Java tutorial
/* This file is part of OPENKVI. OPENKVI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPENKVI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPENKVI. If not, see <>. */ import org.json.*; import; import; import; import com.wavemaker.runtime.RuntimeAccess; import javax.xml.parsers.*; import org.w3c.dom.*; import org.xml.sax.*; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.LinkedList; import*; import*; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; public class serverTools extends com.wavemaker.runtime.javaservice.JavaServiceSuperClass { /* Pass in one of FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO and DEBUG to modify your log level; * recommend changing this to FATAL or ERROR before deploying. For info on these levels, look for tomcat/log4j documentation */ public serverTools() { super(INFO); } public String getLocalHostname() { //try { // InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); // hostname = addr.getHostName(); //} catch (UnknownHostException e) { // hostname = "Data Center:"; //} String hostname = this.runCommand("hostname"); return hostname; } private String runCommand(String command) { String result = ""; String error = ""; String s = null; try { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); BufferedReader stdError = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getErrorStream())); // read the output from the command while ((s = stdInput.readLine()) != null) { result = result + s; } // read any errors from the attempted command while ((s = stdError.readLine()) != null) { error = error + s; } if (error != "") { return error; } else { return result; } } catch (IOException e) { return "unknown error"; } } public String connectToServer(String ipaddr, String server, String force) { String action = "connect"; return _connectToServer(ipaddr, server, force, action); } public String reconnectToServer(String ipaddr, String server, String force) { String action = "reconnect"; return _connectToServer(ipaddr, server, force, action); } private String _connectToServer(String ipaddr, String server, String force, String action) { String result = "connectToServer=" + server + "::"; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", action); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); optList.add("ip=" + ipaddr); optList.add("force=" + force); joAction.put("options", optList); String msg = callOvnmanager(server, joAction.toString()); result += msg; } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "_connectToServer has failed", e); return "connectToServer=" + server + "::Failed::" + e.toString(); } return result; } private String makeRelativeDirs(String directory) { try { String pathToRessource = RuntimeAccess.getInstance().getSession().getServletContext() .getRealPath("resources/data/"); String mkDir = pathToRessource + directory; (new File(mkDir)).mkdirs(); return mkDir; } catch (Exception e) { return "Error"; } } public String getNodesCoordinates(String nodeList) throws IOException { try { JSONObject joResult = new JSONObject(); JSONArray resList = new JSONArray(); java.util.StringTokenizer tokenizer = new java.util.StringTokenizer(nodeList, "::"); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String node = tokenizer.nextToken(); if (node.length() > 0) { String xml = this.readXml(node); JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(xml); String desc = jo.optString("description", ""); JSONObject joRes = new JSONObject(); JSONObject joCoord = jo.getJSONObject("coordinates"); joRes.put("node", node); joRes.put("latitude", joCoord.get("latitude").toString()); joRes.put("longitude", joCoord.get("longitude").toString()); joRes.put("desc", desc); resList.put(joRes); } } joResult.put("list", resList); String result = joResult.toString(); return result; } catch (Exception e) { return "Error"; } } public String readXml(String server) throws IOException { String result = null; try { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(); JSONArray storagesArray = new JSONArray(); JSONArray switchesArray = new JSONArray(); DocumentBuilderFactory fabrique = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder constructeur = fabrique.newDocumentBuilder(); String relPath = "resources/data/" + server + "/config/" + server + ".xml"; String pathToXml = RuntimeAccess.getInstance().getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath(relPath); File xml = new File(pathToXml); Document doc = constructeur.parse(xml); doc.getDocumentElement().normalize(); NodeList nList = doc.getElementsByTagName("name"); Node n = nList.item(0); String name = ""; if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { name = n.getTextContent().trim(); } nList = doc.getElementsByTagName("ip"); n = nList.item(0); String ipaddr = ""; if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { ipaddr = n.getTextContent().trim(); } nList = doc.getElementsByTagName("hypervisor"); n = nList.item(0); String hypervisor = ""; if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { hypervisor = n.getTextContent().trim(); } nList = doc.getElementsByTagName("transport"); n = nList.item(0); String transport = ""; if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { