FlipPolygon.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for FlipPolygon.java


//package com.studiofortress.sf.util;

import java.awt.Polygon;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;

 * This is a Polygon that allows the user to flip and swap the points along it's
 * axis. Flipping occures along the 0 line on the axis, so if you flip x it
 * becomes -x.
 * @author Joseph Lenton
public class FlipPolygon extends Polygon {
     * Creates a new empty FlipPolygon.
    public FlipPolygon() {

     * Same as the longer FlipPolygon constructor only it uses the length of
     * either xpoints or ypoints as the number of points. For a valid polygon
     * they should both be of equal length, so it does not matter which is used.
     * @param xpoints The xpoints for this polygon.
     * @param ypoints The ypoints for this polygon.
    public FlipPolygon(int[] xpoints, int[] ypoints) {
        this(xpoints, ypoints, xpoints.length);

     * Creates a new FlipPolygon which will contain the given points.
     * The length of xpoints and ypoints must be equal to npoints.
     * @param xpoints The X-axis points for this polygon.
     * @param ypoints The Y-axis points for this polygon.
     * @param npoints The number of points stored in this polygon.
    public FlipPolygon(int[] xpoints, int[] ypoints, int npoints) {
        super(xpoints, ypoints, npoints);

     * @return A clone of this but with points flipped along the X axis.
    public FlipPolygon flipX() {
        return new FlipPolygon(flip(xpoints), ArrayUtil.copyOf(ypoints, npoints), npoints);

     * @return A clone of this but with points flipped along the Y axis.
    public FlipPolygon flipY() {
        return new FlipPolygon(ArrayUtil.copyOf(xpoints, npoints), flip(ypoints), npoints);

     * @return A copy of this only with points flipped on both the X and Y axis.
    public FlipPolygon flipXY() {
        return new FlipPolygon(flip(xpoints), flip(ypoints), npoints);

     * @param points
     * @return A copy of points only with all it's elements flipped around 0.
    private int[] flip(int[] points) {
        final int[] newPoints = new int[points.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
            newPoints[i] = -points[i];
        return newPoints;

     * @return A clone of this only with it's x and y points swapped.
    public FlipPolygon swapXT() {
        return new FlipPolygon(ArrayUtil.copyOf(ypoints, npoints), ArrayUtil.copyOf(xpoints, npoints), npoints);

     * @return A FlipPolygon with the same points as this one.
     * @throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException Will not be thrown by this implementation of the method.
    protected FlipPolygon clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
        return new FlipPolygon(ArrayUtil.copyOf(xpoints, npoints), ArrayUtil.copyOf(ypoints, npoints), npoints);

 * This is a fully static class offering some common utility functions for
 * working with arrays. Some of these functions are built for Java 5
 * compatibility.
 * @author Joseph Lenton - JosephLenton@StudioFortress.com
final class ArrayUtil {
     * No Construstor.
    private ArrayUtil() {

    public static <A> A[] copyOf(final A[] arr) {
        return copyOf(arr, arr.length);

    public static <A> A[] copyOf(final A[] arr, int newSize) {
        return (A[]) copyOf(arr, newSize, arr.getClass());

    private static <T, U> T[] copyOf(U[] arr, int newSize, Class<? extends T[]> newType) {
        T[] copy = ((Object) newType == (Object) Object[].class) ? (T[]) new Object[newSize]
                : (T[]) Array.newInstance(newType.getComponentType(), newSize);
        System.arraycopy(arr, 0, copy, 0, Math.min(arr.length, newSize));
        return copy;

    public static int[] copyOf(final int[] arr) {
        return copyOf(arr, arr.length);

    public static int[] copyOf(final int[] arr, int newSize) {
        final int[] tempArr = new int[newSize];
        System.arraycopy(arr, 0, tempArr, 0, Math.min(arr.length, newSize));
        return tempArr;

    public static double[] copyOf(final double[] arr) {
        return copyOf(arr, arr.length);

    public static double[] copyOf(final double[] arr, int newSize) {
        final double[] tempArr = new double[newSize];
        System.arraycopy(arr, 0, tempArr, 0, Math.min(arr.length, newSize));
        return tempArr;

    public static float[] copyOf(final float[] arr) {
        return copyOf(arr, arr.length);

    public static float[] copyOf(final float[] arr, int newSize) {
        final float[] tempArr = new float[newSize];
        System.arraycopy(arr, 0, tempArr, 0, Math.min(arr.length, newSize));
        return tempArr;

    public static byte[] copyOf(final byte[] arr) {
        return copyOf(arr, arr.length);

    public static byte[] copyOf(final byte[] arr, int newSize) {
        final byte[] tempArr = new byte[newSize];
        System.arraycopy(arr, 0, tempArr, 0, Math.min(arr.length, newSize));
        return tempArr;

    public static char[] copyOf(final char[] arr) {
        return copyOf(arr, arr.length);

    public static char[] copyOf(final char[] arr, int newSize) {
        final char[] tempArr = new char[newSize];
        System.arraycopy(arr, 0, tempArr, 0, Math.min(arr.length, newSize));
        return tempArr;

    public static long[] copyOf(final long[] arr) {
        return copyOf(arr, arr.length);

    public static long[] copyOf(final long[] arr, int newSize) {
        final long[] tempArr = new long[newSize];
        System.arraycopy(arr, 0, tempArr, 0, Math.min(arr.length, newSize));
        return tempArr;

    public static boolean[] copyOf(final boolean[] arr) {
        return copyOf(arr, arr.length);

    public static boolean[] copyOf(final boolean[] arr, int newSize) {
        final boolean[] tempArr = new boolean[newSize];
        System.arraycopy(arr, 0, tempArr, 0, Math.min(arr.length, newSize));
        return tempArr;