Example usage for Java weka.clusterers XMeans fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
XMeans() the default constructor. |
void | buildClusterer(Instances data) Generates the X-Means clusterer. |
int | clusterInstance(Instance instance) Classifies a given instance. |
Instances | getClusterCenters() Return the centers of the clusters as an Instances object |
void | setBinValue(double value) Sets the distance value between true and false of binary attributes. |
void | setCutOffFactor(double i) Sets a new cutoff factor. |
void | setDebugLevel(int d) Sets the debug level. |
void | setDistanceF(DistanceFunction distanceF) gets the "binary" distance value. |
void | setMaxIterations(int i) Sets the maximum number of iterations to perform. |
void | setMaxKMeans(int i) Set the maximum number of iterations to perform in KMeans. |
void | setMaxKMeansForChildren(int i) Sets the maximum number of iterations KMeans that is performed on the child centers. |
void | setMaxNumClusters(int n) Sets the maximum number of clusters to generate. |
void | setMinNumClusters(int n) Sets the minimum number of clusters to generate. |
void | setUseKDTree(boolean value) Sets whether to use the KDTree or not. |