Java tutorial
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //FILE: //PROJECT: Micro-Manager //SUBSYSTEM: Autofocusing plug-in for mciro-manager and ImageJ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //AUTHOR: Arthur Edelstein, October 2010 // Based on SimpleAutofocus by Karl Hoover // and the Autofocus "H&P" plugin // by Pakpoom Subsoontorn & Hernan Garcia // //COPYRIGHT: University of California San Francisco // //LICENSE: This file is distributed under the BSD license. // License text is included with the source distribution. // // This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty // of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR // CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. // //CVS: $Id: 1275 2008-06-03 21:31:24Z nenad $ import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import ij.process.ImageStatistics; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.text.ParseException; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import mmcorej.CMMCore; import mmcorej.Configuration; import mmcorej.TaggedImage; import org.apache.commons.math.FunctionEvaluationException; import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.UnivariateRealFunction; import org.apache.commons.math.optimization.GoalType; import org.apache.commons.math.optimization.univariate.BrentOptimizer; import org.micromanager.api.ScriptInterface; import org.micromanager.utils.AutofocusBase; import org.micromanager.utils.ImageUtils; import org.micromanager.utils.MMException; import org.micromanager.utils.MathFunctions; import org.micromanager.utils.NumberUtils; import org.micromanager.utils.ReportingUtils; import org.micromanager.utils.TextUtils; public class OughtaFocus extends AutofocusBase implements org.micromanager.api.Autofocus { private ScriptInterface app_; private static final String AF_DEVICE_NAME = "OughtaFocus"; private static final String SEARCH_RANGE = "SearchRange_um"; private static final String TOLERANCE = "Tolerance_um"; private static final String CROP_FACTOR = "CropFactor"; private static final String CHANNEL = "Channel"; private static final String EXPOSURE = "Exposure"; private static final String SHOW_IMAGES = "ShowImages"; private static final String SCORING_METHOD = "Maximize"; private static final String showValues[] = { "Yes", "No" }; private final static String scoringMethods[] = { "Edges", "StdDev", "Mean", "SharpEdges" }; private double searchRange = 10; private double tolerance = 1; private double cropFactor = 1; private String channel = ""; private double exposure = 100; private String show = "No"; private String scoringMethod = "Edges"; private int imageCount_; private long startTimeMs_; private double startZUm_; private boolean liveModeOn_; private boolean settingsLoaded_ = false; public OughtaFocus() { super(); createProperty(SEARCH_RANGE, NumberUtils.doubleToDisplayString(searchRange)); createProperty(TOLERANCE, NumberUtils.doubleToDisplayString(tolerance)); createProperty(CROP_FACTOR, NumberUtils.doubleToDisplayString(cropFactor)); createProperty(EXPOSURE, NumberUtils.doubleToDisplayString(exposure)); createProperty(SHOW_IMAGES, show, showValues); createProperty(SCORING_METHOD, scoringMethod, scoringMethods); imageCount_ = 0; } public void applySettings() { try { searchRange = NumberUtils.displayStringToDouble(getPropertyValue(SEARCH_RANGE)); tolerance = NumberUtils.displayStringToDouble(getPropertyValue(TOLERANCE)); cropFactor = NumberUtils.displayStringToDouble(getPropertyValue(CROP_FACTOR)); cropFactor = MathFunctions.clip(0.01, cropFactor, 1.0); channel = getPropertyValue(CHANNEL); exposure = NumberUtils.displayStringToDouble(getPropertyValue(EXPOSURE)); show = getPropertyValue(SHOW_IMAGES); scoringMethod = getPropertyValue(SCORING_METHOD); } catch (MMException ex) { ReportingUtils.logError(ex); } catch (ParseException ex) { ReportingUtils.logError(ex); } } public String getDeviceName() { return AF_DEVICE_NAME; } public double fullFocus() throws MMException { startTimeMs_ = System.currentTimeMillis(); applySettings(); try { Rectangle oldROI = app_.getROI(); CMMCore core = app_.getMMCore(); liveModeOn_ = app_.isLiveModeOn(); //ReportingUtils.logMessage("Original ROI: " + oldROI); int w = (int) (oldROI.width * cropFactor); int h = (int) (oldROI.height * cropFactor); int x = oldROI.x + (oldROI.width - w) / 2; int y = oldROI.y + (oldROI.height - h) / 2; Rectangle newROI = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h); //ReportingUtils.logMessage("Setting ROI to: " + newROI); Configuration oldState = null; if (channel.length() > 0) { String chanGroup = core.getChannelGroup(); oldState = core.getConfigGroupState(chanGroup); core.setConfig(chanGroup, channel); } // avoid wasting time on setting roi if it is the same if (cropFactor < 1.0) { app_.setROI(newROI); core.waitForDevice(core.getCameraDevice()); } double oldExposure = core.getExposure(); core.setExposure(exposure); double z = runAutofocusAlgorithm(); if (cropFactor < 1.0) { app_.setROI(oldROI); core.waitForDevice(core.getCameraDevice()); } if (oldState != null) { core.setSystemState(oldState); } core.setExposure(oldExposure); setZPosition(z); return z; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new MMException(ex.getMessage()); } } private double runAutofocusAlgorithm() throws Exception { UnivariateRealFunction scoreFun = new UnivariateRealFunction() { public double value(double d) throws FunctionEvaluationException { try { return measureFocusScore(d); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FunctionEvaluationException(e, d); } } }; BrentOptimizer brentOptimizer = new BrentOptimizer(); brentOptimizer.setAbsoluteAccuracy(tolerance); imageCount_ = 0; CMMCore core = app_.getMMCore(); double z = core.getPosition(core.getFocusDevice()); startZUm_ = z; // getCurrentFocusScore(); double zResult = brentOptimizer.optimize(scoreFun, GoalType.MAXIMIZE, z - searchRange / 2, z + searchRange / 2); ReportingUtils.logMessage("OughtaFocus Iterations: " + brentOptimizer.getIterationCount() + ", z=" + TextUtils.FMT2.format(zResult) + ", dz=" + TextUtils.FMT2.format(zResult - startZUm_) + ", t=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeMs_)); return zResult; } private void setZPosition(double z) throws Exception { CMMCore core = app_.getMMCore(); String focusDevice = core.getFocusDevice(); core.setPosition(focusDevice, z); core.waitForDevice(focusDevice); } public double measureFocusScore(double z) throws Exception { CMMCore core = app_.getMMCore(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { setZPosition(z); long tZ = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; TaggedImage img = null; if (liveModeOn_) { img = core.getLastTaggedImage(); } else { core.waitForDevice(core.getCameraDevice()); core.snapImage(); final TaggedImage img1 = core.getTaggedImage(); img = img1; if (show.contentEquals("Yes")) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { app_.displayImage(img1); } }); } } long tI = System.currentTimeMillis() - start - tZ; ImageProcessor proc = ImageUtils.makeProcessor(core, img.pix); double score = computeScore(proc); long tC = System.currentTimeMillis() - start - tZ - tI; ReportingUtils.logMessage("OughtaFocus: image=" + imageCount_++ + ", t=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeMs_) + ", z=" + TextUtils.FMT2.format(z) + ", score=" + TextUtils.FMT2.format(score) + ", Tz=" + tZ + ", Ti=" + tI + ", Tc=" + tC); return score; } catch (Exception e) { ReportingUtils.logError(e); throw e; } } public double incrementalFocus() throws MMException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } public int getNumberOfImages() { return imageCount_; } public String getVerboseStatus() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } public double getCurrentFocusScore() { CMMCore core = app_.getMMCore(); double z = 0.0; double score = 0.0; try { z = core.getPosition(core.getFocusDevice()); core.waitForDevice(core.getCameraDevice()); core.snapImage(); Object img = core.getImage(); if (show.contentEquals("Yes")) { app_.displayImage(img); } ImageProcessor proc = ImageUtils.makeProcessor(core, img); score = computeScore(proc); ReportingUtils.logMessage( "OughtaFocus: z=" + TextUtils.FMT2.format(z) + ", score=" + TextUtils.FMT2.format(score)); } catch (Exception e) { ReportingUtils.logError(e); } return score; } public void focus(double coarseStep, int numCoarse, double fineStep, int numFine) throws MMException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } private double computeEdges(ImageProcessor proc) { // mean intensity for the original image double meanIntensity = proc.getStatistics().mean; ImageProcessor proc1 = proc.duplicate(); // mean intensity of the edge map proc1.findEdges(); double meanEdge = proc.getStatistics().mean; return meanEdge / meanIntensity; } private double computeSharpEdges(ImageProcessor proc) { // mean intensity for the original image double meanIntensity = proc.getStatistics().mean; ImageProcessor proc1 = proc.duplicate(); // mean intensity of the edge map proc1.sharpen(); proc1.findEdges(); double meanEdge = proc.getStatistics().mean; return meanEdge / meanIntensity; } private double computeMean(ImageProcessor proc) { return proc.getStatistics().mean; } private double computeNormalizedStdDev(ImageProcessor proc) { ImageStatistics stats = proc.getStatistics(); return stats.stdDev / stats.mean; } private double computeScore(ImageProcessor proc) { if (scoringMethod.contentEquals("Mean")) { return computeMean(proc); } else if (scoringMethod.contentEquals("StdDev")) { return computeNormalizedStdDev(proc); } else if (scoringMethod.contentEquals("Edges")) { return computeEdges(proc); } else if (scoringMethod.contentEquals("SharpEdges")) { return computeSharpEdges(proc); } else { return 0; } } public void setApp(ScriptInterface app) { app_ = app; CMMCore core = app_.getMMCore(); String chanGroup = core.getChannelGroup(); String curChan; try { curChan = core.getCurrentConfig(chanGroup); createProperty(CHANNEL, curChan, core.getAvailableConfigs(core.getChannelGroup()).toArray()); } catch (Exception ex) { ReportingUtils.logError(ex); } if (!settingsLoaded_) { super.loadSettings(); settingsLoaded_ = true; } } }