List of usage examples for weka.classifiers Classifier buildClassifier
public abstract void buildClassifier(Instances data) throws Exception;
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License:Open Source License
private static void evalModel(Classifier wekaModel, Instances train, Instances test) throws Exception { long start;/*from ww w. j a va 2 s . c o m*/ long end; System.gc(); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); wekaModel.buildClassifier(train); end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("\tTraining took: " + (end - start) / 1000.0); System.gc(); Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(train); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); eval.evaluateModel(wekaModel, test); end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println( "\tEvaluation took " + (end - start) / 1000.0 + " seconds with an error rate " + eval.errorRate()); System.gc(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Train the given classifier//from www . j a v a2 s. co m * * @param newData * @param classifier * @throws Exception */ public static void trainClassifier(Instances newData, Classifier classifier) throws Exception { // if the class attributed is not unary we proceed regularly // verify the Classifier can handle this dataset classifier.getCapabilities().testWithFail(newData); System.out.println("BUILDING CLASSIFIER ON INSTANCE:" + newData.toSummaryString()); long treeTstart = System.currentTimeMillis(); classifier.buildClassifier(newData); // build classifier long treeTend = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("CLASSIFIER BUILDING TIME: " + (treeTend - treeTstart) + "ms FROM: " + newData.numInstances() + " instances \n" + classifier.toString()); }
From source
public String run() throws Exception { ConverterUtils.DataSource source = new ConverterUtils.DataSource("src/files/powerpuffgirls.arff"); HashMap<String, Classifier> hash = new HashMap<>(); hash.put("J48", new J48()); hash.put("NaiveBayes", new NaiveBayes()); hash.put("IBk=1", new IBk(1)); hash.put("IBk=3", new IBk(3)); hash.put("MultilayerPerceptron", new MultilayerPerceptron()); LibSVM svm = new LibSVM(); hash.put("LibSVM", svm); Instances ins = source.getDataSet(); ins.setClassIndex(4);/*from ww w .j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int blossom = 0; int bubbles = 0; Instance test = null; for (Map.Entry<String, Classifier> entry : hash.entrySet()) { Classifier c = entry.getValue(); c.buildClassifier(ins); test = new Instance(5); float[] array = classifyImage(); test.setDataset(ins); test.setValue(0, array[0]); test.setValue(1, array[1]); test.setValue(2, array[2]); test.setValue(3, array[3]); double prob[] = c.distributionForInstance(test); sb.append("<em>"); sb.append(entry.getKey()); sb.append(":</em>"); sb.append("<br/>"); for (int i = 0; i < prob.length; i++) { String value = test.classAttribute().value(i); if (getRoundedValue(prob[i]) >= CUT_NOTE) { if (getClassValue(value)) blossom++; else bubbles++; } sb.append(getClassName(value)); sb.append(": "); sb.append("<strong>"); sb.append(getRoundedValue(prob[i]) < CUT_NOTE ? "Rejeitado!" : getValueFormatted(prob[i])); sb.append("</strong>"); sb.append(" "); } sb.append("<br/>"); System.out.println("blossom: " + blossom); System.out.println("bubbles: " + bubbles); System.out.println("=================\n"); } sb.append(blossom > bubbles ? "<h3> a Florzinha!</h3>" : "<h3> a Lindinha!</h3>"); blossom = 0; bubbles = 0; return sb.toString(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Performs a (stratified if class is nominal) cross-validation * for a classifier on a set of instances. Now performs * a deep copy of the classifier before each call to * buildClassifier() (just in case the classifier is not * initialized properly).//from w ww . j ava 2 s.c o m * * @param classifier the classifier with any options set. * @param data the data on which the cross-validation is to be * performed * @param numFolds the number of folds for the cross-validation * @param random random number generator for randomization * @param forPredictionsString varargs parameter that, if supplied, is * expected to hold a StringBuffer to print predictions to, * a Range of attributes to output and a Boolean (true if the distribution * is to be printed) * @throws Exception if a classifier could not be generated * successfully or the class is not defined */ public void crossValidateModel(Classifier classifier, Instances data, int numFolds, Random random, Object... forPredictionsPrinting) throws Exception { // Make a copy of the data we can reorder data = new Instances(data); data.randomize(random); if (data.classAttribute().isNominal()) { data.stratify(numFolds); } // We assume that the first element is a StringBuffer, the second a Range (attributes // to output) and the third a Boolean (whether or not to output a distribution instead // of just a classification) if (forPredictionsPrinting.length > 0) { // print the header first StringBuffer buff = (StringBuffer) forPredictionsPrinting[0]; Range attsToOutput = (Range) forPredictionsPrinting[1]; boolean printDist = ((Boolean) forPredictionsPrinting[2]).booleanValue(); printClassificationsHeader(data, attsToOutput, printDist, buff); } // Do the folds for (int i = 0; i < numFolds; i++) { Instances train = data.trainCV(numFolds, i, random); setPriors(train); Classifier copiedClassifier = Classifier.makeCopy(classifier); copiedClassifier.buildClassifier(train); Instances test = data.testCV(numFolds, i); evaluateModel(copiedClassifier, test, forPredictionsPrinting); } m_NumFolds = numFolds; }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Evaluates