Java weka.classifiers.timeseries WekaForecaster fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java weka.classifiers.timeseries WekaForecaster fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for weka.classifiers.timeseries WekaForecaster.

The text is from its open source code.



voidbuildForecaster(Instances insts, PrintStream... progress)
Builds a new forecasting model using the supplied training data.
List>forecast(int numSteps, PrintStream... progress)
Produce a forecast for the target field(s).
Get the TSLagMaker that we are using.
voidprimeForecaster(Instances insts)
Supply the (potentially) trained model with enough historical data, up to and including the current time point, in order to produce a forecast.
voidsetBaseForecaster(Classifier f)
Set the base Weka regression scheme to use.
voidsetFieldsToForecast(String fieldsToForecast)
Set the names of the fields/attributes in the data to forecast.