Java tutorial
/* This file is part of OPENKVI. OPENKVI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OPENKVI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OPENKVI. If not, see <>. */ import org.json.*; import; import; import; import com.wavemaker.runtime.RuntimeAccess; import javax.xml.parsers.*; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.Random; import org.xml.sax.*; import org.jdom.*; import org.jdom.input.*; import org.jdom.output.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.Iterator; import*; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; public class vmXmlFile extends com.wavemaker.runtime.javaservice.JavaServiceSuperClass { /* Pass in one of FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO and DEBUG to modify your log level; * recommend changing this to FATAL or ERROR before deploying. For info on these levels, look for tomcat/log4j documentation */ public vmXmlFile() { super(INFO); } public String updateVmMemory(String vName, String server, String newMem) throws IOException { String result = "VmMemory::" + vName + "::" + server + "::"; org.jdom.Document document; Element racine; try { String relPath = "resources/data/" + server + "/vm/configs/" + vName + "/" + vName + ".xml"; String pathToXml = RuntimeAccess.getInstance().getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath(relPath); File xmlFile = new File(pathToXml); SAXBuilder sxb = new SAXBuilder(); document =; // racine = document.getRootElement(); // Update Memory Element memory = racine.getChild("memory"); memory.setText(newMem); Element currentMemory = racine.getChild("currentMemory"); currentMemory.setText(newMem); // transform DOM to XML Format format = Format.getPrettyFormat(); format.setOmitDeclaration(true); XMLOutputter sortie = new XMLOutputter(format); sortie.output(document, new FileOutputStream(pathToXml)); this.updateVmLiveMemory(vName, server, newMem); String res = this.updateVmDesc(vName, server, pathToXml, "memory"); result += res; } catch (Exception e) { return result + "Error=" + e.toString(); } return result; } public String updateVmProcessor(String vName, String server, String data) throws IOException { String result = "vmProcessor::" + vName + "::" + server + "::"; org.jdom.Document document; Element racine; try { String relPath = "resources/data/" + server + "/vm/configs/" + vName + "/" + vName + ".xml"; String pathToXml = RuntimeAccess.getInstance().getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath(relPath); File xmlFile = new File(pathToXml); SAXBuilder sxb = new SAXBuilder(); document =; // racine = document.getRootElement(); JSONObject joData = new JSONObject(data); // Update CPU String newCpu = joData.get("vcpu").toString(); Element processor = racine.getChild("vcpu"); processor.setText(newCpu); //Update Clock source racine.removeChildren("clock"); Element clock = new Element("clock"); racine.addContent(clock); //Update Model //<cpu mode='host-passthrough'/> racine.removeChildren("cpu"); Element host_cpu = new Element("cpu"); racine.addContent(host_cpu); String newCpuMode = joData.get("model").toString(); Attribute cpuModel = new Attribute("mode", newCpuMode); host_cpu.setAttribute(cpuModel); String strOffset = joData.get("offset").toString(); Attribute offsetAt = new Attribute("offset", strOffset); clock.setAttribute(offsetAt); if (strOffset.equals("timezone")) { Attribute zoneAt = new Attribute("timezone", joData.get("timezone").toString()); clock.setAttribute(zoneAt); } JSONArray timerArray = joData.getJSONArray("timers"); for (int i = 0; i < timerArray.length(); i++) { Element timerEl = new Element("timer"); clock.addContent(timerEl); JSONObject timerData = timerArray.getJSONObject(i); String timerName = timerData.get("name").toString(); Attribute timerNameAt = new Attribute("name", timerName); timerEl.setAttribute(timerNameAt); String timerTickpolicy = timerData.get("tickpolicy").toString(); Attribute timerTickpolicyAt = new Attribute("tickpolicy", timerTickpolicy); timerEl.setAttribute(timerTickpolicyAt); String timerPresent = timerData.get("present").toString(); Attribute timerPresentAt = new Attribute("present", timerPresent); timerEl.setAttribute(timerPresentAt); // Optional parameters: String timerTrack = timerData.get("track").toString(); if (timerTrack.length() > 0) { Attribute timerTrackAt = new Attribute("track", timerTrack); timerEl.setAttribute(timerTrackAt); } String timerFrequency = timerData.get("frequency").toString(); if (timerFrequency.length() > 0) { Attribute timerFrequencyAt = new Attribute("frequency", timerFrequency); timerEl.setAttribute(timerFrequencyAt); } String timerMode = timerData.get("mode").toString(); if (timerMode.length() > 0) { Attribute timerModeAt = new Attribute("mode", timerMode); timerEl.setAttribute(timerModeAt); } } // transform DOM to XML Format format = Format.getPrettyFormat(); format.setOmitDeclaration(true); XMLOutputter sortie = new