Java tutorial
import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import redis.clients.jedis.HostAndPort; import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis; import redis.clients.jedis.JedisCluster; import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool; import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; public class Publisher { private static int expire = 60; public static void printPositions(List<VehiclePositionTest> positions) { for (int i = 0; i < positions.size(); i++) { System.out.println("********* VEHICLE " + i + " *********"); System.out.println("StopId: " + positions.get(i).getStopId()); System.out.println("TripId: " + positions.get(i).getTripId()); System.out.println("RouteId: " + positions.get(i).getRouteId()); System.out.println("VehicleId: " + positions.get(i).getVehicleId()); System.out.println("AgencyId: " + positions.get(i).getAgencyId()); System.out.println("TimeOfRecord: " + positions.get(i).getTimeOfRecord()); System.out.println("TimeOfLocationUpdate: " + positions.get(i).getTimeOfLocationUpdate()); System.out.println("Speed: " + positions.get(i).getSpeed()); System.out.println("CurrentLocationLat: " + positions.get(i).getCurrentLocationLat()); System.out.println("CurrentLocationLon: " + positions.get(i).getCurrentLocationLon()); System.out.println("Odometer: " + positions.get(i).getOdometer()); System.out.println("CurrentOrientation: " + positions.get(i).getCurrentOrientation()); System.out.println("CongestionLevel: " + positions.get(i).getCongestionLevel()); System.out.println("Status: " + positions.get(i).getStatus()); System.out.println("Label: " + positions.get(i).getLabel()); System.out.println("LicensePlate: " + positions.get(i).getLicensePlate()); System.out.println("**********************************\n"); } } public static void correctNullValues(List<VehiclePositionTest> positions) { if (positions == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < positions.size(); i++) { if (positions.get(i).getStopId() == null) positions.get(i).setStopId(""); if (positions.get(i).getTripId() == null) positions.get(i).setTripId(""); if (positions.get(i).getRouteId() == null) positions.get(i).setRouteId(""); if (positions.get(i).getAgencyId() == null) positions.get(i).setAgencyId(""); if (positions.get(i).getTimeOfRecord() == null) positions.get(i).setTimeOfRecord(0L); if (positions.get(i).getTimeOfLocationUpdate() == null) positions.get(i).setTimeOfLocationUpdate(0L); if (positions.get(i).getCongestionLevel() == null) positions.get(i).setCongestionLevel(""); if (positions.get(i).getStatus() == null) positions.get(i).setStatus(""); if (positions.get(i).getLabel() == null) positions.get(i).setLabel(""); if (positions.get(i).getLicensePlate() == null) positions.get(i).setLicensePlate(""); } } public static void mongoInsertTest3(DB db, List<AlertTest> alerts) { DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("testCollection"); BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject(); for (int i = 0; i < alerts.size(); i++) { doc.append("_id", alerts.get(i).ID + ": " + new Date().getTime()).append("Cause", alerts.get(i).cause) .append("Effect", alerts.get(i).effect).append("Text", alerts.get(i).text); for (int j = 0; j < alerts.get(i).agencyID.size(); i++) doc.append("agencyID" + j, alerts.get(i).agencyID); for (int j = 0; j < alerts.get(i).routeID.size(); i++) doc.append("routeID" + j, alerts.get(i).routeID); for (int j = 0; j < alerts.get(i).stopID.size(); i++) doc.append("stopID" + j, alerts.get(i).stopID);; } } public static void mongoInsertTest2(DB db, List<TripUpdate> tripUpdates) { DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("testCollection"); BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject(); // Now, copy and update current agency data to mongo. for (int i = 0; i < tripUpdates.size(); i++) { doc.append("_id", tripUpdates.get(i).tripId + ": " + new Date().getTime());; for (int j = 0; j < tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.size(); j++) { doc = new BasicDBObject(); doc.append("_id", tripUpdates.get(i).tripId + "-" + j + ": " + new Date().getTime()) .append("arrivalDelay", tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.get(j).arrivalDelay) .append("arrivalTime", tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.get(j).arrivalTime) .append("departureDelay", tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.get(j).departureDelay) .append("departureTime", tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.get(j).departureTime) .append("stopSeq", tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.get(j).stopSeq) .append("trip", tripUpdates.get(i).tripId);; } } } public