Example usage for weka.attributeSelection ReliefFAttributeEval ReliefFAttributeEval

List of usage examples for weka.attributeSelection ReliefFAttributeEval ReliefFAttributeEval


In this page you can find the example usage for weka.attributeSelection ReliefFAttributeEval ReliefFAttributeEval.


public ReliefFAttributeEval() 

Source Link




From source file:ca.uottawa.balie.WekaAttributeSelection.java

License:Open Source License

 * Select the top attributes/*from   w ww  .j  a va 2 s.c  om*/
public void Select(boolean pi_Debug) {
    Instances insts = m_DummyLearner.GetTrainInstances();

    try {
        ASEvaluation eval = null;
        ASSearch search = null;

        if (m_Evaluator == WEKA_CHI_SQUARE) {
            eval = new ChiSquaredAttributeEval();
            search = new Ranker();
            ((Ranker) search).setNumToSelect(m_NumAttributes);
        } else if (m_Evaluator == WEKA_INFO_GAIN) {
            eval = new InfoGainAttributeEval();
            search = new Ranker();
            ((Ranker) search).setNumToSelect(m_NumAttributes);
        } else if (m_Evaluator == WEKA_WRAPPER) {
            eval = new ClassifierSubsetEval();
            ((ClassifierSubsetEval) eval).setClassifier(new NaiveBayes());
            search = new Ranker(); // TODO: use something else than ranker
            ((Ranker) search).setNumToSelect(m_NumAttributes);
        } else if (m_Evaluator == WEKA_SYM_UNCERT) {
            eval = new SymmetricalUncertAttributeEval();
            search = new Ranker();
            ((Ranker) search).setNumToSelect(m_NumAttributes);
        } else if (m_Evaluator == WEKA_SVM) {
            eval = new SVMAttributeEval();
            search = new Ranker();
            ((Ranker) search).setNumToSelect(m_NumAttributes);
        } else if (m_Evaluator == WEKA_RELIEF) {
            eval = new ReliefFAttributeEval();
            search = new Ranker();
            ((Ranker) search).setNumToSelect(m_NumAttributes);
        } else if (m_Evaluator == WEKA_ONER) {
            eval = new OneRAttributeEval();
            search = new Ranker();
            ((Ranker) search).setNumToSelect(m_NumAttributes);

        m_AttributeSelection = new AttributeSelection();

        if (pi_Debug)

    } catch (Exception e) {


From source file:etc.aloe.oilspill2010.FeatureGenerationImpl.java

License:Open Source License

protected Filter getFeatureSelectionFilter(ExampleSet examples) throws Exception {

    AttributeSelection filter = new AttributeSelection(); // package weka.filters.supervised.attribute!
    //CfsSubsetEval eval = new CfsSubsetEval();

    //CorrelationAttributeEval eval = new CorrelationAttributeEval();
    //InfoGainAttributeEval eval = new InfoGainAttributeEval();

    ReliefFAttributeEval eval = new ReliefFAttributeEval();

    //GreedyStepwise search = new GreedyStepwise();

    Ranker search = new Ranker();
    search.setNumToSelect(980);//from  w  w  w  .ja v a2 s  . c  o m


    Instances filtered = Filter.useFilter(examples.getInstances(), filter);

    return filter;

From source file:mulan.examples.ReliefFDimensionalityReduction.java

License:Open Source License

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    String path = Utils.getOption("path", args);
    String filestem = Utils.getOption("filestem", args);
    MultiLabelInstances mlData = new MultiLabelInstances(path + filestem + ".arff", path + filestem + ".xml");
    String attributesToKeep = Utils.getOption("numattribs", args);
    final int NUM_TO_KEEP = Integer.parseInt(attributesToKeep);

    ASEvaluation ase = new ReliefFAttributeEval();
    BinaryRelevanceAttributeEvaluator ae = new BinaryRelevanceAttributeEvaluator(ase, mlData, "max", "dl",


    if (NUM_TO_KEEP == 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < mlData.getFeatureIndices().length; i++) {
            System.out//from w  w w  . j  a va  2  s.  c  o  m
                    .println("Attribute " + mlData.getDataSet().attribute(mlData.getFeatureIndices()[i]).name()
                            + " : " + ae.evaluateAttribute(
    } else {

