Java tutorial
//package com.java2s; // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be import; public class Main { /** Percentage to darken a color by when setting the status bar color. */ private static final float DARKEN_COLOR_FRACTION = 0.6f; /** * Darkens the given color to use on the status bar. * @param color Color which should be darkened. * @return Color that should be used for Android status bar. */ public static int getDarkenedColorForStatusBar(int color) { return getDarkenedColor(color, DARKEN_COLOR_FRACTION); } /** * Darken a color to a fraction of its current brightness. * @param color The input color. * @param darkenFraction The fraction of the current brightness the color should be. * @return The new darkened color. */ public static int getDarkenedColor(int color, float darkenFraction) { float[] hsv = new float[3]; Color.colorToHSV(color, hsv); hsv[2] *= darkenFraction; return Color.HSVToColor(hsv); } }