Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; /** * * @author khairulanshar */ public class action extends HttpServlet { /** * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code> * methods. * * @param request servlet request * @param response servlet response * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { HttpSession session = request.getSession(); String form_action = (String) request.getParameter("form_action"); if (form_action == null) { form_action = ""; } PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); if (form_action.equalsIgnoreCase("cekauth")) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; LinkedHashMap record = new LinkedHashMap(); try { BufferedReader reader = request.getReader(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } Object obj = JSONValue.parse(sb.toString()); JSONObject obj1 = (JSONObject) obj; String admin = "N"; String icw = "N"; String email = obj1.get("email").toString(); String first_name = obj1.get("first_name").toString(); String gender = obj1.get("gender").toString(); String id = obj1.get("id").toString(); String last_name = obj1.get("last_name").toString(); String link = obj1.get("link").toString(); String name = obj1.get("name").toString(); String verified = obj1.get("verified").toString(); DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); Key linkKey = KeyFactory.createKey("userTable", "user"); // Run an ancestor query to ensure we see the most up-to-date // view of the Greetings belonging to the selected Guestbook. Filter posisinama = new FilterPredicate("link", FilterOperator.EQUAL, link.toLowerCase()); // Run an ancestor query to ensure we see the most up-to-date // view of the Greetings belonging to the selected Guestbook. Query query = new Query("userTable", linkKey).setFilter(posisinama); List<Entity> userTables = datastore.prepare(query).asList(FetchOptions.Builder.withLimit(1)); Date date = new Date(); if (userTables.isEmpty()) { Entity userTable = new Entity("userTable", linkKey); userTable.setProperty("email", email); userTable.setProperty("first_name", first_name); userTable.setProperty("gender", gender); userTable.setProperty("id", id); userTable.setProperty("last_name", last_name); userTable.setProperty("link", link.toLowerCase()); userTable.setProperty("name", name); userTable.setProperty("verified", verified); userTable.setProperty("lastLogin", date); if (email.equalsIgnoreCase("") || id.equalsIgnoreCase("112525777678499279265") || id.equalsIgnoreCase("10152397276159760") || name.equalsIgnoreCase("Khairul Anshar")) { userTable.setProperty("admin", "Y"); userTable.setProperty("icw", "Y"); } else { userTable.setProperty("admin", admin); userTable.setProperty("icw", "N"); } userTable.setProperty("imported", "N"); datastore.put(userTable); } else { for (Entity userTable : userTables) { admin = userTable.getProperty("admin").toString(); try { icw = userTable.getProperty("icw").toString(); } catch (Exception e) { userTable.setProperty("icw", "N"); icw = "N"; } userTable.setProperty("lastLogin", date); datastore.put(userTable); } } if (email.equalsIgnoreCase("") || id.equalsIgnoreCase("112525777678499279265") || id.equalsIgnoreCase("10152397276159760") || name.equalsIgnoreCase("Khairul Anshar")) { admin = "Y"; icw = "Y"; } obj1.put("admin", admin); obj1.put("icw", icw); session.setAttribute("userAccount", obj1); record.put("userAccount", obj1); } catch (Exception e) { } response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); out.print(JSONValue.toJSONString(record)); out.flush(); } if (form_action.equalsIgnoreCase("getiframeData")) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; LinkedHashMap record = new LinkedHashMap(); try { BufferedReader reader = request.getReader(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } Object obj = JSONValue.parse(sb.toString()); //JSONArray records = (JSONArray) obj; JSONObject obj1 = (JSONObject) obj; String src = obj1.get("src").toString(); final URL url = new URL(src); final URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection(); urlConnection.setDoOutput(true); urlConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); urlConnection.connect(); final InputStream inputStream = urlConnection.getInputStream(); InputStreamReader is = new InputStreamReader(inputStream); StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(is); String read = br.readLine(); while (read != null) { sb1.append(read); read = br.readLine(); } record.put("data", sb1.toString()); record.put("status", "OK"); } catch (Exception e) { record.put("status", "error"); record.put("errormsg", e.toString()); } response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); out.print(JSONValue.toJSONString(record)); out.flush(); } if (form_action.equalsIgnoreCase("postCommentPosisi")) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; LinkedHashMap record = new LinkedHashMap(); try { BufferedReader reader = request.getReader(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } Object obj = JSONValue.parse(sb.toString()); //JSONArray records = (JSONArray) obj; JSONObject obj1 = (JSONObject) obj; JSONObject userAccount = (JSONObject) session.getAttribute("userAccount"); String dept = obj1.get("dept").toString(); String star = obj1.get("star").toString(); String comment = obj1.get("comment").toString(); String id = userAccount.get("id").toString(); String name = userAccount.get("name").toString(); String link = userAccount.get("link").toString(); postData2(name, dept, "", star, comment, id, "AlasanStarCalonPosisi", "dept", dept, link); record.put("status", "OK"); } catch (Exception e) { record.put("status", "error"); record.put("errormsg", e.toString()); } response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); out.print(JSONValue.toJSONString(record)); out.flush(); } if (form_action.equalsIgnoreCase("postLikeComment")) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; LinkedHashMap record = new LinkedHashMap(); try { BufferedReader reader = request.getReader(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } Object obj = JSONValue.parse(sb.toString()); //JSONArray records = (JSONArray) obj; JSONObject obj1 = (JSONObject) obj; String id = obj1.get("id").toString(); String star = obj1.get("star").toString(); JSONObject userAccount = (JSONObject) session.getAttribute("userAccount"); String name = userAccount.get("name").toString(); String link = userAccount.get("link").toString(); postData11("AlasanStarLike", "id", id, star, link, name); record.put("status", "OK"); } catch (Exception e) { record.put("status", "error"); record.put("errormsg", e.toString()); } response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); out.print(JSONValue.toJSONString(record)); out.flush(); } if (form_action.equalsIgnoreCase("getLikeComment")) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; LinkedHashMap record = new LinkedHashMap(); String idx_ = ""; try { BufferedReader reader = request.getReader(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } Object obj = JSONValue.parse(sb.toString()); //JSONArray records = (JSONArray) obj; JSONObject obj1 = (JSONObject) obj; idx_ = obj1.get("id").toString(); DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); LinkedHashMap record11 = new LinkedHashMap(); String link_ = ""; try { JSONObject userAccount = (JSONObject) session.getAttribute("userAccount"); link_ = userAccount.get("link").toString(); } catch (Exception e) { } Key guestbookKey = KeyFactory.createKey("id", idx_); // Run an ancestor query to ensure we see the most up-to-date // view of the Greetings belonging to the selected Guestbook. Query query = new Query("AlasanStarLike", guestbookKey).addSort("date", Query.SortDirection.DESCENDING); //List<Entity> AlasanStars = datastore.prepare(query); PreparedQuery pq = datastore.prepare(query); JSONArray obj11 = new JSONArray(); JSONArray obj11p = new JSONArray(); JSONArray obj11n = new JSONArray(); int i = 0; int ip = 0; int in = 0; double total = 0; double totalp = 0; double totaln = 0; for (Entity AlasanStar : pq.asIterable()) { LinkedHashMap record1 = new LinkedHashMap(); String date = AlasanStar.getProperty("date").toString(); String star = AlasanStar.getProperty("star").toString(); String name = AlasanStar.getProperty("user").toString(); String link = AlasanStar.getProperty("link").toString(); record1.put("date", date); record1.put("star", star); record1.put("name", name); record1.put("link", link); obj11.add(record1); i++; double d = Double.parseDouble(star); total = total + d; if (d >= 0) { obj11p.add(record1); ip++; totalp = totalp + d; } else { obj11n.add(record1); in++; totaln = totaln + d; } if (link_.equalsIgnoreCase(link)) { record11.put("date", date); record11.put("star", star); record11.put("name", name); record11.put("link", link); } } double avg = total / i; if (i == 0) { avg = 0; } DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); record.put("total", total); record.put("totalp", totalp); record.put("totaln", totaln); record.put("avg", df.format(avg)); //record.put("AlasanStars", obj11); record.put("AlasanStarsp", obj11p); record.put("AlasanStarsn", obj11n); record.put("AlasanStar", record11); record.put("status", "OK"); } catch (Exception e) { record.put("status", "error"); record.put("errormsg", e.toString()); } response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); out.print(JSONValue.toJSONString(record)); out.flush(); } if (form_action.equalsIgnoreCase("getMyCommentPosisi")) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; LinkedHashMap record = new LinkedHashMap(); String dept = ""; DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); LinkedHashMap record1 = new LinkedHashMap(); try { BufferedReader reader = request.getReader(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } Object obj = JSONValue.parse(sb.toString()); //JSONArray records = (JSONArray) obj; JSONObject obj1 = (JSONObject) obj; dept = obj1.get("dept").toString(); String link_ = ""; try { JSONObject userAccount = (JSONObject) session.getAttribute("userAccount"); link_ = userAccount.get("link").toString(); } catch (Exception e) { } LinkedHashMap record11 = new LinkedHashMap(); Key guestbookKey = KeyFactory.createKey("dept", dept); Query query = new Query("AlasanStarCalonPosisi", guestbookKey).addSort("date", Query.SortDirection.DESCENDING); PreparedQuery pq = datastore.prepare(query); JSONArray obj11 = new JSONArray(); JSONArray obj11p = new JSONArray(); JSONArray obj11n = new JSONArray(); int i = 0; int ip = 0; int in = 0; double total = 0; double totalp = 0; double totaln = 0; for (Entity AlasanStar : pq.asIterable()) { record1 = new LinkedHashMap(); String id = AlasanStar.getProperty("user").toString(); //DateTime dateTime = AlasanStar.getProperties().getDateTimeValue(); Date time = (Date) AlasanStar.getProperty("date"); String date = time.toString();//AlasanStar.getProperty("date").toString(); String star = AlasanStar.getProperty("star").toString(); String comment = AlasanStar.getProperty("comment").toString(); comment = comment.replaceAll("\n", "<br/>"); String name = AlasanStar.getProperty("name").toString(); String link = AlasanStar.getProperty("link").toString(); String id__ = AlasanStar.getKey().toString(); record1.put("id_", id__); record1.put("id", id); record1.put("date", date); record1.put("star", star); record1.put("comment", comment); record1.put("name", name); record1.put("link", link); obj11.add(record1); i++; double d = Double.parseDouble(star); total = total + d; if (d >= 0) { obj11p.add(record1); ip++; totalp = totalp + d; } else { obj11n.add(record1); in++; totaln = totaln + d; } if (link_.equalsIgnoreCase(link)) { record11.put("id_", id__); record11.put("id", id); record11.put("date", date); record11.put("star", star); record11.put("comment", comment); record11.put("name", name); record11.put("link", link); } } double avg = total / i; if (i == 0) { avg = 0; } DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); record.put("total", total); record.put("totalp", totalp); record.put("totaln", totaln); record.put("avg", df.format(avg)); //record.put("AlasanStars", obj11); record.put("AlasanStarsp", obj11p); record.put("AlasanStarsn", obj11n); record.put("AlasanStar", record11); record.put("status", "OK"); } catch (Exception e) { record.put("status", "error"); record.put("errormsg", e.toString()); } response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); out.print(JSONValue.toJSONString(record)); out.flush(); } if (form_action.equalsIgnoreCase("postComment")) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; LinkedHashMap record = new LinkedHashMap(); try { BufferedReader reader = request.getReader(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } Object obj = JSONValue.parse(sb.toString()); //JSONArray records = (JSONArray) obj; JSONObject obj1 = (JSONObject) obj; JSONObject userAccount = (JSONObject) session.getAttribute("userAccount"); String dept = obj1.get("dept").toString(); String namaCalon = obj1.get("namaCalon").toString(); String star = obj1.get("star").toString(); String comment = obj1.get("comment").toString(); String id = userAccount.get("id").toString(); String name = userAccount.get("name").toString(); String link = userAccount.get("link").toString(); postData2(name, dept, namaCalon, star, comment, id, "AlasanStarCalon", dept, namaCalon, link); record.put("status", "OK"); } catch (Exception e) { record.put("status", "error"); record.put("errormsg", e.toString()); } response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); out.print(JSONValue.toJSONString(record)); out.flush(); } if (form_action.equalsIgnoreCase("getMyComment")) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; LinkedHashMap record = new LinkedHashMap(); String dept = ""; String namaCalon = ""; try { BufferedReader reader = request.getReader(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } Object obj = JSONValue.parse(sb.toString()); //JSONArray records = (JSONArray) obj; JSONObject obj1 = (JSONObject) obj; dept = obj1.get("dept").toString(); namaCalon = obj1.get("namaCalon").toString(); DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); String link_ = ""; LinkedHashMap record11 = new LinkedHashMap(); try { JSONObject userAccount = (JSONObject) session.getAttribute("userAccount"); link_ = userAccount.get("link").toString(); } catch (Exception e) { } Key guestbookKey = KeyFactory.createKey(dept, namaCalon); Query query = new Query("AlasanStarCalon", guestbookKey).addSort("date", Query.SortDirection.DESCENDING); PreparedQuery pq = datastore.prepare(query); JSONArray obj11 = new JSONArray(); JSONArray obj11p = new JSONArray(); JSONArray obj11n = new JSONArray(); int i = 0; int ip = 0; int in = 0; double total = 0; double totalp = 0; double totaln = 0; for (Entity AlasanStar : pq.asIterable()) { LinkedHashMap record1 = new LinkedHashMap(); String id = AlasanStar.getProperty("user").toString(); Date time = (Date) AlasanStar.getProperty("date"); String date = time.toString();//AlasanStar.getProperty("date").toString(); String star = AlasanStar.getProperty("star").toString(); String comment = AlasanStar.getProperty("comment").toString(); comment = comment.replaceAll("\n", "<br/>"); String name = AlasanStar.getProperty("name").toString(); String link = AlasanStar.getProperty("link").toString(); String id__ = AlasanStar.getKey().toString(); record1.put("id_", id__); record1.put("id", id); record1.put("date", date); record1.put("star", star); record1.put("comment", comment); record1.put("name", name); record1.put("link", link); obj11.add(record1); i++; double d = Double.parseDouble(star); total = total + d; if (d >= 0) { obj11p.add(record1); ip++; totalp = totalp + d; } else { obj11n.add(record1); in++; totaln = totaln + d; } if (link_.equalsIgnoreCase(link)) { record11.put("id_", id__); record11.put("id", id); record11.put("date", date); record11.put("star", star); record11.put("comment", comment); record11.put("name", name); record11.put("link", link); } } double avg = total / i; if (i == 0) { avg = 0; } DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); record.put("total", total); record.put("totalp", totalp); record.put("totaln", totaln); record.put("avg", df.format(avg)); record.put("AlasanStarsp", obj11p); record.put("AlasanStarsn", obj11n); record.put("AlasanStar", record11); record.put("status", "OK"); } catch (Exception e) { record.put("status", "error"); record.put("errormsg", e.toString()); } response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); out.print(JSONValue.toJSONString(record)); out.flush(); } if (form_action.equalsIgnoreCase("getAlasanStarCalon")) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; LinkedHashMap record = new LinkedHashMap(); try { BufferedReader reader = request.getReader(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } Object obj = JSONValue.parse(sb.toString()); //JSONArray records = (JSONArray) obj; JSONObject obj1 = (JSONObject) obj; JSONObject userAccount = (JSONObject) session.getAttribute("userAccount"); String dept = obj1.get("dept").toString(); String namaCalon = obj1.get("namaCalon").toString(); DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); Key guestbookKey = KeyFactory.createKey(dept, namaCalon); // Run an ancestor