j = 0; j < analyze.requests.size(); j++) {

                    RequestInfo req = analyze.requests.get(j);
                    //System.out.println("Sequence ###" + req.sequenceNum);
                    if (req.request.equals("balance")) {
                        requestsString += "@" + req.request + "#localhost:" + analyze.PortNumber + "%"
                                + req.bankName + "%" + req.accountNum + "%" + req.sequenceNum;
                    } else {
                        requestsString += "@" + req.request + "#localhost:" + analyze.PortNumber + "%"
                                + req.bankName + "%" + req.accountNum + "%" + req.sequenceNum + "#" + req.amount;

            requestsString = requestsString.replaceFirst("@", "");
            String execCommand;
            int p = 60000 + i;
            if (analyze.isRandom) {
                execCommand = "java Client localhost:" + p + " " + banksCliParam + " " + requestsString + " "
                        + analyze.reply_timeout + " " + analyze.request_retries + " " + analyze.resend_head + " "
                        + analyze.prob_failure + " " + analyze.msg_send_delay + " " + analyze.prob_balance + ","
                        + analyze.prob_deposit + "," + analyze.prob_withdraw + "," + analyze.prob_transfer;
            } else {
                execCommand = "java Client localhost:" + p + " " + banksCliParam + " " + requestsString + " "
                        + analyze.reply_timeout + " " + analyze.request_retries + " " + analyze.resend_head + " "
                        + analyze.prob_failure + " " + analyze.msg_send_delay;

            System.out.println("Client " + (i + 1) + " started");
            Process cliPro = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execCommand);
        // Wait for all the clients to terminate
        for (Process clientPro : clientPros) {
            try {
                System.out.println("Client process finished.");
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                System.out.println("Interrupted while waiting for client.");
        // Sleep for two seconds
        // Force termination of the servers
        for (Process serverPro : serverPros) {
            System.out.println("Killed server.");
        System.out.println("Killed Master");
