Example usage for twitter4j User getName

List of usage examples for twitter4j User getName


In this page you can find the example usage for twitter4j User getName.


String getName();

Source Link


Returns the name of the user


From source file:org.bireme.interop.toJson.Twitter2Json.java

License:Open Source License

private JSONObject getDocument(final Status status) {
    assert status != null;

    final JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
    final GeoLocation geo = status.getGeoLocation();
    final Place place = status.getPlace();
    final User user = status.getUser();

    obj.put("createdAt", status.getCreatedAt()).put("id", status.getId()).put("lang", status.getLang());
    if (geo != null) {
        obj.put("location_latitude", geo.getLatitude()).put("location_longitude", geo.getLongitude());
    }/*w w w  . j  av  a 2s .  c o m*/
    if (place != null) {
        obj.put("place_country", place.getCountry()).put("place_fullName", place.getFullName())
                .put("place_id", place.getId()).put("place_name", place.getName())
                .put("place_type", place.getPlaceType()).put("place_streetAddress", place.getStreetAddress())
                .put("place_url", place.getURL());
    obj.put("source", status.getSource()).put("text", status.getText());
    if (user != null) {
        obj.put("user_description", user.getDescription()).put("user_id", user.getId())
                .put("user_lang", user.getLang()).put("user_location", user.getLocation())
                .put("user_name", user.getName()).put("user_url", user.getURL());
    obj.put("isTruncated", status.isTruncated()).put("isRetweet", status.isRetweet());

    return obj;

From source file:org.botlibre.sense.twitter.Twitter.java

License:Open Source License

public boolean checkFriendship(long friendId, boolean welcomeOnly) throws TwitterException {
    long[] lookup = new long[1];
    lookup[0] = friendId;/* ww w.ja va 2s .c  om*/
    ResponseList<User> users = getConnection().lookupUsers(lookup);
    User friend = users.get(0);
    if (friend.getScreenName().equals(getUserName())) {
        return false;
    if (!getAutoFollowKeywords().isEmpty()) {
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        writer.write(" ");
        writer.write(" ");
        writer.write(" ");
        writer.write(" ");
        boolean match = false;
        for (String text : getAutoFollowKeywords()) {
            List<String> keywords = new TextStream(text.toLowerCase()).allWords();
            if (new TextStream(writer.toString()).allWords().containsAll(keywords)) {
                match = true;
        if (!match) {
            log("Autofollow skipping friend, does not match keywords", Level.FINE, friend.getScreenName());
            return false;
    Network memory = getBot().memory().newMemory();
    Vertex speaker = memory.createSpeaker(friend.getScreenName());
    // Only try to follow a user once.
    if (!speaker.hasRelationship(Primitive.FOLLOWED)) {
        speaker.addRelationship(Primitive.FOLLOWED, memory.createTimestamp());
        if (!welcomeOnly && getAutoFollow()) {
            log("Adding autofollow friend.", Level.INFO, friend.getScreenName());
        if (!getWelcomeMessage().isEmpty()) {
            log("Sending welcome message.", Level.INFO, friend.getScreenName());
            sendMessage(getWelcomeMessage(), friend.getScreenName());
        if (welcomeOnly) {
            return false;
        return true;
    log("Autofollow skipping friend, already followed once", Level.FINE, friend.getScreenName());
    return false;

From source file:org.celstec.arlearn2.oauth.OauthTwitterWorker.java

License:Open Source License

public String afterSuccesfullAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request) {
    Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory().getInstance();
    RequestToken token = (RequestToken) request.getSession().getAttribute("requestToken");
    String verifier = request.getParameter("oauth_verifier");
    twitter.setOAuthConsumer(client_id, client_secret);
    try {/*from w ww .jav  a2s.co  m*/
        AccessToken accessToken = twitter.getOAuthAccessToken(token, verifier);
        User user = twitter.verifyCredentials();
        AccountJDO account = AccountManager.addAccount("" + user.getId(), AccountJDO.TWITTERCLIENT, "", "", "",
                user.getName(), user.getProfileImageURL(), false);
        UserLoggedInManager.submitOauthUser(account.getUniqueId(), accessToken.getToken());
        return accessToken.getToken();
    } catch (TwitterException e) {
        log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
    return null;

From source file:org.encuestame.social.api.templates.TwitterAPITemplate.java

License:Apache License

public SocialUserProfile getProfile() throws Exception {
    final SocialUserProfile profile = new SocialUserProfile();
    User user = this.getUser();
    profile.setProfileUrl("http://www.twitter.com/" + user.getScreenName());
    return profile;

