Java tutorial
/** * @authors Bala Subrahmanyam Kambala, Daniel William DaCosta * @license GPLv3 ( * @descriptrion Implements Peer Interface */ import java.math.BigInteger; import; import java.rmi.*; import java.rmi.server.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Iterator; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.BasicParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; public class Peer extends UnicastRemoteObject implements PeerInterface { /** * Logger for Peer. */ private static Logger lg; /** * This peer's NodeID. */ private Key nodeid; /** * SuperPeer */ private SuperPeerInterface superpeer; /** * The hash function that all peers use. */ private HasherInterface hasher; /** * A cache to map Node ID's to IP. */ private HashMap<Key, PeerInterface> peercache; /** * Finger table. */ private FingerTable ft; /** * The words and definitions stored at this * peer. */ private Map<String, String> dict; /** * This peers predeccsor. */ private Key pred; /** * This peers successor. */ private Key succ; /** * Used signal the end of a notify cycle. */ private boolean lock; /** * The peer constructor. */ public Peer(String sp) throws Exception { try { // Initialize of various members pred = null; succ = null; lock = false; // Find the SuperPeer superpeer = (SuperPeerInterface) Naming.lookup("//" + sp + "/SuperPeer"); // Initialize the node cache peercache = new HashMap<Key, PeerInterface>(); // Initialize word map dict = new HashMap<String, String>(); //////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN CRITICAL SECTION // only one peer will be in this code at a time. superpeer.lock(); // Get this Peer's NodeID nodeid = superpeer.join(); //Start logger lg = new Logger("Peer:" + nodeid.toString()); lg.log(Level.FINER, "Peer started."); // Register with the RMI Registry. lg.log(Level.FINER, "Binding to local RMI registry with name " + nodeid.toString()); Naming.rebind(nodeid.toString(), this); // Get Successor succ = superpeer.getSuccessor(nodeid); // Get hasher lg.log(Level.FINER, "Retrieving Hash object"); hasher = superpeer.getHasher(); // Set mbits int mbits = hasher.getBitSize(); // Initialize finger table ft = new FingerTable(nodeid.succ(), nodeid); // Update finger table constructFingerTable(mbits); lock = true; // If we have a successor, start the notify cycle if (succ != null) { lg.log(Level.FINER, "Calling " + succ.toString()); getPeer(succ).notify(nodeid); } lock = false; superpeer.unlock(); // END CRITICAL SECTION //////////////////////////////////////////////// lg.log(Level.FINER, "Exit Critical Section"); lg.log(Level.INFO, "!!!! Peer " + nodeid + " at " + superpeer.getAddress(nodeid) + " started !!!!"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Used with trying to get a remote object to a peer. * It will check a local cache for a the object and if it does exist * it will ask the super peer for the location of the peer and store it. * @return PeerInterface or null if some error occurs. */ private PeerInterface getPeer(Key node) throws Exception { lg.log(Level.FINEST, "getPeer Entry"); PeerInterface peer = peercache.get(node); try { if (peer == null) { lg.log(Level.FINER, "Peer " + node + " not found in cache asking superpeer."); String addy = superpeer.getAddress(node); lg.log(Level.FINER, "//" + addy + "/" + node.toString()); if (addy != null) { peer = (PeerInterface) Naming.lookup("//" + addy + "/" + node.toString()); peercache.put(node, peer); } } else lg.log(Level.FINER, "Peer " + node + " found in cache."); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (peer == null) lg.log(Level.WARNING, "getPeer attempt on " + node + " unsuccessful."); lg.log(Level.FINEST, "getPeer Exit"); return peer; } @Override public Key getSuccessor(Key key) throws Exception { lg.log(Level.FINEST, "getSuccessor Entry"); lg.log(Level.FINER, "getSuccessor Calling succ:" + succ + " from peer:" + nodeid + " with key:" + key); // Ensure this peers successor is up to date succ = superpeer.getSuccessor(nodeid); // If we have no successor, this peer is the successor if (succ == null) { return nodeid; } // Ensure this peers predecessor is up to date pred = superpeer.getPredecessor(nodeid); // Get the max key value Key max = new Key(BigInteger.valueOf((int) Math.pow(2, hasher.getBitSize()))).pred(); // If this peer knows the which peer that key belongs to ... if ( // Normal increasing range case ( < 0 && <= 0) // Modulo case || ( > 0 && ( > 0 && <= 0) || ( <= 0))) { lg.log(Level.FINER, "getSuccessor - Known successor."); lg.log(Level.FINEST, "getSuccesssor Exit"); return succ; } // ... else ask this peers successor else { lg.log(Level.FINER, "getSuccessor - Unknown successor."); try { lg.log(Level.FINEST, "getSuccesssor Exit"); return getPeer(succ).getSuccessor(key); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } lg.log(Level.WARNING, "getSuccessor returning null"); lg.log(Level.FINEST, "getSuccesssor Exit"); return null; } @Override public String lookup(String word, Level logLevel) throws