Java tutorial
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import; import; import; import java.lang.ProcessBuilder.Redirect; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import org.junit.Test; import org.xtext.example.mydsl.fML.FMFormat; import z3.TseitinTransformationDisjunctive; import fr.unice.polytech.modalis.familiar.experimental.KSynthesisConfiguration; import fr.unice.polytech.modalis.familiar.operations.AggregatorFM; import fr.unice.polytech.modalis.familiar.operations.ExpressionUtility; import fr.unice.polytech.modalis.familiar.operations.FMLMergerBDD; import fr.unice.polytech.modalis.familiar.operations.FMLMergerDisjunctiveSAT; import fr.unice.polytech.modalis.familiar.operations.featureide.SATFMLFormula; import fr.unice.polytech.modalis.familiar.parser.FMBuilder; import fr.unice.polytech.modalis.familiar.parser.MyExpressionParser; import fr.unice.polytech.modalis.familiar.test.FMLTest; import fr.unice.polytech.modalis.familiar.variable.FeatureModelVariable; import fr.unice.polytech.modalis.familiar.variable.featureide.FeatureModelVariableSATFormula; import gsd.graph.ImplicationGraph; import gsd.graph.SimpleEdge; import gsd.graph.TransitiveReduction; import gsd.synthesis.Expression; import gsd.synthesis.Formula; public class ExtractorContentTest extends FMLTest { public static String OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = "outputFML/wikipedia-comparison-tables/"; public static String URL_BASE_NAME = ""; Set<String> excludePCMs = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { // not relevant (and actually it does not parse) "Comparison_between_Esperanto_and_Ido", "Comparison_between_Esperanto_and_Interlingua", "Comparison_between_Esperanto_and_Novial", "Comparison_between_Ido_and_Interlingua", "Comparison_between_Ido_and_Novial", "Comparison_between_U.S._states_and_countries_by_GDP_(PPP)", "Comparison_of_ALGOL_68_and_C%2B%2B", "Comparison_of_Afrikaans_and_Dutch", "Comparison_of_Asian_national_space_programs", "Comparison_of_Axis_%26_Allies_games", "Comparison_of_C_Sharp_and_Visual_Basic_.NET", // no table ! "Comparison_of_Chernobyl_and_other_radioactivity_releases", // no table ! "Comparison_of_Home_Owners%27_and_Civic_Associations", // no table ! "Comparison_of_IOC,_FIFA,_and_ISO_3166_country_codes", // limited interest "Comparison_of_Java_and_C%2B%2B", // limited interest (rather a qualitative comparison, based on natural language) "Comparison_of_MD_and_DO_in_the_United_States", // no table and interest ! "Comparison_of_Norwegian_Bokm%C3%A5l_and_Standard_Danish", // limited interest "Comparison_of_Portuguese_and_Spanish", // limited interest (pattern: comparison of "languages" being Esperanto, Norwe., Spanish, etc.) "Comparison_of_privilege_authorization_features", // no table (rather a qualitative comparison, based on natural language) "Comparison_of_the_Hare_and_Droop_quotas", // limited interest "Comparison_of_the_imperial_and_US_customary_measurement_systems", // out of the scope // due to the current status of the parser // FIXME "Comparison_of_Android_e-book_reader_software", "Comparison_of_Exchange_ActiveSync_clients", "Comparison_of_Linux_distributions", "Comparison_of_Symbian_devices", "Comparison_of_browser_synchronizers", "Comparison_of_business_integration_software", "Comparison_of_consumer_brain%E2%80%93computer_interfaces", "Comparison_of_domestic_robots", "Comparison_of_e-book_formats", "Comparison_of_e-book_readers", "Comparison_of_file_hosting_services", "Comparison_of_layout_engines_(Cascading_Style_Sheets)", "Comparison_of_layout_engines_(MathML)", "Comparison_of_machine_translation_applications", "Comparison_of_mobile_operating_systems", "Comparison_of_network_diagram_software", "Comparison_of_numerical_analysis_software", "Comparison_of_statistics_journals", "Comparison_of_text_editors", "Comparison_of_web_server_software", "Comparison_of_TeX_editors", // limited interest IMO "Comparison_of_United_States_presidential_candidates,_2008", "Comparison_of_World_War_I_tanks", "Comparison_of_programming_languages_(object-oriented_programming)", "Comparison_of_programming_languages_(string_functions)", })); @Test public void collectAllComparisonOf() throws IOException { List<Element> hrefs = new ArrayList<Element>(); _collectAllComparisonOf( "/w/index.php?title=Special%3APrefixIndex&prefix=Comparison&namespace=0&hideredirects=1", hrefs); System.err.println("#hrefs=" + hrefs.size()); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); content.append("Title ; URL\n"); // header for (Element href : hrefs) { String hText = href.attr("title"); String hURL = href.attr("href"); content.append("" + hText + " ; " + URL_BASE_NAME + hURL + "\n"); } //FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File ("comparisonsData.csv"), content.toString()); } private void _collectAllComparisonOf(String url, List<Element> hrefs) throws IOException { Document doc = Jsoup.connect("" + URL_BASE_NAME + url).get(); Elements aHrefs ="a[href]"); Element urlNext = null; for (Element aHref : aHrefs) { Element h = aHref.getElementsByAttribute("href").first(); // val() ; String hText = h.attr("title"); String hURL = h.attr("href"); if (hText.contains("Comparison") && hURL.startsWith("/wiki/")) { hrefs.add(aHref); } String aText = aHref.text(); if (aText.contains("Next page") && hURL.startsWith("/w/index.php?")) urlNext = aHref; } if (urlNext != null) { _collectAllComparisonOf(urlNext.attr("href"), hrefs); } } @Test public void testStatistics() throws Exception { List<Element> hrefs = new ArrayList<Element>(); _collectAllComparisonOf( "/w/index.php?title=Special%3APrefixIndex&prefix=Comparison&namespace=0&hideredirects=1", hrefs); int j = 0; // j-th comparison int nRelevant = 0; for (Element href : hrefs) { String hURL = href.attr("href"); int n = "/wiki/".length(); String wikiPageName = hURL.substring(n); System.err.println("(" + j++ + ") " + wikiPageName); if (excludePCMs.contains(wikiPageName)) { System.err.println("Ignoring"); continue; } PCMStatistic stat = computeStatistic(wikiPageName); // we exploit here the stats by printing int nTable = stat.getNumbersOfTables(); System.err.println("numbers of tables:" + nTable); if (nTable > 0) nRelevant++; Collection<CatalogStat> catalogStats = stat.getCatalogStats(); int i = 1; for (CatalogStat catalogStat : catalogStats) { System.err.println("table(" + i++ + ")"); System.err.println("#headers=" + catalogStat.getNumbersOfHeaders()); System.err.println("#products=" + catalogStat.getNumbersOfProduct()); } System.err.println("\n\n\n"); } System.err.println("number of relevant PCMs: " + nRelevant); // String wikiPageName = "Comparison_of_Java_virtual_machines"; } @Test public void testQuantitativeStats() throws Exception { List<Element> hrefs = new ArrayList<Element>(); _collectAllComparisonOf( "/w/index.php?title=Special%3APrefixIndex&prefix=Comparison&namespace=0&hideredirects=1", hrefs); int