query to ensure we see the most up-to-date // view of the Greetings belonging to the selected Guestbook. Query query = new Query("AlasanStarCalon", guestbookKey).addSort("date", Query.SortDirection.DESCENDING); //List<Entity> AlasanStars = datastore.prepare(query); PreparedQuery pq = datastore.prepare(query); JSONArray obj11 = new JSONArray(); int i = 0; double total = 0; for (Entity AlasanStar : pq.asIterable()) { LinkedHashMap record1 = new LinkedHashMap(); String id = AlasanStar.getProperty("user").toString(); String date = AlasanStar.getProperty("date").toString(); String star = AlasanStar.getProperty("star").toString(); String comment = AlasanStar.getProperty("comment").toString(); comment = comment.replaceAll("\n", "<br/>"); String name = AlasanStar.getProperty("name").toString(); String link = AlasanStar.getProperty("link").toString(); String id__ = AlasanStar.getKey().toString(); record1.put("id_", id__); record1.put("id", id); record1.put("date", date); record1.put("star", star); record1.put("comment", comment); record1.put("name", name); record1.put("link", link); obj11.add(record1); i++; double d = Double.parseDouble(star); total = total + d; } double avg = total / i; if (i == 0) { avg = 0; } DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); record.put("total", total); record.put("avg", df.format(avg)); record.put("AlasanStars", obj11); record.put("status", "OK"); } catch (Exception e) { record.put("status", "error"); record.put("errormsg", e.toString()); } response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); out.print(JSONValue.toJSONString(record)); out.flush(); } if (form_action.equalsIgnoreCase("postUsulan")) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; LinkedHashMap record = new LinkedHashMap(); try { BufferedReader reader = request.getReader(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } Object obj = JSONValue.parse(sb.toString()); //JSONArray records = (JSONArray) obj; JSONObject obj1 = (JSONObject) obj; String dept = obj1.get("dept").toString(); String usulan = obj1.get("usulan").toString(); JSONObject userAccount = (JSONObject) session.getAttribute("userAccount"); String id = userAccount.get("id").toString(); String name = userAccount.get("name").toString(); String email = userAccount.get("email").toString(); String link = userAccount.get("link").toString(); Key usulanCalonKey = KeyFactory.createKey("dept", dept); Date date = new Date(); Entity usulanCalon = new Entity("usulanCalon", usulanCalonKey); usulanCalon.setProperty("user", id); usulanCalon.setProperty("name", name); usulanCalon.setProperty("email", email); usulanCalon.setProperty("link", link); usulanCalon.setProperty("date", date); usulanCalon.setProperty("usulan", usulan); DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); usulanCalon.setProperty("imported", "N"); datastore.put(usulanCalon); record.put("status", "OK"); } catch (Exception e) { record.put("status", "error"); record.put("errormsg", e.toString()); } response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); out.print(JSONValue.toJSONString(record)); out.flush(); } if (form_action.equalsIgnoreCase("getSet1")) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; LinkedHashMap record = new LinkedHashMap(); try { BufferedReader reader = request.getReader(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } Object obj = JSONValue.parse(sb.toString()); //JSONArray records = (JSONArray) obj; JSONObject obj1 = (JSONObject) obj; String input = obj1.get("input").toString(); String type = obj1.get("type").toString(); DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); Key typeKey = KeyFactory.createKey("posisi", type.toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "")); // Run an ancestor query to ensure we see the most up-to-date // view of the Greetings belonging to the selected Guestbook. Query query = new Query("posisi", typeKey).addSort("date", Query.SortDirection.ASCENDING); //List<Entity> AlasanStars = datastore.prepare(query); PreparedQuery pq = datastore.prepare(query); JSONArray obj11 = new JSONArray(); String id = ""; try { JSONObject userAccount = (JSONObject) session.getAttribute("userAccount"); id = userAccount.get("id").toString(); } catch (Exception ex1) { } for (Entity typeEntity : pq.asIterable()) { String reviewed = typeEntity.getProperty("reviewed").toString(); if (reviewed.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { LinkedHashMap record1 = new LinkedHashMap(); String posisi = typeEntity.getProperty("posisi").toString(); String nama = typeEntity.getProperty("nama").toString(); String link = typeEntity.getProperty("link").toString(); String date = typeEntity.getProperty("date").toString(); record1.put("posisi", posisi); record1.put("nama", nama); record1.put("link", link); record1.put("date", date); String detail1 = ""; try { Text detail0 = (Text) typeEntity.getProperty("detail"); detail1 = detail0.getValue(); } catch (Exception e) { detail1 = ""; } record1.put("detail", detail1); obj11.add(record1); } else { String user = typeEntity.getProperty("user").toString(); if (user.equalsIgnoreCase(id)) { LinkedHashMap record1 = new LinkedHashMap(); String posisi = typeEntity.getProperty("posisi").toString(); String nama = typeEntity.getProperty("nama").toString(); String link = typeEntity.getProperty("link").toString(); String date = typeEntity.getProperty("date").toString(); record1.put("posisi", posisi); record1.put("nama", nama); record1.put("link", link); record1.put("date", date); String detail1 = ""; try { Text detail0 = (Text) typeEntity.getProperty("detail"); detail1 = detail0.getValue(); } catch (Exception e) { detail1 = ""; } record1.put("detail", detail1); obj11.add(record1); } } } record.put("records", obj11); record.put("status", "OK"); } catch (Exception e) { record.put("status", "error"); record.put("errormsg", e.toString()); } response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); out.print(JSONValue.toJSONString(record)); out.flush(); } if (form_action.equalsIgnoreCase("setSet1")) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; LinkedHashMap record = new LinkedHashMap(); try { JSONObject userAccount = (JSONObject) session.getAttribute("userAccount"); String id = userAccount.get("id").toString(); String nama = userAccount.get("name").toString(); String email = userAccount.get("email").toString(); String link = userAccount.get("link").toString(); String admin = userAccount.get("admin").toString(); BufferedReader reader = request.getReader(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } Object obj = JSONValue.parse(sb.toString()); //JSONArray records = (JSONArray) obj; JSONObject obj1 = (JSONObject) obj; String input = obj1.get("input").toString(); String type = obj1.get("type").toString(); String value = obj1.get("value").toString(); String detail = obj1.get("value1").toString(); Key typeKey = KeyFactory.createKey("posisi", type.toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "")); Filter posisinama = new FilterPredicate("posisi", FilterOperator.EQUAL, value); // Run an ancestor query to ensure we see the most up-to-date // view of the Greetings belonging to the selected Guestbook. Query query = new Query("posisi", typeKey).setFilter(posisinama); //Query query = new Query("posisi", typeKey);//.addSort("date", Query.SortDirection.DESCENDING); //List<Entity> AlasanStars = datastore.prepare(query); DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); PreparedQuery pq = datastore.prepare(query); boolean found = pq.asIterable().iterator().hasNext(); if (found) { if (admin.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { for (Entity psosisiEntity : pq.asList(FetchOptions.Builder.withLimit(1))) { Date date = new Date(); psosisiEntity.setProperty("date", date); psosisiEntity.setProperty("detail", new Text(detail)); datastore.put(psosisiEntity); } } } if (!found) { Date date = new Date(); Entity psosisiEntity = new Entity("posisi", typeKey); psosisiEntity.setProperty("user", id); psosisiEntity.setProperty("link", link); psosisiEntity.setProperty("nama", nama); psosisiEntity.setProperty("email", email); psosisiEntity.setProperty("date", date); psosisiEntity.setProperty("posisi", value); psosisiEntity.setProperty("detail", new Text(detail)); if (email.equalsIgnoreCase("") || id.equalsIgnoreCase("112525777678499279265") || id.equalsIgnoreCase("10152397276159760") || nama.equalsIgnoreCase("Khairul Anshar") || admin.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { psosisiEntity.setProperty("reviewed", "Y"); psosisiEntity.setProperty("nama", "Kawal Menteri"); psosisiEntity.setProperty("link", ""); } else { psosisiEntity.setProperty("reviewed", "N"); } psosisiEntity.setProperty("imported", "N"); datastore.put(psosisiEntity); } query = new Query("posisi", typeKey).addSort("date", Query.SortDirection.ASCENDING); pq = datastore.prepare(query); JSONArray obj11 = new JSONArray(); for (Entity typeEntity : pq.asIterable()) { String reviewed = typeEntity.getProperty("reviewed").toString(); if (reviewed.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { LinkedHashMap record1 = new LinkedHashMap(); String posisi = typeEntity.getProperty("posisi").toString(); String nama1 = typeEntity.getProperty("nama").toString(); String link1 = typeEntity.getProperty("link").toString(); String date = typeEntity.getProperty("date").toString(); record1.put("posisi", posisi); record1.put("nama", nama1); record1.put("link", link1); record1.put("date", date); String detail1 = ""; try { Text detail0 = (Text) typeEntity.getProperty("detail"); detail1 = detail0.getValue(); } catch (Exception e) { detail1 = ""; } record1.put("detail", detail1); obj11.add(record1); } else { String user = typeEntity.getProperty("user").toString(); if (user.equalsIgnoreCase(id) || (email.equalsIgnoreCase("") || id.equalsIgnoreCase("112525777678499279265") || id.equalsIgnoreCase("10152397276159760") || nama.equalsIgnoreCase("Khairul Anshar") || admin.equalsIgnoreCase("Y"))) { LinkedHashMap record1 = new LinkedHashMap(); String posisi = typeEntity.getProperty("posisi").toString(); String nama1 = typeEntity.getProperty("nama").toString(); String link1 = typeEntity.getProperty("link").toString(); String date = typeEntity.getProperty("date").toString(); record1.put("posisi", posisi); record1.put("nama", nama1); record1.put("link", link1); record1.put("date", date); String detail1 = ""; try { Text detail0 = (Text) typeEntity.getProperty("detail"); detail1 = detail0.getValue(); } catch (Exception e) { detail1 = ""; } record1.put("detail", detail1); obj11.add(record1); } } } record.put("records", obj11); record.put("status", "OK"); } catch (Exception e) { record.put("status", "error"); record.put("errormsg", e.toString()); } response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); out.print(JSONValue.toJSONString(record)); out.flush(); } if (form_action.equalsIgnoreCase("getSet2")) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; LinkedHashMap record = new LinkedHashMap(); try { BufferedReader reader = request.getReader(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } Object obj = JSONValue.parse(sb.toString()); //JSONArray records = (JSONArray) obj; JSONObject obj1 = (JSONObject) obj; String input = obj1.get("input").toString(); String input0 = obj1.get("input0").toString(); String type0 = obj1.get("type0").toString(); DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); Key typeKey = KeyFactory.createKey("kandidat" + type0, input); // Run an ancestor query to