Java tutorial
/** * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making TDW available. * Copyright (C) 2014 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ import; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import Comm.ConstVar; import Comm.Util; import FormatStorage.FieldMap; import FormatStorage.FormatDataFile; import FormatStorage.Head; import FormatStorage.FieldMap.Field; import FormatStorage.Unit.FieldValue; import FormatStorage.Unit.Record; import IndexStorage.IFieldMap; import IndexStorage.IFieldType; import IndexStorage.IFieldValue; import IndexStorage.IFormatDataFile; import IndexStorage.IHead; import IndexStorage.IRecord; import IndexStorage.IUserDefinedHeadInfo; public class TestPerformance { static FileSystem fs; static Configuration conf = new Configuration(); static Random r; static { try { fs = FileSystem.get(conf); r = new Random(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void testFormatWrite(int recordnum) throws Exception { String filedir = "/se/test/fdf/fdf" + recordnum; int filenum = 1; long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); genfdf(filedir, filenum, recordnum); System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() - time); } public static void testIFormatWrite(int recordnum) throws Exception { String filedir = "/se/test/fdf/ifdf" + recordnum; long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); genifdf(filedir, recordnum, false); System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() - time); } public static void testFormatRead(int num) throws Exception { String filedir = "/se/test/fdf/fdf10000000"; FormatDataFile fdf = new FormatDataFile(conf);; long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Record rec = fdf.getRecordByLine(i); } System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() - time); } public static void testIFormatRead(int num) throws Exception { String filedir = "/se/test/fdf/ifdf10000000"; IFormatDataFile ifdf = new IFormatDataFile(conf);; long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { IRecord rec =; } System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() - time); } private static void show(Record record) { for (FieldValue fv : record.fieldValues()) { String str = "null"; switch (fv.type()) { case ConstVar.FieldType_Boolean: str = fv.value()[0] == 1 ? "true" : "false"; break; case ConstVar.FieldType_Byte: str = String.valueOf(fv.value()[0]); break; case ConstVar.FieldType_Char: str = String.valueOf(fv.value()[0]); break; case ConstVar.FieldType_Short: str = String.valueOf(Util.bytes2short(fv.value(), 0, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short)); break; case ConstVar.FieldType_Int: str = String.valueOf(Util.bytes2int(fv.value(), 0, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int)); break; case ConstVar.FieldType_Long: str = String.valueOf(Util.bytes2long(fv.value(), 0, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long)); break; case ConstVar.FieldType_Float: str = String.valueOf(Util.bytes2float(fv.value(), 0)); break; case ConstVar.FieldType_Double: str = String.valueOf(Util.bytes2double(fv.value(), 0)); break; case ConstVar.FieldType_String: str = String.valueOf(fv.value()); } System.out.print(str + "\t"); } System.out.println(); } private static void genifdf(String fileName, int recordnum, boolean var) throws IOException { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); IFormatDataFile fdf = new IFormatDataFile(conf); IHead head = new IHead(); IFieldMap fieldMap = new IFieldMap(); fieldMap.addFieldType(new IFieldType.IFieldByteType()); fieldMap.addFieldType(new IFieldType.IFieldShortType()); fieldMap.addFieldType(new IFieldType.IFieldIntType()); fieldMap.addFieldType(new IFieldType.IFieldLongType()); fieldMap.addFieldType(new IFieldType.IFieldFloatType()); fieldMap.addFieldType(new IFieldType.IFieldDoubleType()); if (var) fieldMap.addFieldType(new IFieldType.IFieldStringType()); head.setFieldMap(fieldMap); IUserDefinedHeadInfo udi = new IUserDefinedHeadInfo(); udi.addInfo(0, fileName); fdf.create(fileName, head); for (int i = 0; i < recordnum; i++) { IRecord record = new IRecord(); record.addFieldValue(new IFieldValue((byte) r.nextInt())); record.addFieldValue(new IFieldValue((short) (r.nextInt()))); record.addFieldValue(new IFieldValue(r.nextInt())); record.addFieldValue(new IFieldValue(r.nextLong())); record.addFieldValue(new IFieldValue(r.nextFloat())); record.addFieldValue(new IFieldValue(r.nextDouble())); if (var) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(100); for (int j = 0; j < i % 100 + 1; j++) { sb.append("a"); } record.addFieldValue(new IFieldValue(sb.toString())); } fdf.addRecord(record); if ((i + 1) % 10000000 == 0) System.out.println(i + 1); } fdf.close(); } private static void genfdf(String filedir, int filenum, int recordnum) throws Exception { int size = 0; FileStatus[] fss = fs.listStatus(new Path(filedir)); if (fss != null) { size += fss.length; } for (int i = 0; i < filenum; i++) { System.err.println("generate a fdf"); FormatDataFile fdf = createfdf(filedir, false, (short) -1); for (int j = 0; j < recordnum; j++) { Record record = new Record((short) 6); record.addValue(new FieldValue((byte) r.nextInt(), (short) 0)); record.addValue(new FieldValue((short) r.nextInt(), (short) 1)); record.addValue(new FieldValue(r.nextInt(), (short) 2)); record.addValue(new FieldValue(r.nextLong(), (short) 3)); record.addValue(new FieldValue(r.nextFloat() * 10000, (short) 4)); record.addValue(new FieldValue(r.nextDouble() * 100000000, (short) 5)); if ((j + 1) % 1000000 == 0) System.err.println((j + 1) + "records written"); fdf.addRecord(record); } fdf.close(); } } private static FormatDataFile createfdf(String filename, boolean compress, short keyindex) throws Exception { Head head = new Head(); FieldMap fieldMap = new FieldMap(); fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Byte, ConstVar.Sizeof_Byte, (short) 0)); fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Short, ConstVar.Sizeof_Short, (short) 1)); fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Int, ConstVar.Sizeof_Int, (short) 2)); fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Long, ConstVar.Sizeof_Long, (short) 3)); fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Float, ConstVar.Sizeof_Float, (short) 4)); fieldMap.addField(new Field(ConstVar.FieldType_Double, ConstVar.Sizeof_Double, (short) 5)); head.setFieldMap(fieldMap); head.setPrimaryIndex(keyindex); if (compress) { head.setCompress((byte) 1); head.setCompressStyle(ConstVar.LZOCompress); } Configuration conf = new Configuration(); FormatDataFile fd = new FormatDataFile(conf); fd.create(filename, head); return fd; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { testFormatRead(10000); testIFormatRead(10000); testFormatRead(100000); testIFormatRead(100000); testFormatRead(1000000); testIFormatRead(1000000); testFormatRead(10000000); testIFormatRead(10000000); } }