j = 0; // j-th comparison int nRelevant = 0; int nHeaders = 0; int nProducts = 0; //int nUncertains = 0 ; int nBooleanValues = 0; int nEmpty = 0; int nTotalValues = 0; int nMultiValues = 0; int nSingleValues = 0; int nUnknowns = 0; int nConstrains = 0; for (Element href : hrefs) { // for each page String hURL = href.attr("href"); int n = "/wiki/".length(); String wikiPageName = hURL.substring(n); System.err.println("(" + j++ + ") " + wikiPageName); if (excludePCMs.contains(wikiPageName)) { System.err.println("Ignoring"); continue; } PCMStatistic stat = computeStatistic(wikiPageName); int nTable = stat.getNumbersOfTables(); System.err.println("numbers of tables:" + nTable); if (nTable > 0) nRelevant++; //analyzeStat (stat); Collection<CatalogStat> catalogStats = stat.getCatalogStats(); for (CatalogStat catalogStat : catalogStats) { // for each table // System.err.println("table(" + i++ + ")"); nHeaders += catalogStat.getNumbersOfHeaders(); nProducts += catalogStat.getNumbersOfProduct(); //nUncertains += catalogStat.getnUncertains() ; nBooleanValues += catalogStat.getnBooleans(); nEmpty += catalogStat.getnEmpty(); nMultiValues += catalogStat.getnMultiValues(); nSingleValues += catalogStat.getnSingleV(); nUnknowns += catalogStat.getnUnknowns(); nConstrains += catalogStat.getnConstrained(); int lHeaders = catalogStat.getNumbersOfHeaders(); int lProducts = catalogStat.getNumbersOfProduct(); nTotalValues += (lHeaders * lProducts) - (lHeaders + lProducts); // effective values nSingleValues -= lHeaders + lProducts; // not cell values but headers or product names // 1 pattern } System.err.println("#headers=" + nHeaders); System.err.println("#products=" + nProducts); System.err.println("#nBooleanValues(1)=" + nBooleanValues); System.err.println("#nSingleValues(3)=" + nSingleValues); System.err.println("#nMultiValues(4)=" + nMultiValues); //System.err.println("#nUncertains()=" + nUncertains); System.err.println("#nEmpty(6)=" + nEmpty); System.err.println("#nUnknowns(5)=" + nUnknowns); System.err.println("#nConstrains(2)=" + nConstrains); System.err.println("\n\n\n"); System.err.println("#nTotalValues=" + nTotalValues); System.err.println("#nTotalValues (bis)=" + (nBooleanValues + nSingleValues + nMultiValues + nEmpty + nUnknowns + nConstrains)); } System.err.println("number of relevant PCMs: " + nRelevant); // String wikiPageName = "Comparison_of_Java_virtual_machines"; } private void analyzeStat(PCMStatistic stat) { // we exploit here the stats by printing Collection<CatalogStat> catalogStats = stat.getCatalogStats(); int i = 1; int nHeaders = 0; int nProducts = 0; //int nUncertains = 0 ; int nBooleanValues = 0; int nEmpty = 0; int nTotalValues = 0; int nMultiValues = 0; int nSingleValues = 0; int nUnknowns = 0; int nConstrains = 0; for (CatalogStat catalogStat : catalogStats) { // for each table // System.err.println("table(" + i++ + ")"); nHeaders += catalogStat.getNumbersOfHeaders(); nProducts += catalogStat.getNumbersOfProduct(); //nUncertains += catalogStat.getnUncertains() ; nBooleanValues += catalogStat.getnBooleans(); nEmpty += catalogStat.getnEmpty(); nMultiValues += catalogStat.getnMultiValues(); nSingleValues += catalogStat.getnSingleV(); nUnknowns += catalogStat.getnUnknowns(); nConstrains += catalogStat.getnConstrained(); int lHeaders = catalogStat.getNumbersOfHeaders(); int lProducts = catalogStat.getNumbersOfProduct(); nTotalValues += lHeaders * lProducts; // 1 pattern } System.err.println("#headers=" + nHeaders); System.err.println("#products=" + nProducts); System.err.println("#nBooleanValues(1)=" + nBooleanValues); System.err.println("#nSingleValues(3)=" + nSingleValues); System.err.println("#nMultiValues(4)=" + nMultiValues); //System.err.println("#nUncertains()=" + nUncertains); System.err.println("#nEmpty(6)=" + nEmpty); System.err.println("#nUnknowns(5)=" + nUnknowns); System.err.println("#nConstrains(2)=" + nConstrains); System.err.println("\n\n\n"); System.err.println("#nTotalValues=" + nTotalValues); } @Test public void testAdobe() throws Exception { PCMStatistic stat = computeStatistic("Comparison_of_Adobe_Flex_charts"); analyzeStat(stat); } private PCMStatistic computeStatistic(String wikiPageName) throws Exception { WikiPageContentExtractor wikipediaExtractor = new WikiPageContentExtractor(); String content = wikipediaExtractor.getContent(wikiPageName); assertNotNull(content); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File("output/" + wikiPageName + ".wikipedia"), content); //System.err.println("content = " + content); WikiTabularExtractor wikiTabExtractor = new WikiTabularExtractor(); //content = "'''Video converters''' are [[computer program]]s" ; String htmlContent =, "" + wikiPageName); assertNotNull(htmlContent); //Document doc = Jsoup.connect("" + wikiPageName).get(); Document doc = Jsoup.parse(htmlContent); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File("output/" + wikiPageName + ".html"), doc.toString()); //Element docContentEntryPoint = doc ; // doc.getElementsByClass("article-content").first(); //Elements sections = docContentEntryPoint.getElementsByClass("section") ; // FIXME what about no section ? //treatSection(doc.body()); Elements tabs ="table"); List<Catalog> catalogs = new ArrayList<Catalog>(); for (Element section : tabs) { treatTable(section, catalogs); } Collection<CatalogStat> catalogStats = new ArrayList<CatalogStat>(); for (Catalog catalog : catalogs) { int nHeaders = catalog.getHeaders().size(); int nProduct = catalog.size(); CatalogStat catalogStat = new CatalogStat(); catalogStat.setNHeaders(nHeaders); catalogStat.setNProduct(nProduct); // analyze each product and all values int nUncertain = 0; int nBoolean = 0; int nEmpty = 0; int nMulti = 0; int nSingleV = 0; int nUnknowns = 0; int nConstrained = 0; for (Product product : catalog) { Collection<String> values = product.getAllValues(); for (String val : values) { if (VariabilityPatternsUtils.isUncertain(val)) { nUncertain++; } else if (VariabilityPatternsUtils.isYes(val) || VariabilityPatternsUtils.isNot(val)) { // pattern #1 nBoolean++; } else if (VariabilityPatternsUtils.isBlanked(val)) { // pattern #6 nEmpty++; } else if (VariabilityPatternsUtils.isMultiValues(val)) { // pattern #4 nMulti++; } else if (VariabilityPatternsUtils.isUnknowns(val)) { // pattern #5 nUnknowns++; } else if (VariabilityPatternsUtils.isConstrained(val)) { // pattern #2 nConstrained++; } else { // pattern #3 nSingleV++; } } } catalogStat.setnConstrained(nConstrained); catalogStat.setnUnknowns(nUnknowns); catalogStat.setnSingleV(nSingleV); catalogStat.setnMultiValues(nMulti); catalogStat.setnEmpty(nEmpty); catalogStat.setnBooleans(nBoolean); catalogStat.setnUncertains(nUncertain); catalogStats.add(catalogStat); } int nTable = catalogs.size(); return new PCMStatistic(nTable, catalogStats); } @Test public