Java tutorial
import; import; import; import; import; public class ByteFIFOTest extends Object { private ByteFIFO fifo; private byte[] srcData; public ByteFIFOTest() throws IOException { fifo = new ByteFIFO(20); makeSrcData(); System.out.println("srcData.length=" + srcData.length); Runnable srcRunnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { src(); } }; Thread srcThread = new Thread(srcRunnable); srcThread.start(); Runnable dstRunnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { dst(); } }; Thread dstThread = new Thread(dstRunnable); dstThread.start(); } private void makeSrcData() throws IOException { String[] list = { "The first string is right here", "The second string is a bit longer and also right here", "The third string", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", "0123456789", "The last string in the list" }; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos); oos.writeObject(list); oos.flush(); oos.close(); srcData = baos.toByteArray(); } private void src() { try { boolean justAddOne = true; int count = 0; while (count < srcData.length) { if (!justAddOne) { int writeSize = (int) (40.0 * Math.random()); writeSize = Math.min(writeSize, srcData.length - count); byte[] buf = new byte[writeSize]; System.arraycopy(srcData, count, buf, 0, writeSize); fifo.add(buf); count += writeSize; System.out.println("just added " + writeSize + " bytes"); } else { fifo.add(srcData[count]); count++; System.out.println("just added exactly 1 byte"); } justAddOne = !justAddOne; } } catch (InterruptedException x) { x.printStackTrace(); } } private void dst() { try { boolean justAddOne = true; int count = 0; byte[] dstData = new byte[srcData.length]; while (count < dstData.length) { if (!justAddOne) { byte[] buf = fifo.removeAll(); if (buf.length > 0) { System.arraycopy(buf, 0, dstData, count, buf.length); count += buf.length; } System.out.println("just removed " + buf.length + " bytes"); } else { byte b = fifo.remove(); dstData[count] = b; count++; System.out.println("just removed exactly 1 byte"); } justAddOne = !justAddOne; } System.out.println("received all data, count=" + count); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(dstData)); String[] line = (String[]) ois.readObject(); for (int i = 0; i < line.length; i++) { System.out.println("line[" + i + "]=" + line[i]); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException x1) { x1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException iox) { iox.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException x) { x.printStackTrace(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { try { new ByteFIFOTest(); } catch (IOException iox) { iox.printStackTrace(); } } } class ByteFIFO extends Object { private byte[] queue; private int capacity; private int size; private int head; private int tail; public ByteFIFO(int cap) { capacity = (cap > 0) ? cap : 1; // at least 1 queue = new byte[capacity]; head = 0; tail = 0; size = 0; } public int getCapacity() { return capacity; } public synchronized int getSize() { return size; } public synchronized boolean isEmpty() { return (size == 0); } public synchronized boolean isFull() { return (size == capacity); } public synchronized void add(byte b) throws InterruptedException { waitWhileFull(); queue[head] = b; head = (head + 1) % capacity; size++; notifyAll(); // let any waiting threads know about change } public synchronized void add(byte[] list) throws InterruptedException { // For efficiency, the bytes are copied in blocks // instead of one at a time. As space becomes available, // more bytes are copied until all of them have been // added. int ptr = 0; while (ptr < list.length) { // If full, the lock will be released to allow // another thread to come in and remove bytes. waitWhileFull(); int space = capacity - size; int distToEnd = capacity - head; int blockLen = Math.min(space, distToEnd); int bytesRemaining = list.length - ptr; int copyLen = Math.min(blockLen, bytesRemaining); System.arraycopy(list, ptr, queue, head, copyLen); head = (head + copyLen) % capacity; size += copyLen; ptr += copyLen; // Keep the lock, but let any waiting threads // know that something has changed. notifyAll(); } } public synchronized byte remove() throws InterruptedException { waitWhileEmpty(); byte b = queue[tail]; tail = (tail + 1) % capacity; size--; notifyAll(); // let any waiting threads know about change return b; } public synchronized byte[] removeAll() { // For efficiency, the bytes are copied in blocks // instead of one at a time. if (isEmpty()) { // Nothing to remove, return a zero-length // array and do not bother with notification // since nothing was removed. return new byte[0]; } // based on the current size byte[] list = new byte[size]; // copy in the block from tail to the end int distToEnd = capacity - tail; int copyLen = Math.min(size, distToEnd); System.arraycopy(queue, tail, list, 0, copyLen); // If data wraps around, copy the remaining data // from the front of the array. if (size > copyLen) { System.arraycopy(queue, 0, list, copyLen, size - copyLen); } tail = (tail + size) % capacity; size = 0; // everything has been removed // Signal any and all waiting threads that // something has changed. notifyAll(); return list; } public synchronized byte[] removeAtLeastOne() throws InterruptedException { waitWhileEmpty(); // wait for a least one to be in FIFO return removeAll(); } public synchronized boolean waitUntilEmpty(long msTimeout) throws InterruptedException { if (msTimeout == 0L) { waitUntilEmpty(); // use other method return true; } // wait only for the specified amount of time long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + msTimeout; long msRemaining = msTimeout; while (!isEmpty() && (msRemaining > 0L)) { wait(msRemaining); msRemaining = endTime - System.currentTimeMillis(); } // May have timed out, or may have met condition, // calc return value. return isEmpty(); } public synchronized void waitUntilEmpty() throws InterruptedException { while (!isEmpty()) { wait(); } } public synchronized void waitWhileEmpty() throws InterruptedException { while (isEmpty()) { wait(); } } public synchronized void waitUntilFull() throws InterruptedException { while (!isFull()) { wait(); } } public synchronized void waitWhileFull() throws InterruptedException { while (isFull()) { wait(); } } }