XMLOutputter(format); sortie.output(document, new FileOutputStream(pathToXml)); this.updateVmLiveCpus(vName, server, newCpu); String res = this.updateVmDesc(vName, server, pathToXml, "processor"); result += res; } catch (Exception e) { return result + "Error=" + e.toString(); } return result; } public String updateVmBios(String vName, String server, String newBiosJson) throws IOException { String result = "vmBios::" + vName + "::" + server + "::"; org.jdom.Document document; Element racine; try { String relPath = "resources/data/" + server + "/vm/configs/" + vName + "/" + vName + ".xml"; String pathToXml = RuntimeAccess.getInstance().getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath(relPath); File xmlFile = new File(pathToXml); SAXBuilder sxb = new SAXBuilder(); document =; racine = document.getRootElement(); JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(newBiosJson); Element nPoweroff = racine.getChild("on_poweroff"); nPoweroff.setText(jo.get("on_poweroff").toString()); Element nCrash = racine.getChild("on_crash"); nCrash.setText(jo.get("on_crash").toString()); Element nReboot = racine.getChild("on_reboot"); nReboot.setText(jo.get("on_reboot").toString()); Element os = racine.getChild("os"); os.removeChildren("boot"); JSONArray bootArray = jo.getJSONArray("bootList"); for (int i = 0; i < bootArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject bootDev = bootArray.getJSONObject(i); Element boot = new Element("boot"); os.addContent(boot); Attribute dev = new Attribute("dev", bootDev.get("dev").toString()); boot.setAttribute(dev); } Element bootmenu = new Element("bootmenu"); os.addContent(bootmenu); Attribute enable = new Attribute("enable", jo.get("bootMenu").toString()); bootmenu.setAttribute(enable); Element features = racine.getChild("features"); features.removeContent(); JSONArray featureArray = jo.getJSONArray("features"); for (int i = 0; i < featureArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject jasonFeature = featureArray.getJSONObject(i); Element feature = new Element(jasonFeature.get("opt").toString()); features.addContent(feature); } Format format = Format.getPrettyFormat(); format.setOmitDeclaration(true); XMLOutputter sortie = new XMLOutputter(format); sortie.output(document, new FileOutputStream(pathToXml)); String res = this.updateVmDesc(vName, server, pathToXml, "bios"); result += res; } catch (Exception e) { return result + "Error=" + e.toString(); } return result; } public String updateVmStorages(String vName, String server, String ipaddr, String storageActions) throws IOException { String result = "vmStorages::" + vName + "::" + server + "::"; org.jdom.Document document; Element racine; Format xmlFormat = Format.getPrettyFormat(); xmlFormat.setOmitDeclaration(true); XMLOutputter sortie = new XMLOutputter(xmlFormat); String deviceRes = ""; try { String relPath = "resources/data/" + server + "/vm/configs/" + vName + "/" + vName + ".xml"; String pathToXml = RuntimeAccess.getInstance().getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath(relPath); File xmlFile = new File(pathToXml); SAXBuilder sxb = new SAXBuilder(); document =; racine = document.getRootElement(); Element devices = racine.getChild("devices"); JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(storageActions); JSONArray actions = jo.getJSONArray("actions"); for (int i = 0; i < actions.length(); i++) { JSONObject actionObj = actions.getJSONObject(i); String action = actionObj.get("action").toString(); String device = actionObj.get("device").toString(); String type = actionObj.get("type").toString(); String name = actionObj.get("name").toString(); String path = actionObj.get("path").toString(); String fileFormat = actionObj.get("format").toString(); String size = actionObj.get("size").toString(); String alloc = actionObj.get("allocation").toString(); String driver = actionObj.get("driver").toString(); String busType = actionObj.get("busType").toString(); String bus = actionObj.get("bus").toString(); String cache = actionObj.get("cache").toString(); String image = path + name; if (action.equals("create")) { String res = this.createVmImage(vName, server, image, fileFormat, size, alloc); } if (action.equals("delete")) { //String res = this.deleteVmImage(ipaddr, image); String res = this.deleteVmImage(vName, server, image); } if (action.equals("create") || action.equals("add")) { Element elDisk = new Element("disk"); devices.addContent(elDisk); Attribute atrType = new Attribute("type", type); Attribute atrDevice = new Attribute("device", device); elDisk.setAttribute(atrType); elDisk.setAttribute(atrDevice); Element elDriver = new Element("driver"); elDisk.addContent(elDriver); Attribute atrCache = new Attribute("cache", cache); Attribute atrName = new Attribute("name", driver); Attribute atrDriverType = new Attribute("type", fileFormat); elDriver.setAttribute(atrCache); elDriver.setAttribute(atrName); elDriver.setAttribute(atrDriverType); Element elTarget = new