void test() throws Exception { final String[] _EMPTY = new String[] {}; String wikiPageName = "Comparison_of_Java_virtual_machines"; //"Comparison_of_free_web_hosting_services"; //"Comparison_of_free_and_open-source_software_licenses" ; //"Comparison_of_file_systems" ; //"Comparison_of_Subversion_clients"; //"Comparison_of_Prolog_implementations" ; //"Comparison_of_BitTorrent_clients" ; //"Comparison_of_FTP_client_software" ; //"Comparison_of_hardware_random_number_generators" ; //"Comparison_of_image_formats" ; //"Comparison_of_video_editing_software" ; // "Comparison_of_video_codecs" ; //"Comparison_of_container_formats" ; //"Comparison_of_video_converters" ; /* * Scoping directives here */ _shell.setVerbose(false); /**** * DONE */ String[] excludeColumnNames = { "Latest supported Java version", "Other", "Status", "Latest release date", "Latest stable version", "First public release", "Creator", "Name" }; // {} ; String[] excludeProductNames = { "IKVM.NET" }; postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_Java_virtual_machines", excludeColumnNames, excludeProductNames, new String[] {}), new String[] { "Under development", "Preliminary ARMv5 support", "On Jailbroken iPhone", "Port", "With third-party patches", "Java true.6" }); postTreatFM(executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_SSH_clients", new String[] { "Name", "iPhone,{{Noteiphone}} iPod Touch, iPad", "Based on", "Latest release", "Status", "First release", "Developer", "Compromised by the NSA <ref>...</ref>", "Port forwarding", "SOCKS{{NoteSOCKS}}", "VPN{{NoteVPN}}", "Port forwarding", "SOCKS{{NoteSOCKS}}", "VPN{{NoteVPN}}", "Session multiplexing{{Notemux}}", "Kerberos", "IPv6", "Terminal", "SFTP/SCP", "Proxy client{{NoteconnectViaProxy}}" }, new String[] {}, new String[] { "Features" }), new String[] { "Port forwarding" }); postTreatFM(executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_audio_synthesis_environments", new String[] { "Primary Purpose(s)", "Most recent update", "First release date", "Cost", "Creator", "Most recent version", "Name", "Other technical features", "Programming (plugin) API language(s)" // due to problem with multi-features }, _EMPTY, new String[] { "Data interface methods" }), _EMPTY, new String[] { "Programming language features", "General", "Technical" }); postTreatFM(executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_HTML_editors", new String[] { "Website", "Editor", "Creator", "Version", "Cost (USD)", "XHTML" }, new String[] { "Maqetta", "Brackets", }, new String[] { "HTML/XHTML specification support" }), _EMPTY); postTreatFM(executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_photo_gallery_software", new String[] { "Name" }, _EMPTY, new String[] { "Desktop applications" }), _EMPTY); postTreatFM(executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_clients", new String[] { "Primary developers", "Client" }, _EMPTY, new String[] { "Release history" }), _EMPTY); postTreatFM(executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_YouTube_downloaders", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), _EMPTY); // 8. postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_file_comparison_tools", new String[] { "Name", "Other platforms", "Creator", "Cost", "First public release date", "Year of latest stable version", "Max Supported File Size" }, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), new String[] { "both", "Both" }); postTreatFM(executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_iOS_e-book_reader_software", new String[] { "Product", "total # of formats" }, _EMPTY, new String[] { "Special features" }), new String[] { "as of v2.0", "Unlimited" }); postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_iPod_managers", new String[] { "Manager", "Creator(s)", "First public release date", "Latest stable version" }, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), new String[] { "", "" }); postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_image_viewers", new String[] { "Name", "other / special", "Program", "View functions", "Other functions 3", "Price", "Comic book" }, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), new String[] { "", "" }); // 12. postTreatFM(executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_mobile_Internet_Relay_Chat_clients", new String[] { "Client", "Primary developers", "Website" }, _EMPTY, new String[] { "Release history" }), new String[] { "", "" }); // 13. Map<String, String> renamings = new HashMap<String, String>(); renamings.put("See also", "Comparison_of_help_desk_issue_tracking_software"); postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_help_desk_issue_tracking_software", new String[] { "System", "Creator", "Launch Date" }, _EMPTY, _EMPTY, renamings), new String[] { "" }, new String[] { "License", "Back end", "Implementation language(s)" }); postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_relational_database_management_systems", new String[] { "Maintainer", "First public release date", "Latest stable version", "Latest release date", }, _EMPTY, new String[] { "Limits", "Data types" }), new String[] { "" }); // 15. postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_project_management_software", new String[] { "Software" }, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), new String[] { "unk", "Programming Language" }, new String[] { "License", "Programming language" }); // 18. postTreatFM(executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_open-source_operating_systems", new String[] { "Name", "Kernel type", "Oldest non-EOL version{{Notea1}}", "Kernel thread support", "Forks", "other special file system features", "Others", "other" } , _EMPTY, _EMPTY), _EMPTY); // 19. postTreatFM(executeWikipediaToFML( "Comparison_of_remote_desktop_software", new String[] { "Software", "Creator", "First public release date", "Latest stable version", "Maximum simultaneous connections", }, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), _EMPTY); // 20. postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_video_converters", new String[] { "Developer", "Video converter", "Website", "Input" }, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), _EMPTY); // 21. postTreatFM(executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_Subversion_clients", new String[] { "Current version", "Last release date", "Name" }, _EMPTY, new String[] { "Standalone Subversion clients comparison table" }), _EMPTY); // 22. (not very satisfied with the quality) postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_audio_formats", new String[] { "Codec", "Audio compression format", "Creator", "First public release date", "Latest stable version", "Sample Rate", "Bit Rate", "Bit rate", "Latency", "Bits per sample", "Algorithm" }, _EMPTY, new String[] { "Technical details" }), _EMPTY, _EMPTY) // new String[] {"General information"}) ; // 23 postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_documentation_generators", new String[] { "Name", "", "Creator", "First public release date", "Latest stable version", "Other features" }, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), new String[] { "with Plugin2" }, new String[] { "Software license" }); // 24. postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_desktop_publishing_software", new String[] { "Desktop publishing software", "Developer(s)", "Latest stable version", "Initial release", "Other" }, _EMPTY, new String[] { "Output format" }), new String[] { "supported versions<11", "supported versions<7", "supported versions<8" }); // 17. postTreatFM(executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_reference_management_software", new String[] { "Software", "Developer", "First public release", "Latest stable version", "Cost (USD)", "Notes", "Other", "RTF scan<ref ...