Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ import com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration; import com.amazonaws.HttpMethod; import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; /** * Utility application that generates presigned URLs using the AWS S3 SDK. You can then use these URLs with other * applications such as the SmartUploader. */ public class UploadUrlGenerator { private static final String ENDPOINT_OPTION = "endpoint"; private static final String ACCESS_KEY_OPTION = "access-key"; private static final String SECRET_KEY_OPTION = "secret-key"; private static final String BUCKET_OPTION = "bucket"; private static final String KEY_OPTION = "key"; private static final String EXPIRES_OPTION = "expires"; private static final String VERB_OPTION = "verb"; private static final String CONTENT_TYPE_OPTION = "content-type"; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Options opts = new Options(); opts.addOption(Option.builder().longOpt(ENDPOINT_OPTION).required().hasArg().argName("url") .desc("Sets the ECS S3 endpoint to use, e.g.").build()); opts.addOption(Option.builder().longOpt(ACCESS_KEY_OPTION).required().hasArg().argName("access-key") .desc("Sets the Access Key (user) to sign the request").build()); opts.addOption(Option.builder().longOpt(SECRET_KEY_OPTION).required().hasArg().argName("secret") .desc("Sets the secret key to sign the request").build()); opts.addOption(Option.builder().longOpt(BUCKET_OPTION).required().hasArg().argName("bucket-name") .desc("The bucket containing the object").build()); opts.addOption(Option.builder().longOpt(KEY_OPTION).required().hasArg().argName("object-key") .desc("The object name (key) to access with the URL").build()); opts.addOption(Option.builder().longOpt(EXPIRES_OPTION).hasArg().argName("minutes") .desc("Minutes from local time to expire the request. 1 day = 1440, 1 week=10080, " + "1 month (30 days)=43200, 1 year=525600. Defaults to 1 hour (60).") .build()); opts.addOption(Option.builder().longOpt(VERB_OPTION).hasArg().argName("http-verb").type(HttpMethod.class) .desc("The HTTP verb that will be used with the URL (PUT, GET, etc). Defaults to GET.").build()); opts.addOption(Option.builder().longOpt(CONTENT_TYPE_OPTION).hasArg().argName("mimetype") .desc("Sets the Content-Type header (e.g. image/jpeg) that will be used with the request. " + "Must match exactly. Defaults to application/octet-stream for PUT/POST and " + "null for all others") .build()); DefaultParser dp = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine cmd = null; try { cmd = dp.parse(opts, args); } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage()); HelpFormatter hf = new HelpFormatter(); hf.printHelp("java -jar UploadUrlGenerator-xxx.jar", opts, true); System.exit(255); } URI endpoint = URI.create(cmd.getOptionValue(ENDPOINT_OPTION)); String accessKey = cmd.getOptionValue(ACCESS_KEY_OPTION); String secretKey = cmd.getOptionValue(SECRET_KEY_OPTION); String bucket = cmd.getOptionValue(BUCKET_OPTION); String key = cmd.getOptionValue(KEY_OPTION); HttpMethod method = HttpMethod.GET; if (cmd.hasOption(VERB_OPTION)) { method = HttpMethod.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue(VERB_OPTION).toUpperCase()); } int expiresMinutes = 60; if (cmd.hasOption(EXPIRES_OPTION)) { expiresMinutes = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue(EXPIRES_OPTION)); } String contentType = null; if (method == HttpMethod.PUT || method == HttpMethod.POST) { contentType = "application/octet-stream"; } if (cmd.hasOption(CONTENT_TYPE_OPTION)) { contentType = cmd.getOptionValue(CONTENT_TYPE_OPTION); } BasicAWSCredentials credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKey, secretKey); ClientConfiguration cc = new ClientConfiguration(); // Force use of v2 Signer. ECS does not support v4 signatures yet. cc.setSignerOverride("S3SignerType"); AmazonS3Client s3 = new AmazonS3Client(credentials, cc); s3.setEndpoint(endpoint.toString()); S3ClientOptions s3c = new S3ClientOptions(); s3c.setPathStyleAccess(true); s3.setS3ClientOptions(s3c); // Sign the URL Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.add(Calendar.MINUTE, expiresMinutes); GeneratePresignedUrlRequest req = new GeneratePresignedUrlRequest(bucket, key).withExpiration(c.getTime()) .withMethod(method); if (contentType != null) { req = req.withContentType(contentType); } URL u = s3.generatePresignedUrl(req); System.out.printf("URL: %s\n", u.toURI().toASCIIString()); System.out.printf("HTTP Verb: %s\n", method); System.out.printf("Expires: %s\n", c.getTime()); System.out.println("To Upload with curl:"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("curl "); if (method != HttpMethod.GET) { sb.append("-X "); sb.append(method.toString()); sb.append(" "); } if (contentType != null) { sb.append("-H \"Content-Type: "); sb.append(contentType); sb.append("\" "); } if (method == HttpMethod.POST || method == HttpMethod.PUT) { sb.append("-T <filename> "); } sb.append("\""); sb.append(u.toURI().toASCIIString()); sb.append("\""); System.out.println(sb.toString()); System.exit(0); } }