List of usage examples for weka.classifiers.bayes NaiveBayes distributionForInstance
@Override public double[] distributionForInstance(Instance instance) throws Exception
From source
private void doClassification() { J48 m_treeResiko;//from ww w . ja v a 2 s . c o m J48 m_treeAksi; NaiveBayes m_nbResiko; NaiveBayes m_nbAksi; FastVector m_fvInstanceRisks; FastVector m_fvInstanceActions; InputStream isRiskTree = getClass().getResourceAsStream("data/ResikoTree.model"); InputStream isRiskNB = getClass().getResourceAsStream("data/ResikoNB.model"); InputStream isActionTree = getClass().getResourceAsStream("data/AksiTree.model"); InputStream isActionNB = getClass().getResourceAsStream("data/AksiNB.model"); m_treeResiko = new J48(); m_treeAksi = new J48(); m_nbResiko = new NaiveBayes(); m_nbAksi = new NaiveBayes(); try { //m_treeResiko = (J48)"ResikoTree.model"); m_treeResiko = (J48); //m_nbResiko = (NaiveBayes)"ResikoNB.model"); m_nbResiko = (NaiveBayes); //m_treeAksi = (J48)"AksiTree.model"); m_treeAksi = (J48); //m_nbAksi = (NaiveBayes)"AksiNB.model"); m_nbAksi = (NaiveBayes); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(MatResUI.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } System.out.println("Setting up an Instance..."); // Values for LIKELIHOOD OF OCCURRENCE FastVector fvLO = new FastVector(5); fvLO.addElement("> 10 in 1 year"); fvLO.addElement("1 - 10 in 1 year"); fvLO.addElement("1 in 1 year to 1 in 10 years"); fvLO.addElement("1 in 10 years to 1 in 100 years"); fvLO.addElement("1 in more than 100 years"); // Values for SAFETY FastVector fvSafety = new FastVector(5); fvSafety.addElement("near miss"); fvSafety.addElement("first aid injury, medical aid injury"); fvSafety.addElement("lost time injury / temporary disability"); fvSafety.addElement("permanent disability"); fvSafety.addElement("fatality"); // Values for EXTRA FUEL COST FastVector fvEFC = new FastVector(5); fvEFC.addElement("< 100 million rupiah"); fvEFC.addElement("0,1 - 1 billion rupiah"); fvEFC.addElement("1 - 10 billion rupiah"); fvEFC.addElement("10 - 100 billion rupiah"); fvEFC.addElement("> 100 billion rupiah"); // Values for SYSTEM RELIABILITY FastVector fvSR = new FastVector(5); fvSR.addElement("< 100 MWh"); fvSR.addElement("0,1 - 1 GWh"); fvSR.addElement("1 - 10 GWh"); fvSR.addElement("10 - 100 GWh"); fvSR.addElement("> 100 GWh"); // Values for EQUIPMENT COST FastVector fvEC = new FastVector(5); fvEC.addElement("< 50 million rupiah"); fvEC.addElement("50 - 500 million rupiah"); fvEC.addElement("0,5 - 5 billion rupiah"); fvEC.addElement("5 -50 billion rupiah"); fvEC.addElement("> 50 billion rupiah"); // Values for CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SOCIAL FACTOR FastVector fvCSSF = new FastVector(5); fvCSSF.addElement("Complaint from the VIP customer"); fvCSSF.addElement("Complaint from industrial customer"); fvCSSF.addElement("Complaint from community"); fvCSSF.addElement("Complaint from community that have potential riot"); fvCSSF.addElement("High potential riot"); // Values for RISK FastVector fvRisk = new FastVector(4); fvRisk.addElement("Low"); fvRisk.addElement("Moderate"); fvRisk.addElement("High"); fvRisk.addElement("Extreme"); // Values for ACTION FastVector fvAction = new FastVector(3); fvAction.addElement("Life Extension Program"); fvAction.addElement("Repair/Refurbish"); fvAction.addElement("Replace/Run to Fail + Investment"); // Defining Attributes, including Class(es) Attributes Attribute attrLO = new Attribute("LO", fvLO); Attribute attrSafety = new Attribute("Safety", fvSafety); Attribute attrEFC = new Attribute("EFC", fvEFC); Attribute attrSR = new Attribute("SR", fvSR); Attribute attrEC = new Attribute("EC", fvEC); Attribute attrCSSF = new Attribute("CSSF", fvCSSF); Attribute attrRisk = new Attribute("Risk", fvRisk); Attribute attrAction = new Attribute("Action", fvAction); m_fvInstanceRisks = new FastVector(7); m_fvInstanceRisks.addElement(attrLO); m_fvInstanceRisks.addElement(attrSafety); m_fvInstanceRisks.addElement(attrEFC); m_fvInstanceRisks.addElement(attrSR); m_fvInstanceRisks.addElement(attrEC); m_fvInstanceRisks.addElement(attrCSSF); m_fvInstanceRisks.addElement(attrRisk); m_fvInstanceActions = new FastVector(7); m_fvInstanceActions.addElement(attrLO); m_fvInstanceActions.addElement(attrSafety); m_fvInstanceActions.addElement(attrEFC); m_fvInstanceActions.addElement(attrSR); m_fvInstanceActions.addElement(attrEC); m_fvInstanceActions.addElement(attrCSSF); m_fvInstanceActions.addElement(attrAction); Instances dataRisk = new Instances("A-Risk-instance-to-classify", m_fvInstanceRisks, 0); Instances dataAction = new Instances("An-Action-instance-to-classify", m_fvInstanceActions, 0); double[] riskValues = new double[dataRisk.numAttributes()]; double[] actionValues = new double[dataRisk.numAttributes()]; String strLO = (String) m_cmbLO.getSelectedItem(); String strSafety = (String) m_cmbSafety.getSelectedItem(); String strEFC = (String) m_cmbEFC.getSelectedItem(); String strSR = (String) m_cmbSR.getSelectedItem(); String strEC = (String) m_cmbEC.getSelectedItem(); String strCSSF = (String) m_cmbCSSF.getSelectedItem(); Instance instRisk = new DenseInstance(7); Instance instAction = new DenseInstance(7); if (strLO.equals("-- none --")) { instRisk.setMissing(0); instAction.setMissing(0); } else { instRisk.setValue((Attribute) m_fvInstanceRisks.elementAt(0), strLO); instAction.setValue((Attribute) m_fvInstanceActions.elementAt(0), strLO); } if (strSafety.equals("-- none --")) { instRisk.setMissing(1); instAction.setMissing(1); } else { instRisk.setValue((Attribute) m_fvInstanceRisks.elementAt(1), strSafety); instAction.setValue((Attribute) m_fvInstanceActions.elementAt(1), strSafety); } if (strEFC.equals("-- none --")) { instRisk.setMissing(2); instAction.setMissing(2); } else { instRisk.setValue((Attribute) m_fvInstanceRisks.elementAt(2), strEFC); instAction.setValue((Attribute) m_fvInstanceActions.elementAt(2), strEFC); } if (strSR.equals("-- none --")) { instRisk.setMissing(3); instAction.setMissing(3); } else { instRisk.setValue((Attribute) m_fvInstanceRisks.elementAt(3), strSR); instAction.setValue((Attribute) m_fvInstanceActions.elementAt(3), strSR); } if (strEC.equals("-- none --")) { instRisk.setMissing(4); instAction.setMissing(4); } else { instRisk.setValue((Attribute) m_fvInstanceRisks.elementAt(4), strEC); instAction.setValue((Attribute) m_fvInstanceActions.elementAt(4), strEC); } if (strCSSF.equals("-- none --")) { instRisk.setMissing(5); instAction.setMissing(5); } else { instAction.setValue((Attribute) m_fvInstanceActions.elementAt(5), strCSSF); instRisk.setValue((Attribute) m_fvInstanceRisks.elementAt(5), strCSSF); } instRisk.setMissing(6); instAction.setMissing(6); dataRisk.add(instRisk); instRisk.setDataset(dataRisk); dataRisk.setClassIndex(dataRisk.numAttributes() - 1); dataAction.add(instAction); instAction.setDataset(dataAction); dataAction.setClassIndex(dataAction.numAttributes() - 1); System.out.println("Instance Resiko: " + dataRisk.instance(0)); System.out.println("\tNum Attributes : " + dataRisk.numAttributes()); System.out.println("\tNum instances : " + dataRisk.numInstances()); System.out.println("Instance Action: " + dataAction.instance(0)); System.out.println("\tNum Attributes : " + dataAction.numAttributes()); System.out.println("\tNum instances : " + dataAction.numInstances()); int classIndexRisk = 0; int classIndexAction = 0; String strClassRisk = null; String strClassAction = null; try { //classIndexRisk = (int) m_treeResiko.classifyInstance(dataRisk.instance(0)); classIndexRisk = (int) m_treeResiko.classifyInstance(instRisk); classIndexAction = (int) m_treeAksi.classifyInstance(instAction); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(MatResUI.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } strClassRisk = (String) fvRisk.elementAt(classIndexRisk); strClassAction = (String) fvAction.elementAt(classIndexAction); System.out.println("[Risk Class Index: " + classIndexRisk + " Class Label: " + strClassRisk + "]"); System.out.println("[Action Class Index: " + classIndexAction + " Class Label: " + strClassAction + "]"); if (strClassRisk != null) { m_txtRisk.setText(strClassRisk); } double[] riskDist = null; double[] actionDist = null; try { riskDist = m_nbResiko.distributionForInstance(dataRisk.instance(0)); actionDist = m_nbAksi.distributionForInstance(dataAction.instance(0)); String strProb; // set up RISK progress bars m_jBarRiskLow.setValue((int) (100 * riskDist[0])); m_jBarRiskLow.setString(String.format("%6.3f%%", 100 * riskDist[0])); m_jBarRiskModerate.setValue((int) (100 * riskDist[1])); m_jBarRiskModerate.setString(String.format("%6.3f%%", 100 * riskDist[1])); m_jBarRiskHigh.setValue((int) (100 * riskDist[2])); m_jBarRiskHigh.setString(String.format("%6.3f%%", 100 * riskDist[2])); m_jBarRiskExtreme.setValue((int) (100 * riskDist[3])); m_jBarRiskExtreme.setString(String.format("%6.3f%%", 100 * riskDist[3])); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(MatResUI.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } double predictedProb = 0.0; String predictedClass = ""; // Loop over all the prediction labels in the distribution. for (int predictionDistributionIndex = 0; predictionDistributionIndex < riskDist.length; predictionDistributionIndex++) { // Get this distribution index's class label. String predictionDistributionIndexAsClassLabel = dataRisk.classAttribute() .value(predictionDistributionIndex); int classIndex = dataRisk.classAttribute().indexOfValue(predictionDistributionIndexAsClassLabel); // Get the probability. double predictionProbability = riskDist[predictionDistributionIndex]; if (predictionProbability > predictedProb) { predictedProb = predictionProbability; predictedClass = predictionDistributionIndexAsClassLabel; } System.out.printf("[%2d %10s : %6.3f]", classIndex, predictionDistributionIndexAsClassLabel, predictionProbability); } m_txtRiskNB.setText(predictedClass); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ConverterUtils.DataSource source = new ConverterUtils.DataSource( "Z:\\\\shared from vm\\\\fourthset\\\\mixed.csv"); Instances data = source.getDataSet(); // setting class attribute if the data format does not provide this information // For example, the XRFF format saves the class attribute information as well if (data.classIndex() == -1) { data.setClassIndex(data.numAttributes() - 1); }/*from w w w . j a v a2 s. com*/ NumericToNominal nmf = new NumericToNominal(); nmf.setInputFormat(data); data = Filter.useFilter(data, nmf); // build a c4.5 classifier String[] options = new String[1]; // options[0] = "-C 0.25 -M 2"; // unpruned tree options[0] = "-K"; NaiveBayes c = new NaiveBayes(); // new instance of tree c.setOptions(options); // set the options c.buildClassifier(data); // build classifier // eval Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(data); eval.crossValidateModel(c, data, 10, new Random(1)); System.out.println(eval.toSummaryString()); System.out.println(eval.toMatrixString()); System.out.println(eval.toClassDetailsString()); System.out.println("--- model learned on mixed set ---"); // load unlabeled data ConverterUtils.DataSource s = new ConverterUtils.DataSource( "Z:\\\\shared from vm\\\\fourthset\\\\unlabelled.csv"); Instances unlabeled = s.getDataSet(); // set class attribute unlabeled.setClassIndex(unlabeled.numAttributes() - 1); nmf = new NumericToNominal(); nmf.setInputFormat(unlabeled); unlabeled = Filter.useFilter(unlabeled, nmf); // label instances for (int i = 0; i < unlabeled.numInstances(); i++) { double classZero = c.distributionForInstance(unlabeled.instance(i))[0]; double classOne = c.distributionForInstance(unlabeled.instance(i))[1]; System.out.print( "classifying: " + unlabeled.instance(i) + " : " + classZero + " - " + classOne + " == class: "); if (classZero > classOne) { System.out.print("0"); unlabeled.instance(i).setClassValue("0"); } else { System.out.print("1"); unlabeled.instance(i).setClassValue("1"); } System.out.println(""); } // save labeled data // BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter( // new FileWriter("Z:\\\\shared from vm\\\\thirdset\\\\relabelled.arff")); // writer.write(labeled.toString()); // writer.newLine(); // writer.flush(); // writer.close(); ArffSaver saver = new ArffSaver(); saver.setInstances(unlabeled); saver.setFile(new File("Z:\\shared from vm\\thirdset\\relabelled.arff")); // saver.setDestination(new File("Z:\\shared from vm\\thirdset\\relabelled.arff")); // **not** necessary in 3.5.4 and later saver.writeBatch(); }