static void mongoInsertTest(DB db, List<VehiclePositionTest> positions) { DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("testCollection"); BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject(); // Now, copy and update current agency data to mongo. for (int i = 0; i < positions.size(); i++) { doc.append("_id", positions.get(i).getVehicleId() + ": " + new Date().getTime()) .append("stopId", positions.get(i).getStopId()).append("tripId", positions.get(i).getTripId()) .append("agencyId", positions.get(i).getAgencyId()) .append("timeOfRecord", positions.get(i).getTimeOfRecord()) .append("timeOfLocationUpdate", positions.get(i).getTimeOfLocationUpdate()) .append("speed", positions.get(i).getSpeed()) .append("currentLocationLat", positions.get(i).getCurrentLocationLat()) .append("currentLocationLon", positions.get(i).getCurrentLocationLon()) .append("odometer", positions.get(i).getOdometer()) .append("currentOrientation", positions.get(i).getCurrentOrientation()) .append("congestionLevel", positions.get(i).getCongestionLevel()) .append("status", positions.get(i).getStatus()).append("label", positions.get(i).getLabel()) .append("licensePlate", positions.get(i).getLicensePlate());; } } public static void mongoQueryTest2(DB db, List<TripUpdate> tripUpdates) { DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("testCollection"); DBObject d = coll.findOne(new BasicDBObject("_id", tripUpdates.get(0).tripId)); DBObject a = coll.findOne(new BasicDBObject("_id", tripUpdates.get(0).tripId + "-0")); System.out.println("********* MONGO OUTPUT *********"); System.out.println("Trip: " + d.get("_id").toString()); System.out.println("Stop delay: " + a.get("arrivalDelay").toString()); System.out.println("**********************************\n"); } public static void mongoQueryTest(DB db, List<VehiclePositionTest> positions) { DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("testCollection"); DBObject d = coll.findOne(new BasicDBObject("_id", positions.get(0).getVehicleId())); System.out.println("********* MONGO OUTPUT *********"); System.out.println("Vehicle: " + d.get("_id").toString()); System.out.println("Stop: " + d.get("stopId").toString()); System.out.println("Trip: " + d.get("tripId").toString()); System.out.println("Agency: " + d.get("agencyId").toString()); System.out.println("Time of record: " + d.get("timeOfRecord").toString()); System.out.println("Time of update: " + d.get("timeOfLocationUpdate").toString()); System.out.println("Speed: " + d.get("speed").toString()); System.out.println("Latitude: " + d.get("currentLocationLat").toString()); System.out.println("Longitude: " + d.get("currentLocationLon").toString()); System.out.println("Odometer: " + d.get("odometer").toString()); System.out.println("Orientation: " + d.get("currentOrientation").toString()); System.out.println("Congestion level: " + d.get("congestionLevel").toString()); System.out.println("Status: " + d.get("status").toString()); System.out.println("Label: " + d.get("label").toString()); System.out.println("License plate: " + d.get("licensePlate").toString()); System.out.println("**********************************\n"); } public static void redisInsertTest3(JedisCluster jc, List<AlertTest> alerts) { for (int i = 0; i < alerts.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < alerts.get(i).getRouteID().size(); j++) { String ID = alerts.get(i).getRouteID().get(j); jc.rpush(ID, "" + alerts.get(i).cause); jc.rpush(ID, "" + alerts.get(i).effect); jc.expire(ID, 60); } } } public static void redisInsertTest2(JedisCluster jc, List<TripUpdate> tripUpdates) { for (int i = 0; i < tripUpdates.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.size(); j++) { String ID = tripUpdates.get(i).tripId + "-" + j; jc.rpush(ID, "" + tripUpdates.get(i).tripId); jc.rpush(ID, "" + tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.get(j).arrivalDelay); jc.rpush(ID, "" + tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.get(j).arrivalTime); jc.rpush(ID, "" + tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.get(j).departureDelay); jc.rpush(ID, "" + tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.get(j).departureTime); jc.rpush(ID, "" + tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.get(j).stopSeq); jc.expire(ID, 60); } } } public static void redisInsertTest(JedisCluster