a classifier with the options given in an array of * strings. <p/>//from w w w . j a va 2 s . co m * * Valid options are: <p/> * * -t name of training file <br/> * Name of the file with the training data. (required) <p/> * * -T name of test file <br/> * Name of the file with the test data. If missing a cross-validation * is performed. <p/> * * -c class index <br/> * Index of the class attribute (1, 2, ...; default: last). <p/> * * -x number of folds <br/> * The number of folds for the cross-validation (default: 10). <p/> * * -no-cv <br/> * No cross validation. If no test file is provided, no evaluation * is done. <p/> * * -split-percentage percentage <br/> * Sets the percentage for the train/test set split, e.g., 66. <p/> * * -preserve-order <br/> * Preserves the order in the percentage split instead of randomizing * the data first with the seed value ('-s'). <p/> * * -s seed <br/> * Random number seed for the cross-validation and percentage split * (default: 1). <p/> * * -m file with cost matrix <br/> * The name of a file containing a cost matrix. <p/> * * -l filename <br/> * Loads classifier from the given file. In case the filename ends with * ".xml",a PMML file is loaded or, if that fails, options are loaded from XML. <p/> * * -d filename <br/> * Saves classifier built from the training data into the given file. In case * the filename ends with ".xml" the options are saved XML, not the model. <p/> * * -v <br/> * Outputs no statistics for the training data. <p/> * * -o <br/> * Outputs statistics only, not the classifier. <p/> * * -i <br/> * Outputs detailed information-retrieval statistics per class. <p/> * * -k <br/> * Outputs information-theoretic statistics. <p/> * * -p range <br/> * Outputs predictions for test instances (or the train instances if no test * instances provided and -no-cv is used), along with the attributes in the specified range * (and nothing else). Use '-p 0' if no attributes are desired. <p/> * * -distribution <br/> * Outputs the distribution instead of only the prediction * in conjunction with the '-p' option (only nominal classes). <p/> * * -r <br/> * Outputs cumulative margin distribution (and nothing else). <p/> * * -g <br/> * Only for classifiers that implement "Graphable." Outputs * the graph representation of the classifier (and nothing * else). <p/> * * -xml filename | xml-string <br/> * Retrieves the options from the XML-data instead of the command line. <p/> * * @param classifier machine learning classifier * @param options the array of string containing the options * @throws Exception if model could not be evaluated successfully * @return a string describing the results */ public static String evaluateModel(Classifier classifier, String[] options) throws Exception { Instances train = null, tempTrain, test = null, template = null; int seed = 1, folds = 10, classIndex = -1; boolean noCrossValidation = false; String trainFileName, testFileName, sourceClass, classIndexString, seedString, foldsString, objectInputFileName, objectOutputFileName, attributeRangeString; boolean noOutput = false, printClassifications = false, trainStatistics = true, printMargins = false, printComplexityStatistics = false, printGraph = false, classStatistics = false, printSource = false; StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(); DataSource trainSource = null, testSource = null; ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = null; BufferedInputStream xmlInputStream = null; CostMatrix costMatrix = null; StringBuffer schemeOptionsText = null; Range attributesToOutput = null; long trainTimeStart = 0, trainTimeElapsed = 0, testTimeStart = 0, testTimeElapsed = 0; String xml = ""; String[] optionsTmp = null; Classifier classifierBackup; Classifier classifierClassifications = null; boolean printDistribution = false; int actualClassIndex = -1; // 0-based class index String splitPercentageString = ""; int splitPercentage = -1; boolean preserveOrder = false; boolean trainSetPresent = false; boolean testSetPresent = false; String thresholdFile; String thresholdLabel; StringBuffer predsBuff = null; // predictions from cross-validation // help requested? if (Utils.getFlag("h", options) || Utils.getFlag("help", options)) { // global info requested as well? boolean globalInfo = Utils.getFlag("synopsis", options) || Utils.getFlag("info", options); throw new Exception("\nHelp requested." + makeOptionString(classifier, globalInfo)); } try { // do we get the input from XML instead of normal parameters? xml = Utils.getOption("xml", options); if (!xml.equals("")) options = new XMLOptions(xml).toArray(); // is the input model only the XML-Options, i.e. w/o built model? optionsTmp = new String[options.length]; for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) optionsTmp[i] = options[i]; String tmpO = Utils.getOption('l', optionsTmp); //if (Utils.getOption('l', optionsTmp).toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml")) { if (tmpO.endsWith(".xml")) { // try to load file as PMML first boolean success = false; try { //PMMLModel pmmlModel = PMMLFactory.getPMMLModel(tmpO); //if (pmmlModel instanceof PMMLClassifier) { //classifier = ((PMMLClassifier)pmmlModel); // success = true; //} } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { success = false; } if (!success) { // load options from serialized data ('-l' is automatically erased!) XMLClassifier xmlserial = new XMLClassifier(); Classifier cl = (Classifier)'l', options)); // merge options optionsTmp = new String[options.length + cl.getOptions().length]; System.arraycopy(cl.getOptions(), 0, optionsTmp, 