ensure we see the most up-to-date // view of the Greetings belonging to the selected Guestbook. Query query = new Query("kandidat", typeKey).addSort("date", Query.SortDirection.ASCENDING); //List<Entity> AlasanStars = datastore.prepare(query); PreparedQuery pq = datastore.prepare(query); JSONArray obj11 = new JSONArray(); String id = ""; String nama = ""; String email = ""; String link = ""; String admin = ""; String icw = ""; try { JSONObject userAccount = (JSONObject) session.getAttribute("userAccount"); id = userAccount.get("id").toString(); nama = userAccount.get("name").toString(); email = userAccount.get("email").toString(); link = userAccount.get("link").toString(); admin = userAccount.get("admin").toString(); icw = userAccount.get("icw").toString(); } catch (Exception ex1) { } for (Entity typeEntity : pq.asIterable()) { String reviewed = typeEntity.getProperty("reviewed").toString(); if (reviewed.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { LinkedHashMap record1 = new LinkedHashMap(); String kandidat = typeEntity.getProperty("kandidat").toString(); String desc = typeEntity.getProperty("desc").toString(); Text detail0 = (Text) typeEntity.getProperty("detail"); String detail = detail0.getValue(); String nama1 = typeEntity.getProperty("nama").toString(); String link1 = typeEntity.getProperty("link").toString(); String date = typeEntity.getProperty("date").toString(); String icwcomment = ""; try { icwcomment = typeEntity.getProperty("icwcomment").toString(); } catch (Exception e) { icwcomment = ""; } record1.put("key", "kandidat" + type0); record1.put("val", input); record1.put("kandidat", kandidat); record1.put("desc", desc); record1.put("detail", detail); record1.put("nama", nama1); record1.put("link", link1); record1.put("date", date); record1.put("icwcomment", icwcomment); obj11.add(record1); } else { String user = typeEntity.getProperty("user").toString(); if (user.equalsIgnoreCase(id) || (email.equalsIgnoreCase("") || id.equalsIgnoreCase("112525777678499279265") || id.equalsIgnoreCase("10152397276159760") || nama.equalsIgnoreCase("Khairul Anshar") || admin.equalsIgnoreCase("Y"))) { LinkedHashMap record1 = new LinkedHashMap(); String kandidat = typeEntity.getProperty("kandidat").toString(); String desc = typeEntity.getProperty("desc").toString(); Text detail0 = (Text) typeEntity.getProperty("detail"); String detail = detail0.getValue(); String nama1 = typeEntity.getProperty("nama").toString(); String link1 = typeEntity.getProperty("link").toString(); String date = typeEntity.getProperty("date").toString(); record1.put("key", "kandidat" + type0); record1.put("val", input); record1.put("kandidat", kandidat); record1.put("desc", desc); record1.put("detail", detail); record1.put("nama", nama1); record1.put("link", link1); record1.put("date", date); String icwcomment = ""; if (email.equalsIgnoreCase("") || id.equalsIgnoreCase("112525777678499279265") || id.equalsIgnoreCase("10152397276159760") || nama.equalsIgnoreCase("Khairul Anshar") || admin.equalsIgnoreCase("Y") || icw.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { try { icwcomment = typeEntity.getProperty("icwcomment").toString(); } catch (Exception e) { icwcomment = ""; } } record1.put("icwcomment", icwcomment); obj11.add(record1); } } } record.put("records", obj11); record.put("status", "OK"); } catch (Exception e) { record.put("status", "error"); record.put("errormsg", e.toString()); } response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); out.print(JSONValue.toJSONString(record)); out.flush(); } if (form_action.equalsIgnoreCase("setIcwComment")) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; LinkedHashMap record = new LinkedHashMap(); try { JSONObject userAccount = (JSONObject) session.getAttribute("userAccount"); String icw = userAccount.get("icw").toString(); if (icw.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) { } else { BufferedReader reader = request.getReader(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } Object obj = JSONValue.parse(sb.toString()); //JSONArray records = (JSONArray) obj; JSONObject obj1 = (JSONObject) obj; String input = obj1.get("input").toString(); String input0 = obj1.get("input0").toString(); String type0 = obj1.get("type0").toString(); String value = obj1.get("value").toString(); String menteri = obj1.get("menteri").toString(); String kandidat = obj1.get("kandidat").toString(); Key typeKey = KeyFactory.createKey("kandidat" + type0, input); // Run an ancestor query to ensure we see the most up-to-date // view of the Greetings belonging to the selected Guestbook. Filter namaKandidat = new FilterPredicate("kandidat", FilterOperator.EQUAL, kandidat); // Run an ancestor query to ensure we see the most up-to-date // view of the Greetings belonging to the selected Guestbook. Query query = new Query("kandidat", typeKey).setFilter(namaKandidat); //Query query = new Query("posisi", typeKey);//.addSort("date", Query.SortDirection.DESCENDING); //List<Entity> AlasanStars = datastore.prepare(query); DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); for (Entity psosisiEntity : datastore.prepare(query) .asList(FetchOptions.Builder.withLimit(1))) { psosisiEntity.setProperty("icwcomment", value); datastore.put(psosisiEntity); } } record.put("status", "OK"); } catch (Exception e) { record.put("status", "error"); record.put("errormsg", e.toString()); } response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); out.print(JSONValue.toJSONString(record)); out.flush(); } if (form_action.equalsIgnoreCase("setSet2")) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; LinkedHashMap record = new LinkedHashMap(); try { JSONObject userAccount = (JSONObject) session.getAttribute("userAccount"); String id = userAccount.get("id").toString(); String nama = userAccount.get("name").toString(); String email = userAccount.get("email").toString(); String link = userAccount.get("link").toString(); String admin = userAccount.get("admin").toString(); String icw = userAccount.get("icw").toString(); BufferedReader reader = request.getReader(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } Object obj = JSONValue.parse(sb.toString()); //JSONArray records = (JSONArray) obj; JSONObject obj1 = (JSONObject) obj; String input = obj1.get("input").toString(); String input0 = obj1.get("input0").toString(); String type0 = obj1.get("type0").toString(); String value = obj1.get("value").toString(); String value1 = obj1.get("value1").toString(); String value2 = obj1.get("value2").toString(); String menteri = obj1.get("menteri").toString(); Key typeKey = KeyFactory.createKey("kandidat" + type0, input); // Run an ancestor query to ensure we see the most up-to-date // view of the Greetings belonging to the selected Guestbook. Filter namaKandidat = new FilterPredicate("kandidat", FilterOperator.EQUAL, value); // Run an ancestor query to ensure we see the most up-to-date // view of the Greetings belonging to the selected Guestbook. Query query = new Query("kandidat", typeKey).setFilter(namaKandidat); //Query query = new Query("posisi", typeKey);//.addSort("date", Query.SortDirection.DESCENDING); //List<Entity> AlasanStars = datastore.prepare(query); DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); PreparedQuery pq = datastore.prepare(query); boolean found = pq.asIterable().iterator().hasNext(); if (found) { if (admin.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { for (Entity psosisiEntity : pq.asList(FetchOptions.Builder.withLimit(1))) { Date date = new Date(); psosisiEntity.setProperty("date", date); psosisiEntity.setProperty("detail", new Text(value2)); datastore.put(psosisiEntity); } } } if (!found) { Date date = new Date(); Entity psosisiEntity = new Entity("kandidat", typeKey); psosisiEntity.setProperty("user", id); psosisiEntity.setProperty("link", link); psosisiEntity.setProperty("nama", nama); psosisiEntity.setProperty("email", email); psosisiEntity.setProperty("date", date); psosisiEntity.setProperty("kandidat", value); psosisiEntity.setProperty("desc", value1); psosisiEntity.setProperty("posisi", menteri); psosisiEntity.setProperty("detail", new Text(value2)); psosisiEntity.setProperty("icwcomment", ""); if (email.equalsIgnoreCase("") || id.equalsIgnoreCase("112525777678499279265") || id.equalsIgnoreCase("10152397276159760") || nama.equalsIgnoreCase("Khairul Anshar") || admin.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { psosisiEntity.setProperty("reviewed", "Y"); psosisiEntity.setProperty("nama", "Kawal Menteri"); psosisiEntity.setProperty("link", ""); } else { psosisiEntity.setProperty("reviewed", "N"); } psosisiEntity.setProperty("imported", "N"); datastore.put(psosisiEntity); } query = new Query("kandidat", typeKey).addSort("date", Query.SortDirection.ASCENDING); pq = datastore.prepare(query); JSONArray obj11 = new JSONArray(); for (Entity typeEntity : pq.asIterable()) { String reviewed = typeEntity.getProperty("reviewed").toString(); if (reviewed.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { LinkedHashMap record1 = new LinkedHashMap(); String kandidat = typeEntity.getProperty("kandidat").toString(); String desc = typeEntity.getProperty("desc").toString(); Text detail0 = (Text) typeEntity.getProperty("detail"); String detail = detail0.getValue(); String nama1 = typeEntity.getProperty("nama").toString(); String link1 = typeEntity.getProperty("link").toString(); String date = typeEntity.getProperty("date").toString(); String icwcomment = ""; try { icwcomment = typeEntity.getProperty("icwcomment").toString(); } catch (Exception e) { icwcomment = ""; } record1.put("key", "kandidat" + type0); record1.put("val", input); record1.put("kandidat", kandidat); record1.put("desc", desc); record1.put("detail", detail); record1.put("nama", nama1); record1.put("link", link1); record1.put("date", date); record1.put("icwcomment", icwcomment); obj11.add(record1); } else { String user = typeEntity.getProperty("user").toString(); if (user.equalsIgnoreCase(id) || (email.equalsIgnoreCase("") || id.equalsIgnoreCase("112525777678499279265") || id.equalsIgnoreCase("10152397276159760") || nama.equalsIgnoreCase("Khairul Anshar") || admin.equalsIgnoreCase("Y"))) { LinkedHashMap record1 = new LinkedHashMap(); String kandidat = typeEntity.getProperty("kandidat").toString(); String desc = typeEntity.getProperty("desc").toString(); Text detail0 = (Text) typeEntity.getProperty("detail"); String detail = detail0.getValue(); String nama1 = typeEntity.getProperty("nama").toString(); String link1 = typeEntity.getProperty("link").toString(); String date = typeEntity.getProperty("date").toString(); record1.put("key", "kandidat" + type0); record1.put("val", input); record1.put("kandidat", kandidat); record1.put("desc", desc); record1.put("detail", detail); record1.put("nama", nama1); record1.put("link", link1); record1.put("date", date); String icwcomment = ""; if (email.equalsIgnoreCase("") || id.equalsIgnoreCase("112525777678499279265") || id.equalsIgnoreCase("10152397276159760") || nama.equalsIgnoreCase("Khairul Anshar") || admin.equalsIgnoreCase("Y") || icw.