From source file:org.eventjuggler.services.security.authc.social.twitter.TwitterPrincipal.java

License:Open Source License

public TwitterPrincipal(User user) {
    name = user.getName();

From source file:org.gameontext.auth.twitter.TwitterCallback.java

License:Apache License

 * Method that performs introspection on an AUTH string, and returns data as
 * a String->String hashmap./*ww  w  .j a va 2s .c  o m*/
 * @param auth
 *            the authstring to query, as built by an auth impl.
 * @return the data from the introspect, in a map.
 * @throws IOException
 *             if anything goes wrong.
public Map<String, String> introspectAuth(String token, String tokensecret) throws IOException {
    Map<String, String> results = new HashMap<String, String>();

    ConfigurationBuilder c = new ConfigurationBuilder();

    Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory(c.build()).getInstance();

    try {
        // ask twitter to verify the token & tokensecret from the auth
        // string
        // if invalid, it'll throw a TwitterException
        User verified = twitter.verifyCredentials();

        // if it's valid, lets grab a little more info about the user.
        String name = verified.getName();
        String email = verified.getEmail();

        results.put("valid", "true");
        results.put("id", "twitter:" + twitter.getId());
        results.put("name", name);
        results.put("email", email);

    } catch (TwitterException e) {
        results.put("valid", "false");

    return results;

From source file:org.getlantern.firetweet.model.ParcelableDirectMessage.java

License:Open Source License

public ParcelableDirectMessage(final DirectMessage message, final long account_id, final boolean is_outgoing) {
    this.account_id = account_id;
    this.is_outgoing = is_outgoing;
    final User sender = message.getSender(), recipient = message.getRecipient();
    final String sender_profile_image_url = sender != null ? sender.getProfileImageUrlHttps() : null;
    final String recipient_profile_image_url = recipient != null ? recipient.getProfileImageUrlHttps() : null;
    id = message.getId();//from w  w  w . ja  v a2s. c  om
    timestamp = getTime(message.getCreatedAt());
    sender_id = sender != null ? sender.getId() : -1;
    recipient_id = recipient != null ? recipient.getId() : -1;
    text_html = TwitterContentUtils.formatDirectMessageText(message);
    text_plain = message.getText();
    sender_name = sender != null ? sender.getName() : null;
    recipient_name = recipient != null ? recipient.getName() : null;
    sender_screen_name = sender != null ? sender.getScreenName() : null;
    recipient_screen_name = recipient != null ? recipient.getScreenName() : null;
    this.sender_profile_image_url = sender_profile_image_url;
    this.recipient_profile_image_url = recipient_profile_image_url;
    text_unescaped = toPlainText(text_html);
    media = ParcelableMedia.fromEntities(message);

From source file:org.getlantern.firetweet.model.ParcelableStatus.java

License:Open Source License

public ParcelableStatus(final Status orig, final long account_id, final boolean is_gap) {
    this.is_gap = is_gap;
    this.account_id = account_id;
    id = orig.getId();/*w  w w  .  ja  v a 2 s .co m*/
    timestamp = getTime(orig.getCreatedAt());

    final Status retweeted = orig.getRetweetedStatus();
    final User retweet_user = retweeted != null ? orig.getUser() : null;
    is_retweet = orig.isRetweet();
    retweet_id = retweeted != null ? retweeted.getId() : -1;
    retweet_timestamp = retweeted != null ? getTime(retweeted.getCreatedAt()) : -1;
    retweeted_by_id = retweet_user != null ? retweet_user.getId() : -1;
    retweeted_by_name = retweet_user != null ? retweet_user.getName() : null;
    retweeted_by_screen_name = retweet_user != null ? retweet_user.getScreenName() : null;
    retweeted_by_profile_image = retweet_user != null ? retweet_user.getProfileImageUrlHttps() : null;

    final Status quoted = orig.getQuotedStatus();
    final User quote_user = quoted != null ? orig.getUser() : null;
    is_quote = orig.isQuote();
    quote_id = quoted != null ? quoted.getId() : -1;
    quote_text_html = TwitterContentUtils.formatStatusText(orig);
    quote_text_plain = orig.getText();
    quote_text_unescaped = HtmlEscapeHelper.toPlainText(quote_text_html);
    quote_timestamp = orig.getCreatedAt().getTime();
    quote_source = orig.getSource();

