List of usage examples for weka.classifiers.meta RegressionByDiscretization setClassifier
public void setClassifier(Classifier newClassifier)
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Builds the classifier.//w w w . j av a2s. c o m */ // aly: The main function, where everything important happens private void buildClassifier() throws Exception { // Generate input format for classifier FastVector atts = new FastVector(); for (int i = 0; i < getInputFormat().numAttributes(); i++) { if (i == m_DocumentAtt) { atts.addElement(new Attribute("TFxIDF")); atts.addElement(new Attribute("First_occurrence")); if (m_KFused) { atts.addElement(new Attribute("Keyphrase_frequency")); } if (m_STDEVfeature) { atts.addElement(new Attribute("Standard_deviation")); } if (m_NODEfeature) { atts.addElement(new Attribute("Relations_number")); } if (m_LENGTHfeature) { atts.addElement(new Attribute("Phrase_length")); } } else if (i == m_KeyphrasesAtt) { FastVector vals = new FastVector(2); vals.addElement("False"); vals.addElement("True"); //atts.addElement(new Attribute("Keyphrase?", vals)); atts.addElement(new Attribute("Keyphrase?")); } } m_ClassifierData = new Instances("ClassifierData", atts, 0); m_ClassifierData.setClassIndex(m_NumFeatures); if (m_Debug) {"--- Converting instances for classifier"); } // Convert pending input instances into data for classifier for (int i = 0; i < getInputFormat().numInstances(); i++) { Instance current = getInputFormat().instance(i); // Get the key phrases for the document String keyphrases = current.stringValue(m_KeyphrasesAtt); HashMap<String, Counter> hashKeyphrases = getGivenKeyphrases(keyphrases, false); HashMap<String, Counter> hashKeysEval = getGivenKeyphrases(keyphrases, true); // Get the phrases for the document HashMap<String, FastVector> hash = new HashMap<String, FastVector>(); int length = getPhrases(hash, current.stringValue(m_DocumentAtt)); // hash = getComposits(hash); // Compute the feature values for each phrase and // add the instance to the data for the classifier Iterator<String> it = hash.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String phrase =; FastVector phraseInfo = (FastVector) hash.get(phrase); double[] vals = featVals(phrase, phraseInfo, true, hashKeysEval, hashKeyphrases, length, hash); //; Instance inst = new Instance(current.weight(), vals); // .err.println(phrase + "\t" + inst.toString()); m_ClassifierData.add(inst); } } if (m_Debug) {"--- Building classifier"); } // Build classifier // Uncomment if you want to use a different classifier // Caution: Other places in the code will have to be adjusted!! /*I. Naive Bayes: FilteredClassifier fclass = new FilteredClassifier(); fclass.setClassifier(new weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayesSimple()); fclass.setFilter(new Discretize()); m_Classifier = fclass; */ //NaiveBayes nb = new NaiveBayes(); //nb.setUseSupervisedDiscretization(true); //m_Classifier = nb; /* II. Linear Regression: LinearRegression lr = new LinearRegression(); lr.setAttributeSelectionMethod(new weka.core.SelectedTag(1, LinearRegression.TAGS_SELECTION)); lr.setEliminateColinearAttributes(false); lr.setDebug(false); m_Classifier = lr;*/ /* III. Bagging with REPTrees Bagging bagging = new Bagging(); String[] ops_bagging = { new String("-P"), new String("100"), new String("-S"), new String("1"), new String("-I"), new String("50")}; */ /* * REPTree rept = new REPTree(); //results are worse! rept.setNoPruning(true); String[] ops_rept = { new String("-M"), new String("2"), new String("-V"), new String("0.0010"), new String("-N"), new String("3"), new String("-S"), new String("1"), new String("-L"), new String("1"),}; rept.setOptions(ops_rept); bagging.setClassifier(rept); */ // bagging.setOptions(ops_bagging); //FilteredClassifier fclass = new FilteredClassifier(); //fclass.setClassifier(new REPTree()); //fclass.setFilter(new Discretize()); //bagging.setClassifier(fclass); // m_Classifier = bagging; RegressionByDiscretization rvd = new RegressionByDiscretization(); FilteredClassifier fclass = new FilteredClassifier(); fclass.setClassifier(new weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayesSimple()); fclass.setFilter(new Discretize()); rvd.setClassifier(fclass); rvd.setNumBins(m_Indexers + 1); m_Classifier = rvd; //; //System.exit(1); m_Classifier.buildClassifier(m_ClassifierData); if (m_Debug) {"" + m_Classifier); } // Save space m_ClassifierData = new Instances(m_ClassifierData, 0); }