Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


//package com.java2s;
 *                       I N T E L   C O R P O R A T I O N
 *  Functional Group: Fabric Viewer Application
 *  File Name:
 *  Archive Source: $Source$
 *  Archive Log:    $Log$
 *  Archive Log:    Revision 1.3  2015/08/17 18:49:02  jijunwan
 *  Archive Log:    PR 129983 - Need to change file header's copyright text to BSD license txt
 *  Archive Log:    - change backend files' headers
 *  Archive Log:
 *  Archive Log:    Revision 1.2  2015/03/13 14:29:17  jijunwan
 *  Archive Log:    improved to have consistent xml format when we add, remove or replace an Application, Device Group, or Virtual Fabric node.
 *  Archive Log:    improved to add comments to indicate the change was made by FM GUI and also the time we change it
 *  Archive Log:
 *  Archive Log:    Revision 1.1  2015/03/05 17:30:37  jijunwan
 *  Archive Log:    init version to support Application management
 *  Archive Log:    1) read/write opafm.xml from/to host with backup file support
 *  Archive Log:    2) Application parser
 *  Archive Log:    3) Add/remove and update Application
 *  Archive Log:    4) unique name, reference conflication check
 *  Archive Log:
 *  Overview: 
 *  @author: jijunwan

import java.util.Date;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

public class Main {
    public static void removeNode(Document doc, Node parent, Node node, String nodeName) {
        Node comment = doc.createComment(" '" + nodeName + "' was removed by FM GUI @ " + (new Date()) + " ");
        parent.insertBefore(comment, node);