0, cl.getOptions().length); System.arraycopy(options, 0, optionsTmp, cl.getOptions().length, options.length); options = optionsTmp; } } noCrossValidation = Utils.getFlag("no-cv", options); // Get basic options (options the same for all schemes) classIndexString = Utils.getOption('c', options); if (classIndexString.length() != 0) { if (classIndexString.equals("first")) classIndex = 1; else if (classIndexString.equals("last")) classIndex = -1; else classIndex = Integer.parseInt(classIndexString); } trainFileName = Utils.getOption('t', options); objectInputFileName = Utils.getOption('l', options); objectOutputFileName = Utils.getOption('d', options); testFileName = Utils.getOption('T', options); foldsString = Utils.getOption('x', options); if (foldsString.length() != 0) { folds = Integer.parseInt(foldsString); } seedString = Utils.getOption('s', options); if (seedString.length() != 0) { seed = Integer.parseInt(seedString); } if (trainFileName.length() == 0) { if (objectInputFileName.length() == 0) { throw new Exception("No training file and no object " + "input file given."); } if (testFileName.length() == 0) { throw new Exception("No training file and no test " + "file given."); } } else if ((objectInputFileName.length() != 0) && ((!(classifier instanceof UpdateableClassifier)) || (testFileName.length() == 0))) { throw new Exception("Classifier not incremental, or no " + "test file provided: can't " + "use both train and model file."); } try { if (trainFileName.length() != 0) { trainSetPresent = true; trainSource = new DataSource(trainFileName); } if (testFileName.length() != 0) { testSetPresent = true; testSource = new DataSource(testFileName); } if (objectInputFileName.length() != 0) { if (objectInputFileName.endsWith(".xml")) { // if this is the case then it means that a PMML classifier was // successfully loaded earlier in the code objectInputStream = null; xmlInputStream = null; } else { InputStream is = new FileInputStream(objectInputFileName); if (objectInputFileName.endsWith(".gz")) { is = new GZIPInputStream(is); } // load from KOML? if (!(objectInputFileName.endsWith(".koml") && KOML.isPresent())) { objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(is); xmlInputStream = null; } else { objectInputStream = null; xmlInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(is); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Can't open file " + e.getMessage() + '.'); } if (testSetPresent) { template = test = testSource.getStructure(); if (classIndex != -1) { test.setClassIndex(classIndex - 1); } else { if ((test.classIndex() == -1) || (classIndexString.length() != 0)) test.setClassIndex(test.numAttributes() - 1); } actualClassIndex = test.classIndex(); } else { // percentage split splitPercentageString = Utils.getOption("split-percentage", options); if (splitPercentageString.length() != 0) { if (foldsString.length() != 0) throw new Exception("Percentage split cannot be used in conjunction with " + "cross-validation ('-x')."); splitPercentage = Integer.parseInt(splitPercentageString); if ((splitPercentage <= 0) || (splitPercentage >= 100)) throw new Exception("Percentage split value needs be >0 and <100."); } else { splitPercentage = -1; } preserveOrder = Utils.getFlag("preserve-order", options); if (preserveOrder) { if (splitPercentage == -1) throw new Exception("Percentage split ('-percentage-split') is missing."); } // create new train/test sources if (splitPercentage > 0) { testSetPresent = true; Instances tmpInst = trainSource.getDataSet(actualClassIndex); if (!preserveOrder) tmpInst.randomize(new Random(seed)); int trainSize = tmpInst.numInstances() * splitPercentage / 100; int testSize = tmpInst.numInstances() - trainSize; Instances trainInst = new Instances(tmpInst, 0, trainSize); Instances testInst = new Instances(tmpInst, trainSize, testSize); trainSource = new DataSource(trainInst); testSource = new DataSource(testInst); template = test = testSource.getStructure(); if (classIndex != -1) { test.setClassIndex(classIndex - 1); } else { if ((test.classIndex() == -1) || (classIndexString.length() != 0)) test.setClassIndex(test.numAttributes() - 1); } actualClassIndex = test.classIndex(); } } if (trainSetPresent) { template = train = trainSource.getStructure(); if (classIndex != -1) { train.setClassIndex(classIndex - 1); } else { if ((train.classIndex() == -1) || (classIndexString.length() != 0)) train.setClassIndex(train.numAttributes() - 1); } actualClassIndex = train.classIndex(); if ((testSetPresent) && !test.equalHeaders(train)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Train and test file not compatible!"); } } if (template == null) { throw new Exception("No actual dataset provided to use as template"); } costMatrix = handleCostOption(Utils.getOption('m', options), template.numClasses()); classStatistics = Utils.getFlag('i', options); noOutput = Utils.getFlag('o', options); trainStatistics = !Utils.getFlag('v', options); printComplexityStatistics = Utils.getFlag('k', options); printMargins = Utils.getFlag('r', options); printGraph = Utils.getFlag('g', options); sourceClass = Utils.getOption('z', options); printSource = (sourceClass.length() != 0); printDistribution = Utils.getFlag("distribution", options); thresholdFile = Utils.getOption("threshold-file", options); thresholdLabel = Utils.getOption("threshold-label", options); // Check -p option try { attributeRangeString = Utils.getOption('p', options); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.getMessage() + "\nNOTE: the -p option has changed. " + "It now expects a parameter specifying a range of attributes " + "to list with the predictions. Use '-p 0' for none."); } if (attributeRangeString.length() != 0) { printClassifications = true; noOutput = true; if (!attributeRangeString.equals("0")) attributesToOutput = new Range(attributeRangeString); } if (!printClassifications && printDistribution) throw new Exception("Cannot print distribution without '-p' option!"); // if no training file given, we don't have any priors if ((!trainSetPresent) && (printComplexityStatistics)) throw new Exception("Cannot print complexity statistics ('-k') without training file ('-t')!"); // If a model file is given, we can't process // scheme-specific options if (objectInputFileName.length() != 0) { Utils.checkForRemainingOptions(options); } else { // Set options for classifier if (classifier instanceof OptionHandler) { for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (options[i].length() != 0) { if (schemeOptionsText == null) { schemeOptionsText = new StringBuffer(); } if (options[i].indexOf(' ') != -1) { schemeOptionsText.append('"' + options[i] + "\" "); } else { schemeOptionsText.append(options[i] + " "); } } } ((OptionHandler) classifier).setOptions(options); } } Utils.checkForRemainingOptions(options); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("\nWeka exception: " + e.getMessage() + makeOptionString(classifier, false)); } // Setup up evaluation objects Evaluation_D trainingEvaluation = new Evaluation_D(new Instances(template, 0), costMatrix); Evaluation_D testingEvaluation = new Evaluation_D(new Instances(template, 0), costMatrix); // disable use of priors if no training file given if (!trainSetPresent) testingEvaluation.useNoPriors(); if (objectInputFileName.length() != 0) { // Load classifier from file if (objectInputStream != null) { classifier = (Classifier) objectInputStream.readObject(); // try and read a header (if present) Instances savedStructure = null; try { savedStructure = (Instances) objectInputStream.readObject(); } catch (Exception ex) { // don't make a fuss } if (savedStructure != null) { // test for compatibility with template if (!template.equalHeaders(savedStructure)) { throw new Exception("training and test set are not compatible"); } } objectInputStream.close(); } else if (xmlInputStream != null) { // whether KOML is available has already been checked (objectInputStream would null otherwise)! classifier = (Classifier); xmlInputStream.close(); } } // backup of fully setup classifier for cross-validation classifierBackup = Classifier.makeCopy(classifier); // Build the classifier if no object file provided if ((classifier instanceof UpdateableClassifier) && (testSetPresent || noCrossValidation) && (costMatrix == null) && (trainSetPresent)) { // Build classifier incrementally trainingEvaluation.setPriors(train); testingEvaluation.setPriors(train); trainTimeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (objectInputFileName.length() == 0) { classifier.buildClassifier(train); } Instance trainInst; while (trainSource.hasMoreElements(train)) { trainInst = trainSource.nextElement(train); trainingEvaluation.updatePriors(trainInst); testingEvaluation.updatePriors(trainInst); ((UpdateableClassifier) classifier).updateClassifier(trainInst); } trainTimeElapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - trainTimeStart; } else if (objectInputFileName.length() == 0) { // Build classifier in one go tempTrain = trainSource.getDataSet(actualClassIndex); trainingEvaluation.setPriors(tempTrain); testingEvaluation.setPriors(tempTrain); trainTimeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); classifier.buildClassifier(tempTrain); trainTimeElapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - trainTimeStart; } // backup of fully trained classifier for printing the classifications if (printClassifications) classifierClassifications = Classifier.makeCopy(classifier); // Save the classifier if an object output file is provided if (objectOutputFileName.length() != 0) { OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(objectOutputFileName); // binary if (!(objectOutputFileName.endsWith(".xml") || (objectOutputFileName.endsWith(".koml") && KOML.isPresent()))) { if (objectOutputFileName.endsWith(".gz")) { os = new GZIPOutputStream(os); } ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(os); objectOutputStream.writeObject(classifier); if (template != null) { objectOutputStream.writeObject(template); } objectOutputStream.flush(); objectOutputStream.close(); } // KOML/XML else { BufferedOutputStream xmlOutputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(os); if (objectOutputFileName.endsWith(".xml")) { XMLSerialization xmlSerial = new XMLClassifier(); xmlSerial.write(xmlOutputStream, classifier); } else // whether KOML is present has already been checked // if not present -> ".koml" is interpreted as binary - see above if (objectOutputFileName.endsWith(".koml")) { KOML.write(xmlOutputStream, classifier); } xmlOutputStream.close(); } } // If classifier is drawable output string describing graph if ((classifier instanceof Drawable) && (printGraph)) { return ((Drawable) classifier).graph(); } // Output the classifier as equivalent source if ((classifier instanceof Sourcable) && (printSource)) { return wekaStaticWrapper((Sourcable) classifier, sourceClass); } // Output model if (!