jc, List<VehiclePositionTest> positions) { for (int i = 0; i < positions.size(); i++) { Map<String, String> hash = new HashMap<String, String>(); hash.put("vehicleId", positions.get(i).getVehicleId()); hash.put("stopId", positions.get(i).getStopId()); hash.put("tripId", positions.get(i).getTripId()); hash.put("agencyId", positions.get(i).getAgencyId()); hash.put("timeOfRecord", "" + positions.get(i).getTimeOfRecord()); hash.put("timeOfLocationUpdate", "" + positions.get(i).getTimeOfLocationUpdate()); hash.put("speed", "" + positions.get(i).getSpeed()); hash.put("currentLocationLat", "" + positions.get(i).getCurrentLocationLat()); hash.put("currentLocationLon", "" + positions.get(i).getCurrentLocationLon()); hash.put("odometer", "" + positions.get(i).getOdometer()); hash.put("currentOrientation", "" + positions.get(i).getCurrentOrientation()); hash.put("congestionLevel", positions.get(i).getCongestionLevel()); hash.put("status", positions.get(i).getStatus()); hash.put("label", positions.get(i).getLabel()); hash.put("licensePlate", positions.get(i).getLicensePlate()); jc.hmset(positions.get(i).getVehicleId(), hash); jc.expire(positions.get(i).getVehicleId(), expire); } } public static void redisQueryTest2(JedisCluster jc, List<TripUpdate> tripUpdates) { System.out.println("********* REDIS OUTPUT *********"); for (int i = 0; i < tripUpdates.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.size(); j++) { String ID = tripUpdates.get(i).tripId + "-" + j; System.out.println(ID); System.out.println("trip ID: " + jc.lindex(ID, 0)); System.out.println("delay: " + jc.lindex(ID, 1)); System.out.println("time: " + jc.lindex(ID, 2)); System.out.println("stopseq: " + jc.lindex(ID, 3)); } } System.out.println("**********************************\n"); } public static void redisQueryTest(JedisCluster jc, List<VehiclePositionTest> positions) { System.out.println("********* REDIS OUTPUT *********"); for (int i = 0; i < positions.size(); i++) { System.out.println(i + "Lat: " + jc.hget(positions.get(i).getVehicleId(), "currentLocationLat")); System.out.println(i + "Lon: " + jc.hget(positions.get(i).getVehicleId(), "currentLocationLon")); } System.out.println("**********************************\n"); } private static JedisPool getRandomNode(List<JedisPool> pools) { return pools.get(new Random().nextInt(pools.size())); } public static void pubTest3(List<JedisPool> pools, List<AlertTest> alerts) throws InterruptedException { JedisPool jp = getRandomNode(pools); Jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = jp.getResource(); for (int i = 0; i < alerts.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < alerts.get(i).getRouteID().size(); j++) { if (alerts.get(i).getRouteID().get(j) == null) continue; String ID = alerts.get(i).getRouteID().get(j); System.out.println("I will publish message on channel " + ID + ", " + jedis.getClient().getHost() + ":" + jedis.getClient().getPort()); jedis.publish(ID, "\"" + ID + "\" " + "{ " + "\"ID\": \"" + alerts.get(i).ID + "\", " + "\"cause\": \"" + alerts.get(i).cause + "\", " + "\"effect\": \"" + alerts.get(i).effect + "\", " + "\"text\": \"" + alerts.get(i).text + "\", " + "\"timestamp\": " + new Date().getTime() + " " + "}"); /*jedis.publish(ID + ".pubStatus", "New"); jedis.publish(ID + ".ID" , "" + alerts.get(i).ID); jedis.publish(ID + ".cause" , "" + alerts.get(i).cause); jedis.publish(ID + ".effect" , "" + alerts.get(i).effect); jedis.publish(ID + ".text" , "" + alerts.get(i).text);*/ } for (int j = 0; j < alerts.get(i).getStopID().size(); j++) { if (alerts.get(i).getStopID().get(j) == null) continue; String ID = alerts.get(i).getStopID().get(j); System.out.println("I will publish message on channel " + ID + ", " + jedis.getClient().getHost() + ":" + jedis.getClient().getPort()); jedis.publish(ID, "{ " + "\"ID\": \"" + alerts.get(i).ID + "\", " + "\"cause\": \"" + alerts.get(i).cause + "\", " + "\"effect\": \"" + alerts.get(i).effect + "\", " + "\"text\": \"" + alerts.get(i).text + "\", " + "\"timestamp\": " + new Date().getTime() + " " + "}"); /*jedis.publish(ID + ".pubStatus", "New"); jedis.publish(ID + ".ID" , "" + alerts.get(i).ID); jedis.publish(ID + ".cause" , "" + alerts.get(i).cause); jedis.publish(ID + ".effect" , "" + alerts.get(i).effect); jedis.publish(ID + ".text" , "" + alerts.get(i).text);*/ } for (int j = 0; j < alerts.get(i).getAgencyID().size(); j++) { if (alerts.get(i).getAgencyID().get(j) == null) continue; String ID = alerts.get(i).getStopID().get(j); System.out.println("I will publish