Element("target"); elDisk.addContent(elTarget); Attribute atrDev = new Attribute("dev", bus); Attribute atrBus = new Attribute("bus", busType); elTarget.setAttribute(atrDev); elTarget.setAttribute(atrBus); if (image.length() > 0) { Element elSource = new Element("source"); elDisk.addContent(elSource); Attribute atrFile = null; if (type.equals("file")) { atrFile = new Attribute("file", image); } else if (type.equals("block")) { atrFile = new Attribute("dev", image); } elSource.setAttribute(atrFile); } } else if (action.equals("remove") || action.equals("delete")) { List diskList = devices.getChildren("disk"); for (Iterator ite = diskList.iterator(); ite.hasNext();) { Element elDisk = (Element); String tmpType = elDisk.getAttributeValue("type").toString(); if (image.length() > 0) { Element elSource = elDisk.getChild("source"); if (elSource != null) { String strSource = ""; if (tmpType.equals("file")) { strSource = elSource.getAttributeValue("file").toString(); } else if (tmpType.equals("block")) { strSource = elSource.getAttributeValue("dev").toString(); } if (image.equals(strSource)) { devices.removeContent(elDisk); break; } } } else { Element elTarget = elDisk.getChild("targer"); String strDev = elTarget.getAttributeValue("dev").toString(); if (bus.equals(strDev)) { devices.removeContent(elDisk); break; } } } } else if (action.equals("update")) { List diskList = devices.getChildren("disk"); boolean found = false; String oldSource = actionObj.get("oldSource").toString(); String oldBus = actionObj.get("oldBus").toString(); for (Iterator ite = diskList.iterator(); ite.hasNext();) { Element elDisk = (Element); String tmpType = elDisk.getAttributeValue("type").toString(); Element tmpSource = elDisk.getChild("source"); String strSource = ""; if (found == false) { if (tmpSource != null) { if (tmpType.equals("file")) { strSource = tmpSource.getAttributeValue("file").toString(); } else if (tmpType.equals("block")) { strSource = tmpSource.getAttributeValue("dev").toString(); } } if (!strSource.equals("")) { if (oldSource.equals(strSource)) { found = true; } } Element elTarget = elDisk.getChild("target"); String strDev = elTarget.getAttributeValue("dev").toString(); if (oldBus.equals(strDev)) { found = true; } if (found == true) { elDisk.removeChild("address"); if (elDisk.getAttribute("type") != null) { elDisk.setAttribute("type", type); } else { Attribute atrType = new Attribute("type", type); elDisk.setAttribute(atrType); } if (elDisk.getAttribute("device") != null) { elDisk.setAttribute("device", device); } else { Attribute atrDevice = new Attribute("device", device); elDisk.setAttribute(atrDevice); } Element elDriver = elDisk.getChild("driver"); if (elDriver.getAttribute("cache") != null) { elDriver.setAttribute("cache", cache); } else { Attribute atrCache = new Attribute("cache", cache); elDriver.setAttribute(atrCache); } if (elDriver.getAttribute("name") != null) { elDriver.setAttribute("name", driver); } else { Attribute atrName = new Attribute("name", driver); elDriver.setAttribute(atrName); } if (elDriver.getAttribute("type") != null) { elDriver.setAttribute("type", fileFormat); } else { Attribute atrDriverType = new Attribute("type", fileFormat); elDriver.setAttribute(atrDriverType); } if (elTarget.getAttribute("dev") != null) { elTarget.setAttribute("dev", bus); } else { Attribute atrDev = new Attribute("dev", bus); elTarget.setAttribute(atrDev); } if (elTarget.getAttribute("bus") != null) { elTarget.setAttribute("bus", busType); } else { Attribute atrBus = new Attribute("bus", busType); elTarget.setAttribute(atrBus); } if (!image.equals(oldSource)) { if (tmpSource == null) { tmpSource = new Element("source"); elDisk.addContent(tmpSource); } else { tmpSource.removeContent(); } Attribute atrFile = null; if (type.equals("file")) { atrFile = new Attribute("file", image); } else if (type.equals("block")) { atrFile = new Attribute("dev", image); } tmpSource.setAttribute(atrFile); } String deviceXml = sortie.outputString(elDisk); deviceRes += "::" + this.updateVmDevice(vName, server, deviceXml); } } } } } sortie.output(document, new FileOutputStream(pathToXml)); String res = this.updateVmDesc(vName, server, pathToXml, "storages"); result += res + deviceRes; } catch (Exception e) { return result + "Error=" + e.toString(); } return result; } public String updateVmNetworks(String vName, String server, String netActions) throws IOException { String result = "vmStorages::" + vName + "::" + server + "::"; org.jdom.Document document; Element racine; Format xmlFormat = Format.getPrettyFormat(); xmlFormat.setOmitDeclaration(true); XMLOutputter sortie = new XMLOutputter(xmlFormat); String deviceRes = ""; try { String relPath = "resources/data/" + server + "/vm/configs/" + vName + "/" + vName + ".xml"; String pathToXml = RuntimeAccess.getInstance().getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath(relPath); File xmlFile = new File(pathToXml); SAXBuilder sxb = new