(noOutput || printMargins)) { if (classifier instanceof OptionHandler) { if (schemeOptionsText != null) { text.append("\nOptions: " + schemeOptionsText); text.append("\n"); } } text.append("\n" + classifier.toString() + "\n"); } if (!printMargins && (costMatrix != null)) { text.append("\n=== Evaluation Cost Matrix ===\n\n"); text.append(costMatrix.toString()); } // Output test instance predictions only if (printClassifications) { DataSource source = testSource; predsBuff = new StringBuffer(); // no test set -> use train set if (source == null && noCrossValidation) { source = trainSource; predsBuff.append("\n=== Predictions on training data ===\n\n"); } else { predsBuff.append("\n=== Predictions on test data ===\n\n"); } if (source != null) { /* return printClassifications(classifierClassifications, new Instances(template, 0), source, actualClassIndex + 1, attributesToOutput, printDistribution); */ printClassifications(classifierClassifications, new Instances(template, 0), source, actualClassIndex + 1, attributesToOutput, printDistribution, predsBuff); // return predsText.toString(); } } // Compute error estimate from training data if ((trainStatistics) && (trainSetPresent)) { if ((classifier instanceof UpdateableClassifier) && (testSetPresent) && (costMatrix == null)) { // Classifier was trained incrementally, so we have to // reset the source. trainSource.reset(); // Incremental testing train = trainSource.getStructure(actualClassIndex); testTimeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); Instance trainInst; while (trainSource.hasMoreElements(train)) { trainInst = trainSource.nextElement(train); trainingEvaluation.evaluateModelOnce((Classifier) classifier, trainInst); } testTimeElapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - testTimeStart; } else { testTimeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); trainingEvaluation.evaluateModel(classifier, trainSource.getDataSet(actualClassIndex)); testTimeElapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - testTimeStart; } // Print the results of the training evaluation if (printMargins) { return trainingEvaluation.toCumulativeMarginDistributionString(); } else { if (!printClassifications) { text.append("\nTime taken to build model: " + Utils.doubleToString(trainTimeElapsed / 1000.0, 2) + " seconds"); if (splitPercentage > 0) text.append("\nTime taken to test model on training split: "); else text.append("\nTime taken to test model on training data: "); text.append(Utils.doubleToString(testTimeElapsed / 1000.0, 2) + " seconds"); if (splitPercentage > 0) text.append(trainingEvaluation.toSummaryString("\n\n=== Error on training" + " split ===\n", printComplexityStatistics)); else text.append(trainingEvaluation.toSummaryString("\n\n=== Error on training" + " data ===\n", printComplexityStatistics)); if (template.classAttribute().isNominal()) { if (classStatistics) { text.append("\n\n" + trainingEvaluation.toClassDetailsString()); } if (!noCrossValidation) text.append("\n\n" + trainingEvaluation.toMatrixString()); } } } } // Compute proper error estimates if (testSource != null) { // Testing is on the supplied test data testSource.reset(); test = testSource.getStructure(test.classIndex()); Instance testInst; while (testSource.hasMoreElements(test)) { testInst = testSource.nextElement(test); testingEvaluation.evaluateModelOnceAndRecordPrediction((Classifier) classifier, testInst); } if (splitPercentage > 0) { if (!printClassifications) { text.append("\n\n" + testingEvaluation.toSummaryString("=== Error on test split ===\n", printComplexityStatistics)); } } else { if (!printClassifications) { text.append("\n\n" + testingEvaluation.toSummaryString("=== Error on test data ===\n", printComplexityStatistics)); } } } else if (trainSource != null) { if (!noCrossValidation) { // Testing is via cross-validation on training data Random random = new Random(seed); // use untrained (!) classifier for cross-validation classifier = Classifier.makeCopy(classifierBackup); if (!printClassifications) { testingEvaluation.crossValidateModel(classifier, trainSource.getDataSet(actualClassIndex), folds, random); if (template.classAttribute().isNumeric()) { text.append("\n\n\n" + testingEvaluation.toSummaryString("=== Cross-validation ===\n", printComplexityStatistics)); } else { text.append("\n\n\n" + testingEvaluation.toSummaryString( "=== Stratified " + "cross-validation ===\n", printComplexityStatistics)); } } else { predsBuff = new StringBuffer(); predsBuff.append("\n=== Predictions under cross-validation ===\n\n"); testingEvaluation.crossValidateModel(classifier, trainSource.getDataSet(actualClassIndex), folds, random, predsBuff, attributesToOutput, new Boolean(printDistribution)); /* if (template.classAttribute().isNumeric()) { text.append("\n\n\n" + testingEvaluation. toSummaryString("=== Cross-validation ===\n", printComplexityStatistics)); } else { text.append("\n\n\n" + testingEvaluation. toSummaryString("=== Stratified " + "cross-validation ===\n", printComplexityStatistics)); } */ } } } if (template.classAttribute().isNominal()) { if (classStatistics && !noCrossValidation && !printClassifications) { text.append("\n\n" + testingEvaluation.toClassDetailsString()); } if (!noCrossValidation && !printClassifications) text.append("\n\n" + testingEvaluation.toMatrixString()); } // predictions from cross-validation? if (predsBuff != null) { text.append("\n" + predsBuff); } if ((thresholdFile.length() != 0) && template.classAttribute().isNominal()) { int labelIndex = 0; if (thresholdLabel.length() != 0) labelIndex = template.classAttribute().indexOfValue(thresholdLabel); if (labelIndex == -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class label '" + thresholdLabel + "' is unknown!"); ThresholdCurve tc = new ThresholdCurve(); Instances result = tc.getCurve(testingEvaluation.predictions(), labelIndex); DataSink.write(thresholdFile, result); } return text.toString(); }
From source