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { try { icwcomment = typeEntity.getProperty("icwcomment").toString(); } catch (Exception e) { icwcomment = ""; } } record1.put("icwcomment", icwcomment); obj11.add(record1); } } } record.put("records", obj11); record.put("status", "OK"); } catch (Exception e) { record.put("status", "error"); record.put("errormsg", e.toString()); } response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); out.print(JSONValue.toJSONString(record)); out.flush(); } } /*private void postData(String name, String dept, String namaCalon, String star, String comment, String id, String table, String key, String keyVal, String link) { DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); Key guestbookKey = KeyFactory.createKey(key, keyVal); // Run an ancestor query to ensure we see the most up-to-date // view of the Greetings belonging to the selected Guestbook. Query query = new Query(table, guestbookKey).addSort("date", Query.SortDirection.DESCENDING); List<Entity> AlasanStars = datastore.prepare(query).asList(FetchOptions.Builder.withLimit(1)); Date date = new Date(); if (AlasanStars.isEmpty()) { Entity AlasanStar = new Entity(table, guestbookKey); AlasanStar.setProperty("user", id); AlasanStar.setProperty("date", date); AlasanStar.setProperty("dept", dept); AlasanStar.setProperty("star", star); AlasanStar.setProperty("comment", comment); AlasanStar.setProperty("name", name); AlasanStar.setProperty("namaCalon", namaCalon); AlasanStar.setProperty("link", link); datastore.put(AlasanStar); } else { for (Entity AlasanStar : AlasanStars) { AlasanStar.setProperty("user", id); AlasanStar.setProperty("date", date); AlasanStar.setProperty("dept", dept); AlasanStar.setProperty("star", star); AlasanStar.setProperty("comment", comment); AlasanStar.setProperty("name", name); AlasanStar.setProperty("namaCalon", namaCalon); AlasanStar.setProperty("link", link); datastore.put(AlasanStar); } } }*/ //("AlasanStarLike", "id", id, star, link, name) private void postData1(String table, String key, String keyVal, String val, String link, String user) { System.out.println(keyVal); DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); Key guestbookKey = KeyFactory.createKey(key, keyVal); // Run an ancestor query to ensure we see the most up-to-date // view of the Greetings belonging to the selected Guestbook. Query query = new Query(table, guestbookKey).addSort("date", Query.SortDirection.DESCENDING); List<Entity> AlasanStars = datastore.prepare(query).asList(FetchOptions.Builder.withLimit(1)); Date date = new Date(); if (AlasanStars.isEmpty()) { Entity AlasanStar = new Entity(table, guestbookKey); AlasanStar.setProperty("user", user); AlasanStar.setProperty("date", date); AlasanStar.setProperty("star", val); AlasanStar.setProperty("link", link); AlasanStar.setProperty("imported", "N"); datastore.put(AlasanStar); } } private void postData11(String table, String key, String keyVal, String val, String link, String user) { DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); Key guestbookKey = KeyFactory.createKey(key, keyVal); Filter linkFilter = new FilterPredicate("link", FilterOperator.EQUAL, link); // Run an ancestor query to ensure we see the most up-to-date // view of the Greetings belonging to the selected Guestbook. Query query = new Query(table, guestbookKey).setFilter(linkFilter); List<Entity> AlasanStars = datastore.prepare(query).asList(FetchOptions.Builder.withLimit(1)); Date date = new Date(); if (AlasanStars.isEmpty()) { Entity AlasanStar = new Entity(table, guestbookKey); AlasanStar.setProperty("user", user); AlasanStar.setProperty("date", date); AlasanStar.setProperty("star", val); AlasanStar.setProperty("link", link); AlasanStar.setProperty("imported", "N"); datastore.put(AlasanStar); } } private void postData2(String name, String dept, String namaCalon, String star, String comment, String id, String table, String key, String keyVal, String link) { DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); Filter linkFilter = new FilterPredicate("link", FilterOperator.EQUAL, link); Key AlasanStarCalonKey = KeyFactory.createKey(key, keyVal); Query query = new Query(table, AlasanStarCalonKey).setFilter(linkFilter); List<Entity> AlasanStars = datastore.prepare(query).asList(FetchOptions.Builder.withLimit(1)); if (AlasanStars.isEmpty()) { Date date = new Date(); Entity AlasanStar = new Entity(table, AlasanStarCalonKey); AlasanStar.setProperty("user", id); AlasanStar.setProperty("date", date); AlasanStar.setProperty("dept", dept); AlasanStar.setProperty("star", star); AlasanStar.setProperty("comment", comment); AlasanStar.setProperty("name", name); AlasanStar.setProperty("namaCalon", namaCalon); AlasanStar.setProperty("link", link); AlasanStar.setProperty("imported", "N"); datastore.put(AlasanStar); } } private String replace(String inp) { String val = inp.replace(" ", "").replace(",", "").replace(".", "").replace("`", "").replace("~", "") .replace("!", "").replace("@", "").replace("#", "").replace("$", "").replace("%", "") .replace("^", "").replace("&", "").replace("*", "").replace("(", "").replace(")", "") .replace("+", "").replace("|", "").replace("{", "").replace("}", "").replace("[", "") .replace("]", "").replace(":", "").replace(";", "").replace("\"", "").replace("'", "") .replace("?", "").replace("/", ""); return val; } // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="HttpServlet methods. Click on the + sign on the left to edit the code."> /** * Handles the HTTP <code>GET</code> method. * * @param request servlet request * @param response servlet response * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { processRequest(request, response); } /** * Handles the HTTP <code>POST</code> method. * * @param request servlet request * @param response servlet response * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ @Override protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { processRequest(request, response); } /** * Returns a short description of the servlet. * * @return a String containing servlet description */ @Override public String getServletInfo() { return "Short description"; }// </editor-fold> }