transport = n.getTextContent().trim(); } nList = doc.getElementsByTagName("vmconfigs"); n = nList.item(0); String vmconfigs = ""; if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { vmconfigs = n.getTextContent().trim(); } nList = doc.getElementsByTagName("description"); String description = ""; if (nList.getLength() > 0) { n = nList.item(0); if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { description = n.getTextContent().trim(); } } jo.put("name", name); jo.put("ip", ipaddr); jo.put("hypervisor", hypervisor); jo.put("transport", transport); jo.put("description", description); jo.put("vmconfigs", vmconfigs); nList = doc.getElementsByTagName("coordinates"); String building = ""; String street = ""; String city = ""; String latitude = ""; String longitude = ""; if (nList.getLength() > 0) { n = nList.item(0); if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element CoordElement = (Element) n; building = CoordElement.getAttribute("building"); street = CoordElement.getAttribute("street"); city = CoordElement.getAttribute("city"); latitude = CoordElement.getAttribute("latitude"); longitude = CoordElement.getAttribute("longitude"); } } JSONObject CoordJo = new JSONObject(); CoordJo.put("building", building); CoordJo.put("street", street); CoordJo.put("city", city); CoordJo.put("latitude", latitude); CoordJo.put("longitude", longitude); jo.put("coordinates", CoordJo); nList = doc.getElementsByTagName("repository"); for (int i = 0; i < nList.getLength(); i++) { n = nList.item(i); JSONObject diskJo = new JSONObject(); if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element repoElement = (Element) n; String repoName = repoElement.getAttribute("name"); String repoType = repoElement.getAttribute("type"); NodeList nListPath = repoElement.getElementsByTagName("target"); Node nPath = nListPath.item(0); String path = nPath.getTextContent().trim(); NodeList nListSource = repoElement.getElementsByTagName("source"); Node nSource = nListSource.item(0); String source = nSource.getTextContent().trim(); diskJo.put("name", repoName); diskJo.put("type", repoType); diskJo.put("target", path); diskJo.put("source", source); } storagesArray.put(diskJo); } jo.put("storages", storagesArray); JSONArray networkArray = new JSONArray(); nList = doc.getElementsByTagName("network"); for (int i = 0; i < nList.getLength(); i++) { n = nList.item(i); JSONObject networkJo = new JSONObject(); if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element networkElement = (Element) n; String netName = networkElement.getAttribute("name"); String netNaming = networkElement.getAttribute("naming"); String netType = networkElement.getAttribute("type"); networkJo.put("name", netName); networkJo.put("naming", netNaming); networkJo.put("type", netType); JSONArray targetArray = new JSONArray(); NodeList nListTarget = networkElement.getElementsByTagName("target"); for (int j = 0; j < nListTarget.getLength(); j++) { Node nTarget = nListTarget.item(j); if (nTarget.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element targetElement = (Element) nTarget; JSONObject targetJo = new JSONObject(); NodeList nTargetListName = targetElement.getElementsByTagName("name"); Node nTargetName = nTargetListName.item(0); NodeList nTargetListDesc = targetElement.getElementsByTagName("desc"); Node nTargetDesc = nTargetListDesc.item(0); String targetName = nTargetName.getTextContent().trim(); String targetDesc = nTargetDesc.getTextContent().trim(); targetJo.put("name", targetName); targetJo.put("desc", targetDesc); targetArray.put(targetJo); } } networkJo.put("targets", targetArray); } networkArray.put(networkJo); } jo.put("networks", networkArray); result = jo.toString(); //result = strName; } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "readXml has failed", e); } return result; } public String updateServerConfig(String jsonString, String server, String log) { String result = server + "=" + log + "="; try { result += this.createServerConfig(server, jsonString); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "Xml file update has failed", e); return result + "Error=" + e.toString(); } return result; } public String createServerConfig(String node, String jsonString) { String result = node + "::"; try { String ret; JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(jsonString); UUID uid = UUID.randomUUID(); String varName = node; String varIP = jo.get("ip").toString(); String varHyp = jo.get("hypervisor").toString(); String varVmconfigs = jo.get("vmconfigs").toString(); String varTransport = jo.get("transport").toString(); String varDesc = jo.get("description").toString(); // make sure that remote directory exist // Get the JSONArray value associated with the Result key JSONArray storageArray = jo.getJSONArray("storages"); String configDir = this.makeRelativeDirs("/" + varName + "/config"); this.makeRelativeDirs("/" + varName + "/screenshots"); this.makeRelativeDirs("/" + varName + "/vm/configs"); // Cration d'un nouveau DOM DocumentBuilderFactory fabrique = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder constructeur = fabrique.newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = constructeur.newDocument(); // Proprits