message on channel " + ID + ", " + jedis.getClient().getHost() + ":" + jedis.getClient().getPort()); jedis.publish(ID, "{ " + "\"ID\": \"" + alerts.get(i).ID + "\", " + "\"cause\": \"" + alerts.get(i).cause + "\", " + "\"effect\": \"" + alerts.get(i).effect + "\", " + "\"text\": \"" + alerts.get(i).text + "\", " + "\"timestamp\": " + new Date().getTime() + " " + "}"); /*jedis.publish(ID + ".pubStatus", "New"); jedis.publish(ID + ".ID" , "" + alerts.get(i).ID); jedis.publish(ID + ".cause" , "" + alerts.get(i).cause); jedis.publish(ID + ".effect" , "" + alerts.get(i).effect); jedis.publish(ID + ".text" , "" + alerts.get(i).text);*/ } } //Thread.sleep(1000); jedis.publish("broadcastAlert", "Complete"); //jedis.publish("broadcastAlert" + ".time", ""+System.nanoTime()); } catch (JedisConnectionException e) { System.out.println("JedisConnectionException occurred in PubTest"); if (jedis != null) { jp.returnBrokenResource(jedis); jedis = null; } // it seems that this node is broken, assign new node jp = getRandomNode(pools); } finally { if (jedis != null) { jp.returnResource(jedis); } } } public static void pubTest2(List<JedisPool> pools, List<TripUpdate> tripUpdates) throws InterruptedException { JedisPool jp = getRandomNode(pools); Jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = jp.getResource(); //System.out.println("I will publish message on channel " + positions.get(0).getVehicleId() + ", " + jedis.getClient().getHost() + ":" + // jedis.getClient().getPort()); for (int i = 0; i < tripUpdates.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.size(); j++) { String ID = tripUpdates.get(i).tripId + "." + j; System.out.println("I will publish message on channel " + ID + ", " + jedis.getClient().getHost() + ":" + jedis.getClient().getPort()); jedis.publish(ID, "{ " + "\"arr_delay\": " + tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.get(j).arrivalDelay + ", " + "\"arr_time\": " + tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.get(j).arrivalTime + ", " + "\"dep_delay\": " + tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.get(j).departureDelay + ", " + "\"dep_time\": " + tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.get(j).departureTime + ", " + "\"stopseq\": " + tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.get(j).stopSeq + ", " + "\"timestamp\": " + new Date().getTime() + " " + "}"); /*jedis.publish(ID + ".arr_delay" , "" + tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.get(j).arrivalDelay); jedis.publish(ID + ".arr_time" , "" + tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.get(j).arrivalTime); jedis.publish(ID + ".dep_delay" , "" + tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.get(j).departureDelay); jedis.publish(ID + ".dep_time" , "" + tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.get(j).departureTime); jedis.publish(ID + ".stopseq" , "" + tripUpdates.get(i).stopUpdates.get(j).stopSeq);*/ } //jedis.publish(tripUpdates.get(i).tripId + ".pubStatus", "New"); } jedis.publish("broadcastTrip", "Complete"); //jedis.publish("broadcastTrip" + ".time", ""+System.nanoTime()); } catch (JedisConnectionException e) { System.out.println("JedisConnectionException occurred in PubTest"); if (jedis != null) { jp.returnBrokenResource(jedis); jedis = null; } // it seems that this node is broken, assign new node jp = getRandomNode(pools); } finally { if (jedis != null) { jp.returnResource(jedis); } } } public static void pubTest(List<JedisPool> pools, List<VehiclePositionTest> positions) throws InterruptedException { JedisPool jp = getRandomNode(pools); Jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = jp.getResource(); //System.out.println("I will publish message on channel " + positions.get(0).getVehicleId() + ", " + jedis.getClient().getHost() + ":" + // jedis.getClient().getPort()); //long time = new Date().getTime(); for (int i = 0; i < positions.size(); i++) { System.out.println("I will publish message on channel " + positions.get(i).getVehicleId() + ", " + jedis.getClient().getHost() + ":" + jedis.getClient().getPort()); jedis.publish(positions.get(i).getVehicleId(), "{ " + "\"lat\": " + positions.get(i).getCurrentLocationLat() + ", " + "\"lon\": " + positions.get(i).getCurrentLocationLon() + ", " + "\"agencyId\": \"" + positions.get(i).getAgencyId() + "\", " + "\"routeId\": \"" + positions.get(i).getRouteId() + "\", " + "\"vehicleId\": \"" + positions.get(i).getVehicleId() + "\", " + "\"timestamp\": " + new