SAXBuilder(); document =; racine = document.getRootElement(); Element devices = racine.getChild("devices"); JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(netActions); JSONArray actions = jo.getJSONArray("actions"); for (int i = 0; i < actions.length(); i++) { JSONObject actionObj = actions.getJSONObject(i); String type = actionObj.get("type").toString(); if (type.equals("Bridge")) { type = "bridge"; } else if (type.equals("Virtual Network")) { type = "network"; } else if (type.equals("OpenVswitch")) { type = "network"; } else if (type.equals("Private Bridge")) { type = "network"; } else if (type.equals("SR-IOV Passthrough")) { type = "network"; } else if (type.equals("Userspace SLIRP")) { type = "user"; } else if (type.equals("Direct Access")) { type = "direct"; } else if (type.equals("Multicast Tunnel")) { type = "mcast"; } else if (type.equals("TCP Tunnel")) { type = "server"; } String action = actionObj.get("action").toString(); String source = actionObj.get("source").toString(); String portgroup = actionObj.get("portgroup").toString(); if (portgroup.equals("<i>default</i>") || portgroup.equals("<i>none</i>")) { portgroup = ""; } String model = actionObj.get("model").toString(); String mac = actionObj.get("mac").toString(); String options = actionObj.get("options").toString(); String connected = actionObj.get("connected").toString(); if (mac.equals("auto")) { Random rand = new Random(); mac = "52:54:00"; String hexa = Integer.toHexString(rand.nextInt(255)); mac += ":" + hexa; hexa = Integer.toHexString(rand.nextInt(255)); mac += ":" + hexa; hexa = Integer.toHexString(rand.nextInt(255)); mac += ":" + hexa; } if (action.equals("add")) { Element elInterface = new Element("interface"); devices.addContent(elInterface); Attribute atrType = new Attribute("type", type); elInterface.setAttribute(atrType); Element elSource = new Element("source"); elInterface.addContent(elSource); if (type.equals("bridge")) { Attribute atrSrc = new Attribute("bridge", source); elSource.setAttribute(atrSrc); Element elMac = new Element("mac"); elInterface.addContent(elMac); Attribute atrMac = new Attribute("address", mac); elMac.setAttribute(atrMac); } else if (type.equals("network")) { Attribute atrSrc = new Attribute("network", source); elSource.setAttribute(atrSrc); if (!portgroup.equals("")) { Attribute atrPg = new Attribute("portgroup", portgroup); elSource.setAttribute(atrPg); } Element elMac = new Element("mac"); elInterface.addContent(elMac); Attribute atrMac = new Attribute("address", mac); elMac.setAttribute(atrMac); } else if (type.equals("ethernet")) { Attribute atrSrc = new Attribute("dev", source); elSource.setAttribute(atrSrc); } else if (type.equals("direct")) { Attribute atrSrc = new Attribute("dev", source); Attribute atrMode = new Attribute("mode", mac); elSource.setAttribute(atrSrc); elSource.setAttribute(atrMode); } else if (type.equals("direct")) { Attribute atrSrc = new Attribute("dev", source); Attribute atrMode = new Attribute("mode", mac); elSource.setAttribute(atrSrc); elSource.setAttribute(atrMode); } else if (type.equals("mcast")) { Attribute atrSrc = new Attribute("address", source); Attribute atrMode = new Attribute("port", mac); elSource.setAttribute(atrSrc); elSource.setAttribute(atrMode); } else if (type.equals("server")) { Attribute atrSrc = new Attribute("address", source); Attribute atrMode = new Attribute("port", mac); elSource.setAttribute(atrSrc); elSource.setAttribute(atrMode); } Element elModel = new Element("model"); elInterface.addContent(elModel); Attribute atrModel = new Attribute("type", model); elModel.setAttribute(atrModel); Element elLink = new Element("link"); elInterface.addContent(elLink); Attribute atrLink = new Attribute("state", connected); elLink.setAttribute(atrLink); } else if (action.equals("remove")) { List interfaceList = devices.getChildren("interface"); Element elToRemove = null; for (Iterator ite = interfaceList.iterator(); ite.hasNext();) { Element elInterface = (Element); String tmpType = elInterface.getAttributeValue("type").toString(); Element elSource = elInterface.getChild("source"); String tmpMac = ""; if (type.equals("bridge") || type.equals("network")) { Element elMac = elInterface.getChild("mac"); tmpMac = elMac.getAttributeValue("address").toString(); if (mac.equals(tmpMac)) { elToRemove = elInterface; } } } if (elToRemove != null) { devices.removeContent(elToRemove); } } else if (action.equals("update")) { List interfaceList = devices.getChildren("interface"); boolean found = false; String oldSource = actionObj.get("oldSource").toString(); String oldPortgroup = actionObj.get("oldPortgroup").toString(); String oldModel = actionObj.get("oldModel").toString(); String oldMac = actionObj.get("oldMac").toString(); for (Iterator ite = interfaceList.iterator(); ite.hasNext();) { Element elInterface = (Element); if (found == false) { String tmpType = elInterface.getAttributeValue("type").toString(); Element