Exception { lg.log(Level.FINEST, "lookup Entry"); // Get the hash for this word Key key = hasher.getHash(word); lg.log(Level.FINER, " Hashed word " + word + " has key " + key); // Get the max key value Key max = new Key(BigInteger.valueOf((int) Math.pow(2, hasher.getBitSize()))).pred(); // If this peer knows the which peer that key belongs to ... if ( // Normal ascending range pred == null || ( > 0 && <= 0) // Modulor case || ( > 0 && ( > 0 && <= 0) || ( <= 0))) { lg.log(logLevel, "(lookup)Peer " + nodeid + " should have word " + word + " with key " + key); // Lookup keey if (dict.get(word) != null) { lg.log(Level.FINEST, "lookup Exit"); return dict.get(word); } else { lg.log(Level.FINEST, "lookup Exit"); return "Meaning is not found"; } } // ... else find next success through finger key. else { Key closestNode = ft.getClosestSuccessor(key); lg.log(logLevel, "(lookup)Peer " + nodeid + " should NOT have word " + word + " with key " + key + " ... calling insert on the best finger table match " + closestNode); PeerInterface peer = getPeer(closestNode); lg.log(Level.FINEST, "lookup Exit"); return peer.lookup(word, logLevel); } } @Override public boolean insert(String word, String def, Level logLevel) throws Exception { lg.log(Level.FINEST, "insert Entry"); // Max key value Key max = new Key(BigInteger.valueOf((int) Math.pow(2, hasher.getBitSize()))).pred(); // Get key hash Key key = hasher.getHash(word); lg.log(Level.FINER, " Hashed word " + word + " with definition " + def + " has key " + key); // If this peer knows the which peer that key belongs to ... if ( // Normal ascending rande pred == null || ( > 0 && <= 0) // Modulo range || ( > 0 && ( > 0 && <= 0) || ( <= 0))) { lg.log(logLevel, "(insert)Peer " + nodeid + " should have word " + word + "(" + def + ") with key " + key); dict.put(word, def); lg.log(Level.FINEST, "insert Exit"); return true; } // ... else find the successor through the finer table Key closestNode = ft.getClosestSuccessor(key); lg.log(logLevel, "(insert)Peer " + nodeid + " should NOT have word " + word + "(" + def + ") with key " + key + " ... calling insert on the best finger table match " + closestNode); PeerInterface peer = getPeer(closestNode); lg.log(Level.FINEST, "insert Exit"); return peer.insert(word, def, logLevel); } @Override public synchronized void notify(Key _pred) throws Exception { lg.log(Level.FINEST, "notify entry"); pred = _pred; lg.log(Level.FINER, "Notified by " + _pred.toString()); succ = superpeer.getSuccessor(nodeid); // Start the notify cycle ... end the cycle with the initiator. PeerInterface peer = getPeer(succ); if (!lock) { lock = true; constructFingerTable(hasher.getBitSize()); peer.notify(nodeid); lock = false; return; } else { lock = false; return; } } /** * Construct a peers finger table using getSuccessor. */ public void constructFingerTable(int mbits) { lg.log(Level.FINEST, "constructFingerTable entry"); // clear the current finger table ft.clear(); try { // For each mbit ... for (int i = 1; i <= mbits; i++) { // make a new finger entry FingerEntry fe = new FingerEntry(); // Calculate (nodeid+2^(i-1))%max_key Key fingerid = new Key().add(nodeid).add(new Key(BigInteger.valueOf((int) Math.pow(2, i - 1)))) .mod(new Key(BigInteger.valueOf((int) Math.pow(2, mbits)))); // Adding a new finger entry fe.setId(fingerid); lg.log(Level.FINER, "Peer " + nodeid + " Initiating getSuccessor on key " + fingerid); fe.setNodeId(getSuccessor(fingerid)); ft.addFingerEntry(fe); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } lg.log(Level.FINEST, "constructFingerTable exit"); } // Begin utility functions. @Override public String getName() throws Exception { return ("Peer-" + nodeid.toString()); } @Override public Key myPred() throws Exception { return pred; } @Override public Key mySucc() throws Exception { return succ; } @Override public String[][] getEntries() throws Exception { String[][] rv = new String[dict.size()][2]; Iterator it = dict.entrySet().iterator(); Map.Entry<String, String> pairs = null; int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : dict.entrySet()) { rv[i][0] = entry.getKey(); rv[i][1] = entry.getValue(); i++; } return rv; } @Override public FingerTable getFingerTable() { return ft; } // Main -- This is where the magic happens ;^) public static void main(String[] argv) { // Default superper String superpeeraddy = "localhost"; ArgumentHandler cli = new ArgumentHandler("Peer [-h] [superpeer address]", "Run a peer and attached to the specified superpeer. If none is provied localhost is assumed.", "Bala Subrahmanyam Kambala, Daniel William DaCosta - GPLv3 ("); cli.addOption("h", "help", false, "Print this usage information."); // parse command line CommandLine commandLine = cli.parse(argv); if (commandLine.hasOption('h')) { cli.usage(""); System.exit(0); } if (commandLine.getArgs().length != 0) superpeeraddy = commandLine.getArgs()[0]; try { Peer peer = new Peer(superpeeraddy); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Peer exception: " + e); } } }