du DOM document.setXmlStandalone(true); // Cration de l'arborescence du DOM Element server = document.createElement("server"); document.appendChild(server); //racine.appendChild(document.createComment("Commentaire sous la racine")); Element name = document.createElement("name"); server.appendChild(name); name.setTextContent(varName); Element ip = document.createElement("ip"); server.appendChild(ip); ip.setTextContent(varIP); Element hypervisor = document.createElement("hypervisor"); server.appendChild(hypervisor); hypervisor.setTextContent(varHyp); Element transport = document.createElement("transport"); server.appendChild(transport); transport.setTextContent(varTransport); Element descEl = document.createElement("description"); server.appendChild(descEl); descEl.setTextContent(varDesc); Element vmconfigs = document.createElement("vmconfigs"); server.appendChild(vmconfigs); vmconfigs.setTextContent(varVmconfigs); JSONObject coordinatesObj = jo.getJSONObject("coordinates"); Element coordinatesEl = document.createElement("coordinates"); server.appendChild(coordinatesEl); coordinatesEl.setAttribute("building", coordinatesObj.get("building").toString()); coordinatesEl.setAttribute("street", coordinatesObj.get("street").toString()); coordinatesEl.setAttribute("city", coordinatesObj.get("city").toString()); coordinatesEl.setAttribute("latitude", coordinatesObj.get("latitude").toString()); coordinatesEl.setAttribute("longitude", coordinatesObj.get("longitude").toString()); //<storages> Element storages = document.createElement("storages"); server.appendChild(storages); int resultCount = storageArray.length(); for (int i = 0; i < resultCount; i++) { Element repository = document.createElement("repository"); storages.appendChild(repository); Element path = document.createElement("target"); repository.appendChild(path); JSONObject newStorage = storageArray.getJSONObject(i); String storageName = newStorage.get("name").toString(); String storagePath = newStorage.get("target").toString(); storageName = storageName.replaceAll(" ", "_"); storagePath = storagePath.replaceAll(" ", "_"); repository.setAttribute("type", newStorage.get("type").toString()); repository.setAttribute("name", storageName); path.setTextContent(storagePath); Element source = document.createElement("source"); repository.appendChild(source); String storageSource = newStorage.get("source").toString(); source.setTextContent(storageSource); String localStorageDir = this.makeRelativeDirs("/" + varName + "/vm/storages/" + storageName); if (localStorageDir == "Error") { return result + "Error: cannot create " + varName + "/vm/storages/" + storageName; } } //</storages> // Get network information (look for bridges) Element networks = document.createElement("networks"); server.appendChild(networks); JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "add"); joAction.put("driver", varHyp); joAction.put("transport", varTransport); joAction.put("description", varDesc); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); optList.add("ip=" + varIP); String varPasswd = ""; varPasswd = jo.opt("password").toString(); if (varPasswd.length() > 0) { optList.add("exchange_keys=" + varPasswd); } joAction.put("options", optList); String msg = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); JSONObject joMsg = new JSONObject(msg); JSONObject joActionRes = joMsg.getJSONObject("action"); result += joActionRes.get("result").toString(); //write the content into xml file String pathToXml = configDir + "/" + varName + ".xml"; File xmlOutput = new File(pathToXml); TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes"); DOMSource source = new DOMSource(document); StreamResult streamRes = new StreamResult(xmlOutput); transformer.transform(source, streamRes); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "create xml file has failed", e); return result + "Error: " + e.toString(); } //ret = "done"; return result; } public String deleteServer(String name) { String result = ""; String workingDir = RuntimeAccess.getInstance().getSession().getServletContext() .getRealPath("resources/data/"); try { //String vmConfigs = workingDir+"/"+name+"/vm/configs/"; //this.runCommand("fusermount -u "+vmConfigs); this.deleteDirectory(name); JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "remove"); joAction.put("driver", ""); joAction.put("transport", ""); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(name, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "create xml file has failed", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String getServerInfo(String node) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "get"); joAction.put("request", "info"); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "getServerInfo", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String getServerRessources(String node) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "get"); joAction.put("request", "ressources"); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); //optList.add("storages="+storages); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "getServerRessources", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String getServerCapabilities(String node) { String