Java tutorial
// $Id: 89 2010-04-22 14:59:06Z $ //package; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; //import org.six11.util.Debug; /** * **/ public class Statistics { private boolean dirty = false; private List<Double> data; private double average; private double sum; private double variance; private double variation; private double min; private double max; private double median; private int maximumN = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public Statistics() { data = new ArrayList<Double>(); } public Statistics(List<Double> source) { data = new ArrayList<Double>(source); dirty = true; } /** * Clears the data. On return, the Statistics instance is like a new one, except the maximum N (if * previously set) is retained. */ public void clear() { data.clear(); dirty = true; } /** * Set the maximum number of values this statistics instance will retain. This is useful, for * example, if you are interested in statistics on the recent portion of a data stream. */ public void setMaximumN(int maxN) { maximumN = maxN; } public void addData(double d) { data.add(d); if (data.size() > maximumN) { data.remove(0); } dirty = true; } public double getMax() { calc(); return max; } public double getMin() { calc(); return min; } public int getN() { return data.size(); } public double getMean() { calc(); return average; } public double getSum() { calc(); return sum; } public double getVariation() { calc(); return variation; } public double getVariance() { calc(); return variance; } public double getMedian() { calc(); return median; } public double getStdDev() { calc(); return Math.sqrt(variance); } public double getStdDevDistance(double x) { calc(); return (x - getMean()) / getStdDev(); } public int countOutliersStdDev(double outlierThreshold) { int ret = 0; calc(); for (double d : data) { double dist = getStdDevDistance(d); if (dist > outlierThreshold) { ret++; } } return ret; } public void calc() { if (dirty) { double n = (double) data.size(); max = Double.MIN_VALUE; min = Double.MAX_VALUE; sum = 0.0; variation = 0.0; for (double d : data) { sum += d; min = Math.min(d, min); max = Math.max(d, max); } average = sum / n; for (double d : data) { variation += Math.pow(d - average, 2.0); } variance = variation / n; // calculate median List<Double> copy = new ArrayList<Double>(data); Collections.sort(copy); if (copy.size() == 1) { median = copy.get(0); } else if ((copy.size() % 2) == 0) { median = copy.get(copy.size() / 2); } else { double v1 = copy.get(copy.size() / 2); double v2 = copy.get((copy.size() / 2) + 1); median = (v1 + v2) / 2.0; } } dirty = false; } public List<Double> getDataListSorted() { List<Double> copy = getDataList(); Collections.sort(copy); return copy; } public List<Double> getDataList() { return new ArrayList<Double>(data); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void bug(String what) { // Debug.out("Statistics", what); } public static double minimum(double... vals) { double ret = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (double d : vals) { ret = Math.min(ret, d); } return ret; } public static double maximum(double... vals) { double ret = Double.MIN_VALUE; for (double d : vals) { ret = Math.max(ret, d); } return ret; } public static double mean(double... vals) { double ret = 0d; double count = 0d; for (double v : vals) { count += v; } if (vals.length > 0) { ret = count / vals.length; } return ret; } }