>...</ref>", }, _EMPTY, new String[] { "Import file formats" }), _EMPTY); // 26 postTreatFM(executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_enterprise_bookmarking_platforms", new String[] { "Notes", "Latest stable release", "Developed by", "Software" }, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), _EMPTY); // 27 postTreatFM(executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_file_managers", new String[] { "First public version (date)", "Latest stable version (date, number)", "Content dependent <ref ...>...</ref>", "File manager", "File Manager", "Creator" }, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), new String[] { "Plugin", "With helper apps", "Needs [[POSIX]]-compliant platform POSIX", "Needs [[KDE]] KDE", "Needs [[X Window System|X]]X" }); // 28 postTreatFM(executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_disk_encryption_software", new String[] { "Name", "Encryption", "Developer", "First released", }, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), new String[] { "Last update to web site 2009-07-02" }); // 16. postTreatFM(executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_mail_servers", new String[] { "Other" }, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), new String[] { "zzzzzUsers", "zzzzzFeatures", "zzzzzStorage", "zzzzzServer OS support", "V 5.0", "with patch" }); // 25 postTreatFM(executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_genealogy_software", new String[] { "", "Software", "Name", "Latest version", "Latest release" }, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), new String[] { "Winebbb", "Javaaaa", "(v4.x/5.x)", "(v4.x)", "(v5.x)", " public<br />test" }); // 29. postTreatFM(executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_Internet_forum_software", new String[] { "Creator", "Latest release date", "Current stable version", "" }, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), new String[] { "Planned (Version 8.0)", "Planned", "Full", "Session", "Plugin" }); // 30. postTreatFM(executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_SSH_servers", new String[] { "Name", "Last release date", "iOS: iPhone,{{Noteiphone}} iPod Touch", "Official web page", "Developer", "Last release", "First release date" }, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), _EMPTY); // have to FIX it //executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_Linux_distributions", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); // have to fix it /* executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_operating_systems", new String[] { "Latest stable version", "Latest release date", "First public release" }, _EMPTY, _EMPTY);*/ /**** * * END (done) * */ /** * TODO */ /* should be easy postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_disc_authoring_software", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), _EMPTY); */ /* problem with sections postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_file_archivers", new String[] { "Creator(s)", "First public release date", "Latest stable version", "", "Unicode file / directory names{{unicode-names5}}" }, _EMPTY, new String[] {"Writing"}), new String[]{"unk", "some formats", "Separate"}); */ // TODO interesting have to hack here /* postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_instant_messaging_clients", new String[] {"Author, creator", "Latest stable version", "First public release"}, new String[] { "XMPP-related features", "Features", "Features", "General information", "Protocol support" }, _EMPTY), _EMPTY) ;*/ // TODO FIXME (scoping) /* postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_download_managers", new String[] {"Latest stable release", "Adware, Malware & Spyware<ref ...>...</ref>" }, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), _EMPTY) ;*/ /* may be fixed postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_email_clients", new String[] {"Client", "Creator", "TLS?{{NoteIMAPPOP}}", "TLS?{{NoteIMAPPOP}}", "TLS?{{NoteIMAPPOP}}", "forced recode {{Noterecode}}", "MD5 APOP?{{NoteAPOP}}", "OCSP?{{NoteOCSP}}", "" }, _EMPTY, new String[] { "Release history" }), _EMPTY);*/ /* postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_document_markup_languages", new String[] {"Language", "Creator", "First public release date", "Editor"}, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), _EMPTY );*/ /* 3 for free postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_desktop_application_launchers", new String[]{"Creator", "Latest stable version", "Latest release date", "" }, _EMPTY, new String[] {"Linux"}), _EMPTY);*/ /** * * end (TODO) * */ /** * * EXOTIC * */ // too poor /* postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_geographic_information_systems_software", new String[] {"GIS software"}, _EMPTY, new String[]{"Mobile clients", "Pure web client", "Pure server"} ), _EMPTY);*/ // hack due to parsers :( /*postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_behavioral_experiment_software", new String[] {"Name"}, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), _EMPTY);*/ // exostic /* postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_birth_control_methods", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), _EMPTY);*/ // exotic and poorly structured /* postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison of accounting software", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, new String[] { "Proprietary software", "Latest stable version", "Latest release date", "Stable release date" }), new String[] {""} );*/ /* difficult to hack the sections postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_open-source_software_hosting_facilities", new String[] {"Users", "Established", "Projects", "Prominent projects", "Name" }, _EMPTY, new String[] {"Popularity"}), _EMPTY) ; */ /* rather poor postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_webmail_providers", new String[]{ //"Product", "Service name", "Owner", "Release", "Attachment limit", //"Language support", "URL" }, new String[]{ //"Alternative Fuse" }, new String[] {"General information", "Language support", "Unique features"}), _EMPTY); */ /* BENCHMARK postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_Android_devices", new String[] { "Android version", "Name", "Maker", "GPU", "chipset", "Capacities", "Camera(s)", "Special?features" }, _EMPTY, new String[] { //"Unofficial and community ports", //"Officially released", //"Future", }), _EMPTY);*/ /* poor and structure hard to parse postTreatFM( executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_BSD_operating_systems", new String[] { "First public release", "Version", "First release date" }, _EMPTY, _EMPTY), _EMPTY);*/ /** * END (exostic) * */ /* * OK * Poorly structured (Linux, Windows, ..., editors...) * -- note that there are ordered (implicit hierarchy in the order IMO) executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_XML_editors", new String[]{"Name", "Version", "Price for commercial version (exc. VAT)"}, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); */ // have to fix it // executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison of audio player software", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); // executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_boot_loaders", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); // executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_brainwave_entrainment_software", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); // FIXIT //executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison of business integration software ", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); // scope and some directives (OR / XOR) // executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_BPEL_engines", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); //executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison of chess video games", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); //executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_code_generation_tools", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); // executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_command_shells", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); //executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_continuous_integration_software", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); // executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_data_modeling_tools", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); // have to fix executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison of database tools", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); //executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison of debuggers", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); //executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_defragmentation_software", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); // executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_dental_practice_management_software", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); //executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_development_estimation_software", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); //executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_digital_audio_editors", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); //executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_file_verification_software", new String[] {"Developer", "First public release", "Latest stable date (version)"}, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); // FIXME executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison of free and open-source software licenses ", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); // exotic actually: I would give up /* executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_container_formats", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, new String[] { "Caption (Subtitle) formats supported" });*/ /*FIXME * executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison of hex editors ", new String[] { "Cost", "Latest version", "Latest release date" }, _EMPTY, _EMPTY);*/ // does not scale /* executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_issue-tracking_systems", new String[] {"Launch Date", "Refs", "Creator"}, // "System", _EMPTY, _EMPTY);*/ // TODO // Comparison of regular expression engines : exostic // exotic // Comparison of mobile phone standards technical, poor, exotic // Comparison of movie cameras bench style // Comparison of online backup services limited and bench style // Comparison of online music stores flattened // Comparison of massively multiplayer online role-playing games benchmark like // Comparison of memory cards bench like // Comparison of metadata editors (exotic) // Comparison of management accounting and financial accounting plain texte // Comparison of lightweight web servers erroneous // Comparison of macro recorder software very poor // Comparison of karate styles plain text // Comparison of layout engines (Cascading Style Sheets) (bench style) // Comparison of layout engines (Document Object Model) same as above // exotic // Comparison of instant messaging protocols : poor content/structure // Comparison of iSCSI targets (too poor) // Comparison of high definition optical disc formats : poor // Comparison of hub gears bench style // Comparison of hardware random number generators pure text and poor // Comparison of graphics file formats poor and poorly structured // Comparison of free web hosting services very bof // Comparison of file sharing applications very pooor // Comparison of file synchronization software very poor // Comparison of free credit report websites : very poor // Comparison of free software eCommerce web application frameworks : very very poor // Comparison of firewalls very pooor // very poor Comparison of file hosting services // Comparison of feed aggregators (seems that the data are really "in progress" lots of blanked cells) // Comparison of executable file formats (very poor) // Comparison of facial image datasets (too poor) // Comparison of early HTML editors very poor // Comparison of eDonkey software (exotic structure) // Comparison of e-book readers (benchmark) // Comparison of e-book formats (plain text) // Comparison of dosimeters benchmark style // Comparison of domestic robots exotic and very poor // Comparison of data serialization formats : too poor // Comparison of database access : too poor // Comparison of crowd funding services very pooor // Comparison of cryptographic hash functions