result = node; try { String relPath = "resources/data/" + node + "/config/"; String path = RuntimeAccess.getInstance().getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath(relPath); String capaPath = path + "/capabilities.xml"; String keymapPath = path + "/keymaps.lst"; File xmlFile = new File(capaPath); long lastMod = xmlFile.lastModified(); Date date = new Date(); long currentTime = date.getTime(); long diff = currentTime - lastMod; if ((diff >= 3600000) || (diff == currentTime)) { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "get"); joAction.put("request", "capabilities"); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); optList.add("path=" + path); joAction.put("options", optList); String msg = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); if (msg.indexOf("Error") > 0) { result = node + "::" + msg; return result; } /* JSONObject joResult = new JSONObject(msg); JSONObject joActResult = joResult.getJSONObject("action"); JSONArray keymaps = joActResult.getJSONArray("result"); */ String capa = this.readFile(capaPath); String keymaps = this.readFile(keymapPath); XML xml = new XML(); JSONObject jCapa = xml.toJSONObject(capa); jCapa.put("keymaps", keymaps); result = jCapa.toString(); } else { String capa = this.readFile(capaPath); String keymaps = this.readFile(keymapPath); XML xml = new XML(); JSONObject jCapa = xml.toJSONObject(capa); jCapa.put("keymaps", keymaps); result = jCapa.toString(); } } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "getServerCapabilities", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String listAllVms(String node) { String result = node; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "get"); joAction.put("request", "vm_list"); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "listAllVms", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String importLocalVms(String node, String vmList) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "local_import"); joAction.put("data", vmList); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "importLocalVms", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String getVmListScreenshot(String node, String vmList) { String result = node; String relPath = "resources/data/" + node + "/screenshots/"; String path = RuntimeAccess.getInstance().getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath(relPath); JSONObject joLastMod = new JSONObject(); try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "get"); joAction.put("request", "screenshots"); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); optList.add("path=" + path); optList.add("list=" + vmList); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "getVmListScreenshot", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String getServerNetworkInfos(String node, Boolean force) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "get"); joAction.put("request", "networks"); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); optList.add("force=" + force.toString()); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "getServerNetworkInfos", e); return "Failed: " + e.toString(); } return result; } public String getVmIp(String node, String vm, String mac, String range) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "vnic_ip"); joAction.put("vm", vm); joAction.put("mac", mac); joAction.put("range", range); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "getVmIp", e); result += "Failed: " + e.toString(); } return result; } /* public String getRunningOs(String ipaddr, String vName) { String result= ""; sshClient sshc = new sshClient(); try { String cmd = "virt-inspector2 -d "+vName; String infos = sshc.executeRemoteCommand(ipaddr, cmd); XML xml = new XML(); JSONObject jInfos = xml.toJSONObject(infos); result = jInfos.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "getRunningOs", e); result += "Failed: "+e.toString(); } return result; } */ public String getRunningOs(String node, String vName) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "get"); joAction.put("request", "inspect_vm"); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); optList.add("vm=" + vName); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "getRunningOs", e); return "Failed: " + e.toString(); } return result; } public String createNetwork(String node, String data) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "network"); joAction.put("request", "create"); joAction.put("desc", data); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "createNetwork failed", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String removeNetwork(String node, String data) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "network"); joAction.put("request", "remove"); joAction.put("desc", data); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "removeNetwork failed", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String updateNetwork(String node, String data) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "network"); joAction.put("request", "update"); joAction.put("desc", data); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "updateNetwork failed", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String getAllVmsNetworks(String node) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "network"); joAction.put("request", "vmnics"); joAction.put("desc", ""); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "updateNetwork failed", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String getNodeTimeConfiguration(String node) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "get"); joAction.put("request", "time"); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "getNodeTimeConfiguration", e); return "Failed: " + e.toString(); } return result; } public String setNodeTimeConfiguration(String node, String data) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "set"); joAction.put("request", "time"); joAction.put("desc", data); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "setNodeTimeConfiguration failed", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String setNodeNtpServers(String node, String data) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "set"); joAction.put("request", "timeservers"); joAction.put("desc", data); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "setNodeNtpServers failed", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String setNodeAdvancedTimeConfiguration(String node, String data) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "set"); joAction.put("request", "timemisc"); joAction.put("desc", data); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "setNodeAdvancedTimeConfiguration failed", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String getNodeSnmpConfiguration(String node) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "get"); joAction.put("request", "snmp"); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "getNodeSnmpConfiguration", e); return "Failed: " + e.toString(); } return result; } public String setNodeSnmpConfiguration(String node, String data) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "set"); joAction.put("request", "snmp"); joAction.put("desc", data); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "setNodeSnmpConfiguration failed", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String setNodeIpmiConfiguration(String node, String data) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "set"); joAction.put("request", "ipmi"); joAction.put("desc", data); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "setNodeSnmpConfiguration failed", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String getNodeHardwareEvents(String node) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "get"); joAction.put("request", "hel"); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "getNodeSnmpConfiguration", e); return "Failed: " + e.toString(); } return result; } public String getNodePerformances(String node) { String result = ""; try { String pathToRessource = RuntimeAccess.getInstance().getSession().getServletContext() .getRealPath("resources/jarmon/monitor/data"); JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "get"); joAction.put("request", "performances"); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); optList.add("path=" + pathToRessource); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "getNodePerformances", e); return "Failed: " + e.toString(); } return result; } public String getEtcHosts() { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "get"); joAction.put("request", "etchosts"); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager("none", joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "getEtcHosts", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String setEtcHosts(String data) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "set"); joAction.put("request", "etchosts"); joAction.put("desc", data); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager("none", joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "getEtcHosts", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String getAllNodesInfo() { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "get"); joAction.put("request", "all_nodes_info"); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager("none", joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "getAllNodesInfo", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String probeNeighborhood() { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "get"); joAction.put("request", "probe_nodes"); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager("none", joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "probeNeighborhood", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String getNodeLogs(String node) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "get"); joAction.put("request", "logs"); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); String res = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); JSONObject jsonRes = new JSONObject(res); JSONObject joActRes = jsonRes.getJSONObject("action"); JSONObject joData = joActRes.getJSONObject("result"); String error = joData.get("error").toString(); if (error.length() > 0) { return error; } String file_path = joData.get("path").toString(); String hostname = joData.get("host").toString(); result = this.readLogsFile(file_path + "/messages", hostname); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "getNodeLog", e); return "Failed: " + e.toString(); } return result; } private boolean deleteDirectory(String directory) { String workingDir = RuntimeAccess.getInstance().getSession().getServletContext() .getRealPath("resources/data/"); boolean res = recursiveDelete(new File(workingDir + "/" + directory)); return (res); } public String notifyAll(String node, String request, String infos) { String result = node; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "notify"); joAction.put("request", request); joAction.put("infos", infos); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "notifyAll", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } private boolean recursiveDelete(File path) { if (path.exists()) { File[] files = path.