A while statement is a loop statement.
It executes a statement repeatedly as long as a condition is true.
The general form of a while-loop statement is
while (condition-expression)
The condition-expression must be a boolean expression.
The statement can be a simple statement or a block statement.
The condition-expression in a while-loop statement is not optional.
The body of a while loop may not be executed even once if the condition-expression evaluates to false for the first time.
To make a while statement infinite loop, use the boolean literal true as the condition-expression.
while (true) System.out.println ("This is an infinite loop");
Some for-loop statements can be converted to a while-loop statement.
The conversion between a for-loop and a while-loop statement is shown below.
A for-loop statement:
for (initialization; condition-expression; expression-list)
Equivalent while-loop Statements:
while (condition-expression) {