too technical with numerics values // Comparison of dance video games too poor // Comparison of cognitive architectures : very incomplete // can be fixed: Comparison of cluster software but rather poor // Comparison of X Window System desktop environments : exotic // Comparison of antivirus software : exotic but can be adapted // Comparison of archive formats : poor // Comparison of browser synchronizers : exotic, poor // ridiculous: // Comparison of TeX editors exotic structure + poor content // Comparison of VMware Fusion and Parallels Desktop : interesting but poorly structured // Comparison of JavaScript frameworks : poorly structured and exotic structure // Comparison of MIDI standards : nothing // Comparison of Macintosh models : close to very technical description (numbers) // Comparison of Nikon DSLR cameras : same as above // : too poor // bof poorly structured // executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_distributed_file_systems", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); // very poor: // bof // poorly structured // poorly structured // poor and numerics all around: // /* poorly structured executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_antivirus_software", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); */ // no interest: // very poorly structured: //executeWikipediaToFML("Comparison_of_file_archivers", _EMPTY, _EMPTY, _EMPTY); } private void postTreatFM(FeatureModelVariable fmMerged, String[] negatedFts, String[] positiveFts) throws Exception { /* * Post-process */ // 1. negated features (irrelevant values of the cell) for (String negatedFt : negatedFts) { fmMerged.getFormula() .andWith(new Formula<String>(_builder.nget(negatedFt), Arrays.asList(negatedFt), _builder)); fmMerged.removeFeature(negatedFt); fmMerged.addConstraint(new Expression<String>(negatedFt).not()); } // 1. positive features (force the mandatory) for (String positiveFt : positiveFts) { fmMerged.getFormula() .andWith(new Formula<String>(_builder.get(positiveFt), Arrays.asList(positiveFt), _builder)); fmMerged.setMandatory(fmMerged.getFeature(positiveFt)); fmMerged.addConstraint(new Expression<String>(positiveFt)); } System.err.println("cliques: " + fmMerged.cliques().names()); int nFts = fmMerged.features().size(); System.err.println("#fts " + nFts); ImplicationGraph<String> big = fmMerged.computeImplicationGraph(); System.err.println("#IG (edges) " + big.edges().size()); Collection<String> vtxs = big.vertices(); int t = 0; for (String ft : vtxs) { Collection<SimpleEdge> iedges = big.outgoingEdges(ft); int n = iedges.size(); //System.err.println("ft=" + ft + " " + n); t += n; } System.err.println("(average) " + t / nFts); System.err.println("(rfm) " + fmMerged); //System.err.println("fmMerged = " + fmMerged); String bddContent = fmMerged.convert(FMFormat.FMLBDD); String wikiPageName = fmMerged.getIdentifier(); File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY + wikiPageName + ".fmlbdd"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(f, bddContent); File f2 = new File(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY + wikiPageName + ".fml"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(f2, fmMerged + ""); _shell.reset(); FeatureModelVariable fmv1 = FMBuilder.parseFMLBDD(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY + wikiPageName + ".fmlbdd", _builder); // System.err.println("#" + fmv1.counting()); assertNotNull(fmv1); /* FeatureModelVariableBDDFormula flaMerged = new FeatureModelVariableBDDFormula("", new FMLMergerBDDSPLOT(fmvsToMerge, _builder).calculateFormula(Mode.Union), _builder); System.err.println("#" + flaMerged.counting());*/ //System.err.println("doc=" + sections); //System.err.println("doc=" + doc.getElementsByTag("title")); //System.err.println("doc=" + doc.title()); _shell.reset(); } @Test public void testGeneralizedNotation() throws Exception { FeatureModelVariable fmv1 = new FeatureModelVariable("", FMBuilder.getInternalFM("FM (" + "WikiMatrix: General ; " + "General: (LicenseCostFee|Unicode)+ [Storage] [Language] License RSS ;" + "LicenseCostFee: (DifferentLicences|US10|Community)? ;" + "Language: (Java|Python|PHP|Perl) ; " + "License: (Commercial|GPL|GPL2|Nolimit) ;" + "Storage: (Files|Database|FileRCS) ;" + "(Java -> Database);" + "(Nolimit -> !Unicode);" + "(Nolimit -> LicenseCostFee); " + "(GPL2 -> Storage);" + "(DifferentLicences -> GPL2);" + "(GPL2 -> PHP);" + "(DifferentLicences -> Database);" + "(GPL -> Unicode);" + "(Community -> GPL);" + "(Storage <-> Unicode);" + "(Python -> GPL);" + "(Files -> !LicenseCostFee);" + "(Community <-> FileRCS);" + "(Commercial <-> US10);" + "(Python -> Files);" + "(FileRCS <-> Perl); " + "(Unicode <-> Language);" + "(US10 <-> Java);" + ")")); FeatureModelVariable fmv1bis = fmv1.toGeneralizedNotationWithoutOR(); System.err.println("fmv1bis=" + fmv1bis); } @Test public void testStatisticsBIG() throws Exception { final String OUTPUT_DIR = "/Users/macher1/Documents/RESEARCH/INPROGRESS/ICSE2014-KSynthesis/PCMs/"; File dir = new File(OUTPUT_DIR); File[] fileFMs = dir.listFiles(new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File pathname) { return pathname.getName().contains("fmlbdd"); } }); _shell.setVerbose(false); int i = 1; int totalAverage = 0; int totalNft = 0; int totalEdges = 0; for (File fileFM : fileFMs) { _shell.reset(); FeatureModelVariable fmv1 = FMBuilder.parseFMLBDD(fileFM.getAbsolutePath(), _builder); assertNotNull(fmv1); /* new FeatureModelVariable("", FMBuilder.getInternalFM("FM (" + "WikiMatrix: General ; " + "General: (LicenseCostFee|Unicode)+ [Storage] [Language] License RSS ;" + "LicenseCostFee: (DifferentLicences|US10|Community)? ;" + "Language: (Java|Python|PHP|Perl) ; " + "License: (Commercial|GPL|GPL2|Nolimit) ;" + "Storage: (Files|Database|FileRCS) ;" + "(Java -> Database);" + "(Nolimit -> !Unicode);" + "(Nolimit -> LicenseCostFee); " + "(GPL2 -> Storage);" + "(DifferentLicences -> GPL2);" + "(GPL2 -> PHP);" + "(DifferentLicences -> Database);" + "(GPL -> Unicode);" + "(Community -> GPL);" + "(Storage <-> Unicode);" + "(Python -> GPL);" + "(Files -> !LicenseCostFee);" + "(Community <-> FileRCS);" + "(Commercial <-> US10);" + "(Python -> Files);" + "(FileRCS <-> Perl); " + "(Unicode <-> Language);" + "(US10 <-> Java);" + ")")); */ System.err.println("====== " + i++ + " ==========="); int nFts = fmv1.features().size(); System.err.println("#fts " + nFts); ImplicationGraph<String> big = fmv1.computeImplicationGraph(); //TransitiveReduction.INSTANCE.reduce(big); System.err.println("#IG (edges) " + big.edges().size()); Collection<String> vtxs = big.vertices(); int t = 0; for (String ft : vtxs) { Collection<SimpleEdge> iedges = big.outgoingEdges(ft); int n = iedges.size(); //System.err.println("ft=" + ft + " " + n); t += n; } int nAverage = t / nFts; System.err.println("(average) " + nAverage); //System.err.println("(rfm) " + fmv1); totalAverage += nAverage; _shell.reset(); totalNft += nFts; totalEdges += t; } //System.err.println("" + (double) ((double)totalAverage / (double)i)); System.err.println("" + (double) ((double) totalEdges / (double) totalNft)); } private FeatureModelVariable executeWikipediaToFML(String wikiPageName, String[] excludeColumnNames, String[] excludeProductNames, String[] excludeSectionNames, Map<String, String> renamings) throws Exception { WikiPageContentExtractor wikipediaExtractor = new WikiPageContentExtractor(); String content = wikipediaExtractor.getContent(wikiPageName); assertNotNull(content); //System.err.println("content = " + content); WikiTabularExtractor wikiTabExtractor = new WikiTabularExtractor(); //content = "'''Video converters''' are [[computer program]]s" ; String htmlContent =, "video"); assertNotNull(htmlContent); //Document doc = Jsoup.connect("" + wikiPageName).get(); Document doc = Jsoup.parse(htmlContent); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File("output/" + wikiPageName + ".html"), doc.toString()); //Element docContentEntryPoint = doc ; // doc.getElementsByClass("article-content").first(); //Elements sections = docContentEntryPoint.getElementsByClass("section") ; // FIXME what about no section ? //treatSection(doc.body()); Elements tabs ="table"); List<Catalog> catalogs = new ArrayList<Catalog>(); for (Element section : tabs) { treatTable(section, catalogs); } /*for (Element section : sections) { treatSection (section, catalogs); }*/ // set the "ID" / names // clean up // FIXME here it is specific for (Catalog catalog : catalogs) { for (String columnName : excludeColumnNames) { if (!catalog.hasHeader(columnName)) continue; if (!catalog.removeColumn(columnName)) { System.err.println("Unable to remove the column " + columnName); } } } Set<String> excludeProductIDs = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(excludeProductNames)); Set<String> excludeSections = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(excludeSectionNames)); List<FeatureModelVariable> fmvs = new ArrayList<FeatureModelVariable>(); for (Catalog catalog : catalogs) { String catalogName = catalog.getName(); if (excludeSections.contains(catalogName)) continue; System.err.println("***" + catalogName + "****"); /* if (!catalog.getName().equals("General information")) continue ; */ for (Product product : catalog) { FeatureModelVariable fmv = product.toFeatureDiagram(); /* * POST */ // renaming Set<String> oFts = renamings.keySet(); // features to rename for (String oFt : oFts) { fmv.renameFeature(oFt, renamings.get(oFt)); } String id = fmv.getIdentifier(); if (!excludeProductIDs.contains(id)) fmvs.add(fmv); } //System.err.println("\n\nfmvs=" + fmvs); } List<FeatureModelVariable> fmvsToMerge = new ArrayList<FeatureModelVariable>(); if (catalogs.size() == 1) { fmvsToMerge = fmvs; } // aggregate feature models with same identifiers when there are numerous catalogs (dimensions) else { Set<String> idsDone = new HashSet<String>(); for (FeatureModelVariable fmv : fmvs) { String id1 = fmv.getIdentifier(); if (idsDone.contains(id1)) continue; //System.err.println("Aggregating..." + id1) ; // + " = " + fmv); List<FeatureModelVariable> toAggreagte = new ArrayList<FeatureModelVariable>(); for (FeatureModelVariable fmv2 : fmvs) { String id2 = fmv2.getIdentifier(); if (id1.equals(id2)) { toAggreagte.add(fmv2); } } if (!toAggreagte.isEmpty()) { fmvsToMerge.add(new AggregatorFM().build(toAggreagte, new HashSet<Expression<String>>(), _interop(wikiPageName))); } else { System.err.println("Didn't find another for " + id1); continue; } idsDone.add(id1); } } // serialize product by product (for debug) StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int i = 0; for (FeatureModelVariable fmv : fmvsToMerge) { sb.append("fmProduct" + i++ + " = FM (" + fmv + "\n)\n\n"); } File f = new File(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY + wikiPageName + "_FMLMergingScript" + ".fml"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(f, sb.toString()); FMLMergerBDD fmlMerger = new FMLMergerBDD(fmvsToMerge, _builder); // FeatureModelVariable fmMerged = null; _shell.setVerbose(true); boolean _SAT_EVALUATION = false; if (_SAT_EVALUATION) { fmMerged = new FMLMergerDisjunctiveSAT(fmvsToMerge).union(); fmMerged.setIdentifier(wikiPageName); return fmMerged; } boolean _SAT_EVALUATION_2 = false; if (_SAT_EVALUATION_2) { Collection<Expression<String>> exprs = new TseitinTransformationDisjunctive( fmvsToMerge.toArray(new FeatureModelVariable[] {})).compute(); //new TseitinTransformation(_z3, b12).compute(); //System.err.println("exprs:" + exprs); // SMT bridges System.err.println("" + new FeatureModelVariableSATFormula("", new SATFMLFormula(ExpressionUtility.mkConjunction(exprs))).computeImplicationGraph()); return null; } //Formula<String> flaMerged = fmlMerger.calculateFormula(Mode.StrictUnion); //System.err.println("#fla=" + flaMerged.getDomain().size()); fmMerged = fmlMerger.union(new KSynthesisConfiguration() { @Override public boolean isAddingCrossTreeConstraints() { return false; //false; } @Override public boolean hasOrGroupSupport() { return false; } }); // post-process: mandatory status for for (Catalog catalog : catalogs) { String catalogName = catalog.getName(); if (excludeSections.contains(catalogName)) continue; if (fmMerged.features().names().contains(catalogName)) { fmMerged.setMandatory(fmMerged.getFeature(catalogName)); // fmMerged.addConstraint(new Expression<String>(catalogName)); fmMerged.getFormula() .andWith(new Formula<String>(_builder.mkExpression(new Expression<String>(catalogName)), Arrays.asList(catalogName), _builder)); } } fmMerged.setIdentifier(wikiPageName); return fmMerged; } private void postTreatFM(FeatureModelVariable fmMerged, String[] negatedFts) throws Exception { postTreatFM(fmMerged, negatedFts, new String[] {}); } private FeatureModelVariable executeWikipediaToFML(String wikiPageName, String[] excludeColumnNames, String[] excludeProductNames, String[] excludeSectionNames) throws Exception { return executeWikipediaToFML(wikiPageName, excludeColumnNames, excludeProductNames, excludeSectionNames, new HashMap<String, String>()); } private String _interop(String hS) { return hS.replaceAll("-", ""); } private void treatTable(Element table, List<Catalog> catalogs) { // 1. get section name Elements sect2 = table.parents().select("h2"); // section.getElementsByTag("h2") ; String s2 = null; if (!sect2.isEmpty()) s2 = sect2.first().text(); // FIXME what about more than 1 ? String s3 = null; Elements sect3 = table.parents().select("h3"); if (!sect3.isEmpty()) s3 = sect3.first().text(); String dt = null; Elements sectDT = table.parents().select("p"); if (!sectDT.isEmpty()) { String contentDT = sectDT.first().text(); if (contentDT.startsWith(";")) dt = contentDT.replaceAll(";", ""); } Elements caption ="caption"); String captionName = null; if (!caption.isEmpty()) captionName = caption.first().text(); // FIXME other forms of structural information /*** * Headers */ // List<Header> rHeaders = collectHeaders(table); boolean sortable = !"