Java tutorial
import com.knowledgebooks.rdf.SparqlClient; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Scanner; /** * Copyright Mark Watson 2008-2010. All Rights Reserved. * License: LGPL version 3 ( */ public class EntityToD2RHelpers { public EntityToD2RHelpers(String uri, String config_file, List<String> people, List<String> places, PrintWriter out) throws Exception { // In this example, I am assuming that the D2R server is running on localhost:2020 //out.println("PREFIX vocab: <http://localhost:2020/vocab/resource/>"); List<String> lines = (List<String>) FileUtils.readLines(new File(config_file)); String d2r_host_and_port = lines.remove(0); String[] info = d2r_host_and_port.split(" "); System.out.println("D2R host = |" + info[0] + "| and port = |" + info[1] + "|"); for (String line : lines) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(line); scanner.useDelimiter(" "); String d2r_type =; System.out.println("* d2r_type = " + d2r_type); while (scanner.hasNext()) { String term =; String[] property_and_entity_type = term.split("/"); System.out.println(" property: " + property_and_entity_type[0] + " entity type: " + property_and_entity_type[1]); if (property_and_entity_type[1].equals("person")) { for (String person : people) { // perform SPARQL queries to D2R server: String sparql = "PREFIX vocab: <http://localhost:2020/vocab/resource/>\n" + "SELECT ?subject ?name WHERE {\n" + " ?subject " + property_and_entity_type[0] + " ?name \n" + " FILTER regex(?name, \"" + person + "\") .\n" + "}\n" + "LIMIT 10\n"; SparqlClient test = new SparqlClient("http://localhost:2020/sparql", sparql); for (Map<String, String> bindings : test.variableBindings()) { System.out.print("D2R result:" + bindings); if (bindings.keySet().size() > 0) { String blank_node = blankNodeURI("person"); out.println(blank_node + " <> \"" + person.replaceAll("\"", "'") + "\" ."); out.println("<" + uri + "> <> " + blank_node + " ."); out.println(blank_node + " <> \"" + bindings.get("subject") + "\" ."); } } } } else if (property_and_entity_type[1].equals("place")) { for (String place : places) { // perform SPARQL queries to D2R server: String sparql = "PREFIX vocab: <http://localhost:2020/vocab/resource/>\n" + "SELECT ?subject ?name WHERE {\n" + " ?subject " + property_and_entity_type[0] + " ?name \n" + " FILTER regex(?name, \"" + place + "\") .\n" + "}\n" + "LIMIT 10\n"; SparqlClient test = new SparqlClient("http://localhost:2020/sparql", sparql); for (Map<String, String> bindings : test.variableBindings()) { System.out.print("D2R result:" + bindings); if (bindings.keySet().size() > 0) { String blank_node = blankNodeURI("place"); out.println(blank_node + " <> \"" + place.replaceAll("\"", "'") + "\" ."); out.println("<" + uri + "> <> " + blank_node + " ."); out.println(blank_node + " <> \"" + bindings.get("subject") + "\" ."); } } } } } } out.close(); } private static String blankNodeURI(String name_type) { return "_:dr" + name_type + blank_node_count++; } static long blank_node_count = 1; // for testing only: public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { List<String> people = new ArrayList<String>(); people.add("Mark Watson"); List<String> places = new ArrayList<String>(); places.add("Sedona"); new EntityToD2RHelpers("", "testdata/databaseinfo.txt", people, places, new PrintWriter("testdata/gen_rdf.nt")); //new EntityToD2RHelpers("", "testdata/databaseinfo.txt", people, places, new PrintWriter(System.out)); } }