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].isDirectory()) { recursiveDelete(files[i]); } else { files[i].delete(); } } } return (path.delete()); } public String readFile(String file) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String line = null; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); try { while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { stringBuilder.append(line + "\n"); } } finally { reader.close(); return stringBuilder.toString(); } } private String readLogsFile(String file, String hostname) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String line = null; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); try { while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if ((!line.matches(".*(DHCPACK|DHCPREQUEST).openkvibr0.*")) && (!line.matches(".*(hpasmlited|ipmievd).*"))) { String[] splitString = (line.split(hostname)); String date = splitString[0]; //We remove the hostname from the logs String info = ""; for (int i = 1; i < splitString.length; i++) { info += splitString[i]; } String color = "DarkSlateBlue"; if (info.matches(".* (E|e)rror.*")) { color = "Red"; } else if (info.matches(".* (W|w)arning.*")) { color = "OrangeRed"; } else if (info.matches(".* (F|f)ailed.*")) { color = "OrangeRed"; } line = "<font color=\"" + color + "\">" + date + " " + info + "</font>"; stringBuilder.append(line + "<br/>"); } } } finally { reader.close(); return stringBuilder.toString(); } } public String listDirectory(String node, String path) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "list_directory"); joAction.put("request", path); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); //optList.add("storages="+storages); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "listDirectory", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String getFileInfo(String node, String path) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "file_info"); joAction.put("request", path); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); //optList.add("storages="+storages); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "listDirectory", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } private String callOvnmanager(String node, String action) { String result = ""; DatagramSocket socket = null; int serverPort = 9999; DatagramPacket packet2Send; DatagramPacket receivedPacket; InetAddress theServerAddress; byte[] outBuffer; byte[] inBuffer; //inBuffer = new byte[8192]; //outBuffer = new byte[8192]; inBuffer = new byte[65536]; outBuffer = new byte[8192]; try { HttpSession session = RuntimeAccess.getInstance().getSession(); String sessionUser = (String) session.getAttribute("User"); if (sessionUser == null) { sessionUser = "administrator"; } JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(action); JSONObject joCmd = new JSONObject(); joCmd.put("sender", sessionUser); joCmd.put("target", "NODE"); joCmd.put("node", node); joCmd.put("action", joAction); String output = joCmd.toString(); socket = new DatagramSocket(); // set timeout String actionName = joAction.get("name").toString(); if (actionName.equals("add")) { socket.setSoTimeout(90000); } else if (actionName.equals("connect")) { socket.setSoTimeout(60000); } else { socket.setSoTimeout(60000); } InetAddress serverInet = InetAddress.getByName("localhost"); socket.connect(serverInet, serverPort); outBuffer = output.getBytes(); packet2Send = new DatagramPacket(outBuffer, outBuffer.length, serverInet, serverPort); receivedPacket = new DatagramPacket(inBuffer, inBuffer.length); try { // send the data socket.send(packet2Send); // receive reply socket.receive(receivedPacket); // the server reply is... result = new String(receivedPacket.getData(), 0, receivedPacket.getLength()); session.setAttribute("LastActive", System.currentTimeMillis()); } catch (Exception excep) { String msg = excep.getMessage(); //String msg = excep.toString(); joCmd.remove("action"); joAction.put("result", "Error:" + msg); joCmd.put("action", joAction); result = joCmd.toString(); } socket.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "callOvnmanager", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } public String virtop(String node) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "get"); joAction.put("request", "virt-top"); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "virtop has failed", e); return node + "=Error:" + e.toString(); } return result; } }