Example usage for Java weka.clusterers HierarchicalClusterer fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
void | buildClusterer(Instances data) |
int | clusterInstance(Instance instance) |
String | debugTipText() Returns the tip text for this property |
double[] | distributionForInstance(Instance instance) |
int | getNumClusters() |
String[] | getOptions() Gets the current settings of the clusterer. |
String | globalInfo() This will return a string describing the clusterer. |
String | graph() |
int | numberOfClusters() |
String | numClustersTipText() |
void | setDebug(boolean debug) Set debugging mode. |
void | setDistanceFunction(DistanceFunction distanceFunction) |
void | setDistanceIsBranchLength(boolean bDistanceIsHeight) |
void | setLinkType(SelectedTag newLinkType) |
void | setNumClusters(int nClusters) |
void | setOptions(String[] options) Parses a given list of options. |
void | setPrintNewick(boolean bPrintNewick) |
String | toString() |