Date().getTime() + " " + "}"); /*jedis.publish(positions.get(i).getVehicleId() + ".pubStatus", "New"+ ";" + new Date().getTime()); jedis.publish(positions.get(i).getVehicleId() + ".lat" , "" + positions.get(i).getCurrentLocationLat()+ ";" + new Date().getTime()); jedis.publish(positions.get(i).getVehicleId() + ".lon" , "" + positions.get(i).getCurrentLocationLon()+ ";" + new Date().getTime()); jedis.publish(positions.get(i).getVehicleId() + ".agencyId" , "" + positions.get(i).getAgencyId()+ ";" + new Date().getTime()); jedis.publish(positions.get(i).getVehicleId() + ".routeId" , "" + positions.get(i).getRouteId()+ ";" + new Date().getTime()); jedis.publish(positions.get(i).getVehicleId() + ".vehicleId" , "" + positions.get(i).getVehicleId()+ ";" + new Date().getTime());*/ } jedis.publish("broadcastPos", "Complete"); //jedis.publish("broadcastPos" + ".time", ""+ time); } catch (JedisConnectionException e) { System.out.println("JedisConnectionException occurred in PubTest"); if (jedis != null) { jp.returnBrokenResource(jedis); jedis = null; } // it seems that this node is broken, assign new node jp = getRandomNode(pools); } finally { if (jedis != null) { jp.returnResource(jedis); } } } public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException, InterruptedException { System.out.println("testing publisher"); //System.out.println(tripUpdates.get(0).tripId + " - " + // tripUpdates.get(0).stopUpdates.get(0).stopSeq + ": " + // tripUpdates.get(0).stopUpdates.get(0).arrivalDelay); GtfsRealtimeHttpVehicleUpdateSource gtfs = new GtfsRealtimeHttpVehicleUpdateSource(); GtfsRealtimeHttpTripUpdateSource tripgtfs = new GtfsRealtimeHttpTripUpdateSource(); //GtfsRealtimeHttpAlertsUpdateSource alertgtfs = new GtfsRealtimeHttpAlertsUpdateSource(); Set<HostAndPort> jedisClusterNodes = new HashSet<HostAndPort>(); jedisClusterNodes.add(new HostAndPort("", 7005)); JedisCluster jc = new JedisCluster(jedisClusterNodes); System.out.println("Currently " + jc.getClusterNodes().size() + " nodes in cluster"); Map<String, JedisPool> nodeMap = jc.getClusterNodes(); List<JedisPool> nodePoolList = new ArrayList<JedisPool>(nodeMap.values()); Collections.shuffle(nodePoolList); System.out.println("connect to mongo"); ; MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(""); DB db = mongoClient.getDB("mydb"); System.out.println("connected!"); DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("testCollection"); /*String ID = "test"; BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject(); doc.append("_id", ID).append("seq", "0"); System.out.println("find"); DBCursor cursor = coll.find(); System.out.println("print"); while(cursor.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; }*/ while (true) { List<TripUpdate> tripUpdates; List<AlertTest> alerts = null; TripUpdateTest tpt = new TripUpdateTest(); if (args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("testArrivalDelay")) tripUpdates = tpt.testArrivalDelay("testTrip"); else if (args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("testDepartureDelay")) tripUpdates = tpt.testDepartureDelay("testTrip"); else if (args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("tesTripUpdate")) tripUpdates = tpt.testTripUpdate("testTrip"); else if (args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("testDepArrDelay")) tripUpdates = tpt.testDepArrDelay("testTrip", "testTrip2"); else if (args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("testRandomDelay")) tripUpdates = tpt.testRandomDelay("testTrip", "testTrip2"); else if (args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("testFileDelay")) tripUpdates = tpt.testFileDelay("testTrip"); else tripUpdates = tripgtfs.getTripUpdates(); if (args.length > 0 && (args[0].equals("testAlert") || args.length > 1 && args[1].equals("testAlert"))) alerts = tpt.testAlert("testRoute"); //List<Alert> alerts = alertgtfs.getAlerts(); List<VehiclePositionTest> positions = gtfs.getVehiclePositionUpdates(); correctNullValues(positions); //printPositions(positions); if (args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("mongo")) { mongoInsertTest(db, positions); mongoQueryTest(db, positions); mongoInsertTest2(db, tripUpdates); mongoQueryTest2(db, tripUpdates); } //redisInsertTest(jc, positions); //redisQueryTest(jc, positions); //redisInsertTest2(jc, tripUpdates); //redisInsertTest3(jc, alerts); //redisQueryTest2(jc, tripUpdates); pubTest(nodePoolList, positions); pubTest2(nodePoolList, tripUpdates); if (alerts != null) pubTest3(nodePoolList, alerts); Thread.sleep(10000); } } }