elSource = elInterface.getChild("source"); String strSource = ""; if (tmpType.equals("bridge") || tmpType.equals("network")) { Element elTmpMac = elInterface.getChild("mac"); String tmpMac = elTmpMac.getAttributeValue("address").toString(); if (oldMac.equals(tmpMac)) { found = true; } } if (found == true) { elInterface.setAttribute("type", type); elInterface.removeChildren("source"); Element newElSource = new Element("source"); elInterface.addContent(newElSource); if (type.equals("bridge")) { Attribute atrSrc = new Attribute("bridge", source); newElSource.setAttribute(atrSrc); Element elMac = elInterface.getChild("mac"); elMac.setAttribute("address", mac); } else if (type.equals("network")) { Attribute atrSrc = new Attribute("network", source); newElSource.setAttribute(atrSrc); if (!portgroup.equals("")) { Attribute atrPg = new Attribute("portgroup", portgroup); newElSource.setAttribute(atrPg); } Element elMac = elInterface.getChild("mac"); elMac.setAttribute("address", mac); } elInterface.removeChildren("model"); Element elModel = new Element("model"); elInterface.addContent(elModel); Attribute atrModel = new Attribute("type", model); elModel.setAttribute(atrModel); elInterface.removeChildren("link"); Element elLink = new Element("link"); elInterface.addContent(elLink); Attribute atrLink = new Attribute("state", connected); elLink.setAttribute(atrLink); String deviceXml = sortie.outputString(elInterface); if (type.equals("network")) { String dst = "{\"mac\":\"" + mac + "\", \"vswitch\":\"" + source + "\", \"portgroup\":\"" + portgroup + "\"}"; deviceRes += "::" + this.moveVmLink(vName, server, dst); } } } } } } sortie.output(document, new FileOutputStream(pathToXml)); String res = this.updateVmDesc(vName, server, pathToXml, "networks"); result += res + deviceRes; } catch (Exception e) { return result + "Error=" + e.toString(); } return result; } public String moveVmLink(String vName, String server, String data) throws IOException { String result = ""; // data : {"mac": mac, "vswitch":source, "portgroup":portgroup} try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "move_vlink"); joAction.put("vm", vName); joAction.put("vlink", data); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); String res = callOvnmanager(server, joAction.toString()); result = res; } catch (Exception e) { return result + "Error=" + e.toString(); } return result; } public String updateVmNetworkLink(String vName, String server, String data) throws IOException { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "link_state"); joAction.put("vm", vName); joAction.put("link", data); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); String res = callOvnmanager(server, joAction.toString()); result = res; } catch (Exception e) { return result + "Error=" + e.toString(); } return result; } public String updateVmVideo(String vName, String server, String todo) throws IOException { String result = "vmVideo::" + vName + "::" + server + "::"; org.jdom.Document document; Element racine; Format xmlFormat = Format.getPrettyFormat(); xmlFormat.setOmitDeclaration(true); XMLOutputter sortie = new XMLOutputter(xmlFormat); boolean found = false; String deviceRes = ""; try { String relPath = "resources/data/" + server + "/vm/configs/" + vName + "/" + vName + ".xml"; String pathToXml = RuntimeAccess.getInstance().getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath(relPath); File xmlFile = new File(pathToXml); SAXBuilder sxb = new SAXBuilder(); document =; racine = document.getRootElement(); Element devices = racine.getChild("devices"); JSONArray joTodo = new JSONArray(todo); for (int i = 0; i < joTodo.length(); i++) { JSONObject actionObj = joTodo.getJSONObject(i); String ComponentType = actionObj.get("type").toString(); String action = actionObj.get("action").toString(); JSONObject item = actionObj.getJSONObject("item"); if (ComponentType.equals("video")) { Element video = devices.getChild("video"); video.removeChildren("model"); Element model = new Element("model"); video.addContent(model); Attribute atrType = new Attribute("type", item.get("model").toString()); model.setAttribute(atrType); Attribute atrVram = new Attribute("vram", item.get("vram").toString()); model.setAttribute(atrVram); Attribute atrHeads = new Attribute("heads", item.get("heads").toString()); model.setAttribute(atrHeads); } else if (action.equals("add")) { Element elGraphics = new Element("graphics"); devices.addContent(elGraphics); String type = item.get("type").toString(); Attribute atrType = new Attribute("type", type); elGraphics.setAttribute(atrType); Attribute atrKeymap = new Attribute("keymap", item.get("keymap").toString()); elGraphics.setAttribute(atrKeymap); if (type.equals("vnc")) { Attribute atrListen = new Attribute("listen", item.get("listen").toString()); elGraphics.setAttribute(atrListen); Attribute atrPort = new Attribute("port", item.get("port").toString()); elGraphics.setAttribute(atrPort); Attribute