public void createTrainingFeatureFile1(String input) throws Exception { String file = "Classifier\\featurefile_additive_trial1.arff"; ArffLoader loader = new ArffLoader(); //ATTRIBUTES//from ww w . ja va2s. c om Attribute attr[] = new Attribute[50]; //numeric attr[0] = new Attribute("Autosentiment"); //class FastVector classValue = new FastVector(3); classValue.addElement("p"); classValue.addElement("n"); classValue.addElement("o"); attr[1] = new Attribute("answer", classValue); FastVector attrs = new FastVector(); attrs.addElement(attr[0]); attrs.addElement(attr[1]); // Add Instances Instances dataset = new Instances("my_dataset", attrs, 0); if (new File(file).isFile()) { loader.setFile(new File(file)); dataset = loader.getDataSet(); } System.out.println("-----------------------------------------"); System.out.println(input); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------"); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(input); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { Instance example = new Instance(2); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { String st = tokenizer.nextToken(); System.out.println(j + " " + st); if (j == 0) example.setValue(attr[j], Float.parseFloat(st)); else if (j == 1) example.setValue(attr[j], st); else example.setValue(attr[j], Integer.parseInt(st)); } dataset.add(example); } //Save dataset ArffSaver saver = new ArffSaver(); saver.setInstances(dataset); saver.setFile(new File(file)); saver.writeBatch(); //Read dataset loader.setFile(new File(file)); dataset = loader.getDataSet(); //Build classifier dataset.setClassIndex(1); Classifier classifier = new J48(); classifier.buildClassifier(dataset); //Save classifier String file1 = "Classifier\\classifier_add_autosentiment.model"; OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file1); ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(os); objectOutputStream.writeObject(classifier); // Comment out if not needed //Read classifier back InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file1); ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(is); classifier = (Classifier) objectInputStream.readObject(); objectInputStream.close(); //Evaluate resample if needed //dataset = dataset.resample(new Random(42)); //split to 70:30 learn and test set double percent = 70.0; int trainSize = (int) Math.round(dataset.numInstances() * percent / 100); int testSize = dataset.numInstances() - trainSize; Instances train = new Instances(dataset, 0, trainSize); Instances test = new Instances(dataset, trainSize, testSize); train.setClassIndex(1); test.setClassIndex(1); //Evaluate Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(dataset); //trainset eval.crossValidateModel(classifier, dataset, 10, new Random(1)); System.out.println("EVALUATION:\n" + eval.toSummaryString()); System.out.println("WEIGHTED MEASURE:\n" + eval.weightedFMeasure()); System.out.println("WEIGHTED PRECISION:\n" + eval.weightedPrecision()); System.out.println("WEIGHTED RECALL:\n" + eval.weightedRecall()); }
From source
public void createTrainingFeatureFile2(String input) throws Exception { String file = "Classifier\\featurefile_additive_trial2.arff"; ArffLoader loader = new ArffLoader(); //ATTRIBUTES// www . j a va2 s . c o m Attribute attr[] = new Attribute[50]; //numeric attr[0] = new Attribute("Autosentiment"); attr[1] = new Attribute("PositiveMatch"); attr[2] = new Attribute("NegativeMatch"); //class FastVector classValue = new FastVector(3); classValue.addElement("p"); classValue.addElement("n"); classValue.addElement("o"); attr[3] = new Attribute("answer", classValue); FastVector attrs = new FastVector(); attrs.addElement(attr[0]); attrs.addElement(attr[1]); attrs.addElement(attr[2]); attrs.addElement(attr[3]); // Add Instances Instances dataset = new Instances("my_dataset", attrs, 0); if (new File(file).isFile()) { loader.setFile(new File(file)); dataset = loader.getDataSet(); } System.out.println("-----------------------------------------"); System.out.println(input); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------"); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(input); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { Instance example = new Instance(4); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { String st = tokenizer.nextToken(); System.out.println(j + " " + st); if (j == 0) example.setValue(attr[j], Float.parseFloat(st)); else if (j == 3) example.setValue(attr[j], st); else example.setValue(attr[j], Integer.parseInt(st)); } dataset.add(example); } //Save dataset ArffSaver saver = new ArffSaver(); saver.setInstances(dataset); saver.setFile(new File(file)); saver.writeBatch(); //Read dataset loader.setFile(new File(file)); dataset = loader.getDataSet(); //Build classifier dataset.setClassIndex(3); Classifier classifier = new J48(); classifier.buildClassifier(dataset); //Save classifier String file1 = "Classifier\\classifier_add_asAndpolarwords.model"; OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file1); ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(os); objectOutputStream.writeObject(classifier); // Comment out if not needed //Read classifier back InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file1); ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(is); classifier = (Classifier) objectInputStream.readObject(); objectInputStream.close(); //Evaluate resample if needed //dataset = dataset.resample(new Random(42)); //split to 70:30 learn and test set double percent = 70.0; int trainSize = (int) Math.round(dataset.numInstances() * percent / 100); int testSize = dataset.numInstances() - trainSize; Instances train = new Instances(dataset, 0, trainSize); Instances test = new Instances(dataset, trainSize, testSize); train.setClassIndex(3); test.setClassIndex(3); //Evaluate Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(dataset); //trainset eval.crossValidateModel(classifier, dataset, 10, new Random(1)); System.out.println("EVALUATION:\n" + eval.toSummaryString()); System.out.println("WEIGHTED MEASURE:\n" + eval.weightedFMeasure()); System.out.println("WEIGHTED PRECISION:\n" + eval.weightedPrecision()); System.out.println("WEIGHTED RECALL:\n" + eval.weightedRecall()); }