    quoted_by_user_id = quote_user != null ? quote_user.getId() : -1;
    quoted_by_user_name = quote_user != null ? quote_user.getName() : null;
    quoted_by_user_screen_name = quote_user != null ? quote_user.getScreenName() : null;
    quoted_by_user_profile_image = quote_user != null ? quote_user.getProfileImageUrlHttps() : null;
    quoted_by_user_is_protected = quote_user != null && quote_user.isProtected();
    quoted_by_user_is_verified = quote_user != null && quote_user.isVerified();

    final Status status;
    if (quoted != null) {
        status = quoted;
    } else if (retweeted != null) {
        status = retweeted;
    } else {
        status = orig;
    final User user = status.getUser();
    user_id = user.getId();
    user_name = user.getName();
    user_screen_name = user.getScreenName();
    user_profile_image_url = user.getProfileImageUrlHttps();
    user_is_protected = user.isProtected();
    user_is_verified = user.isVerified();
    user_is_following = user.isFollowing();
    text_html = TwitterContentUtils.formatStatusText(status);
    media = ParcelableMedia.fromEntities(status);
    text_plain = status.getText();
    retweet_count = status.getRetweetCount();
    favorite_count = status.getFavoriteCount();
    reply_count = status.getReplyCount();
    descendent_reply_count = status.getDescendentReplyCount();
    in_reply_to_name = TwitterContentUtils.getInReplyToName(status);
    in_reply_to_screen_name = status.getInReplyToScreenName();
    in_reply_to_status_id = status.getInReplyToStatusId();
    in_reply_to_user_id = status.getInReplyToUserId();
    source = status.getSource();
    location = ParcelableLocation.fromGeoLocation(status.getGeoLocation());
    is_favorite = status.isFavorited();
    text_unescaped = HtmlEscapeHelper.toPlainText(text_html);
    my_retweet_id = retweeted_by_id == account_id ? id : status.getCurrentUserRetweet();
    is_possibly_sensitive = status.isPossiblySensitive();
    mentions = ParcelableUserMention.fromUserMentionEntities(status.getUserMentionEntities());
    card = ParcelableCardEntity.fromCardEntity(status.getCard(), account_id);
    place_full_name = getPlaceFullName(status.getPlace());
    card_name = card != null ? card.name : null;

From source file:org.getlantern.firetweet.model.ParcelableUser.java

License:Open Source License

public ParcelableUser(final User user, final long account_id, final long position) {
    this.position = position;
    this.account_id = account_id;
    final URLEntity[] urls_url_entities = user.getURLEntities();
    id = user.getId();//from w  w  w .  j av a  2  s . co  m
    created_at = user.getCreatedAt().getTime();
    is_protected = user.isProtected();
    is_verified = user.isVerified();
    name = user.getName();
    screen_name = user.getScreenName();
    description_plain = user.getDescription();
    description_html = TwitterContentUtils.formatUserDescription(user);
    description_expanded = TwitterContentUtils.formatExpandedUserDescription(user);
    description_unescaped = HtmlEscapeHelper.toPlainText(description_html);
    location = user.getLocation();
    profile_image_url = user.getProfileImageUrlHttps();
    profile_banner_url = user.getProfileBannerImageUrl();
    url = user.getURL();
    url_expanded = url != null && urls_url_entities != null && urls_url_entities.length > 0
            ? urls_url_entities[0].getExpandedURL()
            : null;
    is_follow_request_sent = user.isFollowRequestSent();
    followers_count = user.getFollowersCount();
    friends_count = user.getFriendsCount();
    statuses_count = user.getStatusesCount();
    favorites_count = user.getFavouritesCount();
    listed_count = user.getListedCount();
    is_following = user.isFollowing();
    background_color = ParseUtils.parseColor("#" + user.getProfileBackgroundColor(), 0);
    link_color = ParseUtils.parseColor("#" + user.getProfileLinkColor(), 0);
    text_color = ParseUtils.parseColor("#" + user.getProfileTextColor(), 0);
    is_cache = false;
    is_basic = false;

From source file:org.getlantern.firetweet.model.ParcelableUserList.java

License:Open Source License

public ParcelableUserList(final UserList list, final long account_id, final long position,
        final boolean is_following) {
    final User user = list.getUser();
    this.position = position;
    this.account_id = account_id;
    id = list.getId();//from w  ww .  ja  va2  s.c  om
    is_public = list.isPublic();
    this.is_following = is_following;
    name = list.getName();
    description = list.getDescription();
    user_id = user.getId();
    user_name = user.getName();
    user_screen_name = user.getScreenName();
    user_profile_image_url = user.getProfileImageUrlHttps();
    members_count = list.getMemberCount();
    subscribers_count = list.getSubscriberCount();