atrAutoport = new Attribute("autoport", item.get("autoport").toString()); elGraphics.setAttribute(atrAutoport); } else if (type.equals("sdl")) { Attribute atrDisplay = new Attribute("display", item.get("listen").toString()); elGraphics.setAttribute(atrDisplay); } } else if (action.equals("remove")) { List graphicsList = devices.getChildren("graphics"); Element elToRemove = null; String type = item.get("type").toString(); for (Iterator ite = graphicsList.iterator(); ite.hasNext();) { Element elGraph = (Element); String tmpType = elGraph.getAttributeValue("type").toString(); if (type.equals(tmpType) && type.equals("vnc")) { String tmpPort = elGraph.getAttributeValue("port"); if (tmpPort == null) { tmpPort = ""; } String tmpAutoport = elGraph.getAttributeValue("autoport"); if (tmpAutoport == null) { tmpAutoport = ""; } String tmpKeymap = elGraph.getAttributeValue("keymap"); if (tmpKeymap == null) { tmpKeymap = ""; } String tmpListen = elGraph.getAttributeValue("listen"); if (tmpListen == null) { tmpListen = ""; } String port = item.get("port").toString(); String autoport = item.get("autoport").toString(); String listen = item.get("listen").toString(); String keymap = item.get("keymap").toString(); if (keymap.equals(tmpKeymap) && listen.equals(tmpListen) && autoport.equals(tmpAutoport) && port.equals(tmpPort)) { elToRemove = elGraph; } } else if (type.equals(tmpType) && type.equals("sdl")) { String tmpDisplay = elGraph.getAttributeValue("display").toString(); String display = item.get("display").toString(); if (display.equals(tmpDisplay)) { elToRemove = elGraph; } } } if (elToRemove != null) { devices.removeContent(elToRemove); } } else if (action.equals("update")) { List graphicsList = devices.getChildren("graphics"); //boolean found = false; String type = item.get("type").toString(); JSONObject oldItem = actionObj.getJSONObject("olditem"); String oldtype = oldItem.get("type").toString(); for (Iterator ite = graphicsList.iterator(); ite.hasNext();) { Element elGraph = (Element); if (found == false) { String tmpType = elGraph.getAttributeValue("type").toString(); String strSource = ""; if (oldtype.equals(tmpType) && type.equals("vnc")) { String tmpPort = elGraph.getAttributeValue("port"); if (tmpPort == null) { tmpPort = ""; } String tmpAutoport = elGraph.getAttributeValue("autoport"); if (tmpAutoport == null) { tmpAutoport = ""; } String tmpKeymap = elGraph.getAttributeValue("keymap"); if (tmpKeymap == null) { tmpKeymap = ""; } String tmpListen = elGraph.getAttributeValue("listen"); if (tmpListen == null) { tmpListen = ""; } String oldPort = oldItem.get("port").toString(); String oldAutoport = oldItem.get("autoport").toString(); String oldListen = oldItem.get("listen").toString(); String oldKeymap = oldItem.get("keymap").toString(); if (oldKeymap.equals(tmpKeymap) && oldListen.equals(tmpListen) && oldAutoport.equals(tmpAutoport)) { found = true; } } else if (oldtype.equals(tmpType) && oldtype.equals("sdl")) { String tmpDisplay = elGraph.getAttributeValue("display").toString(); String oldDisplay = oldItem.get("display").toString(); if (oldDisplay.equals(tmpDisplay)) { found = true; } } if (found == true) { if (type.equals("vnc")) { elGraph.removeAttribute("port"); Attribute atrPort = new Attribute("port", item.get("port").toString()); elGraph.setAttribute(atrPort); elGraph.removeAttribute("listen"); Attribute atrListen = new Attribute("listen", item.get("listen").toString()); elGraph.setAttribute(atrListen); elGraph.removeAttribute("autoport"); Attribute atrAutoport = new Attribute("autoport", item.get("autoport").toString()); elGraph.setAttribute(atrAutoport); elGraph.removeAttribute("keymap"); Attribute atrKeymap = new Attribute("keymap", item.get("keymap").toString()); elGraph.setAttribute(atrKeymap); } else if (type.equals("sdl")) { elGraph.removeAttribute("display"); Attribute atrDisplay = new Attribute("display", item.get("display").toString()); elGraph.setAttribute(atrDisplay); elGraph.removeAttribute("keymap"); Attribute atrKeymap = new Attribute("keymap", item.get("keymap").toString()); elGraph.setAttribute(atrKeymap); } String deviceXml = sortie.outputString(elGraph); deviceRes += "::" + this.updateVmDevice(vName, server, deviceXml); } } } } } sortie.output(document, new FileOutputStream(pathToXml)); String res = this.updateVmDesc(vName, server, pathToXml, "video"); result += res + deviceRes; } catch (Exception e) { return result + "{\"action\":{\"result\":\"Error:" + e.toString() + "\"}}"; } return result; } public String updateVmInput(String vName, String server, String todo) throws IOException { String result = "vmInput::" + vName + "::" + server + "::"; org.jdom.Document document; Element racine; Format xmlFormat = Format.getPrettyFormat(); xmlFormat.setOmitDeclaration(true); XMLOutputter sortie = new XMLOutputter(xmlFormat); boolean found = false; String deviceRes = ""; try { String relPath = "resources/data/" + server + "/vm/configs/" + vName + "/" + vName + ".xml"; String pathToXml = RuntimeAccess.getInstance().getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath(relPath); File xmlFile = new File(pathToXml); SAXBuilder sxb = new SAXBuilder(); document =; racine = document.getRootElement(); Element devices = racine.getChild("devices"); JSONArray joTodo = new JSONArray(todo); for (int i = 0; i < joTodo.length(); i++) { JSONObject actionObj = joTodo.getJSONObject(i); String ComponentType = actionObj.get("type").toString(); String action = actionObj.get("action").toString(); JSONObject item = actionObj.getJSONObject("item"); if (action.equals("add")) { Element elInput = new Element("input"); devices.addContent(elInput); String type = item.get("type").toString(); Attribute atrType = new Attribute("type", type); elInput.setAttribute(atrType); Attribute atrBus = new Attribute("bus", item.get("bus").toString()); elInput.setAttribute(atrBus); } else if (action.equals("remove")) { List inputList = devices.getChildren("input"); Element elToRemove = null; String type = item.get("type").toString(); for (Iterator ite = inputList.iterator(); ite.hasNext();) { Element elInput = (Element); String tmpType = elInput.getAttributeValue("type").toString(); if (type.equals(tmpType)) { String tmpBus = elInput.getAttributeValue("bus"); if (tmpBus == null) { tmpBus = ""; } String bus = item.get("bus").toString(); if (bus.equals(tmpBus)) { elToRemove = elInput; } } } if (elToRemove != null) { devices.removeContent(elToRemove); } } else if (action.equals("update")) { List inputList = devices.getChildren("input"); String type = item.get("type").toString(); JSONObject oldItem = actionObj.getJSONObject("olditem"); String oldtype = oldItem.get("type").toString(); for (Iterator ite = inputList.iterator(); ite.hasNext();) { Element elInput = (Element); if (found == false) { String tmpType = elInput.getAttributeValue("type").toString(); String strSource = ""; if (oldtype.equals(tmpType)) { String tmpBus = elInput.getAttributeValue("bus"); if (tmpBus == null) { tmpBus = ""; } String oldBus = oldItem.get("bus").toString(); if (oldBus.equals(tmpBus)) { found = true; } } if (found == true) { elInput.removeAttribute("type"); Attribute atrType = new Attribute("type", item.get("type").toString()); elInput.setAttribute(atrType); elInput.removeAttribute("bus"); Attribute atrBus = new Attribute("bus", item.get("bus").toString()); elInput.setAttribute(atrBus); String deviceXml = sortie.outputString(elInput); deviceRes += "::" + this.updateVmDevice(vName, server, deviceXml); } } } } } sortie.output(document, new FileOutputStream(pathToXml)); String res = this.updateVmDesc(vName, server, pathToXml, "input"); result += res + deviceRes; } catch (Exception e) { return result + "{\"action\":{\"result\":\"Error:" + e.toString() + "\"}}"; } return result; } public String updateVmExtra(String vName, String server, String data) throws IOException { String result = "vmInput::" + vName + "::" + server + "::"; org.jdom.Document document; Element racine; Format xmlFormat = Format.getPrettyFormat(); xmlFormat.setOmitDeclaration(true); XMLOutputter sortie = new XMLOutputter(xmlFormat); try { String relPath = "resources/data/" + server + "/vm/configs/" + vName + "/" + vName + ".xml"; String pathToXml = RuntimeAccess.getInstance().getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath(relPath); File xmlFile = new File(pathToXml); SAXBuilder sxb = new SAXBuilder(); document =; racine = document.getRootElement(); Element metadata = racine.getChild("metadata"); if (metadata == null) { metadata = new Element("metadata"); racine.addContent(metadata); } if (metadata.getChild("extra") != null) { Element extraToDel = metadata.getChild("extra"); metadata.removeContent(extraToDel); } Element elExtra = new Element("extra"); metadata.addContent(elExtra); JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(data); String varNotes = jo.get("notes").toString(); Element elNotes = new Element("notes"); elExtra.addContent(elNotes); elNotes.setText(varNotes); Element elNetworks = new Element("networks"); elExtra.addContent(elNetworks); JSONArray nicArray = jo.getJSONArray("networks"); int netCount = nicArray.length(); for (int i = 0; i < netCount; i++) { JSONObject jVnet = nicArray.getJSONObject(i); if (jVnet.has("mac")) { String mac = jVnet.get("mac").toString(); String ip = jVnet.get("ip").toString(); Element elVnet = new Element("vnet"); elVnet.setAttribute("mac", mac); elVnet.setAttribute("ip", ip); elNetworks.addContent(elVnet); } } JSONObject jOS = jo.getJSONObject("os"); Element elOS = new Element("system"); elOS.setAttribute("family", jOS.get("family").toString()); elOS.setAttribute("arch", jOS.get("arch").toString()); elOS.setAttribute("distro", jOS.get("distro").toString()); elOS.setAttribute("name", jOS.get("name").toString()); elOS.setAttribute("version", jOS.get("version").toString()); elExtra.addContent(elOS); // transform DOM to XML Format format = Format.getPrettyFormat(); format.setOmitDeclaration(true); sortie.output(document, new FileOutputStream(pathToXml)); String res = this.updateVmDesc(vName, server, pathToXml, "extra"); result += res; } catch (Exception e) { return result + "{\"action\":{\"result\":\"Error:" + e.toString() + "\"}}"; } return result; } public String updateVmDesc(String vName, String node, String path, String device) { String result = ""; try { String xml = readFile(path); JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "update"); joAction.put("vm", vName); joAction.put("xml", xml); joAction.put("device", device); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); String res = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); result = res; } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "create VM has failed", e); return result + e.toString(); } return result; } public String updateVmLiveMemory(String vName, String node, String memory) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "setmem"); joAction.put("vm", vName); joAction.put("memory", memory); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); String res = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); result = res; } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "create VM has failed", e); return result + e.toString(); } return result; } public String updateVmLiveCpus(String vName, String node, String ncpu) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "setcpu"); joAction.put("vm", vName); joAction.put("ncpu", ncpu); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); String res = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); result = res; } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "create VM has failed", e); return result + e.toString(); } return result; } public String updateVmDevice(String vName, String node, String xml) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "live_update"); joAction.put("vm", vName); joAction.put("xml", xml); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "create VM has failed", e); return result + e.toString(); } return result; } public String createVmImage(String vName, String node, String image, String format, String size, String alloc) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "create_vdisk"); joAction.put("vm", vName); JSONObject joDisk = new JSONObject(); joDisk.put("image", image); joDisk.put("format", format); joDisk.put("size", size); joDisk.put("allocation", alloc); joAction.put("vdisk", joDisk); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); return result; } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "create image has failed", e); return e.toString(); } } public String deleteVmImage(String vName, String node, String image) { String result = ""; try { JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(); joAction.put("name", "delete_vdisk"); joAction.put("vm", vName); joAction.put("vdisk", image); ArrayList<String> optList = new ArrayList<String>(); joAction.put("options", optList); result = callOvnmanager(node, joAction.toString()); return result; } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "create image has failed", e); return e.toString(); } } private String readFile(String file) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String line = null; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); try { while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { stringBuilder.append(line); } } finally { reader.close(); return stringBuilder.toString(); } } private String callOvnmanager(String node, String action) { String result = ""; DatagramSocket socket = null; int serverPort = 9999; DatagramPacket packet2Send; DatagramPacket receivedPacket; InetAddress theServerAddress; byte[] outBuffer; byte[] inBuffer; inBuffer = new byte[65536]; outBuffer = new byte[8192]; try { HttpSession session = RuntimeAccess.getInstance().getSession(); String sessionUser = (String) session.getAttribute("User"); if (sessionUser == null) { sessionUser = "administrator"; } JSONObject joCmd = new JSONObject(); JSONObject joAction = new JSONObject(action); joCmd.put("sender", sessionUser); joCmd.put("target", "VM"); joCmd.put("node", node); joCmd.put("action", joAction); String output = joCmd.toString(); socket = new DatagramSocket(); InetAddress serverInet = InetAddress.getByName("localhost"); socket.connect(serverInet, serverPort); outBuffer = output.getBytes(); packet2Send = new DatagramPacket(outBuffer, outBuffer.length, serverInet, serverPort); // send the data socket.send(packet2Send); receivedPacket = new DatagramPacket(inBuffer, inBuffer.length); socket.receive(receivedPacket); // the server response is... result = new String(receivedPacket.getData(), 0, receivedPacket.getLength()); session.setAttribute("LastActive", System.currentTimeMillis()); socket.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log(ERROR, "callOvnmanager", e); return e.toString(); } return result; } }