[class=sortable wikitable]").isEmpty() || !"[class=wikitable sortable]").isEmpty(); // || !"[class=sortable wikitable jquery-tablesorter]").isEmpty() ; // FIXME: other cases Elements heads ="thead"); if (sortable && (!heads.isEmpty())) { rHeaders = collectHeaders(heads.first()); } System.err.println("SORTABLE:" + sortable + " rHeaders=" + rHeaders); // 2 treat row Catalog product = null; Tree<String> structuralInformation = mkStructuralInformation(s2, s3, dt, captionName); if (sortable) { product = treatRows("tbody").first(), structuralInformation, rHeaders, sortable); } else product = treatRows(table, structuralInformation, rHeaders, sortable); catalogs.add(product); // // set the "ID" / names // clean up for (Catalog catalog : catalogs) { List<Product> toRemove = new ArrayList<Product>(); for (Product p : catalog) { Header primaryHeader = p.getHeaders().get(0); p.setName(p.getValue(primaryHeader.getName())); // some products are headers (each value equals to header name) List<Header> headers = p.getHeaders(); boolean isHeader = true; for (Header header : headers) { String hName = header.getName(); String pValue = p.getValue(hName); if (pValue == null) continue; if (!hName.contains(pValue)) { isHeader = false; } } if (isHeader) { toRemove.add(p); } } if (!toRemove.isEmpty() && !catalog.isEmpty()) catalog.removeAll(toRemove); } } private void treatSection(Element section, List<Catalog> catalogs) { // 1. get section name // FIXME what is it does not exist? // FIXME can be "h3" Elements sect2 = section.getElementsByTag("h2"); String s2 = null; if (!sect2.isEmpty()) s2 = sect2.first().text(); // FIXME what about more than 1 ? String s3 = null; Elements sect3 = section.getElementsByTag("h3"); if (!sect3.isEmpty()) s3 = sect3.first().text(); String dt = null; Elements sectDT = section.getElementsByTag("p"); if (!sectDT.isEmpty()) { String contentDT = sectDT.first().text(); if (contentDT.startsWith(";")) dt = contentDT.replaceAll(";", ""); } // FIXME can be subsection // FIXME (1. optional step) some comments // 2. retrieve tabular Elements tables = section.getElementsByTag("table"); //if (!tables.isEmpty()) //System.err.println("\n****** " + s2 + " " + s3 + " *******\n"); for (Element table : tables) { // (0. optional step) act as subviewname Elements caption ="caption"); String captionName = null; if (!caption.isEmpty()) captionName = caption.first().text(); /*** * Headers */ // List<Header> rHeaders = collectHeaders(table); boolean sortable = !"[class=sortable wikitable]").isEmpty() || !"[class=wikitable sortable]").isEmpty(); // FIXME: other cases Elements heads ="thead"); if (sortable && (!heads.isEmpty())) { rHeaders = collectHeaders(heads.first()); } // 2 treat row Catalog product = null; Tree<String> structuralInformation = mkStructuralInformation(s2, s3, dt, captionName); if (sortable) { product = treatRows("tbody").first(), structuralInformation, rHeaders, sortable); } else product = treatRows(table, structuralInformation, rHeaders, sortable); catalogs.add(product); // } // set the "ID" / names // clean up for (Catalog catalog : catalogs) { for (Product p : catalog) { Header primaryHeader = p.getHeaders().get(0); p.setName(p.getValue(primaryHeader.getName())); } } } // Catalog aka list of product // at this step, cell (I, J) corresponds to value of the J-th header of I-th product private Catalog treatRows(Element table, Tree<String> structuralInformation, List<Header> rHeaders, boolean sortable) { int I = 0; Catalog product = new Catalog(structuralInformation, rHeaders); for (Element row :"tr")) { Elements lines; if (sortable) { lines ="th"); // first entry is a header in sortable table lines.addAll("td")); } else { lines ="td"); } Product p = new Product("product_" + I, structuralInformation, rHeaders); int J = 0; for (Element line : lines) { p.add(J, line.text()); J++; } // necessarily a tr with a td if (!lines.isEmpty()) { if (sortable && (I == 0)) { // header (first entry) is not a product } else product.add(p); I++; } } return product; } private List<Header> collectHeaders(Element table) { List<Header> headers = new ArrayList<Header>(); List<Header> headersWithNestedHeaders = new ArrayList<Header>(); List<List<Header>> nestedHeaders = new ArrayList<List<Header>>(); int levelHeader = 0; // FIXME nested header > 1 for (Element row :"tr")) { if (isEmpty(row)) // sometimes the first row, especially in sortable table, is empty (the second row is relevant for headers) continue; if (levelHeader == 0) { for (Element header :"th")) { String hName = header.text(); Header headerV = new Header(hName); Elements colspan = header.getElementsByAttribute("colspan"); if (!colspan.isEmpty()) { headersWithNestedHeaders.add(headerV); int v = Integer.parseInt(colspan.first().attr("colspan")); headerV.setNumbersOfNestedHeaders(v); } headers.add(headerV); } levelHeader++; } else if (levelHeader == 1) { // nested header List<Header> nHeaders = new ArrayList<Header>(); for (Element header :"th")) { String hName = header.text(); Header headerV = new Header(hName); nHeaders.add(headerV); } nestedHeaders.add(nHeaders); levelHeader++; } } // FIXME"thead"); // FIXME assign a "number" of appearance for headers // especially important for nested headers (colspan="3") List<Header> rHeaders = new ArrayList<Header>(); List<Header> nHeaders = new ArrayList<Header>(); if (nestedHeaders.size() > 0) nHeaders = nestedHeaders.get(0); // FIXME 0 at the moment but normally it can be refined int lastIndex = 0; for (Header header : headers) { // nested if (headersWithNestedHeaders.contains(header)) { // header has nested headers int nNestedHeaders = header.getNumbersOfNestedHeaders(); // number of hested headers // now associating an header to nested headers // nHeaders[lastIndex...lastIndex+nNestedHeaders] int v = 0; int u = 0; for (Header nH : nHeaders) { if (u++ < lastIndex) continue; rHeaders.add(nH); if (v < nNestedHeaders) { header.addNestedHeader(nH); nH.addParentHeader(header); v++; } } lastIndex += nNestedHeaders; } else { rHeaders.add(header); } } //System.err.println("rHeaders=" + rHeaders); return rHeaders; } private boolean isEmpty(Element row) { for (Element header :"th")) { String headerV = header.text(); if (!headerV.isEmpty()) return false; } // all empty return true; } private Tree<String> mkStructuralInformation(String... fts) { boolean first = true; Tree<String> t = null; String lastFt = null; for (String ft : fts) { if (ft == null || ft.isEmpty()) continue; if (first) { first = false; t = new Tree<String>(ft); lastFt = ft; } else { t.addLeaf(lastFt, ft); lastFt = ft; } } return t; } }