From source
public void createTrainingFeatureFile3(String input) throws Exception { String file = "Classifier\\featurefile_additive_trial3.arff"; ArffLoader loader = new ArffLoader(); //ATTRIBUTES/*from ww w . j a va 2 s. co m*/ Attribute attr[] = new Attribute[50]; //numeric attr[0] = new Attribute("Autosentiment"); attr[1] = new Attribute("PositiveMatch"); attr[2] = new Attribute("NegativeMatch"); attr[3] = new Attribute("FW"); attr[4] = new Attribute("JJ"); attr[5] = new Attribute("RB"); attr[6] = new Attribute("RB_JJ"); //class FastVector classValue = new FastVector(3); classValue.addElement("p"); classValue.addElement("n"); classValue.addElement("o"); attr[7] = new Attribute("answer", classValue); FastVector attrs = new FastVector(); attrs.addElement(attr[0]); attrs.addElement(attr[1]); attrs.addElement(attr[2]); attrs.addElement(attr[3]); attrs.addElement(attr[4]); attrs.addElement(attr[5]); attrs.addElement(attr[6]); attrs.addElement(attr[7]); // Add Instances Instances dataset = new Instances("my_dataset", attrs, 0); if (new File(file).isFile()) { loader.setFile(new File(file)); dataset = loader.getDataSet(); } System.out.println("-----------------------------------------"); System.out.println(input); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------"); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(input); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { Instance example = new Instance(8); for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { String st = tokenizer.nextToken(); System.out.println(j + " " + st); if (j == 0) example.setValue(attr[j], Float.parseFloat(st)); else if (j == 7) example.setValue(attr[j], st); else example.setValue(attr[j], Integer.parseInt(st)); } dataset.add(example); } //Save dataset ArffSaver saver = new ArffSaver(); saver.setInstances(dataset); saver.setFile(new File(file)); saver.writeBatch(); //Read dataset loader.setFile(new File(file)); dataset = loader.getDataSet(); //Build classifier dataset.setClassIndex(7); Classifier classifier = new J48(); classifier.buildClassifier(dataset); //Save classifier String file1 = "Classifier\\classifier_add_asAndpolarwordsAndpos.model"; OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file1); ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(os); objectOutputStream.writeObject(classifier); // Comment out if not needed //Read classifier back InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file1); ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(is); classifier = (Classifier) objectInputStream.readObject(); objectInputStream.close(); //Evaluate resample if needed //dataset = dataset.resample(new Random(42)); //split to 70:30 learn and test set double percent = 70.0; int trainSize = (int) Math.round(dataset.numInstances() * percent / 100); int testSize = dataset.numInstances() - trainSize; Instances train = new Instances(dataset, 0, trainSize); Instances test = new Instances(dataset, trainSize, testSize); train.setClassIndex(7); test.setClassIndex(7); //Evaluate Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(dataset); //trainset eval.crossValidateModel(classifier, dataset, 10, new Random(1)); System.out.println("EVALUATION:\n" + eval.toSummaryString()); System.out.println("WEIGHTED MEASURE:\n" + eval.weightedFMeasure()); System.out.println("WEIGHTED PRECISION:\n" + eval.weightedPrecision()); System.out.println("WEIGHTED RECALL:\n" + eval.weightedRecall()); }
From source
public void createTrainingFeatureFile4(String input) throws Exception { String file = "Classifier\\featurefile_additive_trial4.arff"; ArffLoader loader = new ArffLoader(); //ATTRIBUTES// w ww.j av a 2 s .co m Attribute attr[] = new Attribute[50]; //numeric attr[0] = new Attribute("Autosentiment"); attr[1] = new Attribute("PositiveMatch"); attr[2] = new Attribute("NegativeMatch"); attr[3] = new Attribute("FW"); attr[4] = new Attribute("JJ"); attr[5] = new Attribute("RB"); attr[6] = new Attribute("RB_JJ"); attr[7] = new Attribute("amod"); attr[8] = new Attribute("acomp"); attr[9] = new Attribute("advmod"); //class FastVector classValue = new FastVector(3); classValue.addElement("p"); classValue.addElement("n"); classValue.addElement("o"); attr[10] = new Attribute("answer", classValue); FastVector attrs = new FastVector(); attrs.addElement(attr[0]); attrs.addElement(attr[1]); attrs.addElement(attr[2]); attrs.addElement(attr[3]); attrs.addElement(attr[4]); attrs.addElement(attr[5]); attrs.addElement(attr[6]); attrs.addElement(attr[7]); attrs.addElement(attr[8]); attrs.addElement(attr[9]); attrs.addElement(attr[10]); // Add Instances Instances dataset = new Instances("my_dataset", attrs, 0); if (new File(file).isFile()) { loader.setFile(new File(file)); dataset = loader.getDataSet(); } System.out.println("-----------------------------------------"); System.out.println(input); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------"); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(input); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { Instance example = new Instance(11); for (int j = 0; j < 11; j++) { String st = tokenizer.nextToken(); System.out.println(j + " " + st); if (j == 0) example.setValue(attr[j], Float.parseFloat(st)); else if (j == 10) example.setValue(attr[j], st); else example.setValue(attr[j], Integer.parseInt(st)); } dataset.add(example); } //Save dataset ArffSaver saver = new ArffSaver(); saver.setInstances(dataset); saver.setFile(new File(file)); saver.writeBatch(); //Read dataset loader.setFile(new File(file)); dataset = loader.getDataSet(); //Build classifier dataset.setClassIndex(10); Classifier classifier = new J48(); classifier.buildClassifier(dataset); //Save classifier String file1 = "Classifier\\classifier_asAndpolarwordsAndposAnddep.model"; OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file1); ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(os); objectOutputStream.writeObject(classifier); // Comment out if not needed //Read classifier back InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file1); ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(is); classifier = (Classifier) objectInputStream.readObject(); objectInputStream.close(); //Evaluate resample if needed //dataset = dataset.resample(new Random(42)); //split to 70:30 learn and test set double percent = 70.0; int trainSize = (int) Math.round(dataset.numInstances() * percent / 100); int testSize = dataset.numInstances() - trainSize; Instances train = new Instances(dataset, 0, trainSize); Instances test = new Instances(dataset, trainSize, testSize); train.setClassIndex(10); test.setClassIndex(10); //Evaluate Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(dataset); //trainset eval.crossValidateModel(classifier, dataset, 10, new Random(1)); System.out.println("EVALUATION:\n" + eval.toSummaryString()); System.out.println("WEIGHTED MEASURE:\n" + eval.weightedFMeasure()); System.out.println("WEIGHTED PRECISION:\n" + eval.weightedPrecision()); System.out.println("WEIGHTED RECALL:\n" + eval.weightedRecall()); }
From source
public void createTrainingFeatureFile5(String input) throws Exception { String file = "Classifier\\featurefile_additive_trial5.arff"; ArffLoader loader = new ArffLoader(); //ATTRIBUTES/*from w w w . j a v a2 s.c o m*/ Attribute attr[] = new Attribute[50]; //numeric attr[0] = new Attribute("Autosentiment"); attr[1] = new Attribute("PositiveMatch"); attr[2] = new Attribute("NegativeMatch"); attr[3] = new Attribute("FW"); attr[4] = new Attribute("JJ"); attr[5] = new Attribute("RB"); attr[6] = new Attribute("RB_JJ"); attr[7] = new Attribute("amod"); attr[8] = new Attribute("acomp"); attr[9] = new Attribute("advmod"); attr[10] = new Attribute("BLPos"); attr[11] = new Attribute("BLNeg"); //class FastVector classValue = new FastVector(3); classValue.addElement("p"); classValue.addElement("n"); classValue.addElement("o"); attr[12] = new Attribute("answer", classValue); FastVector attrs = new FastVector(); attrs.addElement(attr[0]); attrs.addElement(attr[1]); attrs.addElement(attr[2]); attrs.addElement(attr[3]); attrs.addElement(attr[4]); attrs.addElement(attr[5]); attrs.addElement(attr[6]); attrs.addElement(attr[7]); attrs.addElement(attr[8]); attrs.addElement(attr[9]); attrs.addElement(attr[10]); attrs.addElement(attr[11]); attrs.addElement(attr[12]); // Add Instances Instances dataset = new Instances("my_dataset", attrs, 0); if (new File(file).isFile()) { loader.setFile(new File(file)); dataset = loader.getDataSet(); } System.out.println("-----------------------------------------"); System.out.println(input); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------"); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(input); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { Instance example = new Instance(13); for (int j = 0; j < 13; j++) { String st = tokenizer.nextToken(); System.out.println(j + " " + st); if (j == 0) example.setValue(attr[j], Float.parseFloat(st)); else if (j == 12) example.setValue(attr[j], st); else example.setValue(attr[j], Integer.parseInt(st)); } dataset.add(example); } //Save dataset ArffSaver saver = new ArffSaver(); saver.setInstances(dataset); saver.setFile(new File(file)); saver.writeBatch(); //Read dataset loader.setFile(new File(file)); dataset = loader.getDataSet(); //Build classifier dataset.setClassIndex(12); Classifier classifier = new J48(); classifier.buildClassifier(dataset); //Save classifier String file1 = "Classifier\\classifier_add_asAndpolarwordsAndposAnddepAndbl.model"; OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file1); ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(os); objectOutputStream.writeObject(classifier); // Comment out if not needed //Read classifier back InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file1); ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(is); classifier = (Classifier) objectInputStream.readObject(); objectInputStream.close(); //Evaluate resample if needed //dataset = dataset.resample(new Random(42)); //split to 70:30 learn and test set double percent = 70.0; int trainSize = (int) Math.round(dataset.numInstances() * percent / 100); int testSize = dataset.numInstances() - trainSize; Instances train = new Instances(dataset, 0, trainSize); Instances test = new Instances(dataset, trainSize, testSize); train.setClassIndex(12); test.setClassIndex(12); //Evaluate Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(dataset); //trainset eval.crossValidateModel(classifier, dataset, 10, new Random(1)); System.out.println("EVALUATION:\n" + eval.toSummaryString()); System.out.println("WEIGHTED MEASURE:\n" + eval.weightedFMeasure()); System.out.println("WEIGHTED PRECISION:\n" + eval.weightedPrecision()); System.out.println("WEIGHTED RECALL:\n" + eval.weightedRecall()); }