Example usage for Java weka.classifiers.timeseries WekaForecaster fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
void | buildForecaster(Instances insts, PrintStream... progress) Builds a new forecasting model using the supplied training data. |
| forecast(int numSteps, PrintStream... progress) Produce a forecast for the target field(s). |
TSLagMaker | getTSLagMaker() Get the TSLagMaker that we are using. |
void | primeForecaster(Instances insts) Supply the (potentially) trained model with enough historical data, up to and including the current time point, in order to produce a forecast. |
void | setBaseForecaster(Classifier f) Set the base Weka regression scheme to use. |
void | setFieldsToForecast(String fieldsToForecast) Set the names of the fields/attributes in the data to forecast. |