        Ranker r = new Ranker();
        int[] result = r.search(ae, mlData);

        int[] toKeep = new int[NUM_TO_KEEP + mlData.getNumLabels()];
        System.arraycopy(result, 0, toKeep, 0, NUM_TO_KEEP);
        int[] labelIndices = mlData.getLabelIndices();
        System.arraycopy(labelIndices, 0, toKeep, NUM_TO_KEEP, mlData.getNumLabels());

        Remove filterRemove = new Remove();
        Instances filtered = Filter.useFilter(mlData.getDataSet(), filterRemove);
        MultiLabelInstances mlFiltered = new MultiLabelInstances(filtered, mlData.getLabelsMetaData());

        System.out.println("\n\n\n\n" + mlFiltered.getDataSet());

    // You can now work on the reduced multi-label dataset mlFiltered

From source file:mulan.experiments.ENTCS13FeatureSelection.java

License:Open Source License

 * Initiates {@link weka.attributeSelection.ASEvaluation} given by a Weka
 * feature importance measure and a Mulan approach to deal with
 * {@link MultiLabelInstances}//w ww  . j a  va2 s . c om
 * @param multiLabelFeatureSelectionMethod name of the multi-label feature
 * selection method ("RF-BR", "RF-LP", "IG-BR", "IG-LP)
 * @param dataSet original dataset with all features. This dataset should
 * not have any feature/label named "class"
 * @return an initialized {@link weka.attributeSelection.ASEvaluation} to
 * perform multi-label feature selection
public static ASEvaluation buildMultiLabelFeatureSelection(String multiLabelFeatureSelectionMethod,
        MultiLabelInstances dataSet) {
    if (multiLabelFeatureSelectionMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("RFBR")
            || multiLabelFeatureSelectionMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("RF-BR")) {
        return new BinaryRelevanceAttributeEvaluator(new ReliefFAttributeEval(), dataSet, "avg", "none",
    } else if (multiLabelFeatureSelectionMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("RFLP")
            || multiLabelFeatureSelectionMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("RF-LP")) {
        return new LabelPowersetAttributeEvaluator(new ReliefFAttributeEval(), dataSet);
    } else if (multiLabelFeatureSelectionMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("IGBR")
            || multiLabelFeatureSelectionMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("IG-BR")) {
        return new BinaryRelevanceAttributeEvaluator(new InfoGainAttributeEval(), dataSet, "avg", "none",
    } else if (multiLabelFeatureSelectionMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("IGLP")
            || multiLabelFeatureSelectionMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("IG-LP")) {
        return new LabelPowersetAttributeEvaluator(new InfoGainAttributeEval(), dataSet);
    System.out.println("multiLabelFeatureSelectionMethod should be set on one of the allowed values");
    return null;

From source file:trabfs.machineLeaningFrameWork.core.Problema.java

public double[] getAttributeQuality() {
    try {/*from www .  ja va 2  s.  c om*/

        ASEvaluation[] filters = { new InfoGainAttributeEval(), new ChiSquaredAttributeEval(),
                new ReliefFAttributeEval() };
        R = new double[data.numAttributes() - 1][filters.length];
        Ranker rk = new Ranker();
        AttributeSelection selec = new AttributeSelection();

        for (int j = 0; j < filters.length; j++) {
            double[][] full = selec.rankedAttributes();
            //double[] r = new double[full.length];

            Arrays.sort(full, new Comparator() {
                public int compare(Object t, Object t1) {
                    double[] a1 = (double[]) t;
                    double[] a2 = (double[]) t1;
                    if (a1[0] > a2[0])
                        return 1;
                    else if (a1[0] < a2[0])
                        return -1;
                        return 0;

            double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
            for (int i = 0; i < full.length; i++) {
                if (full[i][1] < min)
                    min = full[i][1];
                if (full[i][1] > max)
                    max = full[i][1];

            // armazena
            for (int i = 0; i < full.length; i++) {
                R[i][j] = (full[i][1] - min) / (max - min);

        double[] Rfinal = new double[data.numAttributes() - 1];
        double SW = 1.0f;
        for (int i = 0; i < Rfinal.length; i++) {
            Rfinal[i] = somaWK(i